20 November 2009


I guess every pet owner dreads the day when they can see the death of their pet in the not too distant future. Hanno and I have reached that point with Alice. It's been a very sad couple of days for us. Hanno had Alice outside with him a couple of days ago looking for a bush turkey that he'd seen wandering in. He called Alice and they went outside our fenced area and down to the creek. All of a sudden, Alice took off after a scent. She didn't come back.

Alice is deaf so there was no point in calling her, so I got our whistle, which she can hear because of the high pitched sound, and I blew on that whistle for about ten minutes. No Alice. Hanno got in the car to search the neighbourhood. Just over the creek there is a big horse paddock and stables so we knew that if she ran over there, at least she wouldn't be in traffic. Not far away is Steve Irwin Way, our main road, that is always full of speeding traffic.

I waited by the gate leading down to the creek, looking to see her furry Airedale squareness come running back. She didn't come, and Hanno came back alone. A little while later, I went out and searched the streets on the other side of the creek. Still no Alice. Then the phone rang. It was the local Council asking if we had lost our dog! The woman living next door to the horse stables had heard her barking and went to investigate. She found Alice in the creek, all caught up in vines. Luckily this lady was a veterinary nurse, she untangled Alice, got her back to her home, gave her some water and phoned the Council, giving them the details on Alice's tag. She finally came home really dirty and totally exhausted. She didn't wag her tail, she dragged her back legs and she was terrified. She had been gone three long hours. We let her rest for an hour, then Hanno washed her and took her to the vet.

A new vet has bought our local practice so he gave her a really good examination. He found she had an ear infection, cataracts - which we knew about, and a severe cardiac murmur. I had noticed that in the past month or so, she'd had episodes of panting, I guess the murmur was the cause of that. There is nothing much we can do for Alice, except treat her obvious ear infection, make her comfortable and keep her happy. She doesn't want to go outside any more, she just goes out to have a drink and do a wee, then she stands at the door to come back in again. The vet said she shouldn't run around, she must rest and take it easy. Hanno and I have decided that one of us will stay with her, but if we both have to go out, we'll leave her inside on her bed in the kitchen. She's a good dog, she never jumps on furniture or destroys anything, she'll be fine inside alone.

So it's come to this. A once crazy, mad dog, full of life and joy, who used to chase Rosie around the backyard, is now a little granny resting on her bed. We've had Alice since she was a tiny puppy and have been lucky enough to share her life. It will be hard to say goodbye. Alice will be 12 years old on New Year's Eve.



  1. Oh, she's a beautiful dog. I'm so sorry this is happening, it's hard to say good bye to old friends.
    Dogs are such a good, faithful creatures, I truly believe they know us better than we know ourselves sometimes. I'm glad someone found her- at least she was safe. Those are some lovely pictures- is the cat yours as well? Will be praying for you, Hanno, and Alice.
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  2. Oh Rhonda,

    This is such a difficult time in one's life. We grow so attached to our four-legged companions and it's very hard to see them grow old and go into decline. My thoughts are with you and with dear Alice.

  3. I am sorry-we are going through the same thing here. All we can do is give them lots of love and when the time comes let them go gently.

  4. we're kind of dealing with that with out cat Maynard. He's old and has seizures alot. It's sad. We know the time is close. We just do our best to keep him comfortable.
    I'm so sorry, when animals are sick it just breaks my heart.

  5. You have my sympathies as the last months of any pet's life is never easy for their owner. I hope that Alice will be with you for a while yet, but the writing is on the wall all the same. We too have a white cat who keeps me company when I am in the kitchen.

  6. Oh Rhonda my thought are with you and Hanno that is so sad. Maybe she just doesn't want to go outside just incase she gets lost again. My sons dog was born with a heart murmur and was told he would be lucky to live 12months, he is now 4 year old and nothing seems to worry him. He runs around like a pup most of the time, but the day will come :o(.

  7. Oh Dear Rhonda and Hanno all I can say is thankyou for sharing this with us. It is so hard when our treasured family members get old.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Alice. She's a beautiful dog. Pets are definitey part of the family.

  9. Love and hugs to you and Hanno at this time.


  10. So sorry to hear about Alice. I'm glad she was found and can spend the rest of her days with you.

    We lost our cat a couple of years ago, she'd developed a cough, so we took her off to the vets. Turned out she had heart failure and there was nothing we could do for her.

