26 July 2008

Choosing Eden - passing it on

Hello friends. I hope you enjoy your weekend and find time to spend with your family or those you love.

I want to let you know about the book being passed on by Niki. If you would like to go into the draw for the book, visit Niki here.


  1. Choosing Eden is a wonderful read - I've obviously read it so won't be entering the draw, but for those that do enter and don't win, I highly recommend checking out your library to locate a copy of this fantastic book.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  2. Hi Rhonda, I've been lurking here for some time, and thought I would say hello finally.

    Just wanted to let you know how much I love reading your blog, it always inspires me to actually get on with my plans, not just make them! Our little family is slowly making changes in how we live, and we are aiming for a slower pace to our life (especially as we will be adding to the family in Feb!). You really make a difference to us, and I wish we could return to you the same joy and peace we get from your example!

    Take care, Naomi

  3. Hi Rhonda
    Hope you have a good weekend we are in the throws of a severe storm here in New Zealand the worst in 10 years so I hope you are nice and warm and dry. I hope the homeless people out there are not feeling the effects of the storm to much.

  4. Hello Rhonda,
    I just happened onto your blog via a "crafty" blog where a lady made your soap. I came on over and haven't been off your blog for over an hour or more. In that time I've made one batch of soap and had a ball reading so many things.
    I love jars as well. I have a huge collection. I love bottling, relish making, jam making and so forth. Done that for a few years. Just because where I live we have an abundance of fruit from family, friends and the community.
    I love sewing, knitting, crocheting, patchwork etc etc.
    I love making my own bread. In the last week I re-visited my hot-cross buns and making them for the kids to have at school. Just using them as a fruit bun.
    We are very blessed to live on an 8 acre property in a valley, with chooks, sheep, guinea fowls, geese, dogs and plenty of native birds.
    I have just so enjoyed reading your blog, and will be back to read more and try other things.

    Susan, Manjimup WA

  5. Hi, I've been lurking, too, so I thought I'd just leave a note to say that I love your blog and I pop by quite often.

    Thanks for the inspiration you give me!

  6. Hope you have a great weekend as well. I treasure them, it is the only time we can sleep in and enjoy daddy being home.

  7. Hi Rhonda,
    I have just spent the last several hours reading your blog! It came up in a goodle search for aquaponics. You now have devoted daily fan! You are so inspirational I have the extreme urge to weed my garden, clean my house, and organize my life. BTW, I'm a displaced Canadian living in Hawaii and trying to live the simple life with 1 husband, 4 dogs, 11 cats,3 parrots, 25 chickens, 4 peacocks and 5 ducks ( all pets or critter eaters not dinner) Now I'm off to make your dog food recipe and your chickpea burgers for lunch, Thank-you! Have a wonderful weekend,

  8. Hello everyone. Welcome to the newcomers and the lurkers. It means a lot to me that you've posted. I'm really pleased you're finding information here that is helping in your lives.

  9. Just discovered your blog and will become a regular reader!!

  10. Rhonda Jean I have given you an award - check out my blog when you have a min.


  11. I wasn't lucky enough to win. However I was lucky enough to get some great help/advise from Niki on my jam making. She has a lovely blog.......

    Gill from Canada

  12. I just wanted to take a moment and, like others, thank you, thank you, thank you! for the wealth of information you pass on. I feel like I am so alone in this way of thinking, here in suburbia. It's so wonderful to glean from your experiences and advice, as well as that of your other readers. I am currently reading Animal Vegetable Miracle, (I have added Choosing Eden to my request list at the library), and have read a few bits of it to my husband. I think he's on board as long as *he* doesn't have to go to any trouble ;+) So any info/wisdom I can get from this community you have created helps SO much. Thanks again!

    Linda P in Wisconsin

  13. Hi Rhonda. I've been thinking about you today as I've gone about my day. I've been going down the path to simplicity for a few months now and have done many of the practical tasks involved such as cooking from scratch, a vege plot, budgetting and stockpiling etc. Today though, I realised that it's my mindset that's changed the most. No longer am I interested in having it all, doing it all, proving myself to people that don't count, rushing around doing nothing and striving for things I don't want or need. I'm moving in the direction I always wanted and even though you don't know me, I have you, Rhonda, to thank for that. What a wonderful inspiration you are.
    Love Wendy.

  14. Thank you, Kim. :- )

    Linda and Wendy, welcome. I send my best wishes to you both for the changes you are currently working on.

  15. Hello Rhonda Jean! I am new to checking out blogs and am probably not very efficient at doing what you seem to have developed into an art - scanning for quality material. Like you I want to be moved and changed with what I read, and at some stage in the not too distant future, develop my own blog. Meanwhile I will continue to check yours out as it looks wonderful and looking forward to reading more when I can. Meanwhile, do you have any suggestions as to how I can get updated information about Adrienne Langman since the publication of her book, which is 4 years ago now. I would love to know how the past years have been unfolding for she and Larry! Thank you for your generosity and devotion to living a sustainable, simple and beautiful life! Elizabeth xx

  16. Welcome Elizabeth. I have no idea about getting updated information. Maybe you could write to her publisher.


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