20 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

We have another Carla today but today's kitchen is in Western Australia.  

Carla writes:
"Here are some photos of my kitchen. The first one is of the sink and the outlook I have through the window. The blinds are wooden and I have them drawn up so that hopefully you can see it also. It overlooks the patio where we sit to have our cuppas and breakfast. In the background there is my 60th birthday present DH had built for me to hang my greenery. 
Next to that is an old freezer which is choc a block full with frozen garden produce. Inside, the light wood grain Formica bench top compliments the wooden blinds and spice rack on the left On the right the cane shelf with delft blue ware tins that once had Dutch biscuits in when bought from the shop. But in order to keep them with the blue theme I kept the tins to reuse them. They now contain the teas,coffees and sugar. My crocheted dish cloth is hanging over the sink divider. I have a double sink. However I keep the drain rack in the right sink as I never use a tea towel to dry dishes. I always drain and let them air dry. I feel it's healthier, rather than wipe more germs over them with a tea towel that more often than not has been used to wipe my hands. When we built this house I chose not to have dishwasher.
The photo of the whole kitchen shows the fridge and freezer side by side on the left, the walk in pantry in the corner and then my gas cook top stove and electric oven underneath. 

On the wall above it, is my most favourite piece of delft blue ware, the Dutch coffee grinder. To the right on the bench I keep the salt pot, a container with a brush I use for dipping in oil and a spoon rest, again all in Delft blue. It was a hobby of mine to get things to go into my "Dutch" kitchen and follow the blue theme which took a quite some time over the last 10 years before we went on the pension. I'm glad I did now, as this is the part of the house we spend most of our time and it has become a comfortable place to work in amongst my little treasures. It's not a big kitchen but very functional and I love being in there."

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. What an inviting and well thought out kitchen. I have to concur with you regarding dishwashers. I am not a fan either, personally. You have lots of hanging plants outside - as do I. :-) I adore all of the personal touches. Thanks so much for sharing,
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  2. You have a lovely kitchen. I love the electric oven with gas cook top. I have an all gas range now, which I love, but if we ever remodel our kitchen I want a gas cook top and an electric in-wall (shoulder height) oven.

  3. I love the blue, it is my favorite color. I have my micro on top of the fridge as well. I don't want one but hubby does. So it sits up there and can be used easily by my 6'2" hubby.


  4. What a wonderful description of your kitchen Carla! Thank you for sending some pictures and taking the time to describe so well. I get a real sense of your happy home reading that! So thank you!


  5. You have a beautiful and bright kitchen. I love all the blue and white delft ware.

  6. I really like this kitchen. It looks simple, functional and elegant. The covered area outside looks great too. In the climate that most of us in Australia enjoy any outside sitting spot is like having an extra room without the expense and hassle.
    Jill of Laidley, Qld.

  7. I love this kitchen! Such clean lines and lots of attention to detail. I especially love the light countertops!

  8. Very pretty kitchen!

    I love the way your pantry fits in there...very handy.

  9. Thanks for sharing, love the layout and a walk in pantry is such a nice touch! Love all the blueware, it adds such a nice touch to the space. I would love to have a gas top and an electric oven when I re-do our kitchen. Very inviting space!

  10. I really like the shape of the kitchen and the nice amount of counter/work space.

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love your kitchen, so light and airy. It has been very well planned out and looks really finctional while being beautiful with all your blue touches. Thank you for sharing Carla.

  12. I am loving your Dutchware collection! Such a lovely kitchen! I also like your view from the sink. I wish I had a better view. Maybe when we finally settle in a house with a big enough back yard I will have a wonderful view like yours.

  13. What a lovely and inviting kitchen. My Grandmother always had blue and white containers in her kitchen - I have some of them now. Love the view out of the kitchen window - the table looks so inviting for breakfasts and coffees.

  14. Love this kitchen...it looks so inviting to work in...and the beautiful Dutch Blue things...lovely!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. I love touches of blue in a kitchen! You must be very organized to be able to keep your counters clear. I've never been able to do it, myself, but I admire those who can :-). Your little "treasures" are lovely. How wonderful that you have a walk-in pantry--so handy. Thank you for letting us "visit" you.

  16. It's the perfect kitchen, not too big, just the right size for moving around comfortably with lots of counter space. I love the idea of a walk-in pantry, too!

