7 October 2009

Christmas gifts - what are you making?

It's that time of year again when I start thinking about Christmas gifts. I live in a tourist region and I was taught this lesson early - if I don't think about my gifts well before the school summer holidays start, forget all about going to the shops because it will be bedlam. Now I don't give nearly as much as I used to at Christmas time. I gave up on cards years ago and send an email full of family news instead. I gave up giving gifts to everyone except my immediate family and a couple of very close friends but this year, our family has expanded with the addition of two beautiful girls so I am thinking about gifts again - girls gifts!

A pretty apron is always a welcomed gift.

All through December when I'm at my voluntary job we deal with people trying to cope with the added pressures Christmas brings. I try to teach that going into debt to buy gifts isn't a good thing and usually results in stress and anxiety. Even though we're coming out of a bad financial period, I hope the lessons of frugality are not forgotten. Christmas is more about showing love and extending the hand of hospitality than it is about buying gifts you can't afford.

Appliquéd tea towel made by my sister Tricia.

Our Christmas morning will be spent, as usual, cooking a free breakfast, cutting up fruit and serving muesli and yoghurt to several hundred people in my town. It's a way of bringing our community together for a special meal, talking with each other and connecting on that special day. This year our breakfast will be in our new building so it will be extra special. Last year over 600 people came, who knows what will happen this year.

Zakka's linen tea towels.

The cover of Zakka - with its quirky little squirrel tea cozy.

I have been looking in my wonderful Zakka sewing book for gift inspiration. Hilde sent me this book all the way from Germany, I use it frequently and often lend it to friends. I think I will make a couple of the Zakka linen tea towels this year. I also find inspiration online and these are fine places to set your mind working: The Long Thread, Soulemama's Advent Calendar, Kris Knits pin cushion, and Get Rich Slowly's list of frugal gifts you can make yourself.

Zakka's very cute clothes peg bag.

I haven't made up my entire list for this Christmas, I don't know if there will be purchased gifts, but I do know that dishcloths, bags, tea cosies, mittens, gift packs of green cleaning materials and maybe some Christmas fruit cakes full of dried fruits, nuts and brandy will feature in the mix. If you're out shopping, keep your eyes open in craft and knitting stores for free patterns. I picked up some great patterns for little Christmas gifts at Lincraft a few weeks ago. I found free instructions for knitted headbands, slippers, iPod bag, man's hat and fingerless gloves. All of them are easy, suitable for a new knitter and all are fast projects that you would probably already have enough wool to make up. Babs just sent a comment about the Lincraft site. There are lots of these How to sheets online with instructions for knitting, crochet, sewing, beading, scrapbooking and Christmas craft. Thanks Babs!

One of Lincraft's very handy free How to guides.

I'm always adding to my stack of dishcloths and they make a perfect small Christmas gift. I usually give mine with some of my soap but a pack of three, neatly tied with matching ribbon or raffia, make a perfect gift. My favourite pattern is the waffle weave which I originally found on Deb's Homespun Living blog.

Dishcloths on parade.

Over at the Down to Earth forum, Tammy has a great tutorial for new sewers where she shows how to make reversible napkins. And if you stay awhile browsing at the forum, check out the thread on What are you giving for the holidays? It holds a lot of good ideas, including ecoMILE's recipe for Vegan Gingerbread Cookies. That thread is already five pages long and not only will it give you some wonderful gift ideas, it's full of encouragement and support.

Zakka's iPod bag.

If you haven't already started, it's not too late, now is the perfect time to write up a list and start working on your home made Christmas. Try to use materials you already have and look around now for the odds and ends you know you'll need. One thing is for sure, when it comes closer to Christmas, the prices will rise and you'll end up spending more.

Have you made a list yet, if so, what gifts are you making this year?



  1. Rhonda, you are a star ! I was going to email you tonight as I was looking for a pattern for fingerless gloves and you turn up trumps without even being asked - you must be a mind reader ! Many thanks, I down loaded the pattern from the Lincraft site, they have some other lovely patterns available too.

    Best wishes Babs

  2. Good reminder Rhonda, thanks!

    I haven't made a list yet - it's on my list of cheery things to do later in the week while I'm here by myself.

    I'll be making soap I think, and perhaps some small decorations, and some edible gifts, and I'd like to do some sewing, especially for the small children I will be giving presents to! I made simple bags for a few people last year, which went down really really well, but I'm not sure the same people will want another one..

