21 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Blue is the colour for this weekend's kitchens - look at this little beauty.  This is Suzanne's kitchen in South Australia.  You can tell when this photo was sent by the Christmas pudding hanging there.

Suzanne writes:
‘This is my little kitchen, we have an old home so our kitchen is walk through with the bathroom coming off of it on the side.

I lack all of what ‘most’ girls have with their new, large spacious kitchens, but it has no effect on the food I cook, only probably the time I spend in here.  I have no dishwasher, so with three children it can get a little cluttered but I have a lovely double sink that was put in a few years ago and I have just got a new oven after about 14 years….lucky me!!
My husband made my bench top, yes I only have one! from jarrah floorboards, and the other little bits and pieces of furniture are not fitted. I love to collect blue glass and blue and white china, and I think this little kitchen shows it all off beautifully.

I will have a new kitchen one day, but for now, I am happy here preparing meals, baking, and using home produce(see my cucumbers and tomatoes on the sink!) for my family………Thank you for the opportunity to share a little piece of my home with you all.’

You can visit Suzanne's lovely blog here.

I am ready to receive some more kitchen sink photos if you want to be part of this series.  Please send two only and reduce the size of them to about 20 percent before sending.  You can send them to rhondahetzel at gmail dot com
Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. Hi Suzanne. Your kitchen is beautiful. You have wonderful taste. I love the enamelware, too. Your husband did a brilliant job with your benchtop - it is glorious. I don't know how a new kitchen could improve the one you have, in all honesty. I look forward to reading your Blog. Thanks for sharing.
    Rhonda - I am going to take pics today and forward them to you of OUR kitchen. :-)
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  2. What a beautiful space! Your kitchen looks very cozy, comfy and inviting. The floors and counter tops are gorgeous!

  3. I love this kitchen! Such a wonderful color of blue. It looks so cheerful & well-loved. The floor tiles are lovely. I expect one would be happy working in this kitchen!

  4. Reminds me of a seaside cottage. I love the blue and white, its so classic and beautiful.

  5. What a gorgeous kitchen! That is such a lovely colour blue and the dark jarrah worktop really sets it off wonderfully.

    Just lovely!

  6. Hi, i love the blue. And the hood over the cooker is adorable.

  7. Suzanne, Your kitchen is LOVELY! a really beautiful little room. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Suzanne, I love your sweet little kitchen. The blue, yellow and white color scheme is just darling. And the scallops around your range hood make my heart go pitter-patter. You have done a great job decorating with the blue and white dishes. I would not change a thing!

  9. Suzanne your kitchen is lovely. My favourite colour scheme. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get a new style fitted kitchen. To me they all look the same. Your hubbie did a great job on the counter top and the whole kitchen exudes a caring personality . I also have a biggish sink area and find it invaluable. I can't figure out how those tiny round sinks ever work but perhaps I am missing something. Enjoy your beautiful kitchen.

  10. Suzanne, your blue kitchen is charming, the whole thing comes together brilliantly and it looks like a fun space to work in.

  11. what a beautiful kitchen. It's so pretty and size really don't matter. It's lovely.

  12. Suzanne,
    I moved into one of those new house with the big kitchen late last year, and it has none of the character of your beautiful kitchen. I'd swap it any day (you an keep the 3 kids though) ! :)

  13. Suzanne, your kitchen is just enchanting. Love all that blue mixed with the white and pale yellow on the walls. And it's all so neat and pretty! Thanks so much for the peak into this gorgeous little corner of your home. Anita (Melbourne)

  14. What a lovely kitchen and I love the colour. I love all your enamel ware. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Suzanne, what a pretty fresh kitchen I love it just the way it is, so fresh and welcoming...

  16. Why wouldn't you want to spend time in yor kitchen-it's gorgeous! Lack of benchtop space when having to cleanup is always a good thing! I hope you get plenty more years out of this sweet room.

  17. What a GORGEOUS kitchen! I adore the hood over your range, especially with the lovely blue and white items. I wish I could come and have a cup of tea and chat while you're washing up.

  18. Hi Suzanne, Thankyou for sharing.Your kitchen is too cute, I just love it, looks beachy, I wouldn't want a new one, what your husband did was great, just keep getting him to add little touches here & there when you need. It has so much character.
    Erika (Gold Coast)

  19. What a sweet kitchen, I especially love the baskets next to the oven.

  20. What a stunning colour to have in your kitchen. Love it. Love the simplicity of the kitchen too - simply charming.

  21. Your kitchen is lovely and so fresh. It looks like a kitchen from a Rosamunde Pilcher novel.

  22. Love the bright color. I like to comment on the size of your stove.
    Years ago they made what we would called Apartment size stove meaning a smaller stove.
    Now they don't make them and more and it hard to get parts.

    Coffee is on

  23. This is a delightful little kitchen and I feel right at home there. The color is very nice and calming and I love the blue and white china. It's a warm, inviting space.


  24. what a lovely kitchen, so cosy. I love the colours, I love the warmth of it. I am guessing the rest of your home is just as beautiful, warm and welcoming. I am not a fan of the 'modern home'. You could be in a beautiful beach house here, I am seeing huge windows, a lovely shaded verandah, a plate of anzac biscuits and a cup of tea. thanks so much for sharing.

