4 April 2011

That first look

For the past week, every time the phone rang, both Hanno and I jumped and grabbed it, thinking it was THE call.  Eventually, when it came, it was 5am and Sunny and Kerry were on their way to the hospital.  But after an examination they said Sunny was in very early labour and they were given the option of waiting at home with a set of instructions about what to check and when to come back. They went back that night at 10pm. Jamie Kim Hetzel was born the next morning, 31 March at 8.40am. Kim is Sunny's family name. 

Sunny, Kerry and Jamie.

I've been thinking about becoming a grandmother for a long time and to tell you the truth, I couldn't get my head around it and didn't know what to expect. I knew what was expected of me, I was well aware of the responsibilities of a grandmother, but I couldn't work out how I felt about it or what my own expectations were.  I knew my identity would change and I didn't have a problem with that. I see ageing as a very positive thing, being a grandma would be another step along my long and well traversed road.  Bring it on!

I suppose my main concern was making a connection with my grandson as heartfelt and strong as the connection I have with my sons.  Anything less would be a disappointment, but could I hope for something similar, or more?  I also want to have a strong relationship with Sunny, with no feelings of intimidation or awkwardness. I want it to be easy - for both of us. I want her to love me and I want her to feel she is loved and part of our family.  I don't want to intrude on Sunny's space; I remember how protective I was of my babies as a young mother. I am a complex bundle of madness when I put my mind to it and sometimes what is perceived on the outside as a stable and dependable older woman is, in fact, the equivalent of a box full of monkeys being let loose in the jungle.  This was a huge change, who knew what would happen. Would I love him enough, would he love me?  Until I knew that I just had to walk around acting like a normal person and let nature take its course.

Sunny was resting in her hospital bed when we walked in.  She was delighted to see us and quickly showed us little Jamie all bundled up in a cot.  I asked could I hold him and she said: "of course, mum."  I picked him up; he was wearing a little blue bamboo hat I'd knitted and was wrapped like a white cotton cocoon. As I held him, his little eyes flickered for a second and then he looked up at me. I looked into those eyes wanting to see something familiar, and it was there, that easy and inescapable recognition that has connected families for thousands of years.  I still don't know what happened when our eyes met for the first time but as he snuggled in closer to me, whatever it was was permanent, powerful and undeniable.

The happy grandparents.

I know that as a grandmother I am Jamie's link backwards - to the nine generations of my family who have made their homes in Australia since the 1790s, and to the others from Ireland, Sweden and England long before that.  Hanno is his link to his German family, Sunny's mother is his link to his Korean roots. I believe that being part of a family is important.  It will support and guide Jamie as he grows older and help form the person he becomes.  I know now that I changed last week and maybe that first look between us had a significance beyond that of a grandma and a grandson meeting for the first time.  It was the beginning of love and I think it melted my feelings of uncertainly and placed me well and truly deep within the heart of this family.  The grandmother who keeps it together even when the monkeys are running loose in the jungle.



  1. Congratulations Rhonda You will be awesome Grandparents. Cute, cute, and cute.

  2. Jamie is beautiful! Congratulations to Kerry and Sunny AND to all the grandparents!

  3. You've got all wrapped up, congratulations!

  4. Congratulations! What a wonderful, adorable new addition!

  5. Such a beautiful post, it made be cry. Congratulations to all your family, and welcome to a beautiful baby boy.

  6. Congratulations to all of you :-) an addition to the family is always a bonus :-) xx

  7. This is so well written and said..it touched my heart and I had tears in my eyes...I became a grand mother for the very first time 7 weeks ago...it has changed my life...I was blessed with being able to be part of my daughter's giving birth...I saw my little precious grand daughter being born and oh how it was magical...I will never ever forget that day ...the day I saw and met my grand daughter...

    Enjoy every moment...


