18 March 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. If you are wondering why no one has commented on your On my mind post, maybe it's because you haven't commented on anyone else's. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

This book is on my mind.  It might look like an ordinary book but this book, my friends, is the dummy Down to Earth book.  It was sent to me by my editor, Jo, a couple of days ago.  It shows me the size, paper, board cover etc. I loved having it in my hands; suddenly it made the whole thing real.  The paper is certified as meeting the PREPS 3 standard (PREPS - Publishers Database for Responsible Environmental Paper Sourcing).  That blue colour will change.  The design elements and colours will be chosen later.  :- )

I want to clarify something after a couple of the comments: the book is completely blank.  It's to give me an idea of size, paper and board stocks.



  1. Wow, Rhonda, you must be feeling right proud at the moment, what a huge achievement.....knowing your blog, this book will be of great value to many people..I am now thinking of you as the new Mrs Beaton....hats off to you my dear!!!! Well done my friend

  2. Oh Rhonda, how exciting! I'm so pleased for you!

  3. Wow, congrats Rhonda, on the book. Doesn't it feel good to hold a tangible copy in your hands? :) :) That's so exciting. I'll be praying every step of the way for you on this book. What a blessing and I'm so excited for you :) :) Oh, I love the blogger header. It's really beautiful, especially that small oval linen with teh beautiful florals and the lacey edging :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  4. I don't recall you mentioning--sorry if you have, and I just missed it--will your book be available in the US or will it be in Australia only?

  5. That is so exciting! What a beautiful moment that must have been when you opened the package.

    Excited for the day I get to purchase a copy. :)

    Blessings on your day!

  6. What a great idea! I have made a post about a book I'm reading a lot today.


  7. Rhonda, where will your book be for sale. I sure would like a copy when its published.

  8. Wow. How exciting. I can't wait to read your book. Really!

    Today my mind is on Maple Syrup


  9. I'm not sure about the sale of the book yet. So far we have Australian publication but my agent is working on sales in the US and UK.

  10. That must feel so good!

    On my mind is keeping birds from destroying our garden http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/03/question-from-green-housewife-how-do.html

  11. If your book isn't available in South Africa where I live, we have friends in Oz and lots of family & friends in the US or UK -- I'm sure we could wire them money to purchase it as well as enough to cover shipping costs here! One way or another, I'm sure copies will get around the world to all who want a copy or more.

  12. Ohhh congrats Rhonda!
    I'm thinking a lot about the garden my photo features a birdie : )

  13. I think one of your "stitchings" would be a great cover :o)Dee

  14. How exciting! Congratulations Rhonda! I think all your readers (me included) are so happy for you. But again, it's all your hard work and dedication to teaching us a simpler, kinder way of living. Thank you and well deserved.


  15. You threw me for a loop for a second because it's still Thursday here in the US.

    Congratulations on your labor of love. It must be wonderful to see the tangible fruits of your work!

  16. Dee, one of my stitcheries will probably be part of the design in the book.

  17. Congrats on your new book, Rhonda! How exciting! Can't wait to get a hold of a copy for my bookshelf. :)


  18. Congratulations Rhonda well deserved you made it happen we all look forward to reading it.
    On my mind maple syrup. www.ravenhush.blogspot.com

  19. Well done Rhonda! How exciting it must be to hold your book in your hands. I look forward to it's release.
    I have excess produce on my mind today - green tomatoes and zucchini.


  20. How exciting Rhonda to see your book nearing completion. Each step is bringing you closer to the finished product. New beginnings are on my mind - fruit trees to be exact and an avocodo seedling I have grown.


  21. How wonderful for you, to hold it in your hands and see the words in print..even if it is a first copy test run....

  22. Wow - What a wonderful achievement! Hope the next few months go smoothly and we can all get a copy soon!! Meegan

  23. Oh Rhonda, how exciting! ( I love the blue!) What did it feel like the first time you help it n your hands - you should be very proud.

    I have something on my mind today...it arrived in the post and I am resisting, resisting, resisting!!


  24. Exciting times, to feel it in your hands after so much time. I can't wait!

    Cheers - Joolz

  25. OH MY GOODNESS! The excitement is building now - the book is PERFECT Tote bag size!

    FLOWERS are on my mind...

  26. Hi Rhonda,
    Natural Remedies books are on my mind today!
    I'm so excited for you about your book!
    Lusi x

  27. Congratulations Rhonda, you should be very proud, and extremely excited! Will definitely be getting a copy once it's off the press!

    Oh My Mind this week

  28. Wonderful!

    So exciting. I can't wait to read it!