  25. I thought I recognised this dear little kitchen - it belongs to my darling sister..... Many laughs and chats have been had in this cosy nook. Suzanne imbues her surroundings with her warm, caring personality and it really does show through doesn't it?

  26. Thank you Rhonda for sharing my kitchen sink photos with the readers of your blog.
    I do love my little kitchen, but today after reading all these lovely comments, I think I even love it a little more!...
    Thanks everyone . Suzanne.

  27. Suzanne your kitchen is wonderful, I love the range hood with the blue and white china plates (I collect blue and white too, so I am a little partial LOL), these new big kitchens may look fancy but some lack the country homeiness of the older ones, enjoy your lovely kitchen!


  28. Suzanne, your little kitchen is a delight. It is just so pretty. I love the way you've worked with blue and white. It looks so fresh and clean. Thankyou for sharing it with us.

    Blessings Gail.

  29. What a pretty place!! And most inviting too!!


  30. This kitchen is absolutely adorable and the benchtop is gorgeous. You and your husband should both be proud!

  31. Wonderful kitchen...love the blue and white!!

  32. your kitchen is warm vibrant and so charming. Makes me want to come for a cup of tea.

    Hello Rhonda, I hope this find you and Hanno well.

  33. It's so pretty, you don't need a new kitchen! It's gorgeous.

  34. I really like this blue kitchen. I visited a lot of the kitchens you have posted and it is fascinating to see everyones' different "hearths". What a wonderful idea ... to explore kitchen sinks !

  35. Oh, I just love this kitchen! So homey and welcoming. Just beautiful.

  36. I just love this little Kitchen, so cute. thanks for sharing.


  37. A beautiful kitchen, simply beautiful!

  38. Hi darling,
    I have tried once before to leave a comment, but my footprint was clearly not heavy enough!
    I have this week set up my blog and today learned about downloading photos from my camera (yes, the same one you recommended) and written my second post. Feeling very grown up!
    It's called ritualsofeveryday.
    Trotting along with the year, have been thinking of you from time to time as I do. I have tried to call Bernadette several times without success. Please give her my love and that I am also thinking of her, her lovely red car and our tussles about shoes!

    Sending lots of love to you and yours,

  39. I love everything about your kitchen. It is perfect. Want to swap? :-)
    I love the colours, it looks so cosy and inviting. The benchtop is great too.

  40. Suzanne:
    Lovely kitchen -- I, too, am a lover of blue and white, with the collection being started by my grandmother's china. Love the crispness of the two colors. Lovely website as well!
    Barb, Massachusetts

  41. I really love the blue and the hint of yellow on that plant up on the top there! It's so cozy! I would give up my "new" kitchen for this. It's adorable.

  42. The blue and white dishes are so pretty - a favorite of mine too.
    Your kitchen has such a nice feel to it. Very pretty.

  43. Hi Suzanne~

    Your kitchen is so charming! It shares so much warmth and hominess! It is so cosy and welcoming! Thank you for sharing!


  44. Your kitchen reminds me so much of my family's kitchen when I was growing up (late 60's-early 70's). The cupboards are a similar style to the ones my carpenter father made and the colour is just the same! That gorgeous blue!!! I love it! The pale yellow sets it off beautifully. Your kitchen says to me: this home is lived in and loved, but not loved as much as the people in it. Am I right?

  45. Suzanne, your kitchen could be Swedish. I love little old kitchens, they have so much charm. I've never had one of those big spacious kitchens. They might be nice with all those cupboards, but they just don't appeal to me. Your kitchen does!!

    Your space is beautiful as is - don't be in a hurry to swap it out

  46. Your kitchen is lovely. I'm always amazed at how nice the smaller kitchens I've seen here are. Makes me feel much better about my tiny kitchen.

  47. I think your kitchen is lovely and charming. Loved kitchens are way better then new and shiny. Thats one of the reasons I bought my home was for the old kitchen I just love how it feels and I really like your kitchen you have excellent taste.

  48. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the little basket beside the stove with the toaster in the top...what a fantastic idea, and just too cute! Sometimes I think a smaller kitchen is nicer because we are more mindful of what we have in it, less distraction overall.

    You have a great kitchen, thanks for sharing :)

  49. Many of us do not have big, new kitchens! Your kitchen is charming and the blue is very pretty!

  50. Love it, Love it, love it, I am a blue girl and collect the same china "All things bright and beautiful" came to my mind as soon as I entered your kitchen.

  51. Beautiful! I love all the blue and white china :)

  52. I am loving the blue! Your kitchen is marvelous. I bet the kids will have lovely memories of Mum and time spent there with you.

  53. Suzanne, your kitchen is beautiful. You can tell you love to cook and care for your family. Your heart for your home shows in how much care you have taken in this room.

  54. I love the bright blue of the kitchen! It reminds me of my kitchen that I had in school although it was bright blue with grey trim.

  55. OOOHHHH.... How I really lóve this one! So tiny and cosy! This could be my dreamkitchen! ;o)

  56. LOVE this kitchen! It's tiny, but so beautiful. Great coloring and I am particularly partial to that lovely floor . . . it's the same color as mine. :)

  57. that is one of the nicest kitchens i have ever seen. i just love it!


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