30 November 2008

Weekend reading

I often get emails asking what blogs I read, so here are some I would like to share with you:

Free Money Finance - I found this blog through my agent and I now read it whenever I have the chance. I'm catching up on past posts too. Read today's post and this post, they both relate to living simply.

Soule Mama has a Paper Princess giveaway today. There are also some gorgeous photos of baby Harper.

Suse at Pea Soup writes about everything from the Blogger verification words to circus skills, and much more. She shares her knitting and sewing projects and her view of life from Melbourne Australia.

Check out the beautiful Christmas card over at Knot Garden.

I have been enjoying six and a half stitches for a little while now. It's well written, creative and warm.

Over at Nini Makes there is some Christmas embroidery and many other delights, including some great tutorials.

At The Long Thread I found these delightful felted Christmas trees. This is such a good idea and I'm hoping to make a couple before Christmas. Have a look around this blog because, if you're a crafty person, there are many treasures to be found.

The Purl Bee - gift bundles for people who sew would be a great help for those looking for gift ideas. For me, well, I just loved reading through what was in each bundle. I would really love the Zakka Sewing book, that would be just my cup of tea. :- )

I've just found this Links for Good Reading and Resources list on Small Notebook - well, I'm on it too, but there are many others worthy of your time.

And finally, I promise, Emily commented here this morning. I've checked out her blogs and it's wonderful. She writes Remodeling This Life.



  1. Rhonda you are so very thoughtful. Thank you!

  2. So kind of you to include my little blog, thank you :)

  3. Thank you! finding your blog today was like an early Christmas gift!

  4. I look forward to looking at the links you shared. I enjoy your blog, you have a wealth of wisdom and I appreciate that you share it with others. I don't always comment but I do keep up with all your wonderful writings. Keep up the good work!

  5. Thank you for including these links, I love reading new blogs. I totally agree with you about the fly spray that you mount on the wall, it is scary thing to have in the air in your home.

  6. These are so wonderful sites, thank you! I have a spare copy of Zakka Sewing and would love to send it to you.

  7. Welcome Emily! Thanks Country Girl.

    Hilde, I would be most grateful if you could send the Zakka book. Please contact me on rhondahetzel@gmail.com and we can make the arrangements. Thank you.

  8. Thanks for including my site in your list! I'm glad that I found your blog.

  9. I had to share this with you! Speaking of reading, (and ever on the lookout for frugal/free resources) I found the coolest site today. It's dailylit.com. The way it works is, you find a book in their library that you like (I am starting with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to read nightly to my 6yo). They email you @ 1000 words a day from the book, or you can read it at a faster rate (like I did with "...Benjamin Button" today. Most of the books I'm interested in are free, but I didn't see anything that was more than @ 6 and a half dollars. If you're looking for newer stuff, they probably don't have it in their library (yet?) but I'm interested in Literature anyway, and that all seems to be free.

    Linda P. in SE WI

  10. Ooh, thanks for the linky love!

    ps. word verif is inlolf. See? They're becoming like real words? They make me giggle.

  11. Happy Anniversary,
    Happy Anniversary,
    Happy Anniversary,
    H.A.P.P.Y Anniversary!

    Congratulations on a great, informative year and here's to the next one being even better.

    Goes without saying .... Love the blog!


    superspunky at gmail dot com


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