9 November 2007


Can we have a check of the swaps. Have any of the people who are waiting on the last swap received their napkins?

Has everyone in the current apron swap made contact with their swap partner? Please check into the comments box so I have a better idea what's happening. Thanks everyone. : )


  1. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    want you to know that I have exchanged mails with Lisa J. and am busy getting my material together to make her apron. I have wanted to comment on your quark (we say kwark) post but have had some surgery so that will have to wait.
    Enjoying your posts every day!!!
    Have a nice day,

  2. I am in contact with my apron swap buddy and all is going according to plan.

  3. Waited for today's post before answering. But still no napkins, Karen.

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    Just letting you know that Margaretc3 and I have made contact with each other.


  5. Hi Rhonda, having not participated in a swap before, I am not sure of the procedure. Do I email Sharon for Kimberley's email address? I couldn't find Kimberley on the original list. I am making my apron tomorrow, looking forward to it.

  6. Rhonda Jean,
    Green Eyes (Renee) and I (Tami) have been conversating back and forth about the apron swap.

  7. I have made contact with my partner and I am working on my apron. :)

  8. Waited for the post to arrive today but still no napkins. Karen.

  9. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I left a comment in the previous post but I can leave one here.
    I mailed out my aprons to my swap partner yesterday (11/8/07) They should arrive in a few days. I did e mail Peggy to let her know they were on the way. I really enjoyed making the aprons and look forward to the next swap

  10. Dirkey-not in napkin swap, have made contact with apron swap making the apron tomorrow morning to send out Monday.

  11. Rhonda Jean,

    Jessica Chapman and I have emailed each other, and I'm finishing her apron as we speak. This has been fun!
    Tracy (Unless the Lord)

  12. No, I have e-mailed Brigit's friend Jennie twice and still haven't heard from her.

  13. Yes, have made contact w/ my partner. :0)

  14. Hannah and I have connected for the apron swap...you are so organized!! lol

  15. Yes, made contact and yes, working on the apron.

  16. I've heard from my apron swap partner, and her apron is underway.

    Mrs. H.

  17. Rhonda,

    I contacted my swap partner Leah and we exchanged information. I am looking forward to a weekend of apron sewing.

    Have a beautiful day!

  18. Hello Rhonda Jean!
    Hope you're having a great day. I usually visit you blog very often(not to say daily), but it's been a while. Now the weekend have fallen upon me as a wonderful light load of things that don't need to be done, and I have more time to do things I've been missing to do in the more busy times. Visiting here, for an example. I have received the napkins from Jewels and I am in contact with Niki in the apron swap =)So now you know. Have a lovely evening(or whatever time of day it is in Australia at the moment) =) God bless you!

  19. Alison and I have made contact. I am going to start my apron on Saturday. It's been a busy week with husband out of town and youngest daughter planning a sleepover birthday party for tonight (heaven help me).

  20. Hi Sweet Heart, I made contact with Dee. My Apron is finished just need to get it to post. She sure was sweet. This was fun thank you. ~Donetta
    Check out the cute angle dishcloths I got for $2 each at a yard sale today.

  21. Hi Rhonda, I have done nothing so far although I do have the fabric.

  22. HI! I contacted my apron swap partner (Lorianne) and have the apron finished. Can you post that list of "forbidden" items for Aussie customs?


  23. Hi Rhonda Jean
    My swap partner and I have made contact and I've asked for her address as I'm nearly ready to send my apron. I enjoyed making it and hope she will like my choice of colours and fabric (we both agreed to surprise each other!)
    Best wishes

  24. Hi Rhonda,
    As I had already emailed you concerning Jennie, I emailed her again and like Judy I still have not heard from her. Maybe Brigit her friend could contact us, if she no longer is in the swap I will make an apron for Jennie, or maybe we have someone who missed out on being in the swap who would like to be a swapper of an apron

  25. Made contact with Rebecca and all is well!

  26. thank you everyone!

    Jill, I've sent you Kimberly's email address.

    Judy, I'll try to contact Brigit and let you know. Brigit or Jennie, if you read this please contact Judy or Lorraine about the swap. If no contact is made soon, I'll have to take you out of the swap, although I'd hate to do that.

