29 March 2009

'Publish' - celebrating one million visits

When I turned off my computer yesterday, the counter was on 999,934. This morning it had clicked over to 1,001,100. I can't quite believe it! When I first started my blog, in those early days when I wondered about a name, what to write about and if anyone would read, I never for one second, imagined that less than two years later (started May 2007) over a million visits would be registered.

I started the blog because I'd written the beginnings of a book on simple living that had been rejected by Australian publishers. I'd earned a living as a writer for a long time and when I got those rejections, and I knew I wouldn't be writing the book, I started this blog so I could continue writing.

My hope in those early days was to create a record for us of what we were doing on a day to day basis, and if anyone visited, to encourage them by that example. Well, people did come, they asked questions, made comments and instead of me encouraging the visitors, I was encouraged to continue because of the questions and comments.

Along the way I've made many friends, met a handful of you, and all the while been amazed by the extraordinary international blogging community that has built itself from scratch. I have been challenged by the sewing and knitting blogs, affected and motivated by many of your personal blogs and, overall, been encouraged by the knowledge that like minded folk all over the world strive to live in the same simple way Hanno and I do.

Blogging has confirmed my belief that the written word is a powerful force. It has given a voice to many of us, who, without the ability to tap away on our keyboards, then press the 'publish', button, would never have our stories read or connect in the way we do. Blogging is a communication revolution in which we ordinary people bypass the restrictions and bias of the print and electronic media and say whatever it is we want to say from our own homes. Gone are the days when we rely on magazines, TV, radio and newspapers for our information, now we print our own little newspapers each day and self-publish into an ever growing community of blog readers. Never underestimate the power of that 'publish' button.

I hope my posts help you in your quest for a simple life. I want to encourage you not to copy what we do but be encouraged enough by it to build a life that suits you and your family. My hope is to challenge you to believe that you can change your life because often, our mainstream media want you to remain the same or follow what their advertisers dictate. I am not a change the world sort of blogger because I know we all have to change ourselves before any world change is possible. If there is wide spread change in the coming years it will be because backyards are filling with vegetables and chooks, because we are being prudent and selective with our spending and because we expect more and do more for ourselves.

I guess my blog has completed a circle in some ways because I am now writing a book because of it. I have a literary agent in New York, who found me through this blog, and will soon sell the north American rights to my book on simple living. You are part of the reason I am writing that book now. If you had not been reading here, if you had not challenged me to keep going by asking your questions and making your comments, I probably would have not kept writing as regularly as I did. So for your part in this blog and that book, I thank you sincerely.



  1. Congratulations Rhonda. I find your blog truly isnpirational as do others, hence the number of readers.

    Donna (England)

  2. I am so happy for you! I can not wait to buy your book...I know that it will help my own family in our journey to a richer, albeit, hard won and more self reliant life.
    I hope to kindle a desire in my own children to pursue this lifestyle in some way that fits their own abilities and needs. Please keep writing here, between the many future obligations and successes that come with writing a book.
    I am cheering loudly here in Kansas for you and for Hanno and the completion of your book!

  3. Congratulations Rhonda!
    What a fabulous achievement - just think how much information has been shared here, and how many you've inspired and encouraged. As a long time reader here, rarely missing a post, I've gained new knowledge, new skills....and most of all, motivation to carry on with my own simple journey in my own way.
    Thank you!
    Warm wishes
    Diana x

  4. Congratulations, Rhonda. I've been watching your counter steadily rise... amazing. I remember when you were celebrating 100,000 and it seems like such a short time ago! You have inspired a great many people and I hope you continue for a long while, with your book and your blog!

  5. congratulations,i too take great inspiration from your simple journey,i already grew veggies but have now taken the plunge into chicken keeping which i adore.Keep up the good work!!

  6. Congrats Rhonda. Love your blog.

  7. Congratulations Rhonda! How exciting that my first visit to your blog should be on such a special day. I found you via another blogging friend. I'm looking forward to getting to know you through your posts.

  8. Congratulations Rhonda on 'the million' visits and the new book! This is quite a milestone..you're doing a great job! You sure have been an encouragement to me and I'm looking forward to many more posts.

  9. Congratulations Rhonda Jean.Your blog continues to inspire and motivate me.
    From a very thankful
    Patricia in North Queensland

  10. Gosh, one million visits! That really is a lot, isn't it?

    Congratulations, and thank you.


