15 April 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. If you are wondering why no one has commented on your On my mind post, maybe it's because you haven't commented on anyone else's. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

That little room at the back is a walk in pantry.

I'm thinking about sitting in front of this stove in Tricia's cottage, knitting, as well as all the things I have to do before we leave tomorrow.  All you homemakers will know what I'm talking about - change the sheets on the bed, take the pot plants outside to the bush house etc. Hanno is staying here with Alice and the chooks, but there are certain things men "forget", so I'll take care of them before I go.  Later today, the three of us will celebrate my birthday with lunch at a restaurant in the hills overlooking the coast.  We're all looking forward to that. Then, when we come home, I'll pack my bag.

Thank you for the birthday wishes. It is wonderful to have greetings come from all over the world. It makes me feel very special. 



  1. Oh Rhonda, it makes you feel special because you are special....I have been sitting here refreshing your blog waiting for you to put your new post up...and here it is....so let me say this....Happy Birthday you special gal....Hope you have a lovely time today at the restaurant and when you get back, don't work too hard. enjoy your time away too. Sure hope I'm first to wish you a happy birthday on your birthday...lol. much hugs my friend.

  2. Have a great trip! I have birds on my mind. It is spring here and they are nesting!


  3. Happy Birthday! It is 8.15pm Thursday here, but I know it is already Friday for you! You sound like you have a lovely day planned, so I hope you can all enjoy it together.

  4. Off course you simply áre special =) Another happy birthday to you!

    Today I felt special as well, because of all the postcards I received. I love them! http://jantineschimmel.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-my-mind-postcards.html

  5. That kitchen is amazing. That yellow wall is so happy. We are soon enough to be house hunting and I am really crossing my fingers for certain features...like a large pantry. Its seems so many houses (at least in the US) don't have that feature anymore.

    Sewing with my mother is on my mind: http://bld-in-mt.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-my-mind.html

    Happy Friday to you! Safe and happy journeys!

  6. Tickled for you to be so close to leaving for your latest adventure, Rhonda. Have enough fun for me too, please!

    On my mind: Spring flowers and Spring cleaning for my soles


  7. Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy yourself.

  8. Rhonda, Happiest Of Birthday wishes to YOU...enjoy your adventures...
    This I On MY Mind: children

  9. Glad you do feel special, because you are. It takes a special sort of someone to lead (not by intent but by gentle encouragement) us to a place where we can make our own understanding of a simpler life. we learn a lot from you. Have a beautiful time.
    Rachel uk

  10. You are very special,Rhonda! I hope you time spent with your sister will be just as special. ~Colleen~

  11. Happy Birthday, Rhonda!!! Hope you'll have a wonderful time with your sister.
    Greetings from Germany, Bettina

  12. A very happy birthday to you Rhonda, Enjoy the Blue Mountains. Its one of my favourite spots!

    On my mind. Help!!!! What are these alien creatures in my basement.


  13. Happy Birthday Rhonda!!

    Homebrewing and children; its never to early to start, is on my mind today (don't worry, only ginger beer!!)


  14. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!! Meegan

  15. Happy Birthday Rhonda, Have a wonderful day, enjoy your lunch,hope the weather is sunny and clear so you can see the sea beyond the hills, and have a wonderful time in the blue mountains. I am envious of that fire you will get to sit and knit and chat beside. Sounds like heaven! I still read every day and though I am not much of a commenter, you still guide my way, Love Julia in Mackay (though we have just moved a bit further north!)

  16. There is baking on my mind http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/04/this-is-friday-photo-feature-that.html
    Happy Birthday Rhonda, Tricia's kitchen looks delightful. I'm excited for you staying there.

  17. Ha Nelly! You were first.

    Julia, I still think of you and wonder how you're going. Take care, dear.

    Thank you all for the birthday thoughts.

  18. Happy Birthday Rhonda! xoxoxo

  19. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great trip.
    I have laundry on my mind today...

  20. Happy Birthday Rhonda, hope you enjoy your lunch and your time with Tricia. :-)

  21. Re-focussing on my commitment to motherhood is what's been on my mind this week. A stay at home mum for what reason? To get washing up done? No!

  22. Woohoo -- lunch out, a beautiful trip in the autumnal countryside and then sitting and knitting in front of that fire and chatting. It doesn't get any better than that.

    I'm thinking about autumn again.


  23. Dear Rhonda

    Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday! Enjoy your time away and rest up so you can enjoy the coming year.

    Cheers - Joolz

  24. Happy birthday! Birthdays are very special - I hope you have a most delightful day!

    I have lots of things on my mind today - including a road trip just like you!

