4 December 2008

Nourishing Traditions follow-up

Vegetables - celery, beans and capsicum picked just before I cooked them last night.

It was late October when I wrote about the Nourishing Traditions book and adding meat back to our diet so I thought you might like a follow-up on how that is working for us. We are six weeks into it and we've eaten meat four times - one beef casserole and three beef casseroles with marrow bone. It's not really the time of year to be enjoying these types of meals but we have both enjoyed them and feel fine. I chose this type of meat because it's slow cooked and in doing that the sinews in the meat dissolve and release the natural gelatine. I want to eat more gelatine as it helps my damaged knee.

Beef casserole with mashed potato.

Hanno visited a few local butchers to find one who sells local grass fed meat. We found one close by who is quite happy to include the bone in or out of the meat we buy. He told Hanno to phone early in the week to order the meat and he'll make sure he prepares what we need. It's good service, isn't it, but you tend to get that from traders who are passionate about supplying local products.

Our intention is not to follow the Nourishing Traditions book to the letter but to add the things that make sense to us while we continue to eat the food we produce ourselves, supplemented by what we buy.

Our main drink now is filtered water - luckily we have a filter on our kitchen tap so that didn't mean any extra expense. I keep a glass jug of filtered water in the fridge, so it's ready to quench our thirst day or night. We have two cups of tea a day (breakfast and morning tea) made on filtered water and Hanno sometimes has a cup of coffee later in the day. I have been squeezing oranges for juice, although the book advises not to have too much juice, I won't give this up as it's my favourite drink. I never drink store bought juice. It's usually full of preservatives and colourings, or pasturised (heated), which removes a lot of the vitamins and minerals.

Last night's dinner was curried prawns cooked in coconut milk, with vegetables and brown rice. It was very tasty, even if I do say so myself.

This is a very quick and simple meal. I added a small cup of rice to water, brought it to the boil and then turned down the heat. It simmered for one hour, brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice. Just before that hour was up, I chopped the vegetables, you can use any combination of vegetables you like, mine were all green yesterday but I generally have an assortment of colours. I fried the vegetables in a little olive oil, added two tablespoons of yellow curry paste, some pure sea salt and pepper and when they were almost cooked, added green prawns.

Add about a cup of coconut milk and let the meal simmer for about 3 minutes. Don't overcook it as it will make the prawns rubbery. If you like a thicker sauce, add a tablespoon of cornflour (cornstarch) to a some water in a cup, mix it, then add to the prawns. Cook this for another minute. Delicious!

Yellow curry paste from Aldi, added for Gail.

We've stopped eating whole grains and now eat rye or wholemeal bread. Whole grains are difficult to digest unless they've been soaked overnight before cooking. When I use barley or oats now, I pre-soak them. You don't need to pre-soak rice, but when you eat rice, try to make it brown rice as it's much more nutritious than white rice. Oh, and while we still eat sprouted seeds, we've stopped eating alfalfa sprouts. Apparently they aren't good if you have an infammatory disease like arthritis or lupus.

So that's it! It's been a painless transition to a new way of eating. Many of the things we were already doing are recommended in the book so there haven't been any major upheavals, but we're both feeling good. And for Cathy, Alice is good too and she says "woof".

ADDITION: Sew Mama Sew is having a giveaway day, (some of them are not for international postage) so hurry over and check out all the blogs involved in this.



  1. Good morning Rhonda,

    The curry looks scrumptious. When you say yellow curry paste, is that a particular type or is it a brand. Its something I would love to try but I have only ever used curry powder on the lightly fried veges and then flour to make a white sauce curry. Your way sounds much easier. We've just changed over to brown rice, its very nice but does take longer to cook as you say. Its just a matter of thinking ahead and getting it on the stove earlier. Thanks also for the other information, it all helps to make our lives better and to understand what's best for our bodies.

    Blessings Gail

  2. those prawns look so good!!
    It's so nice when you find a butcher that will meet your needs. We buy a 1/2 beef from my Dad every year and also just got 1/4 of an elk from him. yeah... a full freezer to start into winter!
    The great thing is, is that I know where the meat came from and what it's been fed.

  3. Good evening from a cold and frosty France,

    Just feeling a teeny bit jealous - our veg garden is giving fewer and fewer veggies as autumn turns into winter. I have just cooked my last capsicum and know it will be long time before I have another of my own home-grown ones. But at least I love brussels, parsnips and swede, of which I have plenty at the moment.

    Rosie x

  4. Good morning Gail. Thai curry paste comes in yellow, green or red. I bought our yellow paste at Aldi. I'll add a photo to the post so you have a better idea of what I'm talking about. I've found the pastes have a better taste than the powders. The paste is wet so it allows the flavours to develop in the jar.