    We managed to persuade the vet that we needed one more night with her - we'd had her for 8 years - but we knew that we had to do the right thing by her.

    Saying goodbye was very hard and totally devastating.

    I hope Alice has gentle days...

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about that. It was very similar with our first dog,Moe, a wonderful great Dane/dalmatian mix. He lived to be 13 and when the end neared, it was heartbreaking. It is so hard to say good bye to such a loyal friend! You and your family will be in my thoughts and in my heart! Silke

  12. My heart goes out to you, and Hanno, and to Alice herself. The love and joy of our animal companions is like nothing else, and so hard it is to see the goodbye coming on in time. This summer I had to say goodbye to my beloved Smokey dog, my companion for 14 1/2 years. Not a day goes by that I do not miss her. The only blessing is that dogs (and cats) live only in the now, and don't grieve themselves over what may be happening in the future. So, as my own vet said, "take her home and love her a lot, that is all you can do for now"

  13. I am so sorry. I have been down this path before with a very loved dog-friend and know how painful it is. Enjoy the time you have with her now and try not to worry about or focus on the inevitable - doing that just messes up the time you have left with her.
    Connie in Georgia, USA

  14. Dearest Rhonda,
    Alice is indeed fortunate to be spending her life with such caring folk as you and Hanno. I'm sure the 'loves' flow both ways in your house between the humans and the animals as in ours. Thinking of you all ~ Best, Thriftymum :)

  15. I'm so sorry. That's such a difficult decision to make - balancing our own selfishness in not wanting to let go against the animal's quality of life. It looks like Alice is still doing pretty good, but I know it's always hard watching them get weaker, dreading the time you know will come all too soon.

  16. Hello Rhonda

    So sorry to hear that Alice is poorly. What a great pet and companion she has been to you and Hanno and what a great dog life she has had with you. I'm sure you'll treasure the time left with her and keep her comforable. I'm sorry it's going to be a difficult time for you.


  17. I am so sorry to read this sad news.


  18. I'm sorry Rhonda. Well, she's had a very good life with people that love her a lot, so Alice has been a very lucky dog. My dad lost his dog a couple years ago to heart failure, and he still misses him, so I know it is quite a loss.

    My thoughts are with you

    AM of the bread

  19. I'm so sorry, Rhonda. This must be so difficult for you.

  20. I am sorry. Airedales are a special breed, full of life and fun. Our sweet Abner has been gone for two years and we still miss him. Alice is blessed to have such a wonderful family.

  21. Rhonda and Hanno,

    I am so glad that Alice was found by someone who took good care of her.

    Enjoy every moment that you have with her.

    Best Wishes.

  22. Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear about your lovely 'girl'. Its a sad time.
    Stay with her, she feels your love.

  23. Here's a warm pat on the head and a belly rub for Alice.
    And well wishes to you and Hanno.

    The Dahms FAmily

  24. As a Mommy to 5 dogs my heart goes out to you. I will keep you all in my thoughts that Alice makes a recovery & is with you for a long while.

  25. Oh Rhoda, it's so hard to see a family member's health go like that. Our's are like more children and we are facing something similar with out Golden. He's been with us a long time and has been having a hard time. We don't want to see him suffer but it won't make it any easier when the time comes.

  26. Oh I do love dogs so, and more the one we have now than any other...after all we have had her since she was 5 1/2 wks old. She is about 15 1/2 now, nearly deaf and almost blind. She sleeps most all the time. This last week or so, she has been not bothering to go to the yard much to do her "duty"...and is going some in the house...so her days are numbered. But I have so hoped she would die in her sleep. I just HATE choosing the last day. She is my daughter's too, so she won't let the dog go soon. SO HARD though...hubby says no more dogs after this. It is just too hard to loose them. I cannot argue with him on that.

    SO hugs to you too..you are not alone in this journey. Their days are very numbered and we are going to be bereft, aren't we?

  27. Dear Rhonda and Hanno
    thinking of you both during this time
    Judy xx

  28. God bless you both as you go through this tough time.

  29. It is so sad when we have to say goodbye to our loved ones. My dog is 16 and is also deaf and is blind in one eye. She was really bad at the end of winter but has perked up now the hot weather is here. We are thinking of enjoying this last summer with her and letting her go in the winter.
    My heart goes out to you.

