19 February 2010

Busy times

I am going through a very busy time here right now. I worked again yesterday but apart from a meeting with the high school principal and teachers to work out an agreement between us and the Flexischool, my day involved not doing the work of the Centre but showing various visitors around. I was actually very pleased to be able to show the Centre to one of the two politicians who raised the money for us to build it. Carolyn Male is the sitting Member for Pine Rivers but used to be our local member of parliament. When she was in that position, she lobbied endlessly on our behalf. Anna Bligh (our Premier) was our other helper and I hope to thank her personally if she does the official opening. And today a Senator will be there for morning tea and we always take advantage when we have the ear of a politician. There are so many things we can make them aware of, so many people who need help and so few funds with which to do it. So today I'm back at work to do a bit of lobbying of my own, but I hope to be home again just after lunch.

My son Kerry came up to look through the Centre yesterday, but with all the other visitors, I didn't have time to talk to him. Hanno showed him around and off they went to lunch. I was really thankful to find him still here when I came home and we had dinner together before he drove the two hour trip home.

I was contacted by the ABC yesterday asking if I would do a spot on radio every fortnight talking about frugal living. How could I say no to that. It's a good way to spread the word. That first interview is this morning.

Monday is going to be another busy day with a 12 hour work day - it's my normal work with two meetings tacked onto the end of it. But after that, my friends, everything should start to settle down again and I can concentrate on being here at home, get back to making and doing and being mindful of why I live this way. I don't like to be so hurried, I doubt it's good for my health and it feels like I'm not concentrating enough to do a good job.

I have no doubt many of you have similar busy days and I really have little to complain about. I am missing my at home days and look forward to spending more time here and being able to write about slow and mindful living again. So bear with me as I go through the busy period.

Thank you for your visits this week and for the wonderful and helpful comments left. It really makes writing this blog seem worthwhile when I know that others are wanting to live more simply and connecting here from all over the world. I hope you have a lovely weekend.


  1. What a wonderful job you do for your community Rhonda. I believe that during the 2 days you work there (or is it 3?) you get more done than many would doing full-time. Before too long though, I hope you get some well-deserved home time to recharge your batteries.
    Thinking of you both....
    Ramona K

  2. Congratulations on the speaking gig. I'm sure your speaking of frugal living will bring more over to our side.
    Take care that you don't get sick and get some time to enjoy your home and family. Blessings

  3. Hi,

    I just wanted to let you know that I found your blog, just yesterday. I absolutely love it. I love your peaceful ways and ideas. I intend to incorporate as many as I can within my own life.

  4. Good Morning, Rhonda.
    I am glad to hear you that are enjoying your work, and that you're able to enjoy the fruits of your labour in showing visitors around the Centre. And it must have been a real mental lift to be able to spend time with your son last night. I hope that things do slow down considerably for you over the next few weeks.
    I will try to listen out for your radio interview. Best of British luck! :-)
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  5. It's encouraging to see you work at making this lifestyle intentional- even with so many demands. Hope you get all your work done and on to some rest soon! I appreciate your blog so much.

  6. Hi Rhonda, that great new about the radio! Is your interview on local ABC radio, or National? I hope its national so i listen to it!
    V. xx

  7. What a great job you have! But, remember to take it easy.

  8. Congrats on your radio spot, Rhonda! Thanks for continuing to encourage us here, too.

    Cath in Sydney

  9. Rhonda, That is great news about the ABC.So glad all with the centre went well yesterday,sometimes I think life throws in these busy times so when we are home we enjoy it all the more...Enjoy your week-end

  10. You are an amazing lady Rhonda with all that you do. Was wondering if your interviews will be accessible form the computer so that I can listen to them here in NZ?

    Have a great day,

  11. Wonderful! I hope the weekend is restful for you Rhonda.

  12. Congrats on the speaking job. You will do a great job. Enjoy those slower days when they come.

  13. Hello ladies and thank you all. Welcome Maureen!

    Tracy, Vicky and Cate, it's my local ABC on the Sunshine Coast. The program is hosted by John Stokes. I've just emailed him to ask if it's webcast. If it is, he'll give me the address to pass on to you.

  14. Oooh, congratulations Rhonda, and I'm looking forward to listening to it if it's possible from the other side of the world! Sometimes busy can be energising, but I'm realising myself more and more the value of spending time at home rather than dashing about everywhere - reading many of your old posts made me realise that! I'm rather busy with many things at the minute, but I try to make sure I fit in regular time at home, it's making me feel more grounded and ready for enjoying life rather than being worn down.