    Hi Lisa, how fabulous you can get beef from your dad. It sounds like you're all set for a good winter with a full freezer.

  5. Hi Rosie. Welcome. Yes, Brussels, swedes and parsnips are all good winter vegetables. How long will you have them growing?

  6. Hi Rhonda
    I have been following your blog for about one month now. You have such wonderful ideas! I liked your knit washcloths and hand warmers and made a couple of each. Unfortunately I have arthritis in my hands and can't keep that up. (the hand warmers are great for that!) I liked the mittens you made from an old wool jumper, so I have been cutting up some old clothes to make things with. I cut up a too small sweatshirt and made a scarf and 2 hats, and a pair of mittens will follow. Let us see more of the things you have made!

    This might sound gross, but I actually made some hand warmers with socks that had holes in the heal. They are a little thinner than your knit ones and so work better when I am typing - not so much in the way.

  7. Hi Rhonda. I came to greet Gail who visited my blog and left a message there..Now I'm confused..lol. Gail's name brought me to this blog...

    Well I wanted to comment that I have been here a few times before. I can't remember if I commented or not, but I remember reading about the meter readings. We have that here in Ontario Canada. We have also got new meter's in our home where we now pay for JUST our own comsumption and not based on what the City thinks we are using..alelluia.
    I was greatly inspired by many of your posts. My screen saver has a beautiful quilt with the word Simplify! This is where the Lord is slowing bringing me too in my life. I LOVE that gingham apron on the side bar..I collect aprons and wear one pretty much every day. I'm known in the neighborhood as the 'lady that wears aprons'..I walk around outside in the yard, or to a neighbor with my apron on,,lol.
    I will be adding you to my Blog List...as iron sharpens iron, one man will sharpen another..I like how you sharpen me...

  8. It's nice to know you're having such good results.
    I have a question that is completely off this subject, but I never seem to be able to comment when I read your posts and right now I have a minute so want to ask about your loofas. Are they difficult to grow? Once they are mature, how do you remove the skin and how long do they have to "cure" before they are good to use?
    Obviously this is not a question that needs immediate answering so I understand that it may take awhile before you get to it. I'll be watching the posts for an answer.
    Thank you Rhonda!
    Many blessings,

  9. Hi Rhonda- I too bought Nourishing Traditions after reading about it on your blog and have found the information in it amazing. I'm very happy to go back to whole milk and butter!We have been gradually transitioning to as organic a diet as we can and now I have a grain mill on my wish list too.
    It sounds fanciful, but I feel so much more connected to the food we eat now,with more involvement with the basic ingredients and the process of bringing them together to make a meal. I've always cooked from scratch but somehow knowing the greater care that goes into producing organic food makes a difference.I'm looking forward to planting out some tomato, broccoli and lettuce seedlings (my first attempt at this) and buying 3 chooks.You really are inspirational-I look forward to checking your blog each morning.

  10. I am hoping to see Nourishing Traditions under my Christmas tree this year. :)

    Two things Rhonda: are you using glucosamine for your knee? It's been terrific for my 81 year old Mum but it doesn't work for everybody.

    I'm not sure what NT says about chicken but, with the warmer weather here, it might be a more weather friendly meat meal?

    I have always been a bit reluctant to filter our water because I understand the flouride will also be filtered out. I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.

    Cheers to you. Hanno and the lovely Alice.

  11. Hi Rhonda,

    I would have emailed you with my question, but I don't see your email link here anywhere, I must be really unobservant, 'cos I don't remember when it disappeared, but I thought it used to be here ;)

    My question is where did Hanno find the butcher with the grass fed beef? I moved to the Sunshine Coast 3 months ago and have been slowly finding my way around the local area but haven't yet found a butcher with grass fed meat. I don't get to drive around too much, due to the cost of fuel and also I work full time, but would willingly travel once a month to a good butcher.

    The other thing I haven't been able to find so far is a really good continental deli, you know the kind, where the smell transports you to another world and they have all the beautiful cheeses and smallgoods from foreign lands. ;) The supermarket ones just don't cut it for me.

    I love your blog and have learnt so much from you, I am hoping you can share the butcher with me too. If you can't post his business here, I can give you my email address.

    Cheers, Kerrie.