  30. I'm so sorry. You all will be in my heart and in my prayers. Love is the best you can do with pets. They give, you get and give back. I know she'll be sorely missed. Love her as much as you can now, she'll feel itl

  31. Oh no, so sorry to hear this. I have always loved your posts about Alice. I am thankful for the kind people such as yourself in the world who truly love their pets and want the best for them, even when the hard decisions come at the end.

    Hugs to you and Hanno, and Miss Alice too.

  32. I'm sorry to hear this Rhonda. Dear Alice. It's tough. I expect Alice is still a little shocked from her escapade. Some rescue remedy or emergency essence in her water bowl for a few days would help her settle down.

    Sending love and hugs to you all.
    Diana x

  33. Hi Rhonda

    You all helped me here, especially my swap friend Robyn when our elderly Westies declined in health but not happiness. I loved them very much and think of them often.It broke my heart to let them go.

    We now have a 10 month old Parson Russell, ten months old.His name is Frank and he is one busy boy.

    In my thoughts, Alice is well loved and a very pretty girl.

    Ann Marie

  34. I am so sorry to hear about your pretty girl. So sad when these things happen, we do get so attached to them, they are like our children and we love them. In the past two years I have had to put both of my dogs down, both at the ripe old age of 13 and 14 years. She knows how much you love her - will keep you in my prayers.

  35. Rhonda I am so sorry. I am glad she is at home with you and that at least you will have the comfort of not always wondering where she ran off to and what happened to her.
    I'll be praying for you all.

  36. How sad for Alice! I'm so sorry. We had a Jack Russell who would've been 12 in August - found out she had a heart murmer and congestive heart failure the end of December and in February she chased after a rabbit and died that night from the strain. We always said if she could die chasing a bunny, she'd be happy. Enjoy the time you have left with her...

  37. rhonda and hanno,
    i am so sorry about sweet alice. i'm so glad she was found and is resting now... i hope she feels very rested for the remainder of her days. and i hope there are many.

    much love,

  38. My dear Rhonda, I am quite choked up. Hugs to you and Hanno, and I'm sure you know what comes next ... please give The Lovely Alice a pat for me.

  39. Hello dear Rhonda,
    I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful Alice. We are watching the effects of age on our dear little cavalier, Chloe, and it is heart wrenching to watch your beloved furry baby suffer! Alice is blessed to have such devoted and kind owners as you and Hanno. She has surely had the happiest life possible for a dog. You will be in my prayers during this sad time. Take care,
    Love Heidi from Mt Barker,SA

  40. It comes to us all, those of us who love our pets. By all accounts she's had a lovely life, which is something you two can look back on with love and fond memories. Just love her and appreciate every moment you have left with her.

  41. I feel your pain about your dear pet, Alice. Tears. I pray that she lasts longer, and I know she feels the love you and Hanno are giving her.

  42. Tears!! My brother has just had to say goodbye to our childhood dog. She was 15.Our thoughts are with you and Alice.

  43. Oh Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear about Alice... my heart goes out to you and Hanno. I will pray for you to be comforted.


  44. It's very hard to have to go through this, I think most of us have been there at some point or another. I will be thinking of you and of Alice, as hard as it is you will know when it's "time" to let her go. She knows you love her and she appreciates the care, dogs can tell things like that. She is obviously a very well loved dog.

  45. If find it so hard to say goodbye to my pets too... they are than that, aren't they ? Children and friends to us...
    Thinking of you and Hanno, dear Rhonda.

  46. I'm so sorry that you're at this point with your beautiful pup. We had to put our beloved Hunter Dawg down this summer and it was such a tough decision. The one comforting thought I had to hang onto, though, was that we gave him a very good life. And I can tell from the pictures of your Alice that she's had a good life too. Hang in there and cherish the time you have left with her.

  47. Rhonda, she is just beautiful. And she's home.
    Until a month or so ago I had a 24 year old cat who had been with me more than half my life. My fear was she would get lost and I would never see her again.
    Thankfully I was with her right till the end.
    That being said, a dog is something else again, to me anyway. Thinking of you lots xx

  48. Rhonda and Hanno,
    I am so glad you found her before she got to the road! Mine wasn't so fortunate.It is hard to let go of a pet as they ARE part of our families.And it is just as hard to watch a beloved pet decline as it is a family member.
    My heartfelt prayers for a long time yet for you to have Alice in your days.Darlene

  49. You are so right - it IS hard, but it's part of owning these wonderful animals. I am so thankful for our pets - those we have now and those who have gone on. Pets enrich our lives in so many ways. But you know, we're all growing older, some of use just faster than others. It's life.

