19 August 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.
I'll finish the book reading this morning, then I have in mind that I'll do some sewing for the babies. Probably a couple more nappy/diaper soakers - the idea and pattern from The Byron Life,  and a few bibs. I'm looking forward to a relaxed weekend full of knitting and sewing. I hope your weekend is as restful as you hope it will be.

I just want to take a bit of time to tell you how much I appreciate your support - for me, my blog and the book. Denise asked yesterday if I ever dreamed when I started the blog if I ever thought something as wonderful as a book would happen.  Of course the answer to that is no, I didn't have any expectations; I just wanted to write and connect with other women and men who were living as Hanno and I do. There were no thoughts of followers or popularity. And yet here we are - it amazes me when I stop and think about it. So thank you, not only for your good wishes for the book, but for the support and encouragement you've shown over the years that kept me writing.



  1. http://nittinfool.blogspot.com/2011/08/how-to-make-rag-rug-tutorial.html I really dont know if I'm doing this right or not.

  2. Rhonda, I love to see posts where your making things for the grand-babies..brings back days of sewing for my own children and makes me smile..:)
    On My Mind is the "dog days" of summer
    ~~Peace & Love~~

  3. Having "read" you quite awhile now, just wanted to say I really enjoy your content. The first thing I thought of seeing your pages was I want to read her book! Thanks for the encouragement and guidance!

  4. Rhonda,
    One thing that makes your blog so attractive-- in addition to your wisdom and practical advice,both based on experience-- is your sincerity. I never sense that you are writing for any other purpose than to share your life and ideas-- no ulterior motive, no profit motive. Thank you and best wishes.

  5. You are VERY WELCOME! Your blog is helping SO MANY! THANK YOU! FOR BEING YOU!

    On my mind... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/08/more-special-photos.html

  6. Thank us? Hihi.. you're welcome! ;o)

    Have you already thought about your book being translated? ;o)

    Have a great weekend!

    Love from Holland

  7. Hi Rhonda,
    Thanks to the encouragement from not only the On MY Mind feature, but from your blog in general, I have revived my writing. I am an out-of-work journalist, have been for some time. Out of depression and just feeling like I had nothing to say, I had not written regularly for some time. Now, I'm blogging some and have begun a few submissions for publication as well, freelance. So thank you---and here is my latest blog post:


  8. Hi Rhonda, it sounds like a lovely gentle weekend you have planned. <a href="http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/08/strawberries-on-my-mind.html>Strawberries</a> are on my mind today ... I hope that links works. :)

  9. I hope to do some sewing this weekend too - and I am so looking forward to the publication of your book.

    On my mind is K's wedding http://talesfrombeyondthenook.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mindweddings.html

  10. I have to second Helen's comment whole-heartedly!

  11. It is you that we all thank Rhonda. you have inspired me in so many ways to make my way of life more frugal, more authentic and to consider the "Big Picture" more.
    Cant wait to get my hands on your book. Have a great weekend,our household is laying pavers!

  12. Thanks for the chance to be part of 'On my mind'.
    I found a red wattle: http://hazel-dene.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mindseeing-red.html

  13. And thank you Rhonda!

    On my mind is those brave, hardworking people who work to make a difference producing food and then find the time to encourage others. And how I can use my land to make a difference.


  14. You are very welcome Rhonda. And that YOU for your inspiring words to us.

    On my mind: http://urbanhomesteadinholland.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind.html

    Love from Holland.

  15. It's us the readers who need to thank YOU. I'm amazed that you find the energy, committment and inspiration to continue to blog for us EVERY DAY. My routine in the last couple of months is to eat an early breakfast in front of the computer and read your post (in that lovely serenity before the kids rise) and you're always there with an inspiring blog, it starts my day off better and puts me in a good frame of mind to continue this simple journey.

  16. Please check out my blog. Whilst I am a Rhonda wannabe
    I still try my best. Love http://tasmanianminimalist.blogspot.com

  17. Ah Rhonda...the changes you've gently encouraged all over the world are much appreciated by us all.
    And Jamie is nearly 6months old already?
    Here is my link, also to a grandchild.

  18. I am a bit silly, I forgot to put the exact link to the post....sorry


  19. Thank you Rhonda for having a blog that is so full of common sense and practical advice but also having a broad view of the many different ways people need to or have to live their lives.
    On my mind is a worldwide sewing group night that I involve myself in occasionally

  20. Rhonda, your blog confirms my faith in the growing, critical mass of folk re-evaluating and changing their life style. Thank you for this 'on your mind' post, it get's me posting myself. On my mind today were my travelling adventures with knitting.

  21. Love hearing about all the things you make , rhonda. Hope there is a page in your book for people learning to sew....but you always make these things feel achievable in your posts. Enjoy the ride of getting published and the book coming out .You will have to get yourself a good pen so that you can do book signings.
    On my mind today is how lucky I am .

  22. Thats much appreciated sharing your thoughts with us knowing that you value us. Waiting somewhat patiently for the release of your wonderful book. Patriciax

  23. Your weekend ahead sounds lovely and relaxing Rhonda, that is if you don't get stressed out sewing like I do!! You have some lucky babies around you... Joining you with On my mind today...Do you think it's Okay to eat Dessert for Morning tea?? :)

  24. Hi Rhonda, I am waiting in anticipation for your book when it is released :) You are very inspiring, your posts are a joy to read and the helpful tips and advice you share are gold to me. I look to your blog for guidance and inspiration as I don't have many people surrounding me that have the knowledge and abilities you do. This keeps me and I'm sure others coming back for more. I just love having my morning coffee reading through your blog, it has become a morning ritual for me before I get on with my day. Enjoy your relaxing weekend, we are hoping to be out in the garden this weekend :)

    On my mind today over at Come Smell the Roses is sorting out my pantry and creating the beginnings of my stockpile - something I have been meaning to do for a while now!