  8. Congratualtions to ALL! Jamie is beautiful!
    You will be an awesome Grandma!!
    Feeling the Love in Australia!

  9. Oh Rhonda...So excited for you and Hanno! Don and I love being grandparents and a new baby just makes the whole family closer as aunts, uncles and cousins commit to the new little one. Blessings and joy to each of you. Carolyn and Don Gilbert

  10. I think the love we find ourselves with as grandparents is beyond anything we ever thought possible..unexplainable..undeniable..unbelievable,definately the gift God gave us for bearing our own babies,a blessing beyond compare,enjoy the journey as you will smile as you have never smiled before and your eyes will light up every time he enters the room,have fun as he grows and the others that folow as they are the best entertainment ever xx

  11. Congratulations Rhonda, he is adorable x

  12. Beautiful post, Rhonda, congratulations again, your grandson is adorable!

  13. Just returned from a church service and it's uncanny to read your beautiful post now. Heard Genesis 48 read showing Grandfather Jacob (renamed Israel) holding & blessing his grandsons, Manasseh & Ephraim, and saying 'your two sons will be reckoned as mine' (grandsons would be like his own sons) He blessed his own son, Joseph, and said 'may the God before whom my fathers...walked, may he bless these boys'.

    He was unsure how his grandsons would receive him, an old man, especially as they had grown up in a different country.

    But, like with you & your new little grandson, Rhonda....there was a physical & emotional connection and love continued on to the next generation.

    May all of you have such happy, loving times. May "monkey does as monkey sees" and Jamie copy your down-to-earth ways!

  14. What a powerful post! My own children are very young, but I'm definitely looking forward (FARRRR in the future) to being a grandmother ;) And Jamie is VERY adorable!

  15. All I can say is that it's like falling in love all over again! I've just had my fourth grandchild and each one has given me the same wonderful feeling! Congratulations to you all - little Jamie is truly gorgeous, but then you know that, don't you?!

  16. Congratulations! Happy grandparenting:)

  17. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a grandmother but thank you for this honest post. Jamie is gorgeous and lucky to have you, as you are to have him. And Sunny is lucky to have a mother-in-law like you.
    Big congrats to the new family - it's such a magical time.

  18. Congratulations to all of you on this little bundle of joy. I can't quit smiling from viewing the pictures, and from reading the joy in your post.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  19. I think both you and Hanno will be the best grandparents...what a lovely post for Jamie to read one day...you show such enormous pride in your written words...I am so happy for you. And you can double that pride when the next one comes along...true grandma bliss.

  20. Congratulations. What wonderful pictures of your newest family member.


  21. Oh, a big heart-felt congratulations to you, Rhonda Jean! What a beautiful blessings he is! :)

  22. He is so precious...I know you will love being a grandma!


  23. How beautiful and content he looks! Sending love and best wishes to all. ~Colleen~

  24. What powerful words Rhonda. I agree most heartly. Being a grandparent is the most amazing thing. So much love for those little bundles of joy.

  25. What a beautiful post! Jamie looks so peaceful and content. He is surrounded by a loving family. Congratulations to you all! Welcome little one! ~ Patty

  26. So thrilled for you. He's a beautiful baby! You will be wonderful grandparents.

  27. yep. and when they first say your name 'grandma' in whatever little language they use, it makes your heart flutter. and when their little eyes light up when they see you and their little arms wrap around your neck.. *sigh*... makes your heart swell.
    congratulations Rhonda.. xoxo sending much love

  28. He is beautiful! Thanks so much for the pictures! I know just what you are feeling--and it is a grand thing, indeed. Best wishes and many joyous days ahead! Mary in Nebraska

  29. Congratulations Rhonda! For me that was your best post! Tears in my eyes, how absolutely beautifully you described the birth of love. Sunny looks remarkable and Kerry looks tired! It takes me straight back to those days, it's all such a whirl, so many new emotions, I used to plan ahead and wear my brain out! You are/will be the best mother-in-law and grandmother that anyone could imagine having. Intentions are huge and yours are all so kind and loving.
    Best wishes to all the family,

  30. Beautiful Rhonda. You know, you look different, you look like you've 'come home, and so comfortable and 'right' with that little one slung on your arm so easily.