  50. There are more comments on this post than I have time to read, so I will probably repeat what everyone else has said, but I just wanted to tell you that I've been there. You've written a beautiful piece that expresses exactly how I felt when I reached that point with our Sophie. We lost her in April and we still feel it very strongly. Thank you.

  51. My love to you, Hanno and Alice. You've given her (and continue to give her) the best possible life. It's sad to see a member of the family decline, be it human or a pet. I know it will be hard to let her go when the time comes, but we will all be here with a shoulder to cry on.

    Barb in GA

  52. Rhonda,
    You are not alone. All of us here at DTE are praying for Alice.

  53. Oh I know this is so sad for you. My grown up daughter was playing ball with her lab the other day. They have had her for 8 years I think. Anyway, she ran away. They searched for her and searched. The whole neighborhood helped. They finally found her in a swimming pool. Somehow she had fell in and could not get out. They are heartbroken. They loved her so much and will miss her.

  54. Awwww... it is so hard to see your beloved furry member of the family go through this.

    We had to have our Sasha put to sleep a few months ago (age 18) and her sister (age 16) two years ago.

    It is hard when you see them age and become ill but I am sure you have given your sweet dog a wonderful home.

  55. Oh what a heartbreaking post Rhonda. Poor Alice, it's so hard when things like this happen. We have friends who have Airedales, they're such characters, lovely dogs.

    Sending hugs,

  56. Oh, I am so sorry...pets are spo wonderful.

  57. What a beautiful friendship & life the 3 of you have had together. She will leave you with memories in abundance, and take her own memories of you with her.

    There is something very special about our "fur babies". They certainly add a love like no other.

    Will be thinking of you and Alice. May she has a gentle passage when her times comes.

  58. Rhonda and Hanno, I know nothing can really make this easier, but just wanted to express heartfelt sympathy and understanding - have just had to put my dog of nearly 13 years down recently. I cried when reading your post. Thank you for sharing a special part of your life with us. :)

  59. Rhonda Jean and Hanno,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Alice's combined problems. I've had both cats and dogs with heart murmurs and as long as they didn't overdo things, they did well.

    It's always hard to have pets and then have them become old and ill. Decisions have to be made on their behalf and they're always difficult ones but it is my feeling that as long as they are not in pain life goes on as normal. Once their quality of life is compromised by the pain then the difficult decision must be made for them and we can't keep them around just because it's too difficult to let them go. I know that when the time comes, you will both make the decision as to what is best for Alice and I hope that decision is in the far distant future.

    Alice and Hettie look so lovely together.

    Our best wishes go out to you.

    Shelagh, Paco, Lily, Winston and Nell

  60. Alice looks like a lovely sweet dog. Our family has walked this path with our dear old dog Pamela who died 5 years ago. Glad that you found Alice and that she is safe at home again with her family.

  61. I knew when I saw Alice's name in the title that I really didn't want to read what you had to say, but I couldn't help myself, it is what friends do...hear the bad news with the good. I am so sorry that Alice is down. I am weeping just a bit, because we just had to put our G.Shepherd to sleep in September due to somke health problems. It is still fresh, and I know how you feel.
    Enjoy the days you have with her, they are so precious.

  62. I do know how you feel. We just had our Mastiff put down 2 weeks ago. Your pup is so lucky to have you to guide her comfortably through this part of her life shared here with you.

  63. Oh Rhonda :(

    I'm sorry to hear your dear Alice ran away and got lost...and glad to hear she is now safe at home with you.

    Dogs are the most wonderful creatures, as someone posted above, sometimes they seem to know you better than yourself, and always offer affection, love and acceptance.

    I'm sure that Alice has had the best life a dog could have living with you and your family.

    I pray that you will not be too upset when the time comes to let her go, and that you will have many happy memories to comfort you.


  64. Poor Alice, but I bet she's had the happiest life with you and your family. How wonderful that she was found by someone who cared enough to help her.

  65. Dear Rhonda and Hanno, *hugs* aplenty for you both and your lovely Alice. Our Tasha, choc mini poodle/bichon is now 13yrs and like Alice has many health problems. She is comfortable and we are loving her extra every day she is with us, thinking of you XXXXX.