  11. Rhonda wow you are top of the line if you had a book out 2yrs. ago a lot of us would be head. But I am so glad I stumbled on to your blog I also told cherry hill cottage about your blog she loved it. word of mouth is the best adv.Good Luck With Your Book Debra Lynn


  12. Congratulations. I have been reading your blog for several months and will continue sending post of yours to my DD & DIL that I think will be of interest to them in hopes they can/will lead a more simple life. Looking forward to your book. Thank You. Pat/Texas

  13. Congratulations! That's quite a feat.


  14. WOW!
    How many years have you been doing the blog?

  15. It's all very exciting Rhonda and I am so grateful that you DID start your blog; and keep it going. It is my reality check and has done so much for me. Keep up the great work. Bec xxx

  16. Ditto from me, Rhonda. One of the things I love about your blog is how it fills in a lot of the "blanks" I have. I know a bit about raising chickens, but your info helped fill in the cracks concerning some of the things I wasn't sure of. Same goes for lots of your other info...
    A real inspiration for others!

  17. Inspiring, educational, calming, peaceful, beautiful, raising awareness, living simply and deliberate, finding joy in everyday things, laughter, responsible....just some of the words I think of when I read your blog and think of you. Congratulations and best of luck with your book. Hugs, Heather

  18. Hi Rhonda,
    Congrats! Keep up the good work and I look forward to your book.


  19. A million good wishes to you! for al the inspiration & joy your writing brings to others :O)
    GTM x

  20. Congratulations Rhonda! Your blog has not only inspired me, but has provided instruction in such a way that didn't make me feel condescended to.

    I have my first ever batches of tomato relish and chilli jam sitting on my shelf, made a la Rhonda, and have recommended your blog to family and friends alike.

    Cate in NZ

  21. Rhonda, I believe that your tremendous success has come out of your generosity toward other people.
    Congratulations on a job well done!

  22. Congratulations Rhonda - your blog is wonderful and inspiring!


  23. WOW 1,000,000 readers, congratulations on such a fantastic and inspirational blog. My hubby now knows when I say "Rhonda Says" to whom I'm refering.

    Keep up the good work.

    Tracie xx

  24. Congratulations, Rhonda! I'm so looking forward to your book. I'm certain it will be every bit as inspiring as your blog.

  25. I always enjoyed the expertise you so graciously shared years ago at FV and am happy you continue to do so now in this format.

  26. Congratulations Rhonda. Your blog is a breath of fresh [green] air and inspiration. Hugs, Rose

  27. Congratulations! Your blog continues to be an inspiration to myself and many others. Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us.

  28. Hello Rhonda *waves*,

    Congratulations to you! On your wonderful blog, on sharing your life, and your self so freely and openly with us all.

    I too, am so happy for you that you have secured the book deal and look forward to when I can have a copy in my hands - I'll break my rule about buying books for yours ;)

    Well done mate! Hope you have a lovely day.

    Chantel from Ashfield x

  29. That's quite an accomplishment. Congratulations, Rhonda!

  30. Dear Rhonda
    Congratulations on the success of your blog, as I'm sure you are aware by the comments etc you are a great help in our efforts to simplify our lives. Thank you so much for all of the effort you put in to what you do, and good luck with the book. Another prospective reader here!
    Judy in Adelaide

  31. Congratulations Rhonda!

    Since finding your blog recently, I have been steadily reading through the archives and already feel like I have been reading one of the best books that I have ever read (and I have read thousands).

    My attitude to so many things has changed for the better since I found your blog. Can't wait for the book! Warmest congratulations again.

    Karen (Bundaberg)

  32. WOOHOO! Ever thought about self publishing? I'm sure your readers here would love it...I would!!!

  33. Good on you Rhonda, and thank you very much for all your wonderful posts. You are truly an inspiration and it is very refreshing to read that you are encouraging people to find their own way, rather than copying you. This is where our learning curve starts.

  34. dear rhonda, i think you know already that i am proud of the work you do not only on this blog but elsewhere too, so i am writing for Mum and Dad to congratulate you on your one million visitors.
    i am also proud that you and i seem to be getting more like Mum as we get older - your blog sometimes is just like listening to Mum speak. they would be so happy right now. with much love, tricia.

  35. congratulations on the blog and your magnificant effort. You are an ispiration for alot of people

  36. What a milestone. Congratulations! I love your blog.

  37. Congratulations Rhonda! I still remember my fascination with blogs and finding your blog in its infancy and being amazed.

