2 March 2011

It's good to be back.

Hello again!  I've been beavering away in my little office for a few months now, with the door closed from eight till five.  I have to work like that because I am so easily lured away by any flimsy excuse or thoughts of knitting and cricket. But it paid off, I met my deadline and had the manuscript in on time yesterday.  I feel a huge sense of relief and freedom.  I'm going to enjoy getting back to all my regular chores and having the time to do whatever I want each day.

The idea of being able to create a Down to Earth book really appealed to me and being able to do it all from my home was the icing on the (whole orange) cake.  I have no doubt there will be suggestions to rework and restructure bits of it, but I'm happy with that and I'll learn from my mistakes. There is still a lot of work ahead with editing and promoting the book, so I'm fortunate to still feel immense enthusiasm for the project.  I hope, like this blog, the book provides information about the practical day to day activities of a simple life and helps many people clarify and work through life changing decisions.  And of course, I want it to be a good read.  I have my fingers crossed on that one.

What else has been happening in our neck of the woods? Today I'm back working at the Neighbourhood Centre and really looking forward to being there again.  This Sunday, Hanno and I will drive down to the Gold Coast to have lunch with Shane, Sarndra, Kerry and Sunny.  Sunny's baby will be born very soon (in March) so I'm sure the lunch will be full of catching up and talking about the future.  Oh!  another update - both babies are boys.  : - )  Sarndra had a scan last week and was told she is having a boy (in July).  We're all very happy and looking forward to holding both babies and getting to know them.  I have to find some time now for more knitting.

Thank you for the love and support you've been sending me these past couple of weeks.  I've had emails from many of you saying hello and sending kind words.  Thank you also for voting for the blog in the Bloggies.  I am amazed and delighted that we've been able to build up such a strong and genuine community around the blog and forum. Even though we are far apart, the friendships formed are real and very special to me.  

The green bottle above is my latest batch of ginger beer.  I've been experimenting with glass bottles and it's worked well.  If the gas builds up too much in the drink, it pops the cork.


  1. Hi Rhonda, have been offline for a week or so and catching up,so thrilled you won your bllogger,I very rarelt vote for things but definately raced over to vote for you,so well deserved and your book will be a prized possession of us all!I for one wont have to go back looking for that little item you wrote way back trying to find it lol..how lovely for your family 2 little fellows on the way.delightful.Carole

  2. Hi Rhonda,

    nice to read everything is still okay with the two mums-to-be!

    Want to wish you all the best with the selling of your book. Hope it will be a great inspiration to many (young) people.

    Love from Holland!

  3. My goodness you are an early riser - so funny to think it is just past noon on Tuesday here in Texas. I just found your blog a couple weeks ago through "Like Mother, Like Daughter" and am catching up. Thank you so much for all your information and inspiration.

  4. Congratulations on finishing your book! Also on two grandsons! Delightful!

    I hope your evening is lovely!

  5. Hi Rhonda Jean,

    It's good to have you back and how wonderful that you can catch a breath now. Can't wait until your book is in print.

    I look forward to hearing about your visit with your sons and daughters-in-laws. Just think, this time next month, there'll probably be a new little fellow to enrich your lives! I know pride goeth before a fall, but I am just so, so in love with all my grandchildren (7 of them) and I will be chuckling, I'm sure, at how much you're be expressing those same feelings with your two little new boys.

    Have fun this weekend.

    Diane in North Carolina

  6. Welcome back! I've missed reading your blogs.They have become part of my evening routine here in the UK.Often you have given me something to think about for the coming day.All the best for the coming months with the editing, publishing etc.

  7. So glad to hear that someone else is as distracted as I am! I look forward to the day when I'm home with my baby and I'm fitting in my knitting around his schedule, not around my school schedule.

    WOOT! Getting the draft of the book done is a huge accomplishment. Good job, though there will me much more to do, I'm sure. I wrote a thesis for my MA and that was a ton of work (and it was only 100 pages long). Good job and good luck.

  8. It's good to see you back Rhonda. Like Chris I read your blog of an evening here in the UK.
    Good luck with the book. I'm sure you'll find a few takers among your readers here :-)

    from Anna

  9. Oh how nice to hear from you again. You have been missed. Glad you made your deadline. We are all awaiting the final project!! Two little boys. How wonderful.What are they going to call you? Grannie? Grandma? Oma? let us know!


  10. Good Morning Rhonda Jean,
    It's nice to have you back, and I'm so excited about your book. And how thrilling that you'll have two baby boys arriving soon - how lovely! We are coping through the biggest week of our life with the earthquake here in Christchurch - we have been ok for food and water though - good stockpiling :o) Has it been on the news much in Aussie? Lots of New Zealanders blogging about it, but not so much on the international blogs.
    We Cantabrians are learning some big lessons in what's important in life.
    Hope you have a good day.