    I'm looking forward to having a good look through the links you've posted for some more ideas!

    Best wishes

  3. Your handmade items in the photos look so charming, Rhonda.
    Given that I am brand new to the world of knitting, I am going to try my hand at making dishcloth sets - thusfar I find knitting to be quite therapeutic.
    I also love embroidery, so will make some embroidered items, also.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  4. I've already made one quilt for Christmas, for my 10 year old niece. It's lovely, all pink and with circles on it. Trouble is, she has a sister, so I have to make another one for her, otherwise she'll get her nose out of joint. I also want to make a quilt for my brother in law and for one of my best friends who is going to England to live. I also want to make a tote bag for my mother; she's an artist and I found some fabric with paint tubes on it.

    All of this between now and Christmas... with my two classes of year 12s in a panic about their exams and with all the extra work that brings... piece of cake! (gulp...)

  5. I love making edible gifts, but I try to stay away from sweets since there are already so many available around the holidays. Instead, I make savory nut mixes, flavored olive oils, and nut and pumpkin butters. I really should try soap at some point, like Daffy suggested.

    Take care.

  6. I just love the apron you made for your d-i-l! I'm sure she'll love it. Most of my gifts this year are home-made and I found most of the patterns free on-line, while using materials I have on hand. A shawl for my daughter, washcloths, both knitted and sewn; flannel with terry on the other side, knitted hats, mitts, Barbie clothes and bear clothes. It's a lot of work but with my dh being laid off it's my contribution to help out.

  7. Great timing for your post. It is never to early to be thinking of Christmas!!

    This year I will be giving handmade soap for the first time - very exciting.

    Baskets with homemade jams and jellies with fresh baked bread are always appreciated. It amazes me how much people love getting homemade bread.

    Best Wishes,


  8. I've started our Xmas list. This year we have a theme - all homemade. But that doesn't mean that I'll necessarily be making everything myself, I've been drooling over Etsy and the local markets.
    We have extended family over so lots of gifts, but our budget is $10 per couple and I find it fun finding the 'perfect' gift for that. Potted herbs and chillies are nice.
    DH is woodworking some gifts this year too!

  9. I have been working, slowly, on my christmas 'stash' since January this year! I was determined to have everything finished in time this year! Things I have been making include pincushions, needlecase books, trimmed towels, small and simple soft toys, small clutch bags for toiletries/treasures or whatever.... Close to Christmas I will be adding gingernut biscuts and simple shortbread. I have great feelings everytime I add to my growing Crhistmas Stash!
    Bec xxx

  10. We have also cut way back on gift giving, but I have a few ideas up my sleeve, and I have been working on some things through the summer. Vintage sheets will evolve into aprons. Knitted dishcloths. Reusable shopping bags, also from the vintage sheets. Handmade jewelry.
    Will autumn settling in, I have extra time on my hands, and will surely be busy from now till Christmas!

  11. Hi Rhonda-Jean! Another great website that I use all the time for free patterns and tutorials for handmade items is:
    They have hundreds and hundreds of things you can make - it's very inspirational. I love the look of the Zakka book. I'm really enjoying my sewing at the moment, when I can get a couple of free hours.
    Hope your day is going well.

  12. It's great to hear from other people who are trying to do homemade gifts this year. I love your ideas. Might steal a few :)

    So far for my list I have -

    A large doll house I picked up at the thrift store damaged that I am refurbishing.

    Several aprons in Christmas theme and everyday theme depending on what the reciever would want.

    Beautiful glass jars I picked up a the thrift store and am going to fill with homemade bath salts.

    Random picture frames I'm painting all white to match for a nice wall display for a SIL who loves to take pictures but hates to figure out how to display them.

    Maybe some Quillow's for the boys

    Sorry for the long post. Didn't realize how much of my list I'd actually figured out already.

  13. We have quit exchanging gifts among our siblings, although the kids still do. There are a bunch under 18, they draw names and then buy a gift for that person. We still exchange with our parents, but I haven't a clue what we're going to do this year. Last year, my husband made small quilts for his mother and step-mother and he's possibly going to make one for his dad since step-mom says she keeps losing her quilt and finding it on hubby's chair. I'm thinking along the lines of crochet, I have made several small jewelry rolls that I've used for other things and I might make something like that for my 2 mother in laws.

