17 November 2011

Dear Down to Earth blog

Dear Down to Earth blog

I've been writing you for a few years now and although you feel like a very close friend, you also keep me on my toes. You make me accountable to myself, you provide a space for me to express my thoughts and the record you provide of the life I'm living with Hanno has been very helpful.

Flowers from Jens and Cathy's garden bought over when they had morning tea with us last weekend.

Having been born in the 1940s, I'm pretty much old school but writing you has given me continuing opportunities to seek out the new, remember the old, and blend it all into our daily lives. You push me on to better things. I doubt I'd have looked into so many cleaners if it weren't for you. And bread, instead of just making it, you made me think about it and keep tweaking until I got it right. I make a really good orange cake now because of you. My old version was okay, but you pushed me to make it better; now my orange cake is a moist and delicious piece of homemade loveliness. So thank you, you should come round for tea one afternoon and try a slice. 

Blog, you really have been life changing for me. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have a book about to be published, I wouldn't be writing for the Women's Weekly and I wouldn't have a New York agent. Even writing that for you now makes me stop and think if it's really true. If I were following my life's pattern, I would be slowing down now, doing less and becoming invisible. You made me do the opposite. I'm busier than ever, becoming involved in a lot of interesting projects, and people I don't know say hello to me now. I'm not sure I like the recognition but I enjoy the new  opportunities to express myself creatively and to share information through you.

More beans picked for freezing. Photo by Hanno.

You've brought a lot of great people my way too and I want to thank you for that. I doubt I'd have met such an intertesting bunch otherwise. When I think about your readers and all the people who comment on you, the wonderful women who help run your forum and the 6000 members there, the writers and readers at the Simple, Green, Frugal Co-op, the staff at Penguin and the Women's Weekly, and all the people who come to the neighbourhood centre for workshops they hear about through you, well, it makes me grateful you whispered in my ear to start you all those years ago.

It makes me humble too.

Thank you for not requiring too much of me - just a few words tapped away on our mutual friend, the computer, most days keeps you happy and functioning. I appreciate that because even though I've grown to love you, the short time I spend with you allows me to do so many other things you've made possible. We make a great team. Keep up the good work.

Sincerely yours,
Rhonda x

PS: Thanks to everyone who left a comment yesterday. I'm fine now; I was not sick, just tired. There is a lot going on here, I had some extra writing work I had to do in a hurry, and I spent the past two days at the neighbourhood centre. Both days were busy and hot. It takes me a while to get used to the hot weather again every year, so on that first very hot day on Tuesday, it really knocked me over. A couple of good long sleeps has put me right and now I'm ready for anything. Thank you for your concern and kind words.



  1. Rhonda,

    I am so glad your are feeling better....and what a nice note to all the readers...I think that is what makes you so popular you being you..smile...

    I look forward to your book and all the "new" things you happen to do in the next coming weeks, monthes and years...Huggs...


    gardendesk.com and Knitters Notebook

  2. I love reading your blog it is a wealth of information and also entertaining.

  3. Dear Rhonda,
    What a nice letter and reflection. Thanks for writing and being here!

  4. Phew! I was reading that expecting to see it end with "But I've now decided to give the blog up...." SO glad that wasn't the case!

  5. The hot weather knocks me too Rhonda. Hope you have a great day today. xxoo

  6. I love this post and am glad to hear you are filling better today.

  7. I had this terrible feeling that there was a 'but' coming then. I'm very glad you're feeling better. I am thankful for your blog too!

  8. When i clicked on the blog i was half expecting to read you were giving the blog up. I'm so glad that isn't the case. I'm thankful to have your blog to read. Have a fabulous day.

  9. Lovely letter, glad you are feeling better now

  10. Glad to hear you are feeling back on top of things Rhonda. I too was reading this post with a nervous feeling of a 'but', so so glad that I was wrong and you will still be here for me each morning. It's a bit like that quick chat over the fence once the family has been sent on their way for the day and the laundry has been hung. The end of your blog would be like having a much loved neighbour shift away.

    cheers Kate

  11. Your blog, and your thoughts put to words keep all of us avid readers entertained and informed, also help us to learn so much from you and each other. Every comment has some validity. We are all glad that you feel better. Happy blogging!

  12. Funny how you talk about bringing old and new together in your blog. I was talking to my Mum on the phone last night and she was telling me about this wonderful and inspirational woman that she had read about in Women's Weekly. I knew immediately who she was talking about as I am a huge fan and visit this site every day.

    We had a wonderful chat about everything we've learnt and everything we would like to learn and try because of you. So it's brought generations together, in both old and new mediums.

    BTW, I've been reading some of your first entries recently. There was one in particular, where you asked for comments and wondered if you were just writing just to yourself. My, how the times change :)

    P.S. @Robyn - I had the same fear!

  13. When I read the start of that in Google Reader I thought it was a reader's letter. Nice take on the concept.

  14. Dear me Rhonda, you gave me quite a scare this morning, after yesterdays non post then a start of dear blog... I thought you were leaving us! She can't I thought there is so much going on with the AWW and the book. Then I thought maybe too much, but all the members, the forum etc. THankfully I was wrong, phew (insert heart rate returning to normal here) With my mum no longer with us you are like my on line mum, giving reasurance, comfort and words of advise. thankyou for your presence xxBrenda

  15. I'm another one who read that post thinking that it was going to end in GOODBYE!

    so pleased that it didn't...

