12 April 2011

Passionfruit yo-yos and cheesecake

The dishcloth swap looks like being a great success with over 100 people joining in here and at the forum.  Soon Sharon will declare a cutoff point and then pair up swap buddies.  Remember you can slip something extra in your package - just something small - if you like, it is definitely not a requirement of the swap.

I've been dealing with an over-abundance of delicious and juicy passionfruit. It's not a bad problem to have but I wish I had more passionfruit recipes.  If you have any you'd like to share, please send them my way.

On the weekend we had Kerry, Sunny, Sunny's mum and Jamie here for lunch and it was a good chance to send them home loaded up with passionfruit.  While they were here, I served up passionfruit cheesecake. We all love cheesecake, we don't have it often, but it's such an easy cake to make I couldn't resist it.

Make a crumb base with a packet of biscuits such as Granita, Graham crackers or digestive biscuits. Crush them completely in a food processor or put them in a plastic bag and hit them with a rolling pin. Melt about one third cup of butter and mix it into the crushed biscuit crumbs.  Press the crumbs into a springform tin (about 25cm/9inches), smooth them to form a nice base and press it all until it holds together and is firm.  Put that in the freezer while you prepare the filling.

Place philly cheese in a mixer bowl and mix until it's combined and smooth, add lemon, passionfruit and milk and mix for one minute.

Take the biscuit base from the freezer and add the filling.  Put the cake in the fridge overnight or for at least four hours.

PASSIONFRUIT YOYOS - recipe from The Thrifty Kitchen
These are a light biscuit that are really lovely with morning tea.

  • Pulp from three passionfruit
  • 125g (one stick) butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup plain (all purpose) flour
  • 1/2 cup self raising flour

Strain the passionfruit and reserve the juice and seeds separately.

Cream the butter and sugar, add the egg and mix in well, take the mixture off the mixer.  Sift in the flours, add the passionfruit pulp and fold in.

With lightly floured hands, roll two level teaspoons of mixture into a ball and place on a baking tray - flatten them slightly and cook in a pre-heated oven on 180C/350F for ten minutes.

When cool, add icing and join two biscuits together, like a yoyo.  Mine where too big to do this so I left them as a single and iced each one.

  • 80g (3oz) soft butter
  • 2/3 cup icing sugar (confectioners sugar)
  • 1 tablespoon passionfruit juice
Cream the butter and sugar, then add passionfruit juice.

Don't forget to send me your passionfruit recipes.  I'm also looking out for sweet recipes with unusual names.  If you have any, please share.



  1. Ooh they sound absolutely scrummy - I must have a go at these. Thank you for sharing your recipes. Am so glad you had lovely family time over the weekend.

    Take care


  2. My mouth waters. It pasaflora season here too. I can't get enough! So far all the fruits that have come in my door don't make it past my spoon. There's never enough left over to make anything. Enjoy!

  3. Passion fruit curd?


  4. Hi Rhonda,
    why not freeze the pulp? Then you can make passionfruit cheesecake whenever you like! I'd suggest using ice cube trays so that you can get out a small quantity to use later.
    Keep up the good work,

  5. One thing I REALLY miss being a displaced Qlder in Vic is passionfruit!
    I'm desperately trying to grow a vine - so far 2 passionfruit last year - 1 this year.
    (I also miss Kirk's Drinking Ginger Ale and Honey Jumbles - they don't sell them down here!)
    Those yo-yos - well I suppose they are just yos - look scrumptious.

  6. Thanks, Rhonda, for the first (straight forward)vegetarian no-bake cheesecake I've come across. And I've been keeping my eye out for quite a while...can't wait to try it. Sorry though, no passion fruit recipes from me.

    Hooliganhound from Sydney

  7. I miss having a passion fruit vine, when we settle in one place long enough, I will surely have one.. I used to freeze the pulp in ice cube trays and then seal in zip lock bags.
    By the way those yoyos look scrumptious.

  8. passionfruit is the most delicious fruit in the world!! I just wish mine would fruit regularly.

