25 March 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. If you are wondering why no one has commented on your On my mind post, maybe it's because you haven't commented on anyone else's. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

The yarn is plant dyed, organic and fair trade cotton from Peru.  It is, without doubt, the softest cotton I've ever used and just perfect for our first grandson, who is due to arrive this weekend.  I got it from Eco Yarns and will have more information about it next week.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Thank you for visiting me this week.


  1. Rhonda that looks like nice baby wool. I wish I could feel the softness. I love the colour. Congratulations on the Grandchildren.

    On My Mind this week is A Simple Gift.


  2. that green is a beautiful color! I love it. have a wonderful weekend.

  3. I love organic yarns; this cotton sounds wonderful.

    On my mind is pollen and a straw hat...

  4. Hi Rhonda, congratulations again on your new grand-babies. The yarns look beautiful; can't wait to see what you create.

    Here is what's on my mind this weekend:


    Have a wonderful weekend all.


  5. Big hugs and best wishes for the safe arrival of that much awaited little baby boy!

    Thinking of you Nanna to be!

  6. I love your blog. So many great ideas and information. The yarn is beautiful and looks like it will make a soft blankie for the new baby. I've posted something that's "On My Mind" at http://watchingovertheheartandhome.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-my-mind-friday.html
    I'm new to the blogging world so I hope I've done this right! Thanks for all you do.

  7. On my mind today is using up stale bread

  8. Bet the yarn is lovely to knit when it is so soft. I really like the colours you purchased. The green is wonderful.

    My mind is on my teenage daughter today. Catch it at. http://heritagefarmgirl.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-my-mind-on-being-teenager.html


  9. The colours alone are just so lovely ...wonder what you are making hoep you show us eventually...thank you for all you do Rhonda,you do make blogging a joy. Carole

  10. You must be jumping to attention every time the phone rings!!
    Hope everything goes well and you're cuddling that little boy very soon.

  11. Best wishes for a very wonderful weekend! Maybe come Monday you will have a new little grandson!

  12. Beautiful Yarn love the colors! Waiting...to welcome your new grandson!!! :)
    This is What is "On My Mind"
    an addition to my
    Memory Collection

  13. The colours are great indeed!
    I've got nothing on my mind this week - that is, I have already blogged today, and its too dark now to take any good pictures (I noticed last week). Perhaps I can make a nice blog tomorrow, when it's really Friday ;)

  14. This is irrelevant to today's post, but I think it every time I visit and thought I should finally mention it. :)

    I much prefer the photo you have now to the one you had before. The current one is much more how I imagine you, and you look much more like the kind of person I would be comfortable with. I always thought you looked a little severe and intimidating in the old one! Yes, I'm easily intimidated, but still. :) Just thought you'd like to know.

  15. soo excited for you the big event is so very close! And hoping an easy way of it for baby and mommy!


  16. It's beautiful, new bub will love it!
    I have something way less exciting on my mind...saucing! and figs :)

  17. So, so beautiful. You have an awesome eye. And I bet your camera is lots better than the cigar box with a pinhole in it that I have !

  18. you know there are many beautiful australian yarns out there suitable for babies as well!
    this company is so great- australian owned, supporting australian farmers (and their prices are really good too)...they have a large selection of different fibres...
    i have bought from them many, many times and i've always been happy with the service and the quality!



  19. Beautiful colours indeed Rhonda!

    Today on my mind is a a bath for our sweet Angel!


  20. And counting. I know you'll have a very very memorable weekend.

    Blessings Gail

  21. Hi Amy. I have used Bendigo's cotton and wool. It's lovely stuff, but this cotton is organic and softer and much better for my purpose.

  22. Good morning, I'm off out the door,in a hurry this cold overcast damp day. I'd prefer my knitting indoors today too. Looking forward to this new grand son?
    Have a happy one all. Maa

  23. Tree identification is on my mind. This tree looks almost tropical...

  24. The wool looks so beautiful. I can imagine it is a complete joy to work with. The colour is gorgeous.

    Taking it a little easy today.

  25. Oh Rhonda that looks like the softest yarn, it will be perfect for Poppet. Enjoy the knitting.

    I am thinking about hand operations.


  26. Now I want some really soft yarn to knit with. Maybe when I get some I'll knit a throw-seems like we never have enough throws for everyone.

