26 April 2011

Dish Cloth Swap

Hello all. It so wonderful to see the beautiful photos Rhonda is posting and great to know what fun she is having with her sister. The sign up for the dish cloth swap is now closed (it is Monday evening in the USA). I am busy trying to make my buddy lists and will spend a few days doing that. I will then be posting the list here on the blog so keep checking in. I am amazed at what a wonderful blog family we have here. I usually ask for swap angels in case we have a problem or two , but this time I had people e mailing me saying they were making extras without my asking. I will be posting their names with the buddy list. I am so very lucky to be a part of this blog family.


  1. Hello :-)

    I know I have only just started reading and getting involved with Down To Earth through the Dish Cloth Swap, but this information and support is huge for me, as I am learning how to slowly change our lifestyle into one of simple and fulfilling living.

    I am also benefitting from the caring and peaceful advice I read here that I treasure - I am 27 with three children 7 and under, and I am only now coming to a place in my life where I am inspired to become a homemaker (as opposed to a home-slave where I feel like I am merely a house cleaner, and am doing my work with a spirit of frustration instead of joy and gratefulness). I have been looking and researching about creating a more simple life for us - I know it is what my family and I needs.

    This site is one of my favourites, and from it, I am learning the babysteps I can take to move towards our healthy goal.

    Thank you for all the work and love that everyone puts into it, I am excited about this Dish Cloth Swap, and I hope to become a 'regular' around here :-D

    Warmest blessings,

  2. Hello Angela, it's good to have you here with us. It looks like a whole new world is opening up for you; enjoy the ride.

  3. Hi Angela,
    I sure know how you feel. Im 29 and have 3 under 3.6. I echoe your sentiments. There are days when just putting healthy home cooked food onto the table and managing to get the kids out into the fresh air are all I can manage. This website has done the same for me. It has set an example that I am trying bit by bit to follow.

    I would love to have enough time to handmake my childrens clothes and make my own soap etc, but slowly, slowly I will get there.

    Last month I made up a big batch of preserved lemons, yesterday we picked pine mushrooms to go with our dinner, the next 2 weeks will be the dishcloth swap, it will be a challenge for me to get it done but im looking forward finishing it! Warm regards, Julia

  4. Hats off to the two women who've posted (Angela & Julia) who are pursuing simple living/homemaking lifestyles in their 20's. Of course, I had to smile when I read "I am 27....and only now coming to a place in my life..." as I remember being just married at 27 and I'm sure I didn't have half a clue as to what homemaking/simple living was all about. In my 50's, I think I'm just beginning to "get it"...and have a long way to go to change entrenched mindsets and behaviour. So, well done, Rhonda, in inspiring women of younger ages & stages in life. The next generations will be that much more equipped.

  5. I'm in a similar place....32, married recently(ish) and expecting our first baby this Fall....I want to become more self-sufficient, creative and frugal and feel the contentment that comes from that. This blog has been a great inspiration for me. Thank you!

    - Heather in California, U.S.

  6. Dear Angela, Julia and Heather, thank you for your comments, like Becca, I take my hat off to you. I would imagine many of your friends don't have a clue what you're doing. You're changing your lives for the better and it will improve even more as you go through your lives. I believe it is my duty as an older woman to model behaviour and to show how we live in the hope it might inspire others.

    I'm going home tomorrow so I'll be seeing you all again in posts very soon.

  7. I have my dishcloths ready looking forward to receiving my swap buddy, such a fun idea, sunshine smiles to all

  8. Hi Angela,

    I have extras too if you get stuck.

    Jude :)

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    I'm not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, very good

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