23 July 2010

This is where I work

From last week's postal room in outback Australia to a music room on the Isle of Skye.  This blog covers all areas.  I really liked reading this because it reminded me of my own mother who studied classical piano at the Conservatorium of Music in Sydney when she was young.  Today's work place is Ann's. I'm sure you'll enjoy her story.

Ann writes:
"This is my Music Room here in the small village of Scullamus on the Isle of Skye, a western isle off Scotland UK.
I teach here for three days every week, and enjoy the peace and quiet and slow pace of life.  I also travel away to judge singing competitions and give masterclasses, but I can never wait to get back to my own piano and home.  I  was a voice professor at the Junior Royal Academy of Music in London for 18 years and the fast life almost killed me off!
You can see the bird tables hanging just outside the window, and it is amazing how they sit there and cock their heads and listen to the singing - I always wonder what they think! I have a daughter who is also a singing teacher and two beautiful grandchildren of 7 and 3. We are a musical family, but being professionals the children never get 'pushed' - we know how hard the life of a musician is!

I have over 36 pupils here on Skye, from 6 years old to 70 years old, and we give concerts, do full show productions and we even toured giving concerts in Vienna in 2006 and 2008. In the photo you can see the racks of music, and the table for the dreaded theory! Mostly I love watching the confidence growing in them as they become better and better.  I have even persuaded my ladies of a certain age to take exams!!  I have a beautiful old garden with plum trees and lilac bushes, and two raised beds with a few salads and veggies, but I do not have the time for much more.  You can find me at http://singinginparadise.blogspot.com/, but I realize that reading about a classical singing teacher may not interest everyone! I love Rhonda's blog and have followed for a number of years - Oh that I could retire - or at least slow down enough to bake and garden.  Maybe when I am 70!"


  1. How wonderful,and I imagine the birds enjoy their "concert"so much.This must be one of the most rewarding jobs there is.I imagine many a shy young person has walked in your rooms only much time later to walk out strong,vibrant and full of confidence.Thankyou for sharing your lovely work room it looks just delghtful.Carole

  2. Oh, to be musically inclined. I can't carry a tune in a bucket, nor play an instrument. I tried when I was younger, but had mind block against reading the notes. I love the term "bird plates" that she uses. Made me think for a moment, what she was referring to.

  3. I meant to say "bird table" not "bird plate"! Such a nice term to use.

  4. Beautiful room thank you for sharing.

  5. How diverse and unique these blog posts are! I like reading how other people live. It`s truely fascinating, and brings colour to our lives.

  6. So nice to learn about another part of your life.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  7. What a rich and fulfilling life you have Ann! Thank you for sharing!

  8. What a pleasant place to make music. I bet the birds are taking lessons as well!

  9. http://stephanienewman.blogspot.com/2010/07/how-green-are-your-enviro-bags.html

    I don't know if you are interested, but this lady made a good post on enviro bags.

  10. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments. Yes, indeed it is a blessed life, and I can honestly say I have spent my whole career being paid for doing what I love the most. It does not get much better than that. I greatly appreciate your kind thoughts!

  11. Ann your room is absolutely lovely! I believe I saw the island you live on on a recent Martin Clunes' programme.

  12. I added you to my list of sites to visit :)

    I also put some pics of my space on my own site just because it seemed like a good idea and also because I'm useless at sending them elsewhere :)

    I do like that music room and the bird table.

    viv in nz

    ps My blog is 'Kneedly Knots' but I also have arty stuff on 'Artfibredunedin.blogspot'

  13. What a lovely peaceful room! Supposedly my Scots ancestors were from the Isle of Skye; I hope to visit there someday.

  14. Thank you from this musical Canadian family in Ottawa. Our house is built with an open concept, L-shaped living room and dining room and the kitchen attached to the dining room by a door. I believe, that as my children studied piano and trumpet, that I knew every correct note of all their pieces to Grade 10 Royal Conservatory of Music. The unfortunate thing is that I never learned to play ( I always complained that I had 'working hands', too big for the keyboard). My instrument of choice is the human voice and I love to sing!
    Thanks so much for your post and pictures.

    Silly Grammy


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