  12. Hi Rhonda
    Thanks as always for the lovely blog. I so look forward to reading it in my lunchbreak.
    I appreciated your hints on the cockroaches, I think the advice will prove very timely, must be the warmer weather they seem to be on the increase!
    Also great news, we have just received our quarterly power bill and we have managed to reduce it by 20%, despite the price increase. I was so thrilled with how my 2 teenage boys have responded to our "cut elcetricty" campaign! I hope they are also learning valuable life skills.
    Thanks again so much for all your kindly encouragement.

  13. Terry, well done! Stay tuned because soon I will have an update on the mittens that might interest you.

    Hi Angela. I'm not sure how Gail's name got you here but welcome anyway. I like what you say and sharpening and aprons. Thanks for the lovely comment.

    Michelle, the loofahs are easy to grow in a warm climate but I have had a couple of people who had limited success in colder climates. You wait until the loofahs go brown on the vine and dry out completely, then you just peel them and shake out the seeds. After that you soak them in a bucket with a tablespoon of liquid bleach added to whiten them and remove potential mould. That's it.

    Maryann, thank you. Comments like yours make my day - knowing I've helped someone move closer to a new life. :- )

    Rose, I hope santa know about the book. Yes, I take glucosamine every day. I don't want to eat chooks, it would be like eating a pet. Regarding fluoride, I hope the filter does take it out of the water. I don't want fluoride in my water and I disapprove of my government dosing the water with it. Take care, Rose.

    Kerrie, the butcher is Top Meats at Beerwah but there is an organic butcher at Forest Glen who also sells grass fed meat. There is a good deli in the Warana vegetable barn, at least I think it's Warana. You'll know when you walk in, there will be people drinking coffee and you'll see lots of lovely cheese.

    Clare, what great news! Well done to you and your boys. Teenagers often get a bad wrap but my experience of many of them is that they're often kind and considerate nutters who just want to please. Keep up the good work.

    And now I have to turn off the computer because a big storm is approaching. Thanks all for the lovely comments today.

  14. Thanks to Marilyn
    By Bi carb do you mean backing soda as we call it in the states?
    Your beans look great. Celery did not grow first time there must be a trick to it.
    Good tips about the inflammation.
    When I bake a chicken (covered ) I pour off the broth into a mason jar. After it chills overnight skim off the fat, the gel is great for other recipes.
    Hay those swiffer socks are a great idea! loved the magazine

  15. Hello Rhonda, I also disapprove of our Government adding fluoride to our water. We have had a water filter for years and the installer who changes our filter every year tells me it does not take the fluoride out. I gave my children flouride tablets when they were small (also took it when pregnant with my son!)as advised by my Dr. They are now 40 and 37. I was very young and very ignorant. I would not do the same again. Although my children dont have any fillings my son has noticable motling on several of his teeth which was possibly caused by fluoride. I have encouraged my children not to give it to my grandchildren, one 10 who has perfect teeth and one 2, also perfect at this point in time. Their parents are particular about their diet and dental hygiene. This may be of some interest to Rose.
    Regards Patricia

  16. I've been following your blog for a while and the new co-op blog. I try to live simply in the heart of the New York city suburbs. We have an unusual house for the area. A small Dutch colonial on 3 acres near a river. We have lived here for 16 years, since we were first married. We have 2 children 12 and 8. Now my husband's job is moving to Boston. We are trying to decide what to do. Move away from established roots and family and friends (a great support). Or live here likely without a job for perhaps quite a while. Our finances are in good shape, no debt and our mortgage is small, but selling a house now is difficult, especially one that you have nurtured especially my wonderful raspberry patch. I never thought a job would tear me away from what we have built. So not simple! But the times seem so scary. I don't want to be a family without salary and health insurance. It is the final kick from GWBush. Can't wait to see him go. His bumbling despoiling of America has finally hit my family hard. I'm not this with family and friends at the moment. I don't want to upset my mom and kids until I have to. Advice? comfort?

  17. Here I am again. near to last line should read.

    "I'm not sharing this with family and friends."

  18. Hello,
    I love your blog, it's full of great ideas.
    I'm a mother of 3, a 6 year old and 2 year old twins.
    Money has been tight and I'm trying to learn to live differently. Thank you for this blog.
    I'm starting to try to change my very normal supermarket detergents and do your recipes.
    But I'd like advice on something:
    I have a steam iron. I used to use tap water, but we live in the UK and this almost ruined my iron, it started to stain clothes. So I started buying ironing water which costs 72p a bottle, too expensive... How can I replace this, what should I use?
    Thank you.
    Best wishes,

  19. Thanks Rhonda ,

    I have an Aldi store not far from here. I'm looking forward to trying the curry paste. The photo helps a lot. My dish washer is humming away nicely with just the bi carb and the results are just fine. I can only manage a day and a half but it used to go on every day so we are improving. You are helping us all to save our hard earned money, no wonder your blog is so popular.

