30 November 2007

Slowly returning to normal

I hope you didn't think I'd jumped ship. The house was a shambles when I woke up yesterday, then when I sat down to my computer to write, I couldn't connect to the internet (Hanno had disconnected everything to move the desk), so I decided to post from work and started tidying up. Yes, I had yet another day at work yesterday. I've been there every day this week so far, and will go back again today for our annual general meeting, where I have to deliver my report for the year. I worked alone yesterday and it was very busy, so I didn't get a chance to post and when I got home, after looking at the 72 emails waiting, I couldn't face it. I was too tired, so I ate my dinner and crashed into bed.

That all sounds pretty miserable and I have really good news. Even though we've yet to cook in it, the kitchen is almost back. As you can see from the picture above, it's almost complete but we still have no running water. The gas fitter connected the cook top yesterday, the electricians were here till 6.30pm last night and the plumber will be here this morning. When he goes, it's almost there. There are some broken tiles to replace, the skirting boards aren't down yet and the lower kitchen cupboards are still empty, but my kitchen is almost ready to work in. I am so pleased.

The curtains are finished and when the plumber goes I'll hang them, then we'll start bringing back everything that has been stored all over the house for the past couple of weeks. This is a good day! My sincere thanks to everyone for all the good wishes that have come in. I love these long distant embraces of support and friendship. And to Sharon and Lucy, the aprons arrived! Lucy's on Wednesday and Sharon's yesterday. I'll email you both this morning. Wow, what a lucky woman I am. And I just have to tell everyone that Lucy used EXCACTLY the same red and white check (I'm guessing hers was from Ikea too), that I used for my curtains and for her apron. LOL Great minds. : ) Sharon sent two beautiful aprons that I adore, I'll post pictures soon. Thank you ladies.

The eggs arrive tomorrow and I'll definitely do a post about them, and how they arrived. In the meantime, I'd better get on with organising my kitchen because I intend cooking our dinner there tonight and baking bread tomorrow. These past couple of weeks have been far removed from the simple life I wish to live. Hopefully things will return to my version of normal next week, and while Hanno and I enjoy the benefits of our new floor and kitchen, I will continue posting about our wonderful life together. : )



  1. Your new kitchen is just lovely! Congrats!

    My apron arrived from Rebecca and it's everything I could have asked. I'll blog about it when my dressform arrives...

  2. Your kitchen looks wonderful - it's inspiring me to get on with mine.

  3. your kitchen looks beautiful, I love the color and all the space. oh and the floors...okay, I love it all! Now I want to go and paint my cupboards...thanks! Jk

  4. I love the look of your new kitchen ~ especially the bench tops!!

  5. I love the clean lines of your kitchen - the white whites and the warm glow of the wood. Let the cooking begin!

  6. Wow, the kitchen looks great Rhonda.
    You have been so patient, but as they say good things come to those who wait. I hope you enjoy having your kitchen back. Marlo

  7. Your kitchen is looking Beautiful.
    I'm excitied for you:o)
    Blessins', Lib

  8. Beautiful! Well worth the wait, I'll bet. :o)

  9. Ooh, I love your kitchen! So bright and cheery! I am sure it will be a joy to work in!


  10. It looks great Rhonda. You must be feeling back in tune and settled again now that things are returning to "normal". I would hate to be without my kitchen, it's my space a part of who I am. I think I would find it very challenging to be without one.

    cheers Lenny

  11. The kitchen looks so good - it will be lovely to work in and I look forward to seeing your creations!

  12. OOOOOooooo!!! What a beautiful kitchen! So cheerful ~ so inviting!
    YAY! So glad for you!!

  13. Rhonda-your new kitchen looks so bright and happy-I am so glad that it all worked out and now you and Hanno can spend time cooking and just having a cup of tea in it-it really is beautiful! Sharon

  14. Love the kitchen, looks so fresh, but the 72 emails astounds me! How on earth you do the things you do and read 72 emails, I have no idea. Your one super-woman :)

  15. Your new kitchen has got a bright and lovely look ... perfect place to cook and to enjoy a cup of tea too ;)

  16. Rhonda,

    Absolutely gorgeous! A great homely and stylish place to run your domestic kingdom.

    Robbie and I have both sent our aprons, so fingers crossed. It takes about 7-10 days from this end.

    Best wishes


  17. Gorgeous kitchen, Rhonda! I know how you feel - we're about to move into a place with a much nicer kitchen than the one we have ... I can't wait! Hopefully yours will be all ready for the weekend! Best, Becca

  18. The kitchen looks great. Soon this will all be a memory! I hope you enjoy "re-loading" everything back in it's place. I think that's always the best part.

  19. The kitchen is gorgeous! Enjoy, enjoy!

    One day, I am hoping for same. Saving pennies now to fix this old house.

  20. The kitchen is GORGEOUS!


  21. Yay on your kitchen! It looks wonderful!!

  22. Rhonda,

    Your kitchen is just beautiful!

    Joy in TN

  23. What a beautiful bright kitchen. It's really lovely.

    PS my aprons(s) arrived this morning from Rachel - and they are really beautiful.

  24. I love yoru new kitchen ! It is so useful

  25. Rhonda I love your new kitchen its truly beautiful!May you spend many happy hours in there :)


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