  29. We're both enjoying trial runs of things at the moment!
    Just curiosity here but can you keep this blank book version? I was just thinking with a paper or fabric handmade cover it would be a lovely journal.
    Today I have sewing and finishes on my mind.

  30. Robyn, this is the one and only. I have to send it back on Monday. :- )

  31. Good morning Rhonda, I never imagined the book as being hard back, how very nice that it will be. And it's so good that the paper is being responsibly sourced.

    I'm thinking about knitting in a different way.http://greeningtherose.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-my-mind_18.html

  32. Hi Rhonda,
    Very exciting times for you and Hanno right now. Congratulations!
    We also have some exciting things happening. Some of our children will be dancing in Europe in July. It is doubly exciting as 5 of our children have special needs. Such a great experience for them!

  33. I must be so exciting for you. Congrats.
    Food is on my mind, again. Mangoes this time.

  34. It must be like holding your child for the first time. I hope that we will be able to buy your book in the states, on amazon perhaps?
    It is almost dinnertime on Thursday here in Michigan. So happy St.Patrick's day.

  35. On my mind is flood insurance are we really covered?

  36. How exciting for you Rhonda. It must give a tangible feel to your completion of the project. Congratulations.

    Homegrown watermelon is on my mind


  37. Well even if it is has no words yet, it still must be wonderful holding this heavy, tangible object and thinking about all what you will put into it! What a wonderful achievement! Here's my "on my mind" for the week ... http://blockaday.com/on-my-mind/

  38. Aha, it's required for reference. The book will be a nice size and I always prefer hardcovers as there's more years in them. Next year still seems so far away!

  39. I might go find it to pre-order on amazon... perhaps its there?

    On my mind... food binders!

  40. Man i'd love to be in your shoes! (Perhaps actually writing a book may speed that along) :-)

  41. It must be lovely to see it all coming together Rhonda. Well done. Am eagerly awaiting for your post that says "on sale now"...

    On my mind today,

  42. I love reading everyone's On My Mind posts....today I decided to have a go myself!

    On my mind today is how I saved a little piece of history....


  43. Congratulations Rhonda! It's been a long time coming and I can't wait to get a copy.

    Here's what's on my mind, at the moment. It changes so quickly with a 4 year old boy to entertain.


  44. oh, how funny that it's blank; I wasn't expecting that! From what I can see it looks like the PERFECT size for me to sit on the couch and prop on a pillow on my lap to flip through over and over! Looking forward to that day.


  45. Sooo looking forward to buying your book.

    On my mind are snake photos. I'm sitting at home writing up my PhD wishing to be back in the field studying erosion. Then again I'm glad to not be out with the snakes and other biting friends.


  46. WOW Rhonda! Way to Go..I bet that was a good feeling! Betcha can't wait for the real thing! Good job!
    Here's what's ON MY MIND:


  47. Hello, Rhonda. Congratulations on the creation of your new book! I hope eventually it will be available here in Canada too. I enjoy reading your blog articles very much, and would love to have a copy of your great articles one day. Again, congratulations.

  48. Hi Rhonda Congratulations on the book how exciting, I'll be putting a request for our local library to purchase the book. On my mind Friday ! I nearly always have on my mind how to be greener and recycle,reduce and reuse stuff others through away. The other day I made a sweet little easter basket from using a 825g beetroot tin, some fabric scraps,lace & a glue gun to make it please check it out and maybe make some for your little girls for easter filled with chocolate eggs!http://simpleliving-sherrie.blogspot.com/2011/03/make-sweet-easter-basket.html

  49. OOhh, so close...yet still too far away. lol Looking forward to being able to get a copy.

    Sewing is what I am thinking about today.


  50. Ah Rhonda, it is all so exciting for you...all that hard work paying off and coming to fruition. On my mind today is the memories that photos can evoke in people...in particula, old sewing machines.

  51. Congratulation! I have been silently following your blog all this while!
    I wish i can get this book in where i live !

  52. Went into Waterstones in Plymouth devon england and asked if there was a chance I could put in a request for a copy as I know you can do that sometimes, only to be told that it may not be sold in this country and if it is possible to import it they can not always do so.:-( (consoled myself with cocolate over that one)
    I am like us all eager to have a copy. can you help me out by letting me know where and how it is to be marketed.
    keep going I know its going to be a great read
    one impatient custemer to be

  53. A labour of love paying off Rhonda.. empty it maybe but not for long.. on my mind...

  54. Rachel, my agent is going to England next week to try to sell it to a publisher there. If it's not sold there, it will either be sold on Amazon or here on the blog.

  55. How exciting Rhonda! I do hope that your book is published in UK. I`m sure it would sell very well.
    When publication happens, I shall make sure that the good, independent bookseller in our local market town knows about it!