  66. Oh dear. Good luck to Alice, I hope she'll be happy. I can't imagine how I'll feel when it comes to this with my cat Bisha... but the thought gives me a bit of an idea how you must feel.

  67. My thoughts are with you both. I am so sorry to hear of this news. You both have always looked after her so very well - above and beyond most.


  68. How sad! It's the other side of love... I haven't had a dog since I was 19, but then we had to let the vet take her life. She had turned blind, and couldn't even manage to go outside to do "what she had to do", so we had no choice. It was terrible. I got her when I was nine. But even though it is so sad when they die, the joy they give you the time they live make me wanting a new dog someday. Best wishes for you all.

  69. Give Alice a big old at from me. Thinking of you and her and am sure she is as content as can be by your side right now. xo Meagan.

  70. Sorry to hear your news Rhonda. Our Meg is 14 and has cancer & although she is comfy & not in pain, I too dread the day. Our animals are such a big part of our lives aren't they? God bless you all.

    Birmingham UK

  71. Sending lots of Love and understanding.
    Bless You

  72. It was good that Alice was returned to you so soon after following her nose. I bet she was just as happy to see you and Hanno as you were to see her. I lost my 16 yr old dog Sheena Marie in the spring of this year but I celebrate the fact that we were together for so long.
    Enjoy the time you do have together. Take care.
    Sheena Marie (I use her name as my online name as a way to honor her life we me.)

  73. so sorry for you all,we are in thee same situation with our lovely dog who has lymphoma,but take some peace in the happy life and peaceful end you are giving her.x

  74. I am sorry to hear she is so unwell. Dogs are people! I hope you all can make the most of your time left together

  75. I've just had a look at the picture of Alice again and just noticed Hettie (I missed her the first time) all snugged up keeping her company. An absolutely sweet picture to treasure.


  76. Oh Rhonda. My heart goes out to you and Hanno both. I really hope that you are able to enjoy however long you have left with her xXx

  77. I'm so thankful she was found.

  78. I am so very sorry to hear about Alice Rhonda..i do hope she gets over this and lives a few more happy years (it is very possible)...it is terrible when a beloved pet is ill or dies..i have a cat who is 20 years old, very arthritic, but eats a lot and seems happy just going out in the garden, always purrs when we pick him up, but the inevitable will happen soon i fear..but several times in the last couple of years i have took him to the vet when he as been poorly..but he has rallied round and is still with us..i also had a Dog who was 18 and have heard of them living longer..i do pray for Alice & the family.

  79. Oh so sorry to hear about poor Alice. I'm glad you found her and she was able to come home and be with you. I will be thinking of you all in this difficult time and send a pat for Alice.

  80. I am very sorry to hear about your dear Alice. My friend and co-worker has had to but down two of her dogs in the span of 9 days. The first was very old and had reached his peak of functions and had to be let go. The second was young but was riddled with cancer which had taken its toll and left her in a terrible state. The great loss has left her and her husband in quite a state of sorrow. Dogs have a special way of working their way into our hearts just as they have a way of becoming part of the family. When it comes time for their passing, it's always heartbreaking. My thoughts are with you and Hanno as you enjoy what days you have left with Alice.

  81. Hugs to you both. What a blessed life Alice has had with your family. x

  82. Seasons of life! Oh, the bitter and the sweet.

    I had a terrier growing up that lived to be 20. She sat on a pillow for the last two years of her life and we carried her out to do her business.

    Our border terrier will be 13 in December. It's hard to see them grow old. But, I'm amazed at the "puppyness" that still comes out.

    Such a loving home you've provided. Alice is one lucky dog to own you!

  83. Poor baby! She's such a beautiful dog...Just keep giving her love and I'll be praying for you and Hanno.

  84. Alice is so blessed to have such wonderful "parents" as you and Hanno!! Glad she is home, safe & sound! We have an Australian Shephard who is struggling as well. She is 10 and will run and chase like when she was younger but then pays the price later. Her hind quarters are very weak and she struggles getting up and down. While she is not down yet, we know the time will come too soon. I get very frustrated with her at times but she is a wonderful girl and is always by our side!! Lots of love to sweet Alice!!
    Central Illinois

  85. I'm so sorry to hear about your Alice! Losing a pet is one of hardest things in the world ! They become much more that "just" pets, they really do become family members.

