4 May 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen belongs to Kylie who lives in Victoria, Australia. Kylie is showing us a very familiar image, dishes stacked in the drainer.

Kylie writes:
"I was going to send pictures of my Kitchen sink When it looks as I like, Polished, dry and cleared.
But No these Pictures are a more Apt Image of our very busy, Productive sink!  These were taken Immediately after dinner and Shows the blackberries we had gone picking from the roadsides,  We enjoyed Blackberry ice cream for desert and have since made Blackberry cupcakes and will hopefully make a Pot or two of Jam!

We are extending soon and will have a new and improved huge kitchen and a Butlers Pantry! Yay!
But for now this small very compact kitchen achieved the Job of me downscaling and getting rid of clutter!

We are enjoying life Raising three little kids and living in a Tiny Rural town in the Victorian Eastern Central Highlands.  We have 14 hens and have just had the joy of hatching eggs!  Nothing is nicer than watching from my Kitchen window Mumma Hen taking her babies on a jaunt."
You can visit Kylie at:

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.   



  1. love the strainer you have with the blackberries in your sink!

  2. Hi Rhonda .... just been alerted to your wonderful blog today .... I'll be popping back again for a good read and your last post on change a coming was so inspiring and I hope a lot of the younger people take heed of such wise words x

  3. That's what my dish drainer usually looks like too. Piled high with dishes!!

    What beautiful blackberries. Where I used to live blackberries grew wild on the side of the road. Picking them was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. I miss being able to forage for free berries.

    Hope you enjoy yours and have a great day.

  4. yummy looking blackberries!! The sink is so how mine looks most of the time lol Thanks for sharing!

  5. I do like the fact that you've shown your kitchen in it's authentic working state. Nothing nicer than a sink full of soapy water and a drainer full of dishes.
    Wonderful blackberries!
    Curious to check out your interestingly named Blog, now.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  6. Hi Kylie,what a lovely normal kitchen,what could be nicer than fresh blackberries and watching mumma hen and chicks..heaven!! CArole

  7. Blackberry ice cream sounds yummy--I don't think I've ever had it.

  8. I love to see kitchens in action! Ours is the central part of our home, lots of work and living happens in there!

    Delightful blackberries!

  9. My Daughter and I just sat here looking at our Pictures and seeing my very Modest little kitchen featured.....She was excitied and so was I in fact!
    We did indeed make Jam a huge crock pot/slowcooker full! It was a simple easy recipe that can be adapted to the microwave.
    My Kids think one of the best things in life is Blackberry picking!
    Kitchens have always been the hub of my homes....So this tiny very mundnae kitchen has been challenging but It does the job and produces pretty much all our 3meals each and everyday and snacks.....Being thankful for what I do have!

  10. Thanks for sharing your kitchen and your blog going for a read now.Good luck with the reno.

  11. I have a strainer like yours and it fits so nicely over the sink. I love that you gave us the "real" picture of your sink... that is the way mine looks most of the time too.

  12. Yum, blackberries! And I love your blog - your cupcakes are gorgeous!!! You've obviously passed on your decorating skills to your daughter :)

  13. Nice kitchen already Kylie and you have a bigger one to look forward to. That strainer looks sooo useful.

  14. Hi Kylie,
    You are very busy indeed, what great blackberries. I also have very fond memories from picking berries on the side of the road as a child. Blackberry icecream sounds delicious. thank you for sharing

  15. Good Luck with your renovation!! And I am so envious...a butler's pantry!!!! (sigh) Thanks for showing us your kitchen as it is now.

  16. Loved the photo of your hard working kitchen. Magazines are full of staged photos with everything perfect and no signs of life. Your photo shows a kitchen full of the good things in life. Berries from time spent as a family. Dishes, as a sign that a meal was lovingly prepared for family, and I love the gloves hanging to dry. If more pictures like this showed up in the U.S. more young wives would not fret so much about being "picture perfect".
    Love your kitchen!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  17. I love your productive kitchen and the prospect of a huge new kitchen soon. I go blackberry picking with neghbours and their kids and the kids (not adults) always have a blackberry fight to start the season off and by the time they are finished they are purple from top to toe:)

  18. Hi Kylie, Can I come for a visit an try some of those blackberies. Yum!!!

    Hi Rhonda,

    Have just put my beef stew into the crock pot using your recipe from a couple of days ago. Already it smells delicious. Many thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Blessings Gail

  19. your *busy* sink still looks much more tidy than mine! ;) those blackberries look divine!! yummm....

  20. I love that you kept it "real" for all to see. And why not? That is real life - sterile kitchens are beautiful, but don't show signs of the loved ones living in the home.

    Having a small kitchen I have much respect for anyone who has the same, and you are right, that a kitchen can be small but still function quite well for what is necessary.

    Thank you for sharing!

  21. Angela in Luxor, EgyptMay 05, 2010 12:46 am

    I stumbled on your blog a few weeks ago and now pop in every day. I totally agree with this post. I am 33 but started living simply at the age of 25 and I wouldn't have it any other. Being debt free is the best feeling in the world.
    Keep up the good work

  22. As much as I like a tidy kitchen mine also looks like yours with the dishes in the sink. We have actual working kitchens not show pieces. I sometimes wonder after watching the decorating and real estate show on TV how many of these people really use their big, expensive, over the top kitchens.
    Your blackberries look sooooo yummy. When I was little I can remember picking blackberries in the field next to our little cottage. I still can remember the wonderful scent of the blackberry jam my mom made.

  23. Beautifully efficient--thanks for a peak into your kitchen. Love those blackberries!


  24. I just came back to your blog, a long time after my first visit, and the kitchen sink postings completely captivate me! Maybe it is because my kitchen has been gutted and hasn't all been put back together yet, I love looking at my fellow homemakers' work spaces. Thanks for a great idea and service!

  25. Those berries are beautiful. I remember picking blackberries with my children. Used kitchens are a wonderful thing. Thanks for sharing you home with us!

  26. Love, *love*, l❤❤ve your very real sink picture.....I feel so at home!
    And those blackberries.....oh, MY goodness!
    Thanks for the peek into your world.


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