9 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I had the glorious good fortune to be born the daughter of Jean St Claire McGrath.  I was the younger of Jean's daughters, my sister, Patricia Margaret, was born two years earlier.  I am who I am because of my mother; all my good traits, and some of the bad, where picked up while watching her live her generous and kind life as I was growing up.  Tricia says I remind her of mum.  That is the greatest compliment.  If there is someone I want to be like, it's her.  My mum died of non-Hodgkins Lymphona in 1993.  It was the saddest day of my life and literally took my breath away.

♥  Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums to read here.  I hope you have a lovely day spent with your family.  ♥


  1. A most blessed Mothers Day to you, Rhonda! What a testimony to what a real mama is...when a daughter wants to grow up and be like her.

  2. A Happy Mother's Day to you as well, Rhonda!


  3. What a wonderful heritage you have! I hope your Mother's Day is very special.

  4. Thanks for the loving tribute of your Mother! Reminds me of how lucky I am mine is still here and close by to me,(even when she drives me crazy! LOL) Happy Mother's Day to you,Rhonda,and to all the other Mothers! My day will be spent doing yardwork...heaven!!

  5. Happy Mother's Day , Rhonda. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Thank you for being a "mom" to many others too.


  6. Happy Mothers Day Rhonda,
    Hope you have had time spent with those who make you smile, just a note though some women end up mothers and dispite all there best efforts should have remained childless.

  7. Hey Rhonda, that's a beautiful tribute to your mumma - I bet she would have loved to hear it and how great that she passed on all her good traits to you..and now you are passing them on to us.

    We need more people like you two here :)

    Have a great day!

  8. Happy Mother's Day! What lovely thoughts of your Mother. I miss my Mom too! And I am what I am because of her as well. Have a beautiful day!

  9. I think watching my momma die was the most difficult thing that I've ever done. May God bless you as you remember the good times.

    From the other side of God's creation,

    Laura Lane

  10. Have a beautiful Mother's day with your Family Rhonda,thank's for Sharing your thought's of your Beautiful Mum.

  11. You have a wonderful Mother's Day,Rhonda,and thanks for your good wishes....and Happy Mother's Day to all your readers as well!


  12. Happy Mother's Day Rhonda! xo m.

  13. Happy Mothers day!!! Hope it is fabulous! :)

  14. A happy mothers day to you. Your mother would be so proud of you. How you have reached out and touched so many.
    Its wonderful that your mother lives on in you.

  15. I don't know if you remember, but a couple of weeks ago I mentioned in the comments here that I was thinking about getting chickens. You were kind enough to write a reply to soothe my nervousness about this scary species.

    Anyway, yesterday we bought a flat-packed coop and run, then on the way home we passed by a poultry farm so we popped in just to see what they had....

    It doesn't take a genius to work out what ended up happening! We have 2 Leghorn girls, 18 weeks old.. Martha and Maggie. My 4 boys had to work out how to put the coop together, so the chooks had to stay in their box for about an hour. (They didn't seem too impressed by this...) I also realise that now that we've named them we can never kill and eat them. Oh well!

    One question.... I have 2 cats and 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. One of the dogs is incredibly excited by the chooks... not in a good way. She seems to want to get up close and personal with them. Will the chickens be able to defend themselves against the cats and the dogs? (Cavaliers are small spaniels.) I want to let them free range in the afternoons when we all come home from school, but I don't want to have to stand out there each day for a couple of hours guarding them. (Though if I get the boys to do the housework and do the cooking.... hmmmm.... then it mightn't be so bad....)

    We're looking at getting a couple of brown hens from the same farm in about a month, and one of my sons is very keen to raise some chicks and imprint them. I did this in year 11 biology many years ago, so I'm inclined to let him try. (The cats will be INCREDIBLY interested in this experiment, I'm sure!)

    One thing.... why is chook poo so HUGE? I think I was subconsciously expecting budgie poo. At least the compost will get a boost. I'll be investing in a pair of gumboots, I think.

    OH! Happy Mother's Day!