    Thanks for sharing those first moments with us.

  31. Just beautiful- this post made me all teary!
    Congratulations on entering the next chapter of your lives!

  32. I had tears reading your post! How special. You shared your heart so beautifully - thanks Rhonda. Jamie is just adorable.
    Bless you all richly in love,
    Lusi x

  33. Absolutely Adorable! Congratulations to all.

  34. It is wonderful - yes! I loved your description of the connectedness you felt, too. Congrats to all!

  35. A beautiful post and pictures. What a lovely family you have!

  36. Wonderful post. Congratulations to your son and daughter in love and to you and Hanno on your new positions, parents and grandparent, respectively. The circle of life continues and the little one is blessed ;-)

  37. Hi Rhonda,
    I can't imagine for one second that Jamie won't grow up appreciating having you as a Grandma, he is truely blessed to have been born into such a close and loving family.
    From my point of view I think that we are all lucky to have found a blog that not only motivates and inspires us but one that is written by such a genuine and open person.
    I love your monkeys in a jungle description it is just how I feel about myself and I thought I was the only one!
    Thank-you for taking the time to write your blog I always look forward to reading what you have to say and it often makes me feel a little more sane x x

  38. What a dear little boy! Enjoy. I'm sure his mum and dad love you both greatly as you do them.

  39. Jamie is the most beautiful baby...congratulations to all of you. Having grandparents who are committed and loving is one of the greatest gifts a child can have.

  40. Jamie is just as beautiful as your words and I totally understand what you mean about not knowing exactly how this grandmother thing would be. What I can tell you is that after seven grandchildren, the same feelings of awe, wonder, and love happened each time...now my oldest grandson is eighteen and will be going off to college. It seems like only yesterday that he was toddling up to me at the sink saying "Hold you, Nana?" I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I absolutely melted at those words. I am so excited for you because I know how many special times you and your family are going to have with little Jamie,plus the other sweet little boy who will be here before you know it!

    About the business of growing older as your become a grandparent, I've found that I've actually felt younger. I think it's because I can be silly with the grandkids...raising my own children was more serious, it seems. Papa, the grandkids, and I go creek stomping, dig up worms, have tea parties with dolls and build birdhouses, just to name a few activities. We read to one another, draw pictures, cook, sew, and exchange emails. Are you getting the picture? We have such fun together and you will too. Sure, we're so tired whenever the grandkids go home, but it's a good tired.

    What an adventure you're in for!!

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  41. congratulations from a nearly new nanna...your'e going to love being a grandma i'm sure...dzintra

  42. Congratulatioons Rhonda! Isn't Jamie just precious!
    Part of me is looking forward to the day we become grandparents. Although i do hope it's a few years off yet, our eldest is turning 18 on friday.
    I know I'll be a great grandma but am too concerned of my relationship with my future daughter inlaws. But with four boyus I guess I'll just have to find a balance there some where

  43. And because you are aware and sensitive you will be a wondeful grandprent and mil....Are you granny? nanna?....what?
    the lil guy is gorgeous!Babies are my favourite kind of humans!

  44. Your post has left me teary-eyed, rhonda!! Jamie is beautiful & healthy and such a blessing. After raising two girls, I have been blessed with two beautiful onery boys. We love them with all our hearts <3
    You and Hanno will be wonderful grandparents. He is so lucky to have a wonderful loving family.

    God bless you all!!
    Central Illinois

  45. Congratulations! On April 4th I will be a grandmother for one year. All I can say is it is heaven, and gets better with each passing day. Just wait until you get that first smile a few months from now! Blessings to you and your beautiful family. Love Lana www.lifeatwildberrycottage.com

  46. Oh my goodness, Rhonda, he is absolutely precious. And I was chuckling and smiling as you shared your pre-birth thoughts and concerns and then how they melted away as soon as you looked into those eyes. Nothing in life prepares you for the sweetness and joy of grandchildren. My best best wishes and congratulations to all.

