14 January 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives with these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about. 

To take part in this, all you have to do is post a photo, titled On my mind ..., write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. We will all be able to follow the breadcrumbs in the woods that lead to each new photo. Who know where these trails will lead us.

Today I'm thinking about new lives.  The picture tells half my story - babies, but I am also thinking about my sister, Tricia, who is moving from her huge old home today, to a very cute 1940s two bedroom cottage.



  1. Hi Rhonda! Thank you for stopping by my blog last week!

    I have babies on the brain too... just no babies yet! I follow this blog written by a new mom who lives here in Phoenix, Arizona nearby me. She and her husband are raising their baby girl "naturally." And she blogs about it often throughout the week. I thought the blog might prove beneficial to the new mommies and daddies in your life as she talks fondly of cloth diapers and an organization called Eats on Feets (a breast milk outreach program).

    Her most recent blog is below:

    I'm glad your family is safe from the flooding! Good luck to your sister in her move! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hello Rhonda here is what is On my mind. The Stream of Peace and and Tolerance.

  3. Please excuse the second post, but I thought this blog post of her's was particularly moving. It is a recount of her at-home, natural birth. Warning- there is some real talk involved, but it is worth it. Quite the moving experience:

  4. Exciting times for you Rhonda - new beginnings are beautiful :)


    On my mind is something I need to do today... you'll need to look to find out :)

  5. My thoughts are little different from last week, except procrastination is no longer an option!I must get lamb coats made before the lambs do. So I too am thinking new lives only from the barn.


  6. No blog. Just a couple of notes.
    Am thankful you and Hanno are safe and sound and prayers for the people who have been affected by the flooding.
    Also good thoughts for Tricia as she begins making her new house her own home.

    Central Illinois

  7. Hi Rhonda! On my mind today is frugal and ethical clothing.

    I'm glad you are safe from the flood and are enjoying knitting for your grandchildren!

  8. Good morning Rhonda,

    Keeping to my budget is on my mind today.


    Happy knitting and I hope your sister is very happy in her new home. Maa.

  9. Rain is on my mind this week. We have more water than we know what to do with (although nothing like Queensland) and it's the priority today to get some pumps running and to move it - somewhere.


    I hope your sisters move is a smooth one and she enjoys her new home.

  10. On my mind is my next DIY project. Wish me luck since I will definitely need it



  11. Hi Rhonda, can't beleive it's Friday already!

    Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon has been on my mind this week. I have a few questions if anyone can help.

    Thanks for your wonderful blogs they are very inspiring indeed!

  12. This is on my mind today...a Lovely Gift of Blue Cobalt Glass

  13. The floods are on my mind, as I live in Brisbane. Although we are safe, thousands of people's lives have been disrupted, many homes and businesses destroyed.

    The river is uncontained. It is spilling out all over the city, spreading muddy water, all sorts of debris and contaminents wherever it goes. People are scared, tired, displaced and shell shocked. Even though it hasn't hurt me directly, I still feel very unsettled.


  14. A new door opens for your sister. May she be blessed in her new home and may it be full of love and happy memories. Glad we are now getting some try weather here on the sunshine coast. We are of course very fortunate and my thoguhts are with all these families devasted by the floods.

  15. Hi Rhonda,
    I hope the rain has eased a bit today.
    My old dog is on my mind as he is not well.
    Hopefully we can resolve the problem today.

  16. I am thinking about peach trees!


    I am excited for you - two grandbabies this year! My first grandchild is going to be 7 months on Saturday...she is a delight to us!


  17. On my mind today is whether I buy the book, 'Nourishing Traditions', or whether I keep borrowing it from the council library. I'm impressed by Rhonda Jean's comments on it and have also found and read many supportive comments on other sites and blogs. Also on my mind today is the flooding that continues to devastate eastern Australia.

  18. Babies are on my mind also as my youngest is off on a new adventure this year and this is part of it

  19. http://theserendipitycafe.blogspot.com/2011/01/flood-crisis-worsens-grocery-shopping.html

    We are located in Brisbane, with a flooded lower level. My husbands business has been washed out over recent months and now due to the big flood we have no known recommencement date. Budgeting, food planning and empty supermarket shelves are very much on my mind today.

    Much love


  20. Hello Rhonda this is what is On My Mind - trying to maintain a positive outlook, keep calm and don't sweat the small stuff. Best wishes to all your family and I'm glad you're all safe. Best wishes, Bev :)

  21. This is what I am thinking about today.


  22. Enjoying sharing my backyard is on my mind today:


    My heart goes out to all those in Queensland who have been affected by the floods and cannot enjoy such simple pleasures. I urge anyone who has not yet made a donation to do so.

  23. Rhonda, This was listed on another blogers site about baby blankets http://www.knitandcrochetnow.com/fly.aspx?layout=episodesindex&taxid=108
    Thought I would pass it along in case you have not heard of it..

  24. Hi Rhonda,
    Sunflowers are on my mind today. Apparently all you need to grow them successfully is record breaking rain!

    <a href="http://blackbirdpotions.com.au/hp_wordpress/?page_id=109>sunflower</a>

  25. Hi Rhonda,
    Having Grandchildren is such a blessing isn't it?

    On my mind this week is what to plant in my garden.We only moved here 18 months ago and this is the first year that my kitchen garden will be up and running properly.


  26. My contribution for this week...the buddies are homemade from rice, flax seeds and lavender flowers.....


  27. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the opportunity to connect with other bloggers.
    On my mind, on this very cold winter day, are some recent photos of our state of Montana.
    You can find them at:
    http://Rocky Mountain Homemaker.blogspot.com/2011/01 On My Mind - Montana Paintings and Photos
    Thanks very much!

  28. Optimism is on my mind today


  29. Babies and new homes...both filled with new possibilities! Here's what's on my mind:

  30. Yesterday I cleaned out my pantry to prepare for an elimination diet. Clean out the pantry, clean out the gut, and allow the body to heal itself.

  31. I'm so excited for you! We have a new baby arriving in our family too...my brother and his lovely wife are expecting their first child, a boy, in the first part of March. We are excited for the "boy" addition to the family!

    Here is what I have on my mind:


  32. Hi Rhonda,

    I' thinking about watermelon.

  33. What a cute hat and outfit. On my mind today is .. housework. Saturday finds me with beds to change and towels to wash. Nothing profound .. just ebb and flow stuff.

  34. Hi Rhonda! Glad your safe and sound! Here is what is on my mind:

    Have a great day everyone!

  35. here's what's on my italian mind (although I have chosen not to do this on a friday...)


    but since my blog is bilingual, you'll have no problem in reading the explanation :-)

  36. ups! ... sorry!
    I think my link in my previous comment went lost ...

    here it is:



  37. I could not figure out how to get the picture on here (sorry im new) but this is the link to my picture(s)

    Life in the Country is on my mind


  38. Hello Rhonda;

    This is what is on my mind today...I am expanding my cooking horizons! I am very excited about the opportunity to learn about a new cuisine which I love. You'll have to visit to find out just what it is though... http://prairieharmony.blogspot.com/2011_01_18_archive.html

    Have a wonderful day,
    Prairie Harmony :)


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