  14. Part of the fun of making your own gifts is having that secret stash and watching it grow -- much more fun, somehow, than buying the items for said stash!

    I'm making lots of knitted dishcloths (they're always such a hit -- thanks for being the first one to introduce me to the waffle dishcloth), making a few knitted scarves, trying my hand at mittens and maybe a hat for the first time, making a couple large square flannel receiving blankets for my new twin nieces ("large" and "square" do not apply to storebought blankets, for some reason), and making some apple/pear jam. Thanks for reminding me to work on it a bit harder! :) kristin

  15. I am making aprons too! I got on a roll making them this summer and made quite a few. I am beading some dragonfly napkin ring holders for my mother to go with her dragonfly dishes my father has been collecting for her for the past few years. I'm already quite excited for Christmas as well!

  16. Hi Rhonda,

    I just came across your blog a couple of weeks ago. And I am in love with it. It brings back so many memories for me. I do not blog but enjoy reading other peoples. My husband and I are both retired. We live in the United States, the state of Arkansas..I saw on one your blogs where you had been watching a movie in the states. "The Horse Whisper" I think it was..We too have to live frugal these days. Every thing is so expensive..We do not have a large amount of income so I have to watch what I spend. I enjoyed reading about your soap making. I have a piece in my freezer that is about 40 years old. My aunt made it years a go in an old iron wash pot..So I just keep it for old time sake..We do not spend a lot on Christmas either. We have two beautiful great grand children, so they are the only ones that get a present from us. We just have a good dinner with family. Again I enjoy you every day..You garden is so beautiful.. I have a pen pale that lives in Brisbane Australia..He is into real estate and also is a musician.

    Keep up all the good work. You make life seem so sweet!!

    Ruth Hunter

  17. One of the gifts I 'assembled' for friends last year which was received with delight was 'Brownie Bars' in a jar... no I did not make lots of batches of homemade brownies. I layered up the dry ingredients in a clear jar, added a rustic style gingham topper and tied on a tag with the recipe... all my friends had to do was add butter and eggs to the mix and bake. A lovely gift for a family too. You can adapt this idea for other types of cookies. I added in dried cranberries and nuts to the mix for a very colourful, seasonal look. This gave them the gift of the aroma too!
    This is perfect for those who have limited time for baking and handmade gifts but want to put in more thought and offer some originality - why waste time queuing at the store to buy a tin of Danish biscuits.
    I have not fully dispensed with the cards - I put together a 'blog style' newsletter to send to family and friends who have email. I print it off and send it in a card to older relatives who do not own computers and still like to receive a card at Christmas. I love to string up my cards and I still like to receive cards from friends especially those overseas. I reuse my cards the following year to make gift tags, cards and to embellish parcels.
    I'm making my bons bons (my 19th year of making bon bons wow!)and taking photos as I go for an upcoming blog post. I make a set for my family and some for gifts.. lots of fun finding something small enough to fit inside- only problem is my friends say they are so beautiful they do not want to pull them! The lady at my local winery has kept hers and puts them on display in her little wine shop!

  18. Small world - I too would say the waffle weave dishcloth pattern is my favorite. I've given two wedding gifts of 2 dishcloths, a potholder, and a copy of the "Don't Panic - Dinner's In The Freezer" cookbook.

    I do have my Christmas list done and pretty much everything on it is knitted. Fingerless gloves/convertible mitts, a cowl, felted clogs, a purse, cabled mittens, two quillows, and a beach bag. I'd better get busy! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas too, this is a great topic.

  19. I'm making: two knitted blankets, a BUNCH of felt play food for the little girls, two doll quilts (my hubby is making the two doll beds), homemade playdoh, handmade jewelry, a jewelry tote, and then my husband is doing portraits of the girls. Thanks for asking, I can't post this on my blog, but I wanted to tell someone.

    QUESTION- Are you knitting a red basket? Where did you find that pattern? Kelly

  20. Thanks for the links Rhonda. I have been busily making Christmas gifts since New Years. We have alot of people to give to so a few years back I gave all homemade gifts. Now they ask for them!

    This year, everyone is getting an afghan to go with the quilted pillows I gave them last year.

    I have also made dishcloths, scarves, hats, gloves, napkins, tablecloths, hair scrunchies, bookmarks and homemade bath salts.