  16. Count me in too as one who was waiting for the other shoe to fall with your saying good bye to us! Whew!!! I was so glad that did not happen. If it is your wish some day, naturally we will say a fond good bye ...but that is not to be yet. Thank you! :) :) I too have tweaked favorite recipes as my daughter now keeps me on my toes too! She comes up with new ideas from her own kitchen and motivates her Mom! :) Now she is also my mentor as well as you are mine and I am her mentor at times. We never stop learning as long as we have breath. That is part of what makes life so fun! Your post was a sweet reflection of your thoughts. I am glad you got some rest...although you couldn't get much as yesterday was also busy for you! It was very good to see your printed word this afternoon. Sarah

  17. So pleased to hear your sleep has made you strong again and I loved today's post...it's very true that a blog makes you consider things differently...I find my life is much more focussed already after just 4 months of writing.

    Soon be cricket season...Dec 1 vs NZ at the Gabba I do believe :D

  18. Phew!! ditto to all the folk who also thought this was a 'Good Bye' post. Having only recently found you Rhonda, I am so glad you have only paused to small the roses. Apart form the immeasurable advice available in your blog, you have become a 'writing' role model to me and I remain in awe. New to blogging as well, I do recognize the wonderful medium it can be to express creativity.
    May you tapp on for a long time yet,

  19. Dearest Rhonda... your blog gives me so much hope! While my Mothering of children at home is not anywhere near over yet, we have changes in the works (oldest engaged, next oldest off to Australia for 8 months). I often find myself thinking about the future and wondering what may be in store for me. I don't dread it - I look forward to retirement! I feel like the best part of my life is yet to come and your dear friend, Blog has introduced me to that idea. Yippee! While I'm not wishing my life away (oh no, I"m far too busy having fun to do that), I'm certainly, secretly really excited about the future :) Thank you, DTE Blog! Hugs, and glad you are rested and ready to rumble!!!!! :)

  20. Glad to hear you're doing better, and for a brief moment I thought you were saying good-bye just like some of the others. I'm happy you're not!
    I don't comment on here and much as I would like, but (and I'm sorry for echoing others' comments) in the time I've been reading your blog, you've inspired me to take that first step into REALLY reinventing my life into something better and more simple. I've hung onto every word, every piece of advice, and I'm learning to be kinder to myself and know my limitations.
    Thank you, Rhonda. For sharing your life, your passions, and all that you give to us through your writing. I start my day with your words and look forward to many more to come.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy each day and its beauty. :)

  21. Thank you for your blog Rhonda. I am new to it but I have had fun exploring your homemadeness and love your slant on life! Here's to your continuing success!

  22. Hope you feel much better now!
    Your blog is just so inspiring for me that i miss your post yesterday. Many things i have learn from you even though we are way far apart!

  23. Nice one Rhonda and good to hear you are back on top of things. Some days you do need to take it slowly! Love reading your blog its perks me up!

  24. What a great letter. How true it is that these blogs bring about unexpected things, new friends & opportunities. Congratulations and I look forward to seeing more Rhonda.
    In great appreciation :)

  25. Dear Rhonda, Make hay while the sunshines and enjoy these opportunities while you have the inspiration and energy. There's plenty of time to sit back and watch your garden grow. In many ways you have been life changing for me too and for that I thank you.

  26. another inspirational post Rhonda - I have visited your blog for a couple of years now and am so pleased for you with your book deal and Women's Weekly writing. Your blog has always been informative but it has also always been very warm and welcoming.

  27. Hanno, nice bean shot.

    Rhonda, you scared me.

    brenda from arkansas

  28. Dear Rhonda, I wasn't thinking you were leaving....More like..."What's she up to now?". We are lucky to have influential people in our lives such as yourself. Hold your head up high as you share your knowledge with the world. Congratulations on the New York agent....What wonderful opportunities coming your way....and all very deserving!

  29. So pleased you're feeling better, I'm enjoying slowly reading your blog and learning new things as I go.

    Thank you for sharing.


  30. So glad you are feeling better. When I read todays post, I thought maybe you were thinking of shutting it down.
    The first thing I do every morning is read your blog. Rhonda and Hanno, keep up the great work.
    Cynthia from Texas

  31. Hi Rhonda,

    Everyone is entitled to a day off now and then to re group and focus our thoughts. Thankyou for this wonderful blog and my favourite reading each day. Just wondered if the orange cake recipe is on the blog anywhere? I would love to try yours,orange cake is my favourite!
    Thanks again

  32. Mia, it's here: http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/2010/06/whole-orange-cake.html

    I also add coconot to it sometimes and sometimes choc chips for a jaffa cake.

  33. Congratulations Rhonda on your upcoming book. I have read your blog for a year but haven't commented. Your book made me want to tell you "How wonderful for you- a dream come true"! Please keep up the good work....from a Canadian westcoaster.

  34. wonderful sense of humour and well done again.


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