28 January 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY.  If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part in this, all you have to do is post a photo, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one.  When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. Please visit the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment.  It's a way of becoming closer as an online community and a way of establishing friendships.

Today, and for the past few days, I've been thinking about this book.  It was sent to me by a lovely friend and it's already become my favourite cookbook.  This book is me.  It's how I cook, so it's wonderful to have it in my hands - a source of some great new recipes.  There are chapters on cooking with leftovers, entertaining on a budget, baking,  weekend meals to cook and keep, lunchbox food and breakfasts, along with many tips and food hints.

If you're Australian, you'll recognise a face on the cover - Margaret Fulton.  It's is written by her daughter and granddaughter.  I love this book.  Any cookbook with recipes for baked peach pancakes, slow roasted lamb shoulder and green pea hummus deserves a space in my home.


  1. Good Morning Rhonda: It is a beautiful sunny afternoon here in Canada. I love cookbooks I own so many I will probably never get through them. I have many favourites.
    My (On My Mind) today is The Pause.
    Thank you for this segment. I have heard from amazing people and read many amazing blogs..

  2. On My Mind: Movement!
    Hubby & I need movement during these cold, snowy, stay inside days, for our health.

  3. today this is on my mind


    Apologies for the 2 photos but they show what's on it's way towards us.

  4. I like this idea Rhonda ~ Friday on my mind..
    and that book sounds like a must!!

  5. That book does sound really interesting. I'll have to look it up on Amazon.com!! Have a lovely day :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  6. A dynasty of cooks and writers, Margaret Fulton has an amazing legacy. I'll have to look out for this one now I have another shelf for my cookbooks. Have a lovely weekend Rhonda.

  7. Winter is always a challenge in many ways. This is my contibution for the week...


  8. On my mind today is sharing a pattern for a pair of socks I just completed. I enjoy designing sock patterns. I hope you enjoy this one.


  9. Nelson Mandela's fragile health is on my mind here in South Africa.

  10. I own this book and it is the one I reach for time and time again. Great ideas and wonderful recipes.

  11. The leaning tower of paper is on my mind today.


  12. I have always loved Margaret Fulton. Her recipe books were the first ones I bought after we were married. I love her even more now in her older age. She is just so forthright and funny. I am going to buy this book.

  13. My contribution to 'this is on my mind' today, is about making decisions. My..that book looks interesting too. Must have a peek.
    Have a lovely day all. Maa.

  14. Good morning Rhonda, I too love that book, it's actually in my bag for lunch time reading.

    I'm thinking about tomatoes in winter.

  15. Oh I love that book :)

    On my mind this week, dressmaking http://sewingtheseedsofchange.blogspot.com/2011/01/on-my-mind.html

  16. http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/01/on-my-mind_27.html

    I did a deep clean on the hall bathroom. Our son uses this bathroom most.

    That book looks VERY interesting - perhaps I will go add it to my Amazon wish list.

  17. This looks like a good read .. not sure if it's available in the U.S. .. but will check.

  18. Margaret Fulton is an amazing woman and her books are legendary! On my mind today is the topic of fitness and the 'evil spectre' of high glucose levels which loom over me!

  19. I have this book it's a good one for getting ideas that can be changed to work in all homes.

  20. Going for a walk along the river was on my mind, so we went, and this is what we saw:

  21. Morning all!

    A colander of Lychee's is on my mind today~!


  22. It's still Thursday here, but tomorrow is FRIDAY!! Here is what's on my mind!!

  23. After another snow storm, spring is on my mind!



  24. Good morning
    I have had a flick through that book in the book shop and thought it looked fabulous.
    One word for this sweltering Friday - icecream.
    Hope you have a great weekend

  25. Hello Rhonda
    Its a lovely Friday here in Melbourne and theres not much on my mind 'cept for this job.
    Still has to be done so I can do it all over again lol
    Take care
    Still Waters

  26. On my mind - making spray starch from scratch http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/01/thursdays-tip-from-green-housewife.html

    That book looks lovely!