  47. "I suppose my main concern was making a connection with my grandson as heartfelt and strong as the connection I have with my sons. Anything less would be a disappointment, but could I hope for something similar, or more? I also want to have a strong relationship with Sunny, with no feelings of intimidation or awkwardness. I want it to be easy - for both of us. I want her to love me and I want her to feel she is loved and part of our family. I don't want to intrude on Sunny's space; I remember how protective I was of my babies as a young mother."

    This bit made me cry. How I wish the extended families on both sides had shared these sentiments when my son was born instead of pushing, point scoring and being of no real help at all. It was like I had two waring football teams to contend with and it was hurtful and exhausting.

    Congratulations gorgeous grandma I shall be taking a leaf out of your book when it is my turn.

  48. he is soooo beautiful, congratulations. Hope mum and bub are doing well.

  49. Congratulations to you and your family!! Jamie is indeed a beautiful baby. :0) Your thoughts and words in this post were so lovely and heartfelt. They defined what I'm sure is the heart of every grandparent to be. Enjoy that precious little bundle!!

  50. Congratulations to the happy parents and grands, what a beautiful baby! God's blessings on you all.

  51. Beautiful Jamie, beautiful Grandparents, one beautiful family , he's a lucky boy indeed!

  52. How lovely.

    Blessings to you all.

  53. Tears in my eyes too, Rhonda!

    My kids call their closest Grandma, Grammy (easier for them to say) and Grandad is Arparp (how they used to say Grandpop). I like how their names have morphed into something personal for our family.

  54. That was so very beautiful. Congratulations to all. Jamie is precious!

  55. Love and connection, that's why we're here. Congratulations Kerry and especially Sunny! You did a great job birthing your baby :)

  56. now he is rather adorable isn't he..I am enjoying my time as a mum and i in know way want to rush it, but to be a mammy(aka nana or grandma)what a delight

  57. Congratulations to you and your family for the newest addition to your hearts and lives!

  58. He is precious!
    Good for you on wanting good old traditional "Grandma!" You would not believe what I went through with my parents on what they wished to be called - my dad refuses to accept the fact he is aging, and wished to be called Captain Midnight!! I kid you not!
    Thankfully, the response that received made him finally concede to being "Grandad", because it means "an awesome (grand) dad."

  59. Larissa in Country Western AustraliaApril 04, 2011 10:59 am

    Congratulations again. Lovely photos. You three look comfortable wrapped around his little finger! ;o)

  60. Your post brought happy tears to my eyes and I don't well up easily. How very lovely to see Sunny's mother, welcome to our little community Sunny's Mum.

    Sunny, Kerry, Opa and Grandma -- :D

    BTW we all knew my paternal grandmother as "Gringa", that's what my brother Michael, who was the eldest grandchild, called her when he tried to say "Grandma".

  61. Whata beautiful photo and what a lovely lovely post. I am smiling at your "monkeys" - we all have those monkeys Rhonda - just that some of them have different names!!
    Enjoy it all, you lucky lady!

  62. Rhonda,

    This post is beautiful!! Your grandson is beautiful!!

    I had tears in my eyes as I read the love words you have for your grandson...and that is the way it suppose to be:) Enjoy!!!!


  63. Seems your family is turning into a "United Nations" like mine :o) ..I'm enjoying Great Grandparent hood :o)

  64. When I logged into blogger I saw your title and thought I get to see the new bubba. Yeah! Cluck, cluck, cluck. When I read your post I cried. You and Opa will be the most wonderful influence in little Jamie's life.