    Blessings Gail

  20. Thanks, Rhonda! I will definitely give them a visit.

    Cheers, Kerrie

  21. I think I'm going to have to find a copy of NT, I think I want to read it.
    I know flouride in water is a controversial subject, but I'm in favor of it. I have always had bad teeth, they started decalcifying pretty early and nothing we ever did could help them. But when we moved to a place that has flouride, it did seem to help. I still wound up with dentures in my early 40's but I think the flouride bought me a little more time. Just my opinion!
    Rhonda, what you call capsicum peppers look like what we in the US call bell or green peppers. They aren't hot, they are more of a sweet pepper. But I can't really tell from the picture, I might be totally wrong. Not the first time!

  22. Hi Rhonda - I'm glad your new diet is working out for you. It's good to hear you are approaching each change with moderation, moderation is almost always the key to good nutrition.

    About juice, I love fresh-squeezed juice too - the only reservation I have about it is that it takes several oranges to get a cup of fresh juice, and it kind of *is* a lot of sugar at once. I know it's natural sugar, but still. So now I mostly eat the fruit (also gives more fiber), and drink water or herb tea. We drink tap water and are quite satisfied with it.

  23. To Sunflower and Daisy: If you have a condensation dryer or know someone who does you can use the water from the tank in your iron because it is free of minerals.

    Otherwise you can do it on a stove by putting a little pot full of water into a larger pot, and then putting a glass or ceramic bowl upside down over the little pot (but the edges need to be inside the big one, if that makes sense). Boil the water - it will turn to steam and condense on the underside of the bowl, run down and fall into the larger pot. The water that is in the large pot at the end should be ok to use in your iron. But it'll take a while to boil that water off and you'll use energy to do it, so you'll have to figure out if it's worth it in the end. Hope that helps.

  24. Hi Rhonda! I just love your blog!! Thank you for all the kindness andsencouragement!!!
    I'm interested to follow your thoughts on Nourishing traditions. I've been vegetarian /vegan most of my life and now I'm on my second bout of pnemonia-the first one was when I was a strict vegan also. I don't smoke and exercise daily. But The fatigue is the worst.So I'm really thinking of adding meat back into my diet.Oh! also found out I'm vitamin D defificient.For some a vegan diet may be great-but I may have to face the facts that it may not be working for me! I may have to get the book! Let me know if you notice a change in how you feel!! Love,hugs and many thanks!!!!

  25. Thank you Rhonda. We do live in a very warm southern climate, so I think they would grow here. I'll let you know if I have success.
    Thanks again,

  26. Donetta, bicarb is baking soda I love the tip about getting gel from a chicken. Thank you.

    Andrea, I'm sorry to read that your husband's job has been relocated. My initial reaction was to follow the job, especially in these times of uncertainty, but it's not that simple, is it. You would probably not gain the optimum price if you sold your house now, although it does sound unique and the market is always there for excellent unique houses. Would it be an option for your husband to go to Boston with his job and live in an apartment, with you and the children visiting for a while to try to get a sense of the place? You may all love it there and it might buy you some time until the house market is more stable. On the other hand, depending on your husband's job you could decide to stay where you are and look for another job in NY. Could he work from home? I'm sorry I can't be of more help, it's difficult to advise or comfort in a real and helpful way from such a distance. I hope whatever you decide works well for all of you. Please let me know what you decide to do.

    Daisy, set out a little collection bucket because you can use rainwater in your iron. When you need to buy a new iron, get a Tefal because they are made to use only tap water.

    Ottermom, our government started dosing Fluoride in our water just this week. I don't like it at all. But we're all different, that's what makes it so interesting. Yes, what we call capsicums here are your bell peppers. They have no heat at all.

    Anna, yes, the sugar was the main problem with the juice. They suggested watering it down. I'm staying with my juice though, it's an innocent pleasure.

    Mima, I do feel better after I started on the meat again, even that small amount. I didn't feel tired from low iron that some vegetarians have, but now I have a feeling overall wellness.

  27. Hi,

    Just to say thank you Rebekka, for your advice. I do have a condesation dryer and will put the water to good use now, thank you very much.

    It's great to be in this group!!!

  28. I love the Nourishing Traditions cookbook. If you haven't already checked it out, you might want to look at the Fourfold Path to Healing book, which is based on same principles on which the NT book is based on: http://fourfoldhealing.com/. The nutrition part is based on the Dr. Price's research as well.

    I heard Thomas Cowan (the author of FFH) speak at a Waldorf Education conference and he was quite inspiring.


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