  17. Love your kitchen. Jealous much! Thank you for sharing.

  18. I loved your comment about air drying your dishes! Now I have a good excuse to keep doing what I'm doing ;)

  19. Thankyou for sharing your beautiful, well organised kitchen with a pretty view from the window.
    Erika(Gold Coast)

  20. I love your kitchen! The Delft blue is so beautiful and it's such a spot of color. I'd love to hang out there as well. (And loving the TWO windows. Wow.)

  21. You have a very inviting kitchen! It gives me the impression that anyone would feel very at home and comfortable. That is what you want in a kitchen!

  22. What a pretty kitchen. I love blue and white, too. Thanks for the tip about air drying the dishes. It makes a lot of sense and I never liked drying them anyway.
    Jeri (from Utah, USA)

  23. Such a nice kitchen. I love all the blue pieces! You have a lovely workspace. :) Melissa

  24. I too love the blue. It's really cute! Your kitchen is so tidy...I'm jealous. :P

  25. such a lovely kitchen, thanks for sharing. love the view from your window. I also like to air dry and dont like wiping with a tea towel, but if i have to, i always pull out a fresh towel.

  26. Such a lovely kitchen, the blue and white Dutch theme is wonderful! And a walk-in pantry is so nice, I always have to run downstairs in the basement. But best of all is the view of the hanging plants.

  27. Carla that is a lovely kitchen - so neat & well thought out. I love the pretty pale wall colour & your blue & white Delft ware. Would love a littel peek into that walk in
    pantry !

  28. You really have alot of counter space! And your kitchen is so very tidy and clean. I love all your blue in the kitchen and also the nice view out your window! Great job on your kitchen Carla!

  29. I think most of you ladies have such well-thought-out kitchens - you can just turn and get something (I have to go on a route march!) What a pleasant outlook, and love the blue and white china. I have some (mostly John D Woods' Juan pattern) on a shelf over the towels in the bathroom.

  30. Lovely kitchen. Thank you for sharing. I have a question - I don't see an exhaust above the stove, is this not mandatory in Australia? I'm certain it's a requirement here in the US.

  31. This is a lovely kitchen, very cosy looking. I like your walk in pantry, I wish mine was that big! :-)

  32. I love this kitchen. Compact, practical and attractive and such a restful shade of blue.
    Thank you for sharing.

  33. What a lovely kitchen. I too let my dishes air dry when I don't use the dishwasher. With only two of us it is faster to wash by hand sometimes. Love the fact that you can look out the window and see all the wonderful things!

  34. I love the proportion and clean but cozy look of your kitchen...I think it must be a pleasure to work there.
    Thank you for sharing!

  35. Great kitchen. I am always reassured when I see a kitchen without upper cabinets. I opted not to have upper cabinets, because I dislike the look, but so many people walk in and say "where are the rest of your cabinets?"
    Thanks for sharing.

  36. So pretty! I love the whole space.

  37. Your kitchen is so neat and tidy. I love that you have ample counter space within a small-ish space! It shows the kitchen was designed well. :) I'll bet that extra counter space is great when baking bread or canning! I too love your blue Delft ware. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us!

  38. What a lovely kitchen!

    I'm not a great fan of tea towels either although I seem to have accumulated quite a few simply to wipe my hands on! I sense a declutter in the tea towel basket coming on...

    Your Delftware is beautiful - blue and white seems to make everything look very clean and fresh.

    Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us.

  39. You have such a lovely cozy kitchen. The time and effort that you have invested really shine with pride through your photos and descriptions.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  40. I love how clean and streamlined your kithen is. With the lovely view out to the porch, it looks like a wonderful place to work in.

  41. What a lovely tidy kitchen! And the hints of blue are beautiful!

  42. I tend to let my dishes air dry as well. Very seldom do i use a towel.
    Thankyou for sharing.--Krystal

  43. Thanks for sharing! Your kitchen looks so cozy. I also air dry most of my dishes - even when I use the dishwasher, I let the dishes air dry.

  44. I love Delftware also, and blue and white are my favorite color combination! I also love that you have the little tins from Dutch wafers- I have a few of the same ones, over here in the U.S.! They are sold at our Trader Joe's grocery store. I use mine for spare change.

    Oregon, USA

  45. Your kitchen is adorable... it reminds me of my mother's kitchen growing up - it was decorated with delft and was all blue and white (my family is Dutch). Thank you for sharing- it brought back so many memories :)

  46. Hi carla..it is Carole..i just came back and checked your kitchen nd yes we have the same coffee grinder...you have a good eye for picking out things ..thank you for your lovely comments..


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