    My in-laws are wonderful. They used to live in our town when we had our first son. But, moved two hours away, before we had our second. They worried they wouldn't have as strong a connection with our second as they did with our first. But, both the boys absolutely love Grandma and Grandad. A testiment to the lovely people they are and the connection they have with the boys.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely emotional meeting with us. You have given a such a wonderful gift today.
    Cheers, Deb

  65. just wondering if 'great auntie' Tricia, has created a quilt for the new family addition? :0

  66. Congratulations Rhonda! Such a heartfelt post, you also reminded me of my own dear sweet "Opa", the link to my German roots. :) Best of luck to you all.

  67. Congratulations again Rhonda! It was beautiful to see you articulate in writing what you felt as a first-time grandmother. I asked my Mum what she felt when our little girl was born and she couldn't explain it, tears just welled up and she had this great big smile, and it was lovely to hear your thoughts.

    Enjoy those special cuddles!

  68. Miss R, Tricia has been very busy moving to her new home. She's coming up this week to see Jamie, just in time for our big family lunch on the weekend.

  69. Such joy! I love being a "Nana" (I called my mother's mother that) and think it's a wonderful time of life. I know you'll have great relationships with your daughters in law and all grandchildren!

  70. Rhonda...a HUGE congrats to your family! Welcome Jamie :) What a gorgeous little bundle he is. Much love to you all x

  71. I am so happy for you, Rhonda Jean! I know you and Hanno will be loving grandparents and that is really what the grandchildren need more than anything, lots of love. Jamie is such a beautiful baby boy!
    And his first cousin will be here before you know it so they will be able to grow up together and be the best friends throughout their lives.

  72. This bought tears to my eyes Rhonda. Perhaps because your thoughts are my own as we wait for our first grandchild due in September.

  73. Oh my goodness!! Jamie is sooo cute. As are all the grandparents. So many congratulations being sent to you and the whole family.

    Miracles still happen.

  74. congratulations! becoming a grandma is certainly a very special time and such a privilege!
    i'm sure you will have a wonderful relationship with your grandchild. i know my mother adores her grandchildren like they are her own (and they adore her as well!)

    it is also great that you are being mindful to not overstep when it comes to your daughter in law... i wish my own mother-in-law was so mindful! she arrived at the hospital (after a difficult labour) and demanded that she be called "Mama" (after 9 months of refusing to tell us what she wanted to be called). I was bewildered and said no. I am my baby's mama. Things have continued along that path sadly. She constantly oversteps. I try and keep things happy between us, but I am definitely very glad she lives several states away.

  75. Congratulations!! Lovely pictures. Wishing you many happy moments 'Grandparenting', Grandma and Opa :)

  76. Congratulations! The day I became a gramma the whole world changed and it would never be the same again. Another milestone of life passed. That was 11 years ago and today we have 9 grandchildren. We are known as "gramma and grampa" to the older grands and "bamma and bampa" to the youger grands :).

  77. Hi Rhonda
    such a wonderful post and love the names that you chose to be called.
    The pictures of the family were good to see, and just think Jamie was born in time for mothers day.
    Or is that a different day over there?
    There is also a link I wanted to share found on anthers website called Depression Cooking With Clara.
    She is 95 and still looks after herself here is the link
    Hope you don’t mind me sharing but I feel she is proof that good food simply done even from the era she grew up in will make us healthier and stronger people.
    Congratulations to all
    Rachel UK

  78. Thank you for sharing this wonderful occasion with us Rhonda! There is something magical about the relationship to a grandchild. A dear departed friend of mine expressed it well. In translation she said "Now it´s simply all about love, love, love" Yes, we loved our babies with all our hearts (and still do). But with that came all the responsibility and worries - albeit gladly borne. Now whilst the parents to our grandchildren take up the facetted role of parenting, we grandparents are there with our boundless oceans of love.
    Love and best wishes

  79. Beautifully said Rhonda and I know exactly what you mean about looking into a new grandchild's eyes - made me all teary !!