  38. Way to go Rhonda ! Hope you've had as much fun writing as we have reading. Can't wait for your book to come out. Congrats, JudieJ

  39. Wow, congratulations, Rhonda!
    1 Million Visits!!! AMAZING!!!!
    I have been blessed, and encouraged by your blog. As I've said before, I may drift off the path and lose my focus at times, but ALWAYS, when I read your blog, do your words bring me right back to where I need to be. Focused, centered, inspired, encouraged, affirmed and thankful, for my life at home. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It has been a true blessing & inspiration.
    Donna G. in New Mexico

  40. Congrats - 1 million is an amzing milestone.

  41. Congratulations! You are a living proof of Robert Stebbins' Serious Leisure Theory.


  42. Congratulations Rhonda,great milestone for you.
    I live in Western Australia and have been a reader for about 6 weeks and today decided I must write....
    My sister directed me to your blog and we are each in our own way trying to make the changes in our lives to live simply and abundantly....we have started to knit the squares for the rug...it is lovely to be able to share these experiences with her and grow closer together.
    Thank you,
    Best wishes

  43. What a milestone that is! Congratulations!
    Thank you also for staying with it and helping bring those of us who needed help into the fold.
    I really appreciate that you share with us.

  44. Congratulations Rhonda. You have inspired me and countless others to follow their dream.

    And I do believe that book will be published.


  45. I can not wait for your book to come out! I have found such inspiration as my small family begins our own journey into self-reliance. Please keep us updated.
    -Rebecca (Kansas, USA)

  46. Congratulations Rhonday!!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to see your book on the shelves.

  47. Congratulations, Rhonda!

    A fantastic milestone. Best wishes for a successful publishing, soon I hope.

    Cheers - Joolz

  48. Congratulations Rhonda,
    I live in the State of Michigan but find your blog so inspiring to follow. I am in the process of making my life closer to the way my Grandparent's lived their lives. They were happy with very little belongings, lots of good homemade foods ,extended families and of course close friends. It is ironic how a computer can help simplify one's life. I am teaching my self to knit because of your blog. Joy

  49. Yay! That is so so exciting, congratulations on both..your upcoming book (which I most defenetely will buy) and so many visitors. I only found your blog about 4 months ago, but I've been coming daily ever since and it is now my most favorite blog to follow. I've learned so much from you and find myself encouraged to see my everyday chores as a SAHM more positively. And yes, at times I swing the broom with somewhat more pride after reading a recent post of yours on us homemakers. So, thank you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with us :o)

    Greetings also to Hanno, which I believe is German, right? So am I :o)

    Again, congrats!

  50. Rhonda, sincerest congratulations. You are part of the solution and an inspiration to all your readers.
    Kristi in Ohio

  51. Congratulations!
    I find your blog inspirational and love reading every evening (USA).

  52. I just stumbled upon your blog a couple of weeks ago and I really enjoy it. Even though our seasons are reversed, I think my climate here in Houston, Texas is similar to yours. I will be looking forward to your book coming out.

  53. Congratulations Rhonda on your writing achievement-thats wonderful.I have followed your blog since I did a google search on preserving and bottling about a year ago and I have been reading ever since:)My husband has also looked at things (namely the Aquaponics)that your husband has done-and he has been inspired as well by different ideas.
    I really look forward to your book,there should be more books on this topic!A big thank you

  54. Congratulations, Rhonda Jean :) Love & hugs, Q

  55. Yes to have your book one day in our hands will be wonderful! I can't imagine now not being able to check in on your blog for updates and information. They are a part of our life now. We too have become more independent but there is always more to learn and you have inspired us to do more. Thanks too for putting a good word in for keeping the house. Seems some people still don't think of it as fulfilling or that important. Maybe they haven't put their hearts into it. I know from experiencing it it is sooo fulfilling, liberating and rewarding + +. Congratulations Rhonda on the blog count and the book deal. You've worked hard for this and helped us too become less dependent and alive. Jody

  56. Congratulations!!!! keep up the inspiration always a pleasure to read your posts I will be buying "the Book " when it is published I hope to meet you one day and your wonderful other half Hanno

  57. Good evening Rhonda,

    You must feel really chuffed and I bet Hanno is very proud of his lovely lady.

  58. Good evening Rhonda,

    You must feel really chuffed and I bet Hanno is very proud of his lovely lady.

    Blessings Gail

  59. Congratulations are in order for such a gracious, and generous blogger!

    It has been a joy to "work" with you!

  60. Congratulations Rhonda. I've been reading your blog since just after you started it and have enjoyed and recommended it to others. I normally don't post comments on blogs, but couldn't let this post go without congratulating you. I'm looking forward to many more posts from you. My husband and I are full time travellers and would love to meet you both when we get up to your neck of the woods. All the best Rhonda and Hanno.


