25 December 2009

Christmas ~ Michael Leunig

Recently I conducted a comprehensive survey of Hanno and I and discovered that we have the warmest, friendliest and most loyal readers in the entire blogdom. Thank you for your visits and comments this year and for supporting the Down to Earth forum.  Thanks also to the wonderful group of ladies who help me on the forum, I couldn't do it without them.  You'll find their blogs on my blogroll.  It's been an absolute pleasure for me to discover more about you during the year and to have so many of you come out of hiding.  I look forward to next year when we'll all move together towards a simpler life.

We'll have two more kitchen sink posts and then I'll have a some time off.  

I found this Michael Leunig poem on Duckherder's blog last Christmas and have never found another Christmas poem I like more. So, for those who missed it the first time, and for those who love it as much as I do, here it is again.  Merry Christmas everyone, and Duckie.

I see a twinkle in your eye, so this shall be my Christmas star and I will travel to your heart: the manger where the real things are.
And I will find a mother there who holds you gently to her breast, a father to protect your peace, and by these things you shall be blessed.
And you will always be reborn and I will always see the star and make the journey to your heart: the manger where the real things are.


  1. Have a wonderful Christmas Rhonda and Hanno. Thank you for another year of information, inspiration and entertainment.

    Cheers, Eileen in England.

  2. Good morning dear Rhonda, Hanno and The Lovely Alice. Merry Christmas to you and our fellow Down to Earth Community. Hugs.

  3. Merry Christmas Rhonda & Hanno. Best wishes for a lovely Christmas and may the year ahead be filled with good health, good times, laughter & love. Rhonda, thank you for your thoughtful & informative postings throughout the past year. regards, Jenny McH

  4. I love that poem! Thank you for posting it, as I missed it before.
    Merry Christmas to you and Hanno. Thank you so much for all you share and teach. I know I have become a more knowledgable, simpler living person because of your wonderful blog.
    Merry! Merry!

  5. although I don't always comment, I always visit your blog every day and tuck away all the bits of information that I need to help me towards this simple life we all crave. All the best to you and your family throughout the festive season and for 2010
    Merry Christmas to all!!
    Cheers Judy xx

  6. What a beautiful poem - very touching. Merry Christmas Rhonda, from a very loyal reader and friend. You have taught me so much since I have been reading you blog - THANK YOU! I hope that the new year brings you many wonderful and happy blessings.

    Blessings Barb

  7. Have a wonderful day, Rhonda. And a break filled with reflection, pottering, joy, refreshment and relaxation.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  8. Hi Rhonda and Hanno,
    I'm wishing you love, health and happiness for you and your loved ones.
    I'm so glad that I discovered your blog this year. It has been such an inspiration.

    A big hug from the Netherlands,

    (b.t.w.: love the poem!)

  9. What a pretty poem.It is new to me,but I like it a lot.
    Looking forward to a New Year full of new experiences and possibilities for us all!! Peace!

  10. Merry Christmas Rhonda and everyone who reads your blog. I found you only late this year through the simple saving forum, but i have spent many hours reading your older posts. Thank you for taking the time to post. You have given me much food for thought and plenty of things to try.
    Again thank you, have a great christmas break, and I am looking forward to reading more about life on your post in the new year,

  11. That's nice.

    But this would be the same Michael Leunig whose Christmas greeting in December 2001 was:

    'Might we, can we, find a place in our heart for the humanity of Osama bin Laden and those others? On Christmas Day can we consider their suffering, their children and the possibility that they too have their goodness? It is a family day, and Osama is our relative.'

    Osama is our relative? I'm sure your loyal American readers who lost almost 3000 fellow countrymen in the 9/11 terrorist attacks only months before this contemptible message was written would vehemently disagree. Of course one doesn't have to be American to recoil from the sentiment behind this reprehensible Christmas message.

    Michael Leunig, whose writings you give a platform, also had one of his cartoons accepted in an Iranian Holocaust-denying cartoon contest not long ago.

    Rhonda, I really enjoy your blog and read it every day, however I must admit to being disappointed when I read today's entry. I will understand if you do not publish my comment as it does not reflect the spirit of this wonderful festive season or that of your blog, but I did want you to know (in case you were not already aware) that for all the beauty of this particular poem, Michael Leunig has said and drawn many offensive things and I hope you will bear this in mind before you publish his work again.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Simone (Brisbane)

  12. I just loved the poem. I'm putting it into my "keep" folder. And... I absolutely adore the picture. But I'm obviously very biased, it's a scene close to my heart. Have a great day Rhonda, I know you'll be busy with your Christmas community breakfasts.
    Hugs Carla

  13. Dear Rhonda

    Merry christmas to you & Hanno. I hope your big breakfast has gone well. may you both have a relaxing afternoon, enjoy your cricket tomorrow. I love your blog and look forward to reading and catching up after your break. You are my daily fix and your advice and care makes my day. Thank you in deep appreciation.

  14. I don't recall it from last year, but it is just so beautiful, that I will remember it now!

    I look forward to the new year to see what all the lovely bloggers will be up to. I look forward to see what I will be up to ...

    Thank you for all the information that you give. Even when I know you are repeating a subject, it is presented as if it's brand new. Love the way you present things.

    Many hugs

  15. That's a beautiful poem indeed. I just recently found your blog and I really love it. Thank you so much for sharing all this with us.

    Merry Christmas!

  16. Just to say that your words have impacted on my life and though I am not living simply yet I am on that journey.

    Seasons greetings to you and yours.

    Thank you.


    (aka inquisitive1ady)

  17. And a warm Christmas wish for a well-earned break to you.

  18. Gosh Rhonda, that might just be you! that's what you are to us, and I'm sure I'm speaking for all of you friends!!


  19. love to you Rhonda! What would we do wtihout the wonderfull, whimsical thoughtfull Mr Leunig! Hope you had a great day. Enjoy the cricket tomorrow! love Duckie

  20. Merry Christmas Rhonda; I hope it was a lovely day.

    I am sorry that Simone from Brisbane reacted to Leunig that way. Surely his 2001 note tells us something fundamental: if we deny the humanity of our enemies, we become inhuman ourselves. And it's so easy to do, even on the day we celebrate the birth of a man of Middle Eastern appearance.

    (Incidentally, it was someone from the Chaser who sent the cartoon to the Iranian newspaper, without permission.)

  21. Merry Christmas!

  22. Merry Christmas! My family is enjoying a rousing game of Mario Wii and I am playing on the computer while watching dinner cook. We are having turkey, rice, salad and peas. Probably not completely standard 'Christmas' fare but my family will eat it so that's what matters, I guess. Hope you have some nice time off.

  23. Merry Christmas Rhonda and Hanno,thank you for your blog it has been a godsend to me. May your 2010 be filled with the peace and happiness you instill in our hearts.
    Julia in Mackay.

  24. Merry Christmas Rhonda and Hanno, hope the New Year brings you everything you seek :)
    Lis in Adelaide xx

  25. Rhonda,
    I often think of you so far away in sunny Austalia while the snow falls here in the eastern USA. What a miracle that I can "visit" you at my convenience and always find welcome. Thank you for all your work on the blog.


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