  16. Happy Mother's Day to you as well.

  17. I used that very saying to my mother just recently on a scrapbooking page.
    Have a blessed day! :-)

  18. A Happy Mother Day to you alos Rhonda.

  19. Happy Mother's Day to you! I'm the youngest in a family of 5 children and May is the month of Birthdays, so today we're celebrating Mother's Day, my 2nd sister and my Dad's birthdays.

    Your influence has seen me create presents: Dad's getting a Sri Lankan Love Cake (you've GOT to try this), Mum is getting an afternoon tea - where I'm making puff-pastry pinwheel savouries and Cath's getting some free handyman work around her house! Everything designed to bring pleasure in being together.

    Vivienne in Yandina

  20. Happy Mother's Day Rhonda!! Sweet memories of your Mother. As I grew up I found that I was becoming more and more like my Mother. It was a shock at first, but then I mellowed and accepted the fact that my Mom is a wonderful, caring person. That was something I didn't see while growing up as I just thought Moms yelled all the time - wasn't me was it?? LOL

    I know you don't accept Awards, but I have given you one. I so hope that people reading my description will come see you and all the good things you do.

    Again, Happy Mother's Day.

  21. Happy Mother's Day to you Rhonda. I still have my dear Mum (83) -- but empathise strongly on the non-Hodgkins Lymphona, we lost my only brother Michael to it at age 54.
    We are having a happy simple living day to celebrate Mothers Day. Hugs.

  22. Happy Mother's Day to you too Rhonda Jean! Hope your day is glorious!

  23. A happy Mothers' Day to you, Rhonda Jean. What a lovely tribute to your mother. She did a good job with you, I think!

  24. Vanessa SchenkMay 09, 2010 1:23 pm

    Hope you also have an amazing Mothers Day Rhonda :o)

  25. Rhonda,

    Happy Mother's Day!

    I am sure you Mother would be so proud of the life that you and Hanno are living.

    Enjoy your day.

  26. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day Rhonda. Hope you get spoilt today. You deserve it.

    Blessings Gail

  27. Happy Mother's Day!!! Thank you for sharing so much with so many!! May you have a wonderful day!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  28. Happy Mother's Day Rhonda! You're a compliment to all mothers everywhere and here I am from Malaysia wishing you a really happy mother's day! You've made us here very happy and I feel I've learned a lot from your blog.

  29. happy mother's day to you, Rhonda. What a testimony to aspire to. i hope my children can look at my life with the same love and appreciation.

  30. Next to my own mom, you're the most motherly person I know. Happy Mother's Day Rhonda!


  31. Happy Mother's Day!
    I really enjoy your blog.
    I have a question, and I wasn't sure how to send it to you, so I hope it is ok to do it in comments.
    Do you have somewhere on your blog where you explain how you built your raised vegetable beds? Are the blocks cemented together or just pushed up against each other? How do you keep weeds from growing in the openings in the blocks?
    Lynne from Maryland, USA

  32. Such a lovely tribute, Rhonda! My own mother is slipping away bit by bit by the devastating Alztheimer's Disease. She was always a difficult, prickly personality, but she took good care of us and is still my mother, so I honor the good memories. To watch how this terrible disease diminishes her is terribly sad. Blessings to all the mothers out there!
    Stickhorse cowgirl V

  33. Thanks Rhonda...to you too!

  34. Sheila, North Wales. UKMay 10, 2010 3:14 am

    It may not be Mother's Day here in the UK, but reading your post brought a tear to my eyes.
    I have also lost my mother (in 2003due to renal failure and its consequences), but I know the values she instilled in me are so important and these values in turn are being passed onto my children. I would never want to be a "clone" if you like of my Mum, I am my own person, but there is so much of her in me I can almost feel her sitting on my shoulders and whispering in my ears sometimes.
    I miss her so very much and everything she meant to me.
    Enjoy your Mother's Day Rhondaxxx

  35. Thank you and Happy Mother's Day to you too :-)

  36. Happy Mother's Day Rhonda!


  37. Happy Mother's Day to you also, may you have a great day and year ahead!


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