  61. Congratulations! Your blog is a blessing as I recently retired and we need to live simple. Thank you for your inspiration and look forward to stopping by for my daily fix!

  62. Congratulations Rhonda.
    You and your blog have been a true inspiration to me over the year that I have been visiting here.
    I have now pretty much converted over to everything you do (i.e Knitting, homemade cleaners, soaps, chooks, veggies etc) and I LOVE IT! :-)
    We are even planning a step further and hoping in the near future to be selling up and setting up our own small-holding. Building our own low impact home, hopefully timber framed with local wood, straw bale insulated etc.
    My dream is to have a house cow to milk and sell our organic produce at a local market.
    It would be so much of a better way of life for us and our children and I thank you for starting us on this journey and firing what has now become a passion for simple living.
    Love you Rhonda xxxx
    Love Steph xx

  63. Congratulations Rhonda! I'm quite sure your book will even more popular :-) As always, you are a great inspiration.

    Cheers, Julie

  64. Dear Rhonda,
    Your blog was the first Aussie blog I found via an American blog and I was thrilled. You have helped me to fill my backyard with veggies and chooks and inspired me to start a blog and write about my family life, home and gardens.I finally posted on my veggie gardens and orchards, so drop by if you have time, it will encourage those who want to grow vegetable gardens who live on forested properties.

  65. Congratulations on your milestone, Rhonda! I love your blog and will keep on reading your inspirational posts :)

    Dagmar from Germany

  66. Congratulations, Rhonda. I can't wait to read your book.

  67. Congratulations Rhonda. Wonderful achievement.

  68. Congratulations Rhonda on an amazing achievement.
    Among other things,I especially find your gardening advice very helpful.
    You are a gifted and inspirational writer.
    Thank you for the pleasure of reading daily.
    Patricia on the Gold Coast

  69. I read your blog and love it, I don't comment alot, but want you to know you truly are an inspiration to me. Thank you!

  70. Hi, if you get a chance - check out my blog today. I have questions about soil that I think you might be able to give advice. Thank you!


  71. You go,girl! I`m creeping out of lurkdom to encourage you to "keep calm and carry on", just as you have encouraged each of us for two years. Love your blog!!

  72. I absolutely love your blog, and can not wait to read your book! You inspire me to live a simple life and enjoy the little pleasures. You are a remarkable woman, and we all thank you for sharing you life with us!

  73. Congratulations Rhonda! I've always enjoyed your blog and find it very informative. I also love that the comments are usually as informative as the posts!


  74. My wife works in the English department at our local University and the faculty was discussing the fact that there are many more people who want to publish than there are readers who will read their work. You, on the other hand will find that there are many readers who will drink up every word you share.

    I have learned so much about what I want to do with my little place by being inspired by what you are up to.

    I am looking forward to finding your book at our favorite bookstore!

  75. I'm so glad I found your blog. Hope your homesteading life and everything you do brings you joy.

    Coffee is on.

  76. Congratulations on your One Million Plus visits to your wonderful blog. I am sure we will be congratulating you on your book hitting the best sellers list in the not too distant future.

  77. Thank You, Rhonda. I love your blog, which I found a few weeks ago. I am retired and pretty much living the simple life in a small city in Saskatchewan, Canada. I dubbed 2009 as my Year of Living Thoughtfully and Frugally mainly to re-connect with the Earth and my Self in some ways that I seem to have lost along the way. Anyway, since finding your happy and inspiring blog, I feel my own process has taken some very positive steps forward. My daily journal is scattered, now, with things You have written and which I have put to use within myself. Thank You once again.
    Kathy in Canada

  78. I think that publisher would reconsider now!
    I just found your blog the other day & I've really enjoyed reading the things on here.
    Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful recipes & tips.

  79. Congratulations!!!

    On another note - did you participate on Toad Day Out?

  80. Julie from GeorgiaMarch 30, 2009 3:50 am

    Congratulations!!! I recently ran across your blog and have been a daily reader ever since. Can't wait for the book!!!

  81. Congratulations on reaching such a fantastic milestone! Long may it continue.

    I hope everyone who visited gained as much inspiration and food for thought as I did

  82. Congratulations!
    Rhonda your good advice has helped so many people including me.
    I find your blog easy to read and your directions easy to follow. I believe that's why it's so popular. Your honesty resonates with your readers.
    I cannot wait to read your book. Here's to your continuing success!

  83. Well, Rhonda..because I you I started to blog...you are my example..

    Hope you go and take a peek and let me know what you think..