    I'd forgotten all about yo-yos! I make Melting Moments with Passionfruit cream in the centre (butter/icing sugar/pulp). They're divine too!

    On yogurt, or in soda water!

    Looking forward to seeing other passionfruit recipes :)

  9. They look absolutely delicious Rhonda. We have a passionfruit..but so far no fruit :(

  10. Hi Rhonda
    I have a World Cuisine CDRom which has some interesting recipes on it. I looked up Passionfruit and found three recipes. Passionfruit Posset (its a custardy dessert), Pavlova (which is obvious) and a Tropical Rice Pudding. I haven't tried to make any of these myself but if you're interested in the recipes, let me know and I can email them to you.

  11. Larissa, I would love to know how to make passionfruit posset. Thanks.

  12. Hi Rhonda
    Last year I harvested about 7-8 kg of passionfruit pulp and I still have a lot in the freezer. I found adding some juice and just a few seed to puffings was very nice and I also have a lovely recipie for passionfruit shortcake that I will send you via email.

  13. Hi Rhonda,
    go into ABC Brisbane, passionfruit delicious pudding....you won't believe how delicious it is and it uses 6 passionfruit.
    Put some over porridge
    passionfruit and honey on pikelets
    in a rice pudding
    passionfruit and ginger steamed pud
    over caramelised banana (if you can afford the bananas, $13k here)!

  14. I have never had passion fruit, but it certainly looks delicious! Your recipes do as well --- thank you for sharing!

  15. I've never had or seen passion fruit here in Canada. What part of the fruit is edible? Is it the yellow part with the seeds or is the white part edible too? Is there another fruit that it tastes like?

  16. this http://farmgirl67.blogspot.com/2008/05/lacto-fermented-passionfruit-drink.html is thee most delightful way to have passionfruit..althou cheese cake is pretty darn good too.. but this drink is a must try.. i am gather all my passionfruits at the moment ready to brew another lot..

  17. Thanks for the ideas, everyone. Janice, the seeds and yellow juice are edible.

  18. You simply must try this recipe for passionfuit flummery:


    I have made it more times than I can count, and would make it even more if passionfruit weren't so darn expensive. It's easy an easy-to-make, light and fluffy dessert that reminds me of my grandmother.

    Simone (the one who likes to rant about carbon taxes and is very envious of your bumper crop of passionfruit!)

  19. That cheese cake looks scrummptious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I'm sure using the actual passionfruit is far superior to the canned variety.

    http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/collections/passionfruit+recipes has 19 recipes. Ones not mentioned yet in your comments include: apples in passionfruit syrup, baked passionfruit tart, berry and passionfruit pudding, mango passionfruit smoothie and orange-passionfruit cake.

    There's a savoury passionfruit pizza recipe on www.passionfruit.org.nz/Recipes.htm

    and a Passionfruit Posset with Mango + Passionfruit Sorbet recipe on gourmettraveller.com.au/passionfruit-posset-with-mango-and-passionfruit-sorbet.htm.

    I've printed out a few to try myself....esp before my American sister's family visits us here in South Africa for Christmas.

  21. That looks simply delicious and not hard to make. Thank you very much for the recipes !!

    Have a wonderful day.

  22. Rhonda,
    I mix 1 cup passionfruit pulp with 1 cup sugar, add an aspro to help preserve(although some say there's enough sugar to not need it), in a jar, shake it up till sugar dissolves and keep for months in fridge...that's if it hasn't been eaten sooner in yoghurt, on icecream or cheesecake or pancakes, or as cordial. cheers, Jenni

  23. I read your blog regularly Rhonda and love your writing. So in return I have searched for a passionfruit recipes for you to try - this looks delicious.


    Lisa (UK)

  24. I made the yo-yo biscuits tonight and they are so yummy! Thanks for the recipe :)

  25. Rhonda, I have a Passionfruit jam recipe that you actually use the skin, by boiling the skin...and keeping the white part as flesh included for the jam...so you get to use the dye from the outer skin, the white flesh...and the pulp...I aslo recall preserving passionfruit pulp with aspro-clear and stored in fridge....would you like these too?