  80. Congratulations on the lovely extension to your family while I've been away. A wonderful moment that will grow into many more wonderful moments as Jamie grows. Wishing you and Hanno lots of enjoyment as grandparents.

  81. Hi Rhonda,
    What a beautiful post. Congrats to all the family on your beautiful new addition Jamie.

    I have a gorgeous little grandson and fell in love with him the moment he was born (I was lucky enough to be at his birth)

    Now 5 years later our daughter again blessed us with another little man in January. Like you I was nervous, would there be a connection? Could I love him the same as Christian? and all those other crazy things that run through my mind.

    The answer of course was a BIG YES! The minute I saw Hunter all those same feelings rushed over me again & I knew no matter how many grandbabies we have a Nana's heart is big enough for them all.

    Welcome to Grandparenthood, it's so much fun :)

  82. Ooo..what a cute baby ! You are a sweet familly. God bless you all! Soon I will be a grandma too ;)

  83. Mazel tov! And nice hat, too.

  84. Congratulations to Sunny and Kerry and to all the new grandparents. He is indeed a beautiful baby. welcome to the world Jamie indeed you are blessed into a loving family with wonderful parents, grandparents, family and friends. I have a feeling your journey is going to be a good one and you will be well cared for. A new meaning of family begins for Hanno and you Rhonda. Congratulations.

  85. I can imagine Opa and Grandma are very proud of this cute little boy. Wow, he is a real meltingpot of cultures, fabulous !!!! What a rich inheritance.
    He looks so very cute and his parents must be so very proud of him. Rhonda... ENJOY !!!!!
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  86. Oh Bless Rhonda.. I can remember the very first time I held my grandson. It was not like cradling my own son, but it was as strong a call to all things past and present. It is something I will never forget, and I know you wont either. That bond Rhonda I believe is forged somehow silently while our daughters or daughters in law carry those wee treasures.. Your wee man is blessed.. to have an Opa and a Grandma (Oma I am half German) like you.

  87. Forgive me .. I should have added.. Jamie is soooooooo cute.. and cuddlicious

  88. He is just beautiful. Again COngratulations!!!!----Krystal(nova scotia)

  89. What a beautiful story, Rhonda. Your new grandson is beautiful. I know you'll do just great, Grandma! :)

  90. Many many congratulations to all of you and a big welcome to Jamie. I was very touched by your candid thoughts about becoming a grandmother. I have a way to go yet, my daughters span the teenage years. But I have thought about how I would feel and relate to a grandchild and a son in law as opposed to my own child. Your words were encouraging and while I hope I won't become a grandmother just yet I think it will be just as enriching!

  91. What a beautifully written post, Rhonda. It brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful person, and your children, and now grandchildren, are blessed to have you looking out for them. Trust me, not all grandparents are as interested in their grandchildren (or their children for that matter) as you are. It makes me so happy to see.

  92. What a lovely post about such a lovely occasion. May countless blessings be upon your growing family! I am sure you will make an excellent Opa and Grandma....no doubt.

  93. 'that inescapable recognition that has been connecting families for thousands of years...' Exactly!
    So happy for the new joys that you and your family are experiencing!

  94. WOW that was powerful grandma, yes that bond between grandchild and us is powerful and never broken, no matter how much of a separation there may be, God bless you and hope all your days are happy ones.

  95. What a lovely baby boy! Many congratulations to you, Hanno, Sunny, and Kerry, and Sunny's lovely mum.


    AM of the Bread

  96. Congratulations! Your grandson is beautiful; how precious babies are! Your postscript really made me smile -- my children call my parents Oma and Opa (my father's family are Volga Germans, if you or Hanno know anything about those folk ...), and it frequently stops people in their tracks as they try to figure out who on earth "Oma" is. But I love it as a link to my heritage. Have a lovely time with your grandson! Kristin in Oregon

  97. Adorable! I LOVE babies!
    My daughter, Kylie has called my mom "Noni" ever since she was old enough to talk. Not sure why but I later found out that it's Italian for grandma. :)

  98. He's lovely. The sharing of your feelings brought tears to my eyes.

    Blessings to you all from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  99. What lovely photographs of you all. Jamie is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and pictures with us at this special time.
    Oh, and good luck with the monkeys!