  84. Congratulations on your millionth! I love the community that is such an integral part of this blog.
    RosieB :)

  85. Hello Rhonda,
    I just wanted to add my heartfelt congratulations and warmest thanks to everyone else's good wishes on this special milestone for you. I don't have my own blog, but have read yours daily for several months now, and have never failed to be inspired by the wealth of information you so generously share with us all. I have been going through a difficult journey personally with my health in recent months (possibly have MS),and being able to focus on simple things at home - looking after our chooks, making soap, cleaning products, cooking etc has been a wonderful distraction from the fear and worry . You are amazing! Love Heidi from Mt Barker, South Australia

  86. Congratulation Rhonda, I have your blog in my favorites!!!, its a pleasure for me visit it.

    Ale (mexico)

  87. Congratulations on the milestone! We will all keep reading ...

  88. I wish to add my congratulations to your growing list.
    Thank you for your thought provoking and interesting posts. It is heartwarming to see the many people that take an interest in your life style and thru their comments one can see that there is a growing interest in living life in a thoughtful and caring way.
    Can't wait to see your book published, well done.
    from Jenny McH

  89. I've only been a follower of your blog for a few months. But thank you ever so much-we have recently returned to gardening, raising chickens and being more self sustaining. Thank you for all you do.
    Bev at www.homeschoolgardener.blogspot.com

  90. I've been reading this blog for some time now and I'm looking forward to your book being published. I'm one of your token male readers (I often smile wryly to myself when you refer to your readers as 'ladies').

    I just hope the book has some 'manly' stuff in it ;-)


  91. That is too awesome! Congrats! I too look forward to seeing your book.

  92. Congratulations, Rhonda!

    I first found your blog through a link from Copper's Wife. Once I started reading, I just HAD to sit up until I'd read all the way through your archives.

    I love your blog, and it is one of my first stops each day.


  93. Congratulations! I always enjoyed creative writing at school and one of my English teachers thought I should pursue it. I never did, but blogging for me is harking back to those days. I even wrote a verse the other day, the first I've written in many years.
    I don't expect to ever have the following you have, but like you I didn't know if anyone would ever read what I wrote. Somehow it doesn't matter. Just putting thoughts into words and sending them out there is satisfying.
    I hope your book goes well. Some good things are worth waiting for.

  94. Congratulations, Rhonda. You are a formidable force in the BLOGGER world and you deserve to have your book reach the NY Times Best Seller List in record time. The more I read of your earlier and current blogs, the more it confirms my belief that the natural, common sense path in life is the REAL reality the world is seeking. God Bless You!!!!

  95. Wow Rhonda,
    Over 1 million visitors to your blog. I bet every one of those visitors are thankful/grateful that they found your wonderful blog full of tips, ideas, recipes, garden ideas, encouragement, and just good down home advice. I know I've sure enjoyed your blog and learned so much from what you've posted. Congratulations, and good luck, on your next 1 million visitors!
    Hugs, Aunt Bea
    P.S. I can't wait to see your book in bookstores one of these days!

  96. congratulations, rhonda! life has a great way of giving us just what we need if we're open to going about things a different way, doesn't it? i can't wait to pick up your book, and probably several more copies for friends, as well! you are sure right about blogging ... what an incredible, affirming resource we are so very fortunate to have. blessings on you every day, and good health. you are a truly unique and inspiring soul, especially for us younger folk out here who want to live as simply as many once did.

  97. I have enjoyed my visits here. Thank you for your time and helpful thoughts! I look forward to your book. Best Wishes! Kris

  98. Make sure you let us know when the book is released. I am so excited, even tho I have alot of reading in nursing school, I would love to own your book for my relaxation/down time.


  99. I'm so happy I found this blog.You are an inspiration to many and me included.I too share your views on simple living.I'm 30 years old with a 10 month old baby and we decided for me to stay at home and I love every minute of it.I am planning the garden and can't wait to get it in and have the baby help me and digg in the dirt.I cook from scratch and bake all the time.I even learned to bake bread.My friends my age think I'm crazy but I think they are crazy for paying for things they can make themself for SO much cheaper.Well keep up the good work,I'm off to the porch with a cup of tea to relax while the baby sleeps.Thanks for all that you do

  100. Cathrine (Norway)April 03, 2009 7:45 am

    hi! I just found your blogg, started blogging myself through my work. Oh so true what you say about the power of "publish button". In this world of blogs we are all authors and I think it's wonderful! -and timeconsuming,- you just get stucked don't you? Congratulations on 1 million visitors!


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