1 October 2010

Home in the hills - and it's for sale

This may seem out of place on my blog but I would like to help my sister, Tricia, sell her home. That's it above and it's in the Blue Mountains, just west of Sydney. Tricia and her family have spent many good years there but with Tricia's husband dying a few years ago and her sons growing up and leaving home, this beautiful six bedroom home is too big for her needs. She is looking for offers over $930,000. You can contact me if you need a little more info, but all genuine inquiries need to go through the real estate agent. Their web site, and Tricia's listing, with a lot more photos, is here: http://www.bluemtsproperty.com.au/index.cfm?pagecall=property&propertyID=1420667



  1. Gosh, what a fabulous home, I'm sure your sister will be sad to leave it. Where's she going to?

  2. Sad to hear your sister has decided to move but its perfectly understandable. Makes me wish I lived over in the blu mountains. oh well I wish her all the luck in the world and a true and decent buyer xxxx

  3. What a gorgeous house--looks like something out of a magazine (as opposed to looking lived in). LOVE that kitchen and bathroom!

  4. Sue, I would love her to live close to us but Queensland is too hot for her. She'll stay in the mountains, to be close to her friends.

    Thanks Rachel and Tara.

  5. Wow- that house looks amazing- I hope she sells it soon and finds another home she likes :)

  6. If only I could afford something like that. Sigh. My bank currently has about $20 in it. All the efforts I've being trying to get some savings going is being chewed up dealing with medical issues lately.

    Lovely house, lovely garden. makes me want to get out a spade and set to it creating an orchard and vegie patch.

  7. Oh, that's such a beautiful home - and in the Blue Mountains too. That is my favourite part of Australia. I hope she gets a good sale on it soon.

  8. I'm waiting for Hansel and Gretel to come by!
    It's a beautiful home and she should not have any trouble selling it. This will be a sad time for her, to leave the memories behind can be heartwrenching. I'm sure with a sister like you around, she will be fine.
    I wish her all the best. Maa

  9. Oh, this home is special. I'll be thinking of your sister as she makes this huge life change.

    Walking through this process with our Mothers I know it comes with mixed feelings!

    Becky K.

  10. Oh my lordy that is such a fabulous looking home & in such lovely surroundings!If we had the money I would def snap it up!
    It is sure going to be a sad day for your sister when she leaves it..:(

    Im sure it will be snapped up in a flash too.I wish her luck..:)

  11. What a beautiful property. It makes my heart go pit-pat! Unfortunately leaving the U.S. is not in our "cards" at the present...

  12. If I bought that house, I could spend my winters in Australia! What a beautiful place that is...right out of a fairy tale.

  13. GORGEOUS home! I hope she finds the perfect new family for this home.


  14. What a beautiful home. If only I lived in Australia!

  15. That is a beautiful home! I hope she gets lots of offers!

  16. This house makes me want to move to Australia! So beautiful. Best of luck to your sister.

  17. Hi Rhonda, your sister's story reminds me of a "true story" book I read about a lady who lost her husband and brother within a few days of each other, she lived at the bottom of the Blue Mountains just west of Penrith (about 15 minutes drive west from where I live).

    I found this lady's story wonderful and thought your sister might be able to relate to it ... I've looked it up and it's available through the Blue Mountains City Library (why buy when you can borrow!) the title is called "Salvation Creek: An Unexpected Life by Susan Duncan. Susan Duncan also followed with a sequel called The House at Salvation Creek.

    Well worth the read!

  18. Oh Rhonda, what a beautiful home it is rare to see a home that is in this price bracket that actually looks and presents the feeling of a true home. Absolutely beautiful and I am sure it will be snapped up. I wish her well for the sale and finding her new home.

  19. Your sisters home is absolutely stunning and I wish her all the best for a quick and smooth sale. What a wonderful and thoughtful idea to feature her home on your blog! Your a great sister.

  20. There must be many memories that have been made here in this lovely family home - but memories are ultimately kept in our hearts; and they will always be with us, wherever we may go ...
    Tricia, I would like to wish you all the very best; may these days of change and everything they hold be as smooth as possible.

  21. That looks like a perfect home! Almost like a painting.

  22. My hubby offered to buy a lotto ticket on the way home...and we don't play the lotto...:-) Hope the sale goes well!


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