    Hope you get some of that time this weekend too. What's happening at your centre sounds wonderful.

  15. Thank you, Rhonda Jean for taking the time to be a wonderful inspiration and allowing us into your home and life. Have a happy day. Deb

  16. Wow, you are such an example for me! Your business, and your honesty about that, helps me to realize that there will be seasons when I will find living a more deliberate life will take more forethought and planning than others. I see that I tend to be an all or nothing kind of person but I am learning life is not that cut and dried. I am trying to learn flexabililty and the changes I have made in my life to this point, although few and I am working on more, have been so freeing that I eagerly anticipate more. I wish we could get your radio broadcast in the USA. I thought I read somewhere that you wrote a book but I can't find that reference. If you have, what is the name of it? and if you haven't...well, that would be wonderful!! (Not trying to add to your list of things to do :-) Have a great weekend and Congratulations on your radio spot!

  17. Hello Rhonda,

    It seems like so many are busy at the moment. Hope it settles down soon.

    Blessings Gail

  18. I am very excited for you to be asked to do a radio spot! I can't think of a better representative of frugal living. :-)

  19. I would sure like to be able to hear you radio interviews over here in the states! Do you think it will be recorded somewhere on the internet? If so, please do let us know!

  20. Congrats with the gig any chance of ys on the other side of the pond being able to listen on line?

  21. I had just read recently an article about "Blooming where you are planted".I understand how unnerving being so busy can be,but what you do is so important! I hope that thought will help you through the next few days.You are truly "blooming" in all you do.And in turn,inspiring us to "bloom" in all we do,too!

  22. Helen Jane MorleyFebruary 19, 2010 9:19 am

    Hi Rhonda - I heard your interview with John Stokes this morning and it was great, well worth the effort to spread the word.

  23. I'm crossing my fingers for the webcast so we can hear it here in the states too!

  24. I enjoyed listening to the radio spot and hearing your voice. You sound just like I imagined. Thanks for the great blog and your kind and gentle outlook on life. I am learning a lot from you.

  25. Please do let us know if the interview will be available online. I'd love to hear it! Congrats!

  26. It is wonderful you are making such a difference in so many places. I hope you will put links up when you do the TV spots...would love to see them!!
    Blessings...and take time to rest, Elizabeth

  27. Hi Rhonda,

    Very excited for you, that you're on Stokes's show! Have sent an email to the ABC asking if it will be podcast.

    All the very best with it, you continue to inspire me, and this afternoon I'm ripping up old Nambour weeklies to add to the compost heap.


  28. Congrats Rhonda,

    Just wondering if I can access the station in Brisbane and what day/time your feature will be on each time?

  29. I ended up staying at work all day because the volunteer didn't turn up.

    John Stokes wrote back to say they aren't allowed to have a webcast from their radio program and if I wanted to complain about that to write to the head of ABC content here: Brennen.jenny@abc.net.au

    If you send an email to Jenny, CC it to John so he knows what we're up to. Who knows, if they get enough emails they might start a webcast. John would like a webcast.

    John Stokes does the breakfast show on Sunshine Coast ABC FM. I'm going to be on fortnightly at around 6.20am

  30. Sending a virtual hug of congratulations and support.


  31. Congrats on your radio spot! And big kudos to your work at the center. You are an inspiration to many...I hope things are able to slow down for you soon!

  32. We all have some times in our lives that are busier than others. The rest of the time is ours. Congratulations on your speaking engagements. You will do fine; and we will have you back in short order I am sure. After all, this is what you like doing best.

  33. That's awesome about your radio spot! Hope we can get it out here in California. When does it air?

  34. ABC? Rhonda, that is wonderful!
    Go YOU!

  35. I'm from Wa. State and enjoy your forum, so refreshing to hear people from other countries wanting to be frugal. Enjoying seeing everyones kitchens too.

  36. You are so busy, Rhonda J, with the good things in life! thank you for finiding the time ot enrich us here on "down-to-earth". You are wonderful example to us all!Congatulations on your radio time..another good spreading of the word!

  37. Hi Rhonda, will you be doing "Frugal Friday" on the radio. I listen to that every week at work until the younger ones come in then I turn the radio over for them. They dont get the ABC lol. My daughter goes to flexi school it's a lovely new centre in a very pretty spot.

  38. Jackie, I'll do it every second Friday around 6.20am. I'll look out for your daughter at the Flexi.


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