  11. Oh congratulations Rhonda, well done you to get your manuscript finished and in on time! What a tremendous achievement. So excited about your book coming out. Have a lovely weekend with your family

    Jenni xx

  12. Hello ladies!

    Marlyn, I like grandma, it's what I called my grandmother. I like calling a person or a thing what it is, or in this case, what she and he are. However, we all know that small children often have problems with words so that might become something else. To tell you the truth, as long as it's said with love, I don't care what they call me.

    Hi Rachel, it's good to know you're okay, love. There was continuous live telecast of the earthquake here for the first two days, now it's the first thing on the news each night. I was heartbroken to know so many lives were lost and to see the damage in your beautiful city. It's going to be a long hard road back but from what I've seen on TV, the spirit and strength needed to do that is there. I am keeping you all in my thoughts.

  13. Welcome back Rhonda. Can't wait to own this book! Maa

  14. Hi Rhonda,
    I'm glad you are back, I really missed you.

  15. Two grand sons! Well, that will make choosing the knitting yarn easier! Congratulations on the Bloggie award too.

    Cheers - Joolz

  16. Congratulations on meeting your deadline, that is always a relief. And more congratulations are in order: 2 baby boys!
    That's a lot of knitting :)

  17. Your book is already on my Must Read list Rhonda. It will be wonderful to have such a great resource in my library (as well as here on the blog)
    Two little baby boys! They will bring back so many memories for you of your own baby boys - how beautiful.
    And - welcome back!

  18. Indeed welcome back Rhonda,
    You have so much to look forward to, two beautiful grandsons, you and Hanno will love this time to come, how special when they are little and they take delight in everything. Will you do something like plant a tree for each of the boys? I used to always plant a bay tree when my children were born, in pots to be transplanted in the garden when we bought our house.
    Well done with the book, it seems to have it's own personality!

  19. I`m really looking forward to reading your book.Good luck with the editing and publishing process.

  20. I'm hoping we here in the US will have access to your invaluable book. I I would to share it with my daughters. :-)

  21. It is so nice to have you back! Your blog is the first thing I read every morning. Now I am looking forward to your book.

  22. Great that you're back again, Rhonda. I can't wait until your book comes out - I'll definitely be lining up to buy a copy ;)

  23. Lovely to have you back and great news that you got your manuscript in on time. Can't wait to see the book. I predict many sales for Christmas this year. Lovely news about the babies also. My goodness this is going to be a big year for you and Hanno.

    Blessings Gail

  24. Well done on finishing your manuscript ! Its great to have you back :)

  25. Congratulations on the Bloggie! That's fabulous news. And I'm looking forward to your book already.

  26. Hi Rhonda, so good to have you back. Looking forward to your book! Karen from CT

  27. Ahhhh, my favorite blogger is back :)
    Your little ones are blessed to have grandparents who love them so much already, there as too many children in the world who are deprived of love. Doesn't it warm your heart to see your little family growing?

    Much love
    Trinidad & Tobago

    p.s. Planting a tree each, especially a nice fruit one in honor of their birth is a nice idea. Kids love to feel appreciated and to know that their coming into the world was marked in some way. A tree connects them to the earth and serves as a measure of their life.

  28. Can't help but thinking that while your daughter-in-laws are in the process of pregnancy and will soon be birthing their babies, you've been involved in a birth process of your own: your book. I'm sure many analogies could be drawn eg times these past months of writing that you had morning sickness, labour pains, teething problems, tantrums, compliance with your literary authority aka your editor, rebellion from same said authority figure, growth as time passed but ultimately a similar 'end product': one of wisdom gleaned from collective sources & experiences for all to see. (Babies & books are very different, but thought it interesting to compare the two!)

  29. Hello, I just recently discovered your blog and I think I'm in love. LOL I have been drownding myself in your archives,, this is how I want my life to be. You have inspired me! I think its great you've written a book. Does it have a name yet? And please tell me it will be available in the U.S. ?
    Sorry if I sound a little crazy,, I"m not,,, I'm just happy to find a place that has so many great ideas that go along with what I've been thinking about for a long time now.

  30. TWO grandboys...what fun you'll all have! Looking forward to your book with much anticipation!

  31. Congratulations Rhonda on getting your deadline met and all the hard work you have done preparing and organizing and writing your book. What a wonderful experience. It will be just as wonderful and enjoyable to read as your blog. Enjoy your visit to see the kids this weekend. Your whole family dynamic is about to change very quickly .. how very exciting :)

  32. TWO Grandson's!? YAY! :) Congrats!!

  33. HUGE congratulations on winning the Bloggie and getting your manuscript done!!

    I know that what you've written will be an absolute inspiration to so many.

    Best wishes for the editing process :-)

  34. Hi Rhonda,
    congratulations on winning a Bloggie, you deserve it so much !!
    I can't wait until your book is finished. I would love to read it.
    Two boys, that is fantastic. They can be big buddies ; )
    Have a great day and enjoy IT.
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  35. Yay! You're back and you finished it! That is so exciting. Your book is going to be beautiful and a huge success. I can't wait to see it. Are you ready to be more famous than you already are? :)


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