  56. Oh. Rhonda I could hardly believe my eyes. I am appalled that you have chosen to post today. Friday March 18th is Bloggers Silence Day in respect of the tragedy in Japan.
    You chose to write of your money making project. So insensitive. You have just lost a reader.

  57. Looking forward to the book! will it also be issued as an e-book?

  58. Wow, the fun things you can do! Everything that people might do with your book! Prop it up by your recipes to see if it will fit! Place it on your bookshelf to see which titles are the same size. Put it on your bedside table with a pair of reading glasses on top, so you can see how inviting it might look. See if you can walk around with it balanced on your head!(only books of a certain size and weight pass the head test). Thumb through the pages to see if the paper slides easily. Walk around with it open and one-handed, to check if it is user-friendly for those who walk and read at the same time, (like me, don't ask me to chew gum too!). Congratulations, one more step on the way to having it completed. All your hard work is almost done, made tangible and ready to be shared and I thank you for it. I will be very excited to buy it and read, read, read.

  59. I've been visiting many blogs - ok ALL the blogs and everyone has such wonderful things on their minds! THANK YOU all for sharing!

  60. Happy Friday all! This is on my mind today:


    Claud :-)

  61. Forgive the possible lateness of my joining in...I was having technical difficulties, but I just enjoy playing along with you all that I just couldn't resist! Happy weekend to you all!

    My mind is hooting with joy for SPRING!


  62. I'm sure you're thrilled with the progress of your book but I was disappointed to find you're not taking part in the Bloggers Silence Day. This is to mark our feelings for the people of Japan.

  63. Wonderful!! I'm so excited for you! Really, I'm excited for all of us (your blog audience) to have so much of your knowledge and instruction in one book ! Please make sure it is available to the US too! Thanks, Elly Mae from WV, USA

  64. I should have said it earlier: Congrats on your accomplishment! I am sure having the book in your hands really makes the moment real! How wonderful for you...and all of your lucky readers!

  65. Fingers crossed for your book!

    Here's my post: http://marmota-b.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-my-mind-weird-weather-and-other.html

  66. If they dont bite your agents hand off to have the book here in blighty just ask you agent to relay the following(to use as a gentle and encouraging barganing tool)" if ya dont we will set the blogreaders on ya! lol
    thanks for that Rhonda fingers crossed xxxxx

  67. Anna and Jackie, until you wrote your comments here, I had not heard of bloggers silence day.

  68. Congratulations Rhonda - how exciting for you .. and everyone else, that your book is materializing, step by step.

    Today, potatoes are on my mind.


  69. On my Mind is the excitement spring brings as it approacheshttp://ifwallscouldtalk-kim.blogspot.com/

  70. How exciting about your book! Congratulations!

    Here's my entry: http://womanofthehouse-blog.blogspot.com/2011/03/on-my-mindcute-and-fuzzy-edition.html

  71. Rhonda, congratulations on the book--I know it will be well done!
    I have just noticed the tablecloth in your blog header, it's gorgeous. ~Deb

  72. I commend you, Rhonda, for posting the 2 comments re the Bloggers Silence Day and your honest response. As someone without a blog, I had never heard of it, nor seen of other blog writers writing re its' upcoming occurence on 18 March. No other person responding on your "On my mind..." post on 18 March mentioned its' existence and, in fact, went ahead and posted their comment and/or photo link to their blog, therefore posting on Bloggers Silence Day themselves! Is there a union of blog writers? A world-wide blog newsletter? (No, I hardly think so on both questions) How would blog writers (and readers) know re such things as Bloggers Silence Day? Maybe Anna & Jackie could shed some light on this, that is, if they're still reading!

  73. How exciting!!! I can't wait to purchase a copy of your book when it is finally published and I have a feeling it is going to be very well thumbed.

  74. Oh, how exciting, Rhonda! Something to show for all your hard work. I'm actually quite fond of that blue cover.

  75. I think it's funny that people are upset with you for not participating in Blogger's Silence Day, it's not as if posting or not posting makes a difference to any of the people there.

    Congratulations on getting the first stage mock up for your book!

    On my mind right now: deciding what to plant this year and wanting to learn carpentry. Our neighbour cut down an oak tree that was struck by lightning and I want to try and make a coffee table with the wood rather than buying a cheap, mass produced one.


  76. We have all been anticipating your book. I even was excited to see this blank book of your soon to be filled one. !! :) Boy,.. those publishing houses should ALL want be the one to to sell/distribute your book! If they only understood how much you are followed and we Want This Book! :) I am in America and one way or the other I sure hope to be able to purchase it! !! :-) Sarah

  77. I cannot wait until that book is out and I can hold it in my hands! :)
    Laura in AK


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