  27. Rhonda, this is my all time FAVOURITE recipe book!!! Everyone, go out and buy it - you won't be disappointed, could cook something every night from it! Great recipes for young kids too.

  28. On my mind is our old home http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/01/on-my-mind.html

  29. Hi Rhonda,
    I received this cookbook from my sister-in-law for christmas and I too LOVE this cookbook, it is never far from hand, its another bible I like to keep close by to brouse through.

  30. Rhonda, my sincere apology for forgetting to link back to your blog in my On My Mind post.

  31. Hi Rhonda,
    I have this book and find it quite lovely and have tried quite a few recipes. Highly recommended.

    We have been thinking about our past this week and the things we used to eat as children. It led us to talk about the lollies we used to buy so we went to an old fashioned lolly shop to see if we could still buy some of the same. I have posted about our 'haul' that we will share with friends tonight.

  32. Hi Rhonda, This is on my mind today:


    Have a fantastic weekend !!

  33. Hello again from Canada! It is just after midnight here, so it is officially Friday! On my mind today is frugal yoga! Thank you for this great opportunity!


  34. On my mind: colour coordination.
    I wrote it on my Thursday, but it's an ongoing thought. It's hard to catch up with your Australian time!
    Another colour-orientated post to come today...

  35. Hi Rhonda,

    That sounds like my kind of book too.

    Tropical Cyclone Wilma is on my mind right now. The rain is so loud on the roof!


  36. On my mind: Snow (because we just got lots of it) and hibernating for winter.


  37. Sounds like there are really yummy recipes in that cookbook!

  38. On my mind today is getting through a long workday of a friday, a saturday full of chores including pruning and a sunday hike through tropical forest to a secluded bay :)
    Balance. On my mind is balance.

  39. On my mind...


    Thanks for all of your fabulous information Rhonda! You inspire me. This is the first time I'm linking up a post to another blogger. Very exciting! :)

  40. Here's what's on my mind today: http://womanofthehouse-blog.blogspot.com/2011/01/on-my-mind.html

    Good idea for a weekly feature!

  41. green pea hummus...intriguing! will have to check that out. I've got less healthy food on my mind:

  42. Well, this is my first participation in "on my mind" ...


  43. This looks like a lovely book! Doesn't appear to be available through US sources yet but I see another book of hers (The Pressure Cooker Recipe Book) available here so I suspect the new one will be released here eventually.

    This is what's on my mind:


  44. I need some more cheap cooking ideas so thanks for the suggestion! That book is a bargain so I've bought it! I'm telling myself it will save me in the long run. What is on my mind at the moment is how to stop myself impulse buying online!

  45. Hi Rhonda - I've contributed nothing to the Friday feature, however, I'm just pleasantly cruising around this time :)

    Had to comment on the photo of Margaret Fulton and her family - can remember having one of her first books as my guide to cooking. Loved her style then and still do. Thanks for the memories!

  46. I was given a Margaret Fulton Encyclopedia of Food and Cookery about 26yrs ago as a gift from my sister. It taught me to cook as it has everything in it from choosing your ingredients to the recipes you use them in. When it expired I was fortunate enough to find a very excellent used copy on ebay and the lovely seller found me a 2nd copy for adult DD and then let me have both for a discount as she wouldn't have to list the 2nd one so would save costs. 2 large, heavy hardcover books for $50 - bargain! We call them our cooking 'bibles'. I'm going to purchase The Thrifty Kitchen now I know of it. Thank You!

  47. Planning next seasons garden is what is on my mind today. It always is after a trip to the market this time of year!


  48. Thanks for the link to the book Rhonda, I have ordered one for myself and for my daughter (as a surprise). Hope you and Hanno are having a good weekend, Kathy

  49. The forth coming hot weather and my nearly ripe nectarines and nashi are on my mind. Time to harvest before they cook on the trees.

  50. Running, not walking, to check out this book! Thanks.


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