18 July 2010

This is where I work

Today we're in the Australian bush to see where Carole works.  With changing scenery like this most days, and mail coming in from all over the place, who could complain about going to work.

Carole writes:
"My job is as a country mail contractor for Australia Post,which means I deliver mail to the remote farmers. I think I may be one of a few people who wake up everyday and feel happy at the prospect of going to work,the only downside is the colour of the uniform,very flattering NOT!! 
This is the sorting room in our little post office.All the parcels are for me to sort into streets and which side of town they are to go to, I deliver these when I get back from the bush. The little pigeon holes are waiting to be filled with mail from the row of letters that await.Some days it is "where do I start"!! but of course there is a routine and rhythm otherwise it just does not work.The bundles of catalogues you can see are also delivered to the country households the towns people get theirs in the local paper.

The second picture is of why it is pure joy to go to work, while the roads are shocking,full of potholes and corrugations, the scenery is to die for. I go past this little waterfall each day, on my blog it shows it flooded. The road you can see is one of the better ones I drive on and yes my car is 4 wheel drive or I would not get to the farms. Lambing time and foaling time is the most joyful as we watch the little ones born and grow until we can't tell the mums from bubs anymore. The best part of my job is I can take my 89 year old Mum with me and she thrives on it all.The bumps at times make an interesting ooh and ahh time but all worth it.I am back home at lunch time and still have time to do other things."

Click here for Carole's blog.


  1. How fun...We have people here in the USA that do the same thing...work as contractors for the US Postal Service to deliver mail to people out in the country etc. I have never been to Australia, but I"ve always wanted to visit. So this is always nice to read/learn about people from different parts of your country. It gives me a nice and very beautiful picture of Australia!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Sounds like a wonderful job. I laughed at your comment aboutthe uniform. I am not a postal worker myself, but I have heard complaints about the uniforms in the past.

  3. Thanks for sharing! This was so much fun to read.

    Thanks for delivering the mail. I've sent things to Australia before. Maybe YOU delivered them. :-) How special!

    I hope you continue to enjoy your work. It's such a big happiness factor when we like what we do.

    Cadi over at www.maehegirl.blogspot.com

  4. Oh I just love your job and the place you get to do it in! You are very lucky and I am happy to hear your Mom is part of your day. Have a great one! Kit

  5. I sure enjoyed reading this post, because I am a followe of Carole. Gerry

  6. What an interesting job you have Carol! And what a beautiful place!

    It made me laugh, because at the minute the van I drive used to belong to the Post Office here in the UK, and has pootled around little well-mannered country lanes a far cry from your wild wanderings!

    Do you have 'post buses' out there? We have them in some rural places here (although I suspect our 'rural' is nothing to yours!) It's basically a post van, with a few extra seats, and it takes passengers as well as post around villages and on to little towns. It's usually a very cheap way of travelling around the countryside, and valuable for especially older people without their own transport, although it's rarely advertised so you have to know where to look!

    I hope you continue to enjoy your work and find pleasure and fulfillment in it.


  7. What a nice blog post, thanks so much! By far my favorite.

  8. I agree, it's a great job! I worked for a postal contractor in the Hills outside Perth for a while. It's semi rural so still a lot of fun and full of adventure. Like the time I got out of the car to put some mail in a letter box and stepped right over a snake. My car was only a 2 door and loaded to the gills with parcels and mail, so the only way to get back into the car was step right back over the snake! It was a hairy few moments while I weighted up my options and summoned the courage. lol Being a postie is still one of the best jobs I've had. I know how much you must be appreciated. Kim :)

  9. Thank you for your link to Carole's blog. Kim :)

  10. What a lovely job, and I can see why you like getting out and about. Great that your mum can ride shotgun too!

  11. What a great post! I love that you can bring your mum along and she enjoys it too.

  12. Carole you certainly have some lovely country to work in! Nice to see your photos and I'll be over to visit your blog. Cheers.

  13. WOW! I would LOVE that job! going to check your blog out now.

  14. What beautiful countryside! It is interesting to see how folks on the other side of the world do things differently (and the same!)

  15. I really like your positive attitude, and that you get to spend time with your Mum everyday - what good thinking.

  16. What a lovely place to work!

  17. wow....I'll say it's a fun looking job. Imagine having fun going to work each day....

    For a few years I drove Easter Seal buses for handicapped kids....I used to take my Mum along on the rides on occasion....they all loved her. She brought cookies. When I dropped her off at the bus one day...they waved her goodbye for about two miles....


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