    I am ready this year! I still have a few things to make but I will be finished in plenty of time.....just in time to start my Christmas baking!


  21. Rhonda, as always you seem to be up on top of things which makes your readers up on top of things, too! Your blog and forums are a much needed breath of fresh air for me in this day and age where I struggle quite a bit and am reminded that it's all for a bigger and better purpose and that maybe I'm not struggling...I'm just learning how to be more savvy with what we've got and to live a bit more simply than those around me.

    Either way, thanks for the tips and the idears and for just being you. :)

  22. I am going to make a scrapbook recipe book for my daughters and niece. I will include family recipes as well as a photo of that person. I have the supplies ~ just need to get started. Am also making a concrete beeskep for my sister's garden (and of course one for myself!)

    central Illinois

  23. Like you, I have stopped with cards and gifts to all and sundry. I give our parents, my grandmothers and my sisters cards and that's about it. My children insist on giving everyone in their classes a Christmas card, but I buy cheap ones from the $2 shops after the previous Christmas when they are marked down to at least half price, sometimes I've gotten packets of 12 cards for as little as 7 cents. I'm one of those people who shop for the following Christmas soon after Christmas is over - it's cheaper and less stressful. I also keep an eye out during the year for little bits and pieces. It is amazing how little I spend and admit to slight smugness when I hear people complaining of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on presents that nobody probably wants, needs or even likes!

  24. Well, Rhonda, you've inspired me. I'm going to try, try, try to make all my presents this year. I'm not very good yet at sewing or knitting, so I'll have to keep it simple (scarves and simply sewed things, etc.), but I bet I can do it :-)

  25. Ive been thinking of Christmas a lot lately, more than I should since I haven't even started our Halloween costumes yet, shame shame...

    I've decided all my gifts will be either handmade, immaterial (like a donation to a charity in honor of someone), or promoting wellness (like bongers for my bro) this year, which is a first. I'm learning all I can to make them all different, but I'm afraid there is a lot of crochet in there already. I learned to etch glass recently though for a care package for a sister of mine but the project evolved, as crafts to, and that's now her Christmas present. I also just learned locker hooking so we'll see where that goes. It's so squishy!

    Another goal I have this year is not using commercial wrapping unless I have it already, like finishing off the rolls of paper I bought last year or reusing bags etc. I already wrapped my sister's glasses in a yard and half of fabric covered by a handkerchief that was our great aunt's. Ooh! Double present for her!


  26. I really like this post!

    Here is something I'm making.

  27. Rhonda
    the is a fun group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Holidaymysterygifts/
    one of the ladies who knits a lot of the patterns has a great blog here
    they sold up every thing and live on a .

    Ravelry is a great place for free patterns to.

    I saw a really cool bug hotel in a magazine it had a little roof and bamboo under the roof with a larger log underneath it , I thought it who be fun to give a gardener one as a present.
    below one way of making one.

    have fun in your garden.

  28. What a timely post. Lots of inspiration and links there - many thanks.

    I have done just about all my Christmas shopping already, including books and an investment in lots of beautiful wool to knit up hats, scarves with for youngsters in the family, and for my offspring. We had a drive out yesterday, so as I was passenger on the outward journey I used the time to cast on and start knitting a pretty neck warmer for one of my daughters. It's simple stocking stitch so doesn't take too much concentration (just as well!)

    I usually give edible gifts too and have been making a variety of jams, chutneys, jellies etc.

    I've downloaded a tutorial for a beautiful silk evening bag too, so am going to see how that pans out.

  29. Good evening Rhonda. Nice list of links, thanks. I am knitting gifts and hope to sew a few. For the several young men on my list I am planning to brandy summer fruits as they come in. I did this years ago quite successfully and hope to start soon. We have reduced our giving list greatly, and now give small personalised gifts. We give each other all sorts of animals on Oxfam, it's lovely.
    It's wild and wet down here tonight, the rain is very very welcome.