  27. Such gorgeously soft wool. And lovely colours. I have to give you credit for being part of what inspired me to learn to knit. There is nothing more enjoyable that knitting up little baby items :)

  28. Hi Rhonda, that wool looks s nice, it makes me wish I could knit! Every year when I see all the new balls of wool available I say the same thing. I know everyone says it's easy, and hopefully one day I too will be able to enjoy it. I look forward to seeing the finished items. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your Friday, this is on my mind...

  29. Hi Rhonda,
    That will be the perfect weight of yarn for your Queensland winters. Hope everything goes well with the births of your grandchildren. I know you will love being a grandmother!

    On my mind this Friday is Autumn gardening....just wish I had time for some!

  30. here's what's on my mind-
    Books, fabric and recycling


  31. Found your blog through a mutual blogger. You have some great stuff on here!

  32. Lovely looking yarn Rhonda! Even though we 're travelling at the moment, I've 2 knitting projects on the go...one for the car (a scarf) and one for the motel rooms, a throw. On my mind today is the knife that DH and I purchased...lol

  33. Congrats on your family's newest additions!

    Today, bale-ing out is on my mind....

  34. Of course how the yarn Feels is so important for our wee ones!

    Today I'm thinking about how to use my thrift store find...

  35. Wow, end of the week again!


    Not had time to do much knitting or sewing for the baby, I have to get my classes in order. Plus, baby is due mid-May, which means he will want not all that much on him... it will be hot!

  36. Congratulations on the anticipated new arrival. Lovely soft lil boy colors!

    Here's what's On My Mind this week: History


  37. Lovely colors! What anticipation you must be feeling!! I wish all of you a wonderful weekend! Darlene

  38. Your picture of the yarn on the chair reminded me of something that I used to do over 45 years ago and have not thought of it for years. My mother was from Germany and came to America with her husband, my father and their 3 small sons under 5 for a better life in America in the 1950's. She would knit and crochet all the time. When I was young I would put the yarn over my wrists so she could wrap it into a ball. I am so mad at myself for not learning all of her talents of knitting and crocheting before she died over 35 years ago. The moral of the story is to young folks is appreciate and learn from your older friends and parents, because you never know when they will be gone. I have regretted not learning from her for many years.
    Sign me as,
    Kathy the one who should have learned from her mother.
    Springfield, IL Land Of Abraham Lincoln

  39. Love the yarn Rhonda. I'm so glad you are going to post details about it soon as it is lovely and I am very tempted...vbg.

    On my mind this week are potatoes. The first of our potatoes were harvested and eaten last night. Yum.


  40. How funny, I'm thinking about yarn too! Your cotton looks absolutely sublime :)


  41. Hi all
    Beautiful wool. Its been a long time since I knitted anything. Maybe I need to slow down a bit unlike today
    On my mind. Whole orange poppy seed cake and tonns of other stuff


  42. After seing the news last night this is what is on my mind, Possession Obsession


  43. Knitting is also on my mind...we are sending off our blanket squares for blankets for aids orphans today.


  44. Beautiful colours Rhonda.
    At the moment I ma crocheting up all my scrap wool for a granny square blanket and then when the acrilic has gone I will indulge in beatifully soft yummy yarns and make someting for me.
    Nearly finished my first pair of gloves so proud of myself next will be socks and a hat.
    love the possibility of it all.
    congrats on the grand children such a privalage to be a grandparent I think
    happy weekend to all
    Rachel UK

  45. Love the colours Rhonda

    On my mind this Friday

  46. I'm so excited for you Rhonda! You must be overflowing with excitement every time the phone rings! Based on everything I've read, it sounds like that little boy is going to be born into a wonderful family.

  47. The cotton looks wonderful, and the colours are so refreshing. How I wish I could knit!

    I've read a number of "On My Mind" posts today and decided I'd take part for the first time myself. My post is A Change in the Seasons, and can be found at http://sorcha-sidhe.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-my-mind-change-in-seasons.html.


  48. Ohh that yarn looks lovely. I wish I knew how to knit socks, and I'd use lovely yarn like that!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Rhonda!


  49. That wool looks beautiful. Good luck with the new arrival this weekend - very exciting.

    Today, water is on my mind.


  50. Thinking of you Rhonda anxiously awaiting THAT phone call - I have 3 precious g'children and remember that feeling of being on tenterhooks, waiting for the phone to ring ! Blessings to the parents to be that all will go beautifully well and soon you'll be holding your beautiful grandson.

  51. Just wanted to stop by and let you know you and your family are in my thoughts today. I don't remember ever posting here before ( I lurk, lol), but have been so excited about the arrival of your little grandchild :)

  52. On My Mind this week is Contentment


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