7 March 2011

Sunday with the family

We set off early, with light rain falling, for the two hour drive south to the Gold Coast.  Our plan was to have a quick breakfast when we got hungry and to pick up a couple of things for the babies at Ikea, which we would pass on the way.  So with my basket packed with a lemon meringue pie for dessert at lunch time, something to read on the way and Hanno driving, I was set.

We got to Ikea at 8.20am and when the doors opened to the restaurant, we went in and had their $2.95 hot breakfast and tea and coffee.  I can't say I enjoyed it. It tasted like a cheap breakfast, which wasn't such a big surprise. I made a note to myself that if we did this again, to bring sandwiches and a thermos of hot tea.

Sarndra is due in mid July and Sunny in a couple of weeks.

We had a lovely time together.  We met at Shane and Sarndra's flat; I hadn't been there before (Hanno helped them move in) so  Sarndra gave me a quick tour of the place.  It's just the right size for them, it's on the ground floor with a little garden outside and close to the beach and shops.  The all important nursery is sunny, with two windows, and a comfy chair for a breastfeeding mum.  Hanno helped Shane put up the cot we bought them and we all stood back admiring the scene, imagining what it would look like in July.  My sister Tricia, asked me to buy some cot bedding for both sets of parents, so I bought cot sheets and little quilts from Ikea.  The cots will look really cute when they're made up.

Sunny and Kerry arrived shortly after so we all sat around talking while Shane and Sarndra prepared a delicious lunch of roast chicken, mashed potatoes, chilli and garlic cauliflower and peas. We had the lemon pie afterwards. Sunny told us about her mum coming over from Korea for the birth, and how the last doctor's appointment went.  I have to say both mothers-to-be look so healthy, as you can see in the photo above.  They're feeling fine and optimistic and looking forward to having their babies here with us.  It's a wonderful time for our family and I can't imagine two finer girls to have as daughters-in-law.  I know they'll both be caring, gentle and wise mothers.  As a family, we are very fortunate to have such a fine younger generation coming through. I know they all still think of themselves as crazy kids, but I see mature qualities in all of them that are evolving now into something significant and long-lasting, just in time for their new roles as parents.



  1. What a great day Grandma in waiting. I have had Ikea breakfast you are right; bring your own.
    Thanks for sharing your day. B

  2. You sound like a great mother-in-law! Publicly praising your daughters-in-law - that is just awesome.

  3. Lovely post Rhonda, I wish both your daughters-in-law safe and happy births.

    The pictures wouldnt load for me though?

  4. Sounds like you had a good time Rhonda. I agree, those IKEA breakfasts you only try once!
    Sadly, I can't see either picture in either of my two browsers, but it may just be me.
    Wishing Sunny the very best for her delivery, and nice to know her mum will be there for it too. The preparations in anticipation for little ones is such an exciting time.
    Also, I really like your new banner at the top. Take care and have a lovely day.

  5. Glad you had some family time and that it pleases you so much. No pictures here either. Maa

  6. Good morning Rhonda, I am so glad you had a lovely weekend with your family. it won't be long now, how exciting your first grandbabies.

  7. Sorry everyone, I resized the photos in a different package. I hope they're working now.

  8. Oh Rhonda, I may have rubbed shoulders with you at IKEA, I was there buying the animal farm for my grandson! They do have some great toys and warm quilts. What lovely daughters-in-law you have. It must give you and Hanno such peace to know that your boys are living the good life, that the girls' are healthy, everything's on track with the nurseries, the family is all connected and on the journey together, that's what it's all about. I think this is going to one of your best years!

  9. What absolutely beautiful young women!! It is such an exciting time for everyone. Two new little lives. Life doesn't get much better than that. Lots of best wishes. xoxo

  10. Hi Vicki! I looked at the animal farm. It's lovely and so soft. We left at 10.30am, were you there then?

  11. How exciting for everyone, and what wonderful timing to have two babies so close together. I am very close to my cousin, and we both had babies within 6 weeks of each other. It's so lovely to watch our little girls have the same sort of closeness.

  12. It looks like you had a wonderful time. The ladies look radiant !!!
    I'm sorry to hear the breakfast at IKEA wasn't that good. Next time homemade sandwiches, that is a better idea. Your bread looks great and I bet it tastes much better too ; )
    Have a great day.
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  13. What lovely Mommy's to be. I'm sure you do cherish them. So glad your visit went well. We've gotten to where food out isn't so GREAT anymore. We can cook at home for a LOT less and have something actually edible.

  14. Sarndra and Sunny look so well and happy.

    I had no idea that Ikea sold breakfast.