  30. I recently knitted a lovely scarf for a friend as a birthday present. I'd not really done much homemade present making before so wasn't sure what she'd think, but i used really nice fluffy wool and put tassels on it and she loved it! She gets the train every day and i thought it would help keep her warm during the journey. She really appreciated the gesture. It has made me more confident about making my own Crimbo prezzies.
    I am currently knitting a cushion cover out of some really funky wool. When it's done i'm going to put tassels on it etc and poss a bit of embriodery. I'm really enjoying it- it's just finding the time!! Still Loving the blog :) Jilly

  31. Lovely ideas for Christmas gifts - thank you.

    A few people will be getting some of my home-made plum jam, possibly with a home-made loaf of bread too. I've also got plans for a couple of cushion covers and I hope to be able to dress a thrifted koala bear toy as Father Christmas for my nephew. I usually get a few requests for knitted facecloths too so they'll be made if and when they're needed.

  32. We have always made each other gifts. Every family member makes something for every other family member. A recent favorite was an apron with some old family recipes popped into the pocket. I'm hoping to get my husband to make my girls recipe boxes this year so I can keep adding. Here's a post with some photos:

  33. Rhonda - I wish I was on your Christmas list!! :)

  34. it's funny. I always have a very handmade Christmas but just last month I decided that THIS year, I am going to make EVERYTHING I give. Only Handmade.

    I wanted my gifts to not be one-size fits-all but rather individual and what that person would love.

    Needless to say, finding the perfect project and making the actual LIST was the hardest part. I have about 6 presents down already and will be posting all the gifts and links to tutorials in the next few months. I haven't started posting them yet though.

    I think that the resources I have available are limitless (though time is not with three little ones) but part of my gift this year is going to BE time and all the moments I spend preparing the gifts will hopefully be a testament to my love for the recipient and the individuality of the gifts will hopefully be testament to my understanding and knowing them. Perhaps THOSE gifts will be the ones most well received?! ;-)

  35. Here is a link to my Etsy store where I sell my home made items. Many of these same items are what I will be giving for Christmas gifts. Please look, and I would be glad to share any instructions so you can make (rather than buy) these items! I am now getting ready to make soap for the first time (DH is working on my mold) and hopefully, some of these nice cotton yarn dish clothes! What a wonderful idea, Rhonda, to add the soap!


  36. OH! I am also going to make some of these "Cowgirl cookies" found at Bakerella.com. I love the pretty layers in canning jars, and it makes such a pretty gift. Check it out!

    My gifts include:
    sculpted pear pincushions,
    flannel PJs
    stuffed elephants, monkeys
    purses, wallets, keychains, all home made
    Ladybug jacket for my DGD
    Auto organizer for my DIL
    Quilts are great, too, but I did that last year.. :)

    I love the idea of all home made things. Commercialism is so over-rated! I would SO rather give & receive a thoughtful home made gift!

  37. wow I love it and I am a close friend to Kristi my is carmen nice to meet u =]

  38. Christmas has really run down the list of important things to do for the family since the children all grew up and the grandchildren are also well grown.

    We don't make a great thing of presents now that so many of the grandchildren are nearly into the world of work. A get together, a good meal and an exchange of gifts if anyone needs anything or maybe has a special want is as far as things go.

    It's nice to have time to see the family altogether in a relaxed way even though some of us have jobs that require working over Christmas.

    But a list of Christmas gifts has long since left our traditions. None of us are into "stuff" for the sake of giving any more. Family is far more important to us.

  39. Hi Rhonda,
    I am not into sewing or knitting but I love homemade Christmas presents. I did several posts on last year and I plan to dig through my archives real soon with links to the tutorials. I did one on wreath making, earring making, soap/bath salts/body spray, vanilla extract and a couple others. Starting in a week or two me and 3 other friends are going to meet b--weekly until Christmas to craft. Can't wait to see what we will come up with!

  40. I am embroidering tea towels for teachers, aunts, and grandmas this year. All of my nieces and nephews are getting sets of homemade play-doh that was colored with Kool-Aid to make it smell yummy! So far that's all I have planned.

  41. Ooooh I love the apron. Unfortunately I won't be able to make many presents this year besides baking... and some cookie mixes. We just don't have the money for material and yarn as of yet... but I love all these ideas! I'm going to start early next year for next Christmas... especially the dishcloths! You can make so many cute patterns with those! :D

  42. I just taught myself crochet so I am doing dishcloths. I made my daughter a quilt. I would love to do bath salts if I could find essential oils at a decent price. And I am making my son some beef jerky.

  43. Great post. Thank you. Don't know what I will be doing for christmas but what I do know is that it will be less this year, and I certainly have been introduced to some new ideas here!