    Karen, I'll get in touch with your swap partner again and let you know.

    It sounds like the group is enjoying the swap and getting on with their work. That's great!

  27. Hi Rhonda,
    I have made contact with Heather(?heather77) and have started the apron. I sent Susan an email regarding the napking swap and have not heard from her or recieved anything. I should have my apron in the mail this week. Should finish it today.


  28. apron swap is going great with my swap partner.thanks again for getting this together

  29. Hi Rhonda,

    My apron swap partner Tracy and I have made contact. Hoping to start work on my apron today :)
    Napkin swap was finalised and you have posted photos already :)
    Thanks again to you and your helpers for organising this.

  30. Hi Rhonda, I just tried to email my partner and the email address didn't work.I believe my partner is Aslaug's sister and I remember reading a comment about a problem with her email address as well.

  31. My apron swap partner is more on the ball than I am! LOL!! She contacted me and I emailed back. Now she has posted HERE first too! LOL!! :)

    PS. Thank you SO MUCH for changing the settings on your blog so I can read the whole post from my burner! I really REALLY appreciate it!! :)

  32. Hi Rhonda Jean

    Missed your post yesterday but here I am to say yes Ann (UK) and I have made email contact, exchanged address and will be surprising each other too with our apron choices. I am hoping to have mine finished this weekend and post off next week. Have a great weekend.

  33. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I have still not received napkins.
    I have not had any contact with my apron swap partner yet. I was planning to try and contact her over the weekend. Will update you when contact is made :)

  34. Hi Rhonda, I have exchanged addresses with Bren and busy making my apron. I did get my napkins - thanks again Carla.

  35. I've been paired with Karen (I'm Emily) and we've been in touch. Thanks!

  36. Rhonda, sorry about Jennie being uncontactable. I saw her Friday of last week and her computer was being fixed this Monday, but obviously that didn't happen, so I will ring her and then contact Judy so she knows what is going on. Jennie is definitely still in the swap, though, and has already started making her apron.

    Re the napkin swap, Pura emailed me to say my napkins for her had arrived, she has been having PC problems too (bit of a theme here!) and couldn't let me know or send you photos either, for which she apologised. Just so happy they arrived as I was getting worried they were lost after so long.

    Thanks for organising all these swaps, they must seem like a lot of trouble sometimes, and my apologies to Judy here for Jennie being uncontactable at the moment, but don't worry, she is really excited to be in this swap and will not let you down.

    Cheers, Briget

  37. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I have exchanged email with Jennifer and her daughter, thankyou. I have enjoyed my apron experiment but it's looking rather big. I plan to start Version 2 on Monday.
    Cheers, Ann in Melbourne.

  38. thanks ladies. This swap has gone really well with you contacting each other. It's much better than our old system.

    For those swappers who haven't yet received their napkins, I've been in touch with a few people, Sharon will be in touch with the rest, so we are on to it.

  39. Hi Rhonda Jean
    Am finally on line and will make contact with Judy my swap partner today. Tks Jennie T

  40. Hi I have contacted my swap buddy Sharon. Can't wait to see what everyone creates! How wonderful....

  41. I have made contact with Robbie (Aus) and am sewing today!

    Ann (UK)

  42. I am in contact with my apron swap buddy (scooter sissy i.e. Christie) and am working on her apron (slowly). It's been tough keeping my head on straight since we lost our puppy 10 days ago. :0(


  43. Donna and I have been in touch. Hectic week last week and have been away for the weekend. I'll get busy sewing this week :)

  44. I'm sorry to be late answering Rhonda. Billie and I have been in contact and exchanged addresses.:-)

  45. Hi I have tried to contact my swap buddy Sharon, but I am yet to hear anything.
    My email address again is dais_y81 at hotmail dot com
    Thanks Emily

  46. Hi Rhonda Jean
    Have been in contact with my swap partner Judy in the US and both our aprons are on the way to each other. Can't wait for the next one. Had such fun doing this one.

  47. Rhonda, I've had one initial email from my swap partner Ingeborg from Holland, but I still don't have her address, and she is not replying to my emails. I am worried she might be ill. If she makes contact, will you let me know. Thanking you in advance. Lisa J


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