  100. What joy and happiness in the photos. Thank you so much for sharing these - and the emotions that being a grandparent bring with them.

  101. What a beautiful boy! Many heatfelt congratulations to all of you!! I am a Grammy to two wonderful boys and I love every minute. When we decided who we wanted to be know as my husband chose Granpa...yet he is loving called Bumpa-man! lol I love it how they come up with things. I wish all of you much joy this is only the beginning but you seem to already have a handle on things!

  102. Jamie is beautiful! And so much hair!
    Congratulations to you~
    from this Opa and "Mimi" who realize the rewards of a Life well lived is the grands!

  103. What a darling and precious gift he is! Congratulations to the parents and grandparents...I'm quite certain the baby will have lots and lots of love all the way around.

  104. What a beautiful baby. My first and only grandson just turned a year old... and let me tell you... that bond keeps getting stronger and stronger... better and better!!! Enjoy your new life!

  105. Rhonda, you write beautifully! And obviously from the heart
    Cheers Judy

  106. Congratulations once again!! Wonderful pictures! He is adorable! I'm sure from all you've written about family, you'll both be great grandparents!! I've just had news yesterday that my DIL is 2 cm. dilated and 70% effaced. She wasn't due until April 29th but the Dr. thinks our little "Haley" will make an appearance next week!This will be our 8th grandchild and I'm just as excited this time!! Elly from WV

  107. Congratulations all around! What a handsome little blessings! Loved reading your perspective on being a grandma.

  108. This is a beautiful post Rhonda. Full of heart and love.
    Congratulations again to the new little family, these first days are absoultuely precious.

  109. Pam (Redcliffe)April 05, 2011 6:29 pm

    Beautiful story Rhonda. I understand your uncertainty based on my own experiences of first meeting my niece. I didn;t know what to expect. 4 years on she and my 2 yr old nephew are so precious to me. That 1st love just grows! :)

  110. How lucky is that little boy to be surrounded by so much love & support, congratulations to you all on your beautiful bundle of joy.


  111. Congratulations! What a beautiful family!

  112. Congratulations on the safe & happy arrival of Jamie. He is just delish!

    Jamie - be kind to your Mummy dear little man xx

  113. Thank you for this beautiful blog.
    Your words captured all the feelings I have of being a grandparent. That recognition of family in a new baby is so amazing.
    I woke today feeling sad and a bit stressed and your blog made me realize there is much to be thankful for

  114. Congratulations, Grandma! Jamie is beautiful. So glad all went well.

  115. Oh Rhonda.. due to my own giving birth to a new one, I missed this wonderful moment in your life. Congratulations!

  116. Congratulations Monique! Did you have a boy or girl? And the name? I hope you're well and rested.

  117. Tears in my eyes reading your account of meeting your new grandson for the first time. Blessings to you all!

  118. This is such a beautiful post. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you and your family.

  119. This is such a beautiful post

  120. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful little grandson Rhonda.
    Reading your message brought tears to my eyes as I remembered my grandparents and also our beautiful little granddaughters.
    My maternal grandparents were, in the main, responsible for my upbringing and I cherished the time I had with them. They set the standard for the kind of grandparent I planned to be.
    Jamie will be blessed and will be a better person for having you and Hanno in his life.

  121. Rhonda, this is such a beautiful post, thank you for mentioning it since I hadn't found your blog at this time. It looks like Jaime had a great birthday despite the crazy state of the world and that is wonderful. So happy 9th birthday Jaime from Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes! Beth in MN


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