  44. i will be making a hobby horse for my youngest, a cardigan for my middle, something "dad-like" for my oldest who became a father this year (my kids are 4, 6 and 22 years of age). i will also probably do skirts for the girls and some other little things...plus a few knitted pieces and wood toys (just got my first scroll saw) for them and my darling grandson..:)

    love handmade!~!!

  45. I've made several different jams and jellies and will be putting them in gift boxes with cherry wood spoons that I've carved for serving. Can't get better than hand-made, right?

  46. OK, I don't do handicrafts, but it does strike me that a lot of these presents are really girly presents. I might give my Dad some homemade biscuits or jam, but what handmade present would you crafty ladies give, say, an eight-year-old boy? (Before you say a beanie, do remember that kids aren't always interested in clothes -- particularly boys!)
    Secondly, I can't say I'd be thrilled to receive dishcloths as a present! Is this an issue for people?

  47. Hi Rhonda - Long time reader, first time commenter here.

    I've been thinking a lot about Christmas recently, probably since we've had our first snow here already in the Yukon! For a few years now, I've made an effort to give my friends homemade gifts. Usually from the kitchen. This year I am telling everyone in advance, that it will be a 'Handy' Christmas this year. Gifts (either given or received), should either be HAND-made, second-HAND, or HAND-me-downs. As I get older, and have my first child, I've come to realise, it really is the energy and thought that means the most. Not the dollar amount.

    On a side note - thank you so much for such an inspiring Blog. Just reading it makes me smile, and anxious for the day when my family can live in a similar fashion, with a small piece of land to call our own, where our day is spent working for us, with a feeling of satisfation.

    Thank you so very much!

  48. This is my first time to your blog, and I enjoyed this post! It is a great reminder for me to start working on my list of ideas, and get them in the works. Thank you for the great inspiration.

  49. I started cracking on with Christmas gifts in August but had to stop as work, home renovations, garden and hedgehogs kicked up a gear.

    You've reminded me that I ought to get back to it, so thank you Rhonda! I've created some space in my schedule now so this weekend I can get back in the hobby room crafting....

  50. Some time back I was browsing through the archives at Eyes of Wonder, and saw the most beautiful little knitted tea cozy that a fellow blogger had sent her. I was mad for it. Later I happened across the Little Jenny Wren blog, and realized she was the one who made it! She volunteered to search her files, and sent the pattern to me here in Texas, then I taught myself to knit, just so I could make one. Now I'm making them for everyone for Christmas! I love my blog buddies!!!

  51. It's a good idea to begin now. And such beautiful ideas.

  52. After reading this post I immediately went to my fabric stash..which by the way is mostly inherited from my Mom and found some neat fabric and sewed up 2 tote bags. Talk about encouragement..you were that for me Rhonda on this cloudy and rainy morning. Snow is in the forecast this weekend so that sure gets me thinking of Christmas gifts! I like making edible gifts..jams, breads, cookies, snack items, etc.
    I've been getting a lot of ideas from other commentors as well..thank you:)

  53. Oh what great ideas! I crochet now and have given plenty of scarves, doilies, and afghans as gifts. I have so many things on my goal list to learn though...including soapmaking, knitting and sewings. oh the things I can do then :)

  54. I'm crocheting a lap rug for my grandma but of course it has nothing to do with Christmas. We have no huge gift-giving seasons :)

  55. I always give some of my canned goods that I work so hard on during the summer. People love my strawberry jam!!

    I love that apron!


  56. Rhonda,
    Thank you for the kind mention. I'm happy the pattern is getting out there to so many women.
    Hope all is well with you!


  57. Hey! Thankfully I got the place to buy original christmas gifts to make my kids's christmas memorable this year. I can shop here kids building toys, kids building kit, kids toys on line and many more..

  58. Yes it is time to get thinking about Christmas.
    I have already done some of that, my son is going home to WA to visit family there tomorrow, and I have given him some gifts to take over to them save me postage.
    These include pot holders I made out of scraps, shopping bags with crocodiles on them, I added the note that no crocodiles were harmed in the making of this bag. and christmas cards made out of fabric scraps, these double as decorations and have a written message on the back. Hopefully they will go in with the decorations after christmas and come out every year as a decoration and reminder of past wishes.
    For my local friends I think I will make liquid soap, I have lots of the plunger dispensers I can fill up and give them away along with instructions for how to make the next batch themselves.


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