  15. I can spend so much time at IKEA when I go, they have some really good things in there.
    It is really a very exciting time for your family. I'm not sure it is safe for me to look at pictures of pregnant women and babies...I'd love to have another one :)

  16. A beautiful photo of your daughter-in-laws, they look so radiant. Best wishes to your family, what an exciting time ahead for all of you.

  17. they both look so happy!!!! How wonderful for the whole family.

  18. It is a very exciting time for all involved and I know the feeling as I am waiting patiently for my Granddaughter to be born......* days to go to due date.
    Can't wait!

  19. What a lovely weekend you had. Alovely family time!:-)

  20. Such an exciting year for you all Rhonda. When you eat so well at home, it's disappointing when you go out isn't it?

  21. Both your DIL look lovely and have the "glow" about them. How exciting for them and for you as a first-time grandma! I love hearing how you are looking forward to these babies and wish my mom had been so enthusiastic.

  22. Thanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful daughters-in-law. They both look very content as they await the miracles that will happen soon. Please continue to share more as the time nears for both your grandsons to be born.

    What a special time for your whole family. I can hardly wait to hear the news that a new little one is here at last.

    Love to you, Hanno, and the rest of your family,

    Diane in North Carolina

  23. Rhonda,
    What a pleasant day and congratulations on your upcoming grandma hood!
    Your grandbabies will be just about as far apart as my most recent two.
    Ava is just shy of 6 months and Lola is just one month old.
    YOu will absolutely love being a grandma and the babies will love having you as theirs.
    God bless,

  24. Fantastic about your coming grandchildren! How exciting!
    I love Ikea...but I don't eat their food! :)

  25. Glad you had a lovely day with your family. We made the same mistake with Ikea food (for lunch) last time we drove down to Brisbane - next time we will eat in Chinatown:)

  26. A new grandchildern oh what blessing.

    Coffee is on.

  27. What a lovely sounding day you had. And such glowing daughters-in-law. It will be wonderful to see and hear about these little ones as they grow. I love your latest header. Or is it banner, I can never get that straight :o)

  28. Hello Rhonda and Hanno,

    How lovely for you all. To be grandparents will be such fun for you two. I can see it starting to move your blog in yet another wonderful direction. There is something for everyone who visits "Down to Earth". I must say I have a little twinge of envy but I am so happy for you and your family. Can't wait to see the first picture of the new babies.

    Blessings Gail

  29. What a great photo of the two mums at this stage of their lives. It is such a coincidence that your sons are doing these things at the same time! I wish them all the best.

  30. Hi Rhonda,
    The girls look absolutely beautiful both radiant mothers to be. How exciting for you all. A new journey begins

  31. Oh, they are both so beautiful; absolutely glowing mamas-to-be.
    And I reckon they couldn't have asked for a finer mother-in-law either. (Especially one who will brave an Ikea breakfast!! That's impressive Rhonda!)


  32. Those two moms to be are so beautiful! It is true, pregnant women GLOW!
    What a nice day for you and Hanno. (Except for the breakfast, we still live and learn don't we?)
    I'm so excited for your family. It's going to be such fun.

  33. Thanks for the photos of the mums-to-be (love those bellies!) What an exciting time. Good luck to all of you.

  34. Your daughter-in-laws are both lovely. What a joyful time for your family! Lucky cousins to be so close in age, too. It'll be great fun for them.

    Funny, I'm using the same knitting book as you-Knitting Without Tears by EZ. I just finished the watch cap; it came out so big I had to felt it! Guess I'm a loose knitter.

  35. "but, but, but...

    no picture of the pie?" she asks in a small, timid voice. "I like pregnant mommies but I like pie, too."

  36. What lovely sounding and looking daughter in laws! It is so nice to hear a mother in law speak well of her d-i-l. As someone who in 22 years has never been accepted by her m-i-l (due to me being Australian and daring to marry her Italian son) - it is really touching to hear your words.

  37. I agree--you sound like a great, loving and accepting mother-in-law! Those girls are lucky to have you just as you are lucky to have them. :) Good luck to them both--that is so exciting!

  38. Sunny will enjoy having her mum around when her little boy is born. Do you know if she will follow Korean postnatal traditions?

    My mum flew in from Malaysia and helped me with Chinese 'confinement' tradition after all my 3 children were born. For a month or so, the new mum would be urged to rest, eat a special nourishing confinement diet, and stay warm/keep out of catching a cold! When I had my 2nd and 3rd, Mum looked after the older children too in addition to the confinement traditions.

  39. Rebecca, I'm not sure if Sunny will follow a similar thing, we've not talked about it, but her mum is staying for a month, so maybe. I hope they do, it sounds like a fine tradition.

  40. Rhonda, just wanted to say that you've got two beautiful daughters in law. They DO look so healthy and happy to be becoming Mommies! Congratulations to you all. I'll bet you're as wonderful a mother in law as they are daughters in law!


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