  86. We are facing the same thing here with our 14 yr old English Cocker Spaniel. He is deaf, has catracts and his back legs go out from under him at least twice a day. We have had him since he was 4 months old and will be hard esp on the kids! We recently got a 2yr old mastiff and she is great with the kids and even with our cranky old dog, she will help when the time comes for him to go.

  87. I am so sorry to hear about Alice. I feel like I know her after reading your blog for 2 years now. You have given her a wonderful life, and in return she has been a faithful companion, and provided loads of unconditional love. Thank you for letting us all get you know your wonderful girl. She will be fondly thought of, and prayed for all across the globe.

    Harrisburg, PA/USA

  88. So sorry to hear about Alice - sometimes when you look at them haring round the garden like nutters it's hard to imagine a time when age takes its toll and makes them weary.

    Our 14 year old cat has been with us since she was 3 and it's our dearest wish she goes quietly and peacefully in her sleep in her little 'nest' on the radiator.

    You're all in my thoughts...

  89. I feel for both of you. It is always a difficult time when our companions become ill. Alice is adorable and it is wonderful that she has been in such a loving home. Hugs to your whole family.

  90. Hi Rhonda and Hanno,

    I hope it all will turn out better, even if she's at a pretty old age....Dogs only at that age, when they pass their life, being loved and cared for, as is her case. I wish you both and especially her, a lot of strength and love,

  91. Awww, I am soo sorry to hear this! Such a blessing to have her for at least 12 years. I know times are going to be tough but all of our thoughts go out to you and Hanno

  92. Oh Rhonda~

    I'm so glad you found her alive~

    Maybe after her ear infection clears up she will regain her bubbliness?


  93. Rhonda, I'm sorry about Alice's health.
    I haven't visited your blog in quite some time, due to my busy kids, but the title of this post caught my attention.
    I hope that you're able to enjoy the rest of Alice's life, and that she'll be comfy and happy :)
    ~Melanie in Canada

  94. I'm so sorry. My eyes are teary... I had to put my dog down almost five years ago and I still don't think about it. I'm so happy you found her, though. You'll know what to do.

  95. Oh such a difficult time for you both and no doubt some what confusing for Alice.
    We are also facing a difficult decision with our 11 1/2 year old Lab. I guess we just have to remember to think of what is best for our beloved friend and do the right thing by them.
    Life would not be complete without a furry friend to share it with.
    Best wished to you both and hugs to Alice

  96. I feel for you, the decision is always terrible to make, even though you know that it will be the right one. A lovely post.

  97. Dear Rhonda,
    Alice is such a beautiful dog, it must be very difficult to see her health getting worse.
    A big hug,


  98. Oh, that is so sad! My elderly parents have had to put three dogs down in two years time. It is incredibly difficult.
    Take care, and my thoughts are with you two.

  99. How I love to see your pictures of Alice. She reminds me of our Airedale Lark. What Joy they bring.

  100. I'm so sorry to hear this, glad you got her back. We've gone through the same wait with my Mum's dog, they knew it was coming and kept him comfortable for the last few months.

    It's not the end, Alice and Rosie will be together, running just like puppies again. The day Mum lost Bambi I heard him walking from the kitchen as Mum was saying farewell to me at the door. He always had to make sure she didn't go anywhere without him. A few days later, Mum had a vision of him sitting on her Mother's lap, they both looked very happy to be together again.

  101. I hope all goes well for you and Alice in the meantime. I am sure she knows how loved she is. I won't say any more as I am sure you know how it is for us and our beloved pets. God bless.

  102. She's definitely a cutie. She will go having had a wonderful life Rhonda...i am sure she is ever so grateful and adores you and hano as much...warm wishes :)

  103. I'm so sorry to hear about Alice. This is the time we all dread. I know what you are going through. We have a dog, she's nearly 10 years old, but getting old very quickly now. She doesn't see as good as she did and her legs cause trouble.
    My thoughts are with you and Hanno. Please give Alice a big hug from me.

    greetings from The Netherlands

  104. We just went through, on this very day, of putting our golden retriever, Hank, down. He had lymphoma. The vet wanted to do chemo, but we would not let him. Hank's quality of life, up until the very end, was wonderful. Hank was 12 years old.
    It was very very hard on our boys, who have had Hank their whole lives. It just may have been hardest on my husband, though. Hank was his first dog.
    We miss our fuzzy boy. We loved him so.

    Good luck to you and Alice. Love her as much as you can before she has to go.


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