  26. I love passion fruit with mango but the ones we get here in the UK are so measly with seeds that they're really a waste of time. And when they come from so far away it's really not a good idea to buy them. I do like the sound of that cheesecake though (with or without passion fruit)!
    Teresa x

  27. Hi Rhonda Jean,

    Hope you and Tricia are enjoying your vacation this week!

    I haven't seen passionfruit here in North Carolina, but it sure looks yummy. I wonder if something like our American pawpaws could be substituted for the passionfruit.

    I have a request of Hanno if he's willing. I just purchased a German wooden rack that is made to hold an over towel with hooks on the lower part of the rack to hold everyday towels and cloths. There is a metal label just above each hook and a wooden rod that holds the over towel. The labels read Tellertuch, Tassentuch, Glasertuch, Handtuch, and Messertuch, I think. The rack is pretty old and the script is in an old style, so I hope I'm spelling the words correctly. There are two dots over the a in Glasertuch. I also purchased a beautiful linen over towel embroidered with this phrase:

    Ein jedes stuck ziert Tisch und schrank ist klar das glas der teller blank!

    I don't know German and am not able to translate this phrase. There are two dots over the u in stuck. I feel sure the phrase has to do with the cloths that are stored under the over cloth. I can't wait to hang this little rack in my kitchen and I know it was designed so that the beatiful over cloth will hide my everyday dishcloths.

    I hope it's not an imposition for Hanno to translate the labels and the words on the over towel. My email address is jimmiepatrum@gmail.com.

    Thanks so much,

    Diane in North Carolina

  28. You can't go past passionfruit butter, its great on toast, over ice cream or with scones and cream. The recipe I use is for lemon butter, you just substitute 10 passionfruit for the lemons in the recipe, I posted about it here: http://cookingwithfivebrothersandonesister.blogspot.com/2009/08/passionfruit-butter-lemon-butter.html
    There is also a recipe for passionfruit tartlets here: http://cookingwithfivebrothersandonesister.blogspot.com/2009/07/lemon-tartlets.html
    I also like it as icing on a sponge or patty cake.

  29. My Passionfruit vine is going crazy at the moment, can't wait for it all to ripen up now. You have unleashed some great old favourites of mine, Cheesecake and Yo yo's. I have never thought to put the pulp in the biscuit though, only ever used in the icing...A Passionfruit Icing gives a nice lift to any plain slice recipe... Thanks for sharing.

  30. Passionfruit pavlova! It's basically vanilla or lemon meringue topped with whipped cream and passionfruit (I can't find the stuff so I make a balsamic dark chocolate meringue topped with strawberries.

    If nothing else, I'd freeze the fruit. Nothing tastes more decadent than having fruit out of season when you know it's not imported!


  31. Wish I had a vine growing, perhaps this year I can start one but in the meantime I like a bit of passionfruit added to rhubarb and apple crumble. It has a really nice extra flavour.

  32. Hi Rhonda, I have a lovely and very easy passionfruit slice recipe. I can send it to you via the forum if you would like to try it. I have some frozen pulp that I may just use to make up a batch of those yo-yo's.
    Cheers, Deb

  33. Passion fruit curd!
    Just use a lemon curd recipe & sub pulp for lemons:
    100g butter
    4-6 beaten eggs
    1.5 c sugar
    ~ 1 cup granadilla pulp

    I actually still like to add some lemon zest/ juice, to give it a bit of tartness, otherwise ends up quite sweet, but still nice. Adjust to your tastes


  34. This is wicked. I don't yet have my own passionfruit and can't quite bring myself to pay a dollar each for them in the shops. (Why is there such a massive price gap - free to exorbitant?). They both look delicious and will revisit when I have corrected the deficiency in my garden.

  35. I made the passionfruit cheesecake today with homegrown passionfruit and the first lemon off our tree. Thanks for the inspiration Rhonda.

  36. I am crazy about homemade marshmallows right now and came across this website that has passionfruit mallows. http://www.myfoodobsession.com/?p=1381
    I have not tried them as passionfruit is not common in Saskatchewan Canada.


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