11 November 2007

A busy week and quarantine restrictions

There is a lot work to be done here today. We have our new floor and kitchen repairs happening tomorrow week, and I only have six free days before it starts. I want to do a few extra things like make some food for us for the time we won't have a functioning kitchen and start moving plates, pot, pans and glasses to another room. I'll think about relocating food later next week. I also have to do a fair bit of writing on projects separate to my blog. It looks like I'll be busy today and all next week.

I love change and the chance to reassess past choices. When everything is repaired and the new floor is down, I'm changing how I store things in my kitchen. This upheaval is giving me the chance to do that. Everything must come out of the kitchen, and when it goes back in, it will mirror how I have changed and how I now use my kitchen.

I also hope to do some sewing today, although that might be a late afternoon activity. I would like to finish off my swap aprons so they can be posted in the next couple of days. If I don't finish them today, they'll have to wait until late next week. I hope everyone is having fun with their apron and the swaps in general. The purpose of these swaps is to make contact with fellow blog readers and to give everyone the opportunity to work on
small and fairly simple craft projects we all use. I see it as a way of building skills for those of us who need that and hopefully it will also build confidence so that you continue on and plan other projects for yourself.

Last time I received a swap package it was opened by Australian Customs. Being the only island continent and very mindful of protecting our unique flora and fauna, we have very strict customs regulations. I want to make everyone aware of the restrictions so that when you wrap up your packages you know what is allowed. This is a very helpful site that gives information about what is not allowed to be sent to Australia:


This is from their website:

If you are sending international mail to Australia:
  • do not send prohibited food, plant material or animal products

  • make sure you fill out the declaration label clearly and correctly, itemising everything inside the package, including any packaging materials you’ve used

  • do not pack items in egg cartons, wooden boxes, or cardboard boxes that have been used to hold fruit, vegetables or meat/smallgoods - this packaging is a quarantine risk and is prohibited

  • do not pack with straw or dried plant material, use newspaper or foam to wrap fragile goods
So basically you can't send any seeds, nuts, plants, food, animal products or anything with soil on it. It's fine to send extras in your parcel if you want to, but please check the website above to make sure we in Australia can legally receive what you send. It might also be a good idea if you're sending to other countries to ask your swap partner if they're aware of any restrictions. I will put this information in my side bar too.

Sunday is usually a restful day here in my home. We still do our regular chores but there is also a lot of sitting around and relaxation. I doubt I'll be doing that today but I hope you are. I hope you're all having a wonderful
weekend and that you take time to look after yourself as well as your family. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Oh, I've done the 'doing without a kitchen while the renos are being done' thing. I don't envy you.

    When things seem at their darkest.... keep the end result in mind. The funny thing is that once you're in your shiny new kitchen, the memory soon fades about just how awful it was to live through. Bit like having a baby, really.

  2. My mind works in a very compulsive way, so the thought of placing items, other than where they "belong", is very foreign to me.

    Having a compulsive personality, is far from a gift, this just happens to be one of its perks.

  3. I am kind of envious that you are gettinga new kitchen, my budget doesn't allow for me to do tht just yet - but I am saving towards one. I too am hoping to at least cut out my aprons today - the fabric has been washed and is drying on the line as we speak.
    My day will be filled with more housework and ironing ready for my children for school tomorrow.Monday is my day off so i will be running all my errands and getting a haircut. My motto these days is to try not to pack too much in!

  4. I have gone back to not moderating comments. I didn't like it at all. Hopefully we'll have no further rants.

    Lisa, don't be too envious, dear. We're not getting an entire new kitchen. It will look like the old kitchen. We're getting a new floor, new cupboards under the sink and new benchtop. We have bought a new stove top, oven and sink. Mainly because having a new bench top gives us the opportunity to place things into the bench - like a stove top and new sink. The old sink was uneven and starting to give away around the drain in one sink. Our old stove top needed replacing with only two jets working that would have cost a lot to repair. It's a much needed change.

  5. I was able to send in packages of commercially packaged peanut butter. I was very careful to list that the peanut butter was commercially prepared in 2oz. unopened packets on the customs form.

    I have a posting on my blog about summer kitchens. http://mamasnuthouse.blogspot.com/
    Perhaps one would work for you. You can just use your normal pots and pans on a camp stove or fire ring. You have that nice veranda on the back of the house that would work just great for some shade. You could even set your camp stove on a table and it would be fine - fire ring would work there! lol Plug your fridge up outside on that porch and then use the hose to wash hand and clean up. I've even seen small "camp sinks", but an old fashioned "dish pan" would work as well. I seem to remember you having one of those in a picture you posted of your kitchen. When I didn't have running water in my house, I recycled gallon milk jugs that I got from my friends. I'd only have to heat about 1/4 of the water in a jug to near boiling and then pour it back into the gallon jug and the whole jug was hot enough to bathe with or do dishes.

  6. Rhonda-thank-you for the customs info;the last swap I sent a tin of candy and I didn't know you shouldn't! (it got through customs tho) Your customs rules are the same as ours-no nuts fruits ect! Have a wonderful time planning on how to organize your kitchen after all the work is done. Take care of yourself this week since it will be busy!! Sharon

  7. Rhonda, good luck to you with all the renovations. I know this isn't easy. We had to live a few days without shower or bathroom a few years ago, which meant relocating to an hotel.

  8. Hi Darlene. Yes, we'll be setting up am little kitchen on the back verandah. There is already a little BBQ out there and we have an outdoor sink close by.

    Sharon, they say they're very strict but lots of things get through. When they opened Kimberly's package to me, they allowed through a little lavender bag. Weird. And yes mum, I will look after myself. ; )

    Hello Anna dear. I'm sure I'll be fine. The builders are coming on Monday and Tuesday - the days I work. Good planning eh?


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