  25. Rhonda: Hope you had a great birthday.
    On My Mind A Simple House.


  26. happy birthday rhonda, I hope you enjoy your trip to the mountains

  27. Happy Birthday Rhonda. I hope you have a wonderful day and also a lovely time with your sister.
    Birthdays are always special and I hope yours is everything you hoped it would be and more.
    Thank you for your blog and here's to the next 365 days!!!

  28. HUGE Birthday wishes to you, Rhonda!! Enjoy your special lunch and savour those moments in front of the fire while you are away. It all sounds blissfully relaxing. Happy Birthday! :)


  29. Happy Birthday Rhonda :D! Have a lovely day. Missed 'On my minds' for a couple of weeks so I'm off to do some visiting as I can find some great ideas out in blogland!

  30. Have a great birthday Rhonda and enjoy your break away with your sister! On my mind today is breakfast and in particular the ones we had in New York.

  31. Happy birthday Rhonda. Hope you have a very enjoyable and blessed day :-)

    This is on my mind - vetkoek! http://livinglifenowinkiwiland.blogspot.com/2011/04/this-is-on-my-mind.html

  32. Happy Birthday Rhonda - hope that you have a terrific day, a great holiday and an exicting and fulfiliing year ahead! God Bless you richly, Regards Kathy from Tassie xx

  33. Happy Birthday Rhonda. I'm sure you'll have a splendid day and holiday away with Tricia. Put those feet up and sit back and relax.

    Love Regan

  34. Many happy returns Rhonda! I hope you enjoy your holiday.

    It's the first day of school holidays here and been thinking of how resourceful my kids are and how nicely they are playing together. Wonder how long it will last?


  35. In my eyes you are very special. In my house it is called the week of the birthdays coming up. 21st dear husband, 23rd my mums, 24th youngest daughter, 25th dear grandson 26th nephew.

  36. Best Wishes for your Birthday Rhonda, enjoy this beautiful time of year in the mountains.

  37. Happy, happy birthday.
    I love that photo of the wood stove. It reminds me of childhood Easter holidays.
    I have been thinking about your dishcloth swap and today have some time, and cotton, to get started.
    Wishing you a great day and a safe trip. ; )

  38. Happy Birthday Rhonda!!! I hope you enjoy your trip down to the mountains...we've recently put our flannies and extra doona on..it's getting cold down here...brrrr :) :)

  39. Happy birthday dear Rhonda, all the way from Holland !
    I hope you will have a nice day with your husband and wish you lots of fun with your sis on your trip !


  40. Happy birthday, have a wonderful dinner, I so love that stove and walk in pantry, just beautiful xx brenda

  41. May you time away be blessed, as well as the new year you enter in your journey... Your life is a marvelous blessing to so many of us, so be safe, peaceful and have an enjoyable time with family on your special day

  42. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHONDA! Glad you've been able to celebrate it with both your husband and your dear sister. I'm sure you are having a grand time at her little cottage.

    On my mind is how in Nature tremendous beauty comes at a price.... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-my-mind-weekly-feature.html

  43. I adore the Blue Mountains at this time of year. Crisp, cold, sunny. Perfect for writing with a hot chocolate on hand! Happy birthday, you're an inspiration Rhonda Jean. I hope you have a terrific trip and the drive (a long one!) is uneventful. Blessings to you.

  44. Happy Birthday Rhonda!
    It is my Mother's birthday today too. She is 73, so exactly 10 years older than you.!! :) :)
    She lives in the Blue Mountains, like your sister.
    Hope you have a wonderful time with your sister.
    Love your blog!
    Kathy, Sydney NSW.

  45. Oh Rhonda, you are indeed special!! Again, Happy Birthday you special lady you!!
    Many hugs

  46. Happy Birthday Rhonda!

    On my mind: Baby fever.


  47. Happy Birthday from Wisconsin USA! I hope the next year of your life is filled with joy and love.

  48. Happy, Happy Birthday Rhonda!! I hope your day is just as special as you make *e*v*e*r*y* day for your readers.

    I will be thinking of you as I celebrate my birthday today, too. Your birthday and mine are what's on my mind today.

    Best wishes to Hanno and Tricia as you celebrate.


    Diane in North Carolina

  49. Have a fun trip!
    On my mind is humane ways to get rid of ...RATS!http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/04/thursdays-tip-from-green-housewife_15.html

  50. Is it too late to join in?


    This week got crazy, and time got away from me.


  51. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! I agree, it just gets better, doesn't it? I hope you have a wonderful trip.

  52. You are very special! Have a wonderful time.


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