25 December 2008

Merry Christmas everyone


I see a twinkle in your eye.
So this shall be my Christmas star
And I will travel to your heart:
The manger where the real things are.

And I will find a mother there
Who holds you gently to her breast;
A father to protect your peace;
And by these things you shall be blessed.

And you will always be reborn;
And I will always see the star
And make the journey to your heart:
The manger where the real things are.

Michael Leunig

I found this Michel Leunig poem on The Duck Herder's blog last Christmas and have read it many times since. It's the perfect poem for the perfect day. Merry Christmas, Duckie.



  1. Lovely poem Rhonda Jean. On this side of Mother Earth it is Christmas Eve and we have even had a few snowflakes. Soon our grandchildren will arrive and the real spirit of Christmas enters our house.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
    Ramona K

  2. Oh.My.Gosh.

    I have only just realised. it is ALREADY Christmas with you! ( smacks head in annoyance...)

    So...Merry Christmas!!

    Cw xx

  3. gosh that poem is lovely,happy christmas to you & yours,its christmas eve here,all is quiet & calm,bliss!
    GTM x x x

  4. What a lovely poem, and how apt.

    Its still Christmas Eve here in the UK, but Santa is on his way according to google who have teamed up with NASA to plot Santa's journey.

    I hope Santa was generous to you Rhonda and that you, hanno and your family have a lovely time and health and happiness for 2009.

  5. Merry Christmas!! Warmly The Dawkins Family in South Africa.

  6. I hope you had a lovely Christmas! It's Christmas Eve afternoon here. I've been busy in the kitchen all day so I'm late stopping by with wishes.

  7. Happy Christmas on the other side of the world Rhonda! Have a lovely time with your family.

    Willow xx

  8. Merry Christmas Rhonda
    It's still Christmas Eve here but I have just 'helped' my granddaughter open her presents in Sydney (via skype) The internet is wonderful.
    I have been thinking of you cooking your community breakfast, hope all went well.
    Happy Christmas from Pippa.

  9. Merry Christmas from the Veggie Garden Household.

  10. Merry Christmas, Rhonda Jean! Love and hugs, Q

  11. What a beautiful poem. Merry Christmas, Rhonda and Hanno! God bless you and keep you! Thanks for what you do here on your blog!

    Kristina in Nebraska

  12. Merry Christmas Rhonda to you and Hanno. I hope the new year brings you great joy and happiness.


  13. Merry Christmas to you and yours Rhonda Jean!

  14. Merry Christmas and best wishes to all from France !

  15. Merry Christmas Rhonda, wishing you and yours a wonderful, frugal christmas.

  16. Merry Christmas to you and your family! ~Kim

  17. I love the poem. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  18. What a lovely poem! Seasons Greetings and a Happy Christmas to you and your family!

  19. Hello everyone,
    it's my first time being here. Sorry for my poor English...I try to improve :-)
    Wishing you a wonderful and healthy New Year...it will be a 365Challenge haha...

  20. Merry Merry Christmas to you and yours! Are you getting my emails?

  21. Hi Rhonda Jean!!

    I am back to ye olde blog -- as Josh put it. After a month of bonding and craziness, we appear to have carved out a nice schedule with the kids and even found some time for me to rap at the keyboard for a while and visit my blogging friends.

    Thank you for your kind words on my "just got kids" post. What an exciting time and the comments on that post had me in tears. Of course, I don't think I stopped crying the first week of having them. It was so wonderful to hear the patter of their little feet down our hallway or the muffled giggle of the girls when they know they are supposed to be sleeping.

    Blessings to you and yours this joyous holiday season. Know that you are thought of a prayed for!

    Lots of love,
    Lacy (new mommy to four)

  22. Hope you and your family had a great Christmas!

    Your blog has been such an inspiration!


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