15 May 2008

A catching up day

Year 2 Day 1 ;- )

I am absolutely overwhelmed at the messages of friendship sent in the previous post. Thank you, everyone. I'll come back later today, write all your names out and get Hanno to draw one name out of a hat for me. When I return to tell you whose name was chosen, I'll also respond to some of the comments made.

I'll be at home today after my three days at work. They were good days this week with progress made with a young man who I thought we might lose. Gardening did the trick. It brought him back to us each day and it helped him talk and regain his strength. There is much to be said for dirt, seeds and the promise of new life.

Today I'm going to pick the last of the rosellas and make jam. I'll also make bread and a tuna and vegetable loaf for our dinner. There are chickens to get reacquainted with - I've just been helping Hanno put them to bed at night when I come home from work and I really want to be picking them up, feeding them green leaves and watching them interact with each other.

There was a short burst of heavy rain overnight so I'll check the vegetable garden for damage, do some tidying up around the plants and see what's ready for picking. I have an idea for a small area of potted plants within the vegetable garden so I'll ask Hanno to lay some old bricks we have so the pots don't sit directly on the ground. I'm looking forward to spending time in the garden again. It often seems like such a long time when I'm away for those few days.

Later this afternoon I hope to do some sewing. And Shane will be here again; he is travelling over to see his girl and to have his ute serviced.

It's cold (13C 55F) here this morning, and although many of my friends in colder climates would probably think of it as balmy, I have my lambswool slippers and two jumpers on. And now I'm about to make some hot tea and oat porridge to warm my innards. I am such a sook in cold weather. :- ) See you again soon.

Graphic from Allposters.com


  1. Hi:
    I love to read your words and think I hear you : )
    I am still new to your postings and will catch up by reading the older ones. I am 59 and my Mom is 99. So many of the things you talk of she taught me as a child. Root cellars, raising chickens, making soaps, canning from her vegetable garden. So, to read your posts takes me back to a much gentler time.
    Thank you kindly for sharing.
    I live in Los Angeles, CA

  2. Good morning Rhonda Jean
    I also have a catch up day tomorrow after minding my grandaughter for three days. We have been gardening together so my catch up will involve some me time. Knitting and stitching I hope.

    Enjoy your day.


  3. Hello Rhonda, Catch up days just hit the spot don't they...tweaking whatever needs to be tweaked here and there, and re-aquainting yourself with your patch. It's been really heartwarming reading all the comments in the last post...just goes to show what a warm and friendly community you have inspired and touched. With love and hugs, Diana x

  4. Sounds like a lovely day.
    I spent some time weeding yesterday only to discover that my dear husband had been there before me. He weeded up some leeks, some broccoli, some cabbage. Oh dear, he tried.

  5. Dear Rhonda,

    Ditto to what Diana said!

    Your day sounds like the perfect way to start off the "new year". Your family must be so proud of you. It's easy to help all of us in blog land, in the sense that we're all highly motivated to receive the help, but helping someone such as the young man you mentioned takes even more effort. Blessings to all of you at your centre.

    Regards, Marilyn

  6. Rhonda,
    I think it is so odd to hear someone say that 55F is cold. When it's 55 here we're quite happy that spring is warming up!

  7. we bring out the summer clothes when it's 13C :)

    Actually we start sooner than that, but even I find sandals in 5C weather a bit too cool.

  8. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    Your right 55 is warm here, we are in the beginnings of Spring and mother nature is mixing it up - perfect one day, raining cats and dogs the next. Well that is what it's like living in Michigan USA.

    I love catch up days - time to rest the soul and appreciate what you have.

  9. Morning Rhonda,
    Don't you enjoy catchup days! They are truly the best days of all.
    Enjoy your catch up day.

  10. We here in Northern Georgia (USA) are having the opposite season to you. We are also having warm days and then the temperature drops. It's been everywhere from a sunny 82F (27.5) down to a raining 42F (5.5). Right now, my poor tomatoes are again covered to keep them from getting bit back by the cold. And it's raining again.

    But at least we have plenty of rain and our drought has ended. The lakes are again filled up with water. I wish the same would happen for poor Australia. You guys are into what, something like your 30th year of drought. That must be truly hard for many of you folks.

  11. I had a lovely catch up day yesterday. It was mostly indoor work and it felt good to see the house so squeaky clean, organized, and ready for me to return to the garden work.


  12. I hope the tea and oats warmed you up!!!

    When we were away it was 100F in the shade, lovely.......

    I missed you blog, will have to go back and read all the bits I have missed.


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