  25. Rhonda, you are an inspiration to many, and you deserve all the accolades that come your way :) Cant wait to see your book...

    Happy sewing and have a restful weekend.

    On my mind today is


  26. Dear Rhonda, your thoughtful blog has had such an impact on how I think and feel and you have given me a great opportunity to learn. Thanks.
    On my mind today is recycling tablecloths. I hope you will be proud of me.

  27. Hi Rhonda, I haven't been visiting long but can say that I love your blog. You are so generous in your information sharing. This is what is on my mind today: http://bravenewfiona.blogspot.com/2011/08/feast-vs-famine.html

    Take care, Fi

  28. Rhonda, your talk about the grandchildren makes me smile and brings back memories of my children when very little, and how precious that time is ... it goes too quickly. I know I am not the only one who can't wait to see your book when it comes out. Very exciting!

    What is on my mind today is hope.


  29. On my mind this week is my son

  30. Thanks for the link. I'll be making some of those for my grandchild due next year.

  31. Hello Rhonda,
    great to see that you're sewing for the babies! Hope you have a relaxig weekend at home. I am also at home today and am planning what to cook for the weekend. Thinking of making your jam rolypoly for my son and husband.
    I am joining today with On my mind for the first time and on my mind are- monkeys!
    Here is the link:

    Thanks for the opportunity! Dhilma

  32. Random things On My Mind today:
    1. Thanking God for family & friends
    2. Praying for better health ahead of a Women's Weekend away
    3. Looking forward to #2 esp beading workshop and beautiful country surroundings at Eagle's Nest, Franschhoek
    4. Enjoying my late MIL's 'candy store' glass jars

    Cape Town, South Africa

  33. Rhonda, our sneak peek at your book looks very promising.

    I am thinking of my beautiful Mother City today and just keeping the tears down that are threatening to spill over.


  34. Enjoy your weekend! On my mind today are memories stirred up by some books I'm reading...good memories tho'.

  35. Rhonda, I haven't posted for quite a while but I have read every one of your posts. It gives me inspiration to continue to live a more 'simple' life.

    On My Mind Friday is a photo of my grandchildren when they were over for afternoon tea. There is always time for scones with jam and cream!


  36. Hi Rhonda, thank you for sharing all that you do on your blog and always reminding us of how wonderful a slower simple way of living can be so full. Have a nice weekend-Karen from CT

  37. Mine is up :) http://viggiesveggies.com/?p=1432

  38. MY weekend won't be restful in the true sense but I do get a sense of peace from making an old house the beginning of a nice cozy home for the new tenants that will arrive soon. I love working on houses!


  39. Hello Rhonda
    When will this book be published? I'm so looking forward to it. Well done on all your hard work. Your blog is inspirational and gorgeous.

  40. Thank you Rhonda :). I always enjoy these. It is fun to see what others are thinking about.


  41. I am really enjoying your blog, and linking up for the first time for On My Mind

    If that didn't work, you can see that my boys are on my mind at http://expatprep.blogspot.com/2011/08/fleeting-moment.html

  42. It is so nice to connect with like-minded people, isn't it? And that is so much easier with the Internet. I love blogs (especially yours) for a daily dose of inspiration and new ideas. I never would have thought of making our own soap- but you make it seem so doable! Thanks.

  43. I've been spending the week with my family in Spain. My mother has a beautiful garden with lots of bright and gorgeous flowers. I've been snapping photos of these and so FLOWERS is what is 'on my mind' this week! Enjoy! :)


    This Good Life

  44. Lovely idea for a feature Rhonda.
    On my mind is our laundry renovation.

  45. Rhonda,
    Again, I'm so very pleased about your book, and I just want to thank you for having such a wonderful place for me to spend some quiet "me" time before everyone else is up in the morning.

    On my mind today, are the bread and butter pickles I made from Rhonda's recipe. Seriously folks......if you haven't tried these yet, you REALLY need to!
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. :)

  46. Rhonda your sewing has inspired me! I recently made arrangements with a friend who sews to give me lessons :)

    But today what is on my mind is something I am already good at - making homemade pizza!

    My Homemade Pizza

  47. ooh, thanks for the link and thanks for sharing your life with us, RJ!

    On my mind this moment:


  48. Babies on our minds, I finished a quilt for a new baby girl. See it at
    I'm sure you'll enjoy your productive weekend. Leslie

  49. On my mind is Fish Head broth! http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/08/fridays-tip-from-green-housewife-use.html

  50. OK, I'll give it a try! :) http://prettygoodshitcom.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind-spiritual-bath.html

  51. Rhonda, I love your blog so really thank you for posting and putting yourself there to share with us :)

  52. Oh good! You're going to give them a go. Hope they work for you Rhonda. Mine are still going strong for little Maddi, and I've altered the pattern to add long legs too, this winter (I use the sleeves of the jumper for the leggings).

    Thank YOU for your blog. It's a pleasure to come here and can't wait to get my hands on a copy of your book.


  53. Hi Rhonda, I have had your blog on mine for quite awhile but have been unable to get into my blog so am just popping by to say hello, I just skimmed yours and like it very much, we are probably the same age.. although you probably are a pro knitter as is my daughter I;m just a beginner, but like it anyways.. I like to garden but our weather has been terrible.. I have 3 grandkids 14 13 and 12, great kids love them all.. anyhoo tc I am Sue from oh wait I am going to change my blog but shall add you ok if you don't mind.. b.c. Canada.. is our home..


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