18 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today we're in Carla's kitchen but I'm not sure of the location.  Carla, if you read this, drop me a line.  I do know Carla is a chicken girl because she has chook curtains and wall hangings, so we are in familiar territory.

Carla writes:

"Here is my Kitchen sink.   It is always busy.   I would shine it all up but it would be fruitless as I am always doing dishes.
This is my dining area which has turned into my sewing area as my sewing room is too cold to sew in.   Hope you all enjoy my busiest area in my house."

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. I love this entry...someone else "making do" with what they have!! Lots better order than I manage to have however, so my congratulations to this lady!

  2. Glad you didn't tidy it up! Nice to see a kitchen be 'lived in' ...just like mine!

  3. So much light! What a pleasant place to cook and sew. I bet I would sew a lot more if I moved my machine into a warmer room too - I think I'll work on doing just that this afternoon... thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I can totally relate to always having dishes in or near the sink, whether just washed or needing to be washed! My dining room is often the sewing room, too. Your kitchen is orderly, while obviously being the hub of the home. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for showing a "real life" picture of a home!

  6. Looks most familiar to me... might be my own kitchen!!

  7. A nice lived in kitchen, one happy with taking care of daily business, no matter if it's sewing, cooking, whatever. That's why the kitchen is sometimes called the heart of the home. I like all the 'chooks' around and the dining room table and chairs are very nice too.


  8. I'm sort of new to this feature, but I like the chance to peek into real-life rooms of real-life people! I especially was interested to see the hardwood floors in this kitchen because we are considering replacing the scratched-up linoleum that we currently have. Thanks for taking time out of your sewing to photograph the heart & hub of your home, Carla!

  9. I would lay money down that you love looking out your window while washing dishes! I like that you and your family LIVE in that kitchen - mine is always "lived in"! Always I have dishes in the sink!

    My kitchen/dining area was also my art studio at one time! Multi-tasking rooms! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Woman-at-work-areas! Great stuff, great kitchen. Thanks for sharing.
    Ramona K

  11. I love "busy kitchens"...in fact, I love all busy corners, where life is truly lived!

  12. I have the same type of layout in my home. I tend to bring To crowded where it is in the spare room right now.

    Thankyou for sharing.----Krystal

  13. Your kitchen is set up a lot like mine... not very large, but I think I love the layout better than any kitchen I've ever had! I've had several and this one just "works" for me! Thanks for sharing!

  14. you look like you are having a lovely busy day and thats great keep going and enjoy

  15. I enjoyed taking a peek into your kitchen. It looks warm and cozy, just as a kitchen should be!

  16. Thnak you Carla for sharing. You have a real Kitchen that is lived in and worked in. Lots of beautiful light and bench space. Looks like a good spot for your sewing and it saves you heating a room thats just used for sewing.

  17. A beautiful kitchen, so welcoming and inviting. I can imagine you bustling about in there making nourishing food for your family. It looks clean, and with just the right amount of order-in-action.

  18. Like the chicken theme! Perhaps because I have one too! Love the working kitchen, if there's lots of dishes to do, there must be lots of good hand made food going through it. I like to hand wash my dishes and there's always lots, but we eat very well. Nice homely kitchen, not a sterile magazine cover, makes me smile.

  19. I love the lived in look of your kitchen. It looks like a family kitchen. I used to sew in a corner in my kitchen--kiddos played awhile momma sewed for them.

  20. Hahaha..... I saw my name and then the kitchen and for a moment I thought you had mixed up photos. But obviously there are more Carlas in the forum.lol This kitchen looks like a very busy place. Lots of production happening and it's done in a open light and airy environment. My kind of existance as well.

  21. Thanks for sharing the heart of your home! Sewing and cooking are the heart of my home too. Thanks for sharing your kitchen, I love the sunlight streaming in!

  22. Nice and homey! I like that it is the busiest area of your home. How lovely to see a busy kitchen AND a sewing area. What sweet memories your family will have! Thank you for sharing.

    Cathy in Florida

  23. Love a girl who sews at the kitchen table!

  24. Your kitchen looks very much like mine. Well used and well loved. I like to floor very much. The sewing in the dining room is something I used to do all the time too. Now I am lucky enough to have a room to sew in...Your kitchen is very nice. I would love to sit at your table with a cup of coffee for a long visit...Roxie

  25. I love the wood floor in the kitchen! And I sew at the end of my table,too.I would be at home in your house!!

  26. What a cozy little kitchen! I also use my kitchen table as a crafting area when I'm in a pickle. My kitchen, too, is the busiest room in the house! :) Melissa

  27. I love it. It looks an awful lot like mine.

  28. I'm really enjoying this series! And yes, the kitchen always somehow becomes multi-functional! I use mine for cooking, eating and homeschooling!

  29. I love the two-tone cupboards! And a well-used kitchen is a joy indeed.

  30. This lovely kitchen is close in shape to mine...it is a lot more clean though! It looks like a very comfy, cozy place to be!

  31. I agree with "wife of a dairyman" I LOVE that your kitchen looks like mine - LIVED IN! :o)
    I also really like the window behind your sink. Our current home doesn't have this, but the one we're moving into in a couple of weeks has one. I can't wait!

    Rhonda, I do have a question for you tonight (today where you are). My landlady is not to crazy about me digging up our new yard and putting in a garden (she didn't say no, but I could tell it didn't sit with her just right). I think I might go ahead and do it anyway and just share the little bit of crops my first year garden will yield (I am a firm believer that fresh tomatoes and cucs can win over just about anyone!) but I do know I have the option of doing a container garden. My question for you is, do you have any information on this? Just curious. :o) Thanks.

  32. I say never trust a kitchen without a dish drainer on the counter!! Thanks for sharing your real life kitchen.

  33. O yes, the kitchen is definitely the busiest area in your house (as in most of our houses, I happily think) and I love to see yours, with all the things lying around. it makes houses more lived-in, doesn't it? ,wonderful and cozy, thank you for sharing!

  34. Oh, I'm using the dining table for sewing at the moment too! I do have a studio here at the new place we've moved to, but I need to put lights in.

    Thanks for sharing with us:)

  35. I like your curtains! Also your place seems cozy. Thank you for sharing !!!

  36. Thank you for sharing photos of your lovely kitchen. I have nearly the same layout and cabinet style! I love my big countertop, how about you?

  37. What a homely sweet place to sit and sew and watch whatever is on the stove cooking for dinner and the bonus of a lovely window to look out of while you do the dishes.

  38. I love your nice cozy kitchen ...my dining table is also my sewing room, its the best place to work right in the center of everything :) Thanks for sharing!

  39. Kitchens are always the busiest rooms in the house.
    I am very pleased to see your kitchen as it really is....pulse of the entire home!

    Thanks for sharing!

  40. Seeing your sewing machine set up makes me feel right at home. Even though I have a sewing room now,(that's right outside my kitchen) I still bring out my machine to sew where my family is!

  41. lol, Another Carla here :). Looks like my kitchen, always busy and lived in. Thanks for sharing!


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