1 August 2007

All in for the stitchery give away

While I was cleaning up my untidy corner in the bedroom this morning, I found some stitcheries that I think would make a good give-away prize. They all relate to chickens, and they were all drawn and stitched by me on an off-white pure cotton fabric.

Here they are:

They measure about 10 -12 inches by 8 inches and have a border of fabric to allow them to be attached to something - maybe a cushion, a tray cover, a tote bag or a wall hanging. They look a bit wonky but the edges are straight. I had them on an uneven surface for the photos.

So if you would like to be included in the draw for one of these stitcheries, put your name in the comments section, I'll draw the three winners on Sunday and post them out on Monday. Everyone is welcome to enter.



  1. Rhonda Jean:

    I think that your artwork is wonderful. Would be honored to have one of the pieces. (I'm in the US, however, so I'd pick up mailing costs).

    I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and thoroughly enjoy it. Particularly enjoyed the recent entries about the visit with your sons (handsome family, btw).


  2. I'd be most honoured to win one of these stitcheries ~ they are gorgeous. That is so generous of you :)

  3. hello mark, I'm happy to welcome you to my blog and pleased you enjoy it. One of the values I want to develop in my simple life is that of generosity, so with that in mind, I'm going to cover the cost of all the postage, no matter where it is to. I have readers all over the world. In Portugal, Romania, Russia, Bardados, Egypt, the Virgin Islands, England, as well as many in America and many other places, so I was quite aware that I might be sending internationally when I made this offer. So thank you for your kindness, but (I'm using an old Australianism here) she'll be right, mate. : )

  4. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    How pretty. i would love to enter my name. I am mailing my swap package in the morning to Kirsty.
    I always recieve a blessing when I visit your blog.

  5. How cute they are!

    Another US reader who found your blog through various stops from Eyes of Wonder!

  6. Oh I love them please count me in Rhonda.

  7. Love them too, Rhonda. I also agree that it is very generous of you to offer them, so could I please be in the draw too.

    Cheers, Briget

  8. Please count me in Rhonda. I have told my sons all about you and have printed off some of your artwork. They have coloured in one of your drawings for the title page in our family eco challenge book. I will shortly post a picture on my website for you. We would love to have a " real" piece in our house.

  9. Count me in too Rhonda, please. I'm feeling quite excited as I'm just about to start on one of your other stitchery patterns. I absolutely LOVE them all!

  10. Oh yes can I go in the draw to please Rhonda? They are just to die for!

  11. I love your work; it's really lovely. Please include me.

  12. me too! me too! I would love to be in the draw too Rhonda! If I am lucky enough to win one, I will frame it and put it up in my new office!

    (ALthough I wont hold my breath - in all my life, I have only won a lottery once - I was 11, and I won a bottle of wine at the Sutton Fete, which my parents promptly opened and drank with glee - I still tease them about it 26 years later!)

  13. Hi Rhonda Jean, we have never met before but somehow I was linked to your site a few weeks ago and you are an inspiration to me each time I pop in!
    Today your chook handicrafts brought tears to my eyes as my parents recently sold the farm I grew up on and I do miss those fresh eggs and clucking hens when I visit them (now in suburbia due to semi retirement at 75!)
    Thanks for making my day allowing me to remember the good times.
    You are so generous in offering your fine art to those around the globe and I pray that each receiver is blessed!
    Lynette in SA

  14. Yes,yes count me in Rhonda. I love your blog. Jan

  15. Please count me in too :)
    This is one of my favourite places to visit each day. I would be thrilled to have one of your stitcheries in my home. Would look wonderful on my rocking chair!

  16. Whilst I wont put my hand up as there are so many, I just wanted to let you know Rhonda that the stitcheries are wonderful and again to let you know how wonderful and thoughtful you are. You have some wondeful KHARMA coming your way. PS I havent been online much for the last week because Ive had my beautiful family visiting. NEISHA (MARLO)

  17. Please include me too! They are beautiful, and my kitchen decorations are chickens of all sorts and my hen house is full as well!
    I do so enjoy your site,
    Blessings from Canada!

  18. You can count me in too, thanks.

  19. Please include me in the draw.
    I find your blog very inspirational. Thank you for it.

  20. Just wanted to say how fabulous they all are (waited a long while for them to draw up so I could see -- dial up still) and to thank you for your generosity -- no need to put me in the draw though...

    Especially love the 'Sunnyside Farm' one at the top!

    (This is Wildside)

  21. Oh, yes, Rhonda - please add my name to the list for the drawing. What a delight to even be able to view these stitchery pieces! And to find out you have readers from all over the world - how wonderful that we were all able to 'find' you!! I'm sure the others consider you a blessing in their lives just as I do.

    Carla in North Idaho
    (knitting away in the evenings after the garden work is finished...)

  22. I so love your stitchery and I love my chooks!

  23. Oooohhh! Count me in - I love chooks! Your stitcheries are just wonderful.

  24. Ooo! Enter me too, please. You make such charming designs! :)

  25. I will come out from lurking. Just found your blog and what a wonderful inspirition you are. I have read through all of your past post and got so much from them. I would be proud to own one of your pieces of art work. Please include me in your artwork.

  26. Rhonda, when I first discovered your blog last week, it went immediately to my "Favorites" list!I've printed out the lemon cake recipe and hope to bake it this week. So much encouragement and many provocative thoughts at your site. Thank you! Please enter my name for the drawing (I have a dear daughter-in-law who loves everything "chickens," and a possible win will go to her.) Sharon in Arizona

  27. They are really sweet embroideries.
    Please count me in.

  28. Oh, it's wonderful to have so many of you want a stitchery. I wish I had one for all of you.

    On Sunday, I'll write all these names on a piece of paper to draw out of a hat and let you all know who the winners are.

    Welcome to everyone who is commenting for the first time. : )

    You can still enter up until my Sunday morning, which will be around 12 midnight Saturday in London and 7pm Saturday in New York. I hope that helps, I know the time differences are confusing.

  29. And 4 PM where I am! :-)

  30. What lovely stiching. Please pop my name in the draw!

  31. I would love to enter. Your pieces are darling. I just started reading your blog from another link and have been enjoying it.

    Mrs. H

  32. Hi - Have recently discovered your lovely blog - sadly just too late to take part in the dishcloth swap. Please enter my name in the draw (although I am in the UK so will quite understand if you don't want to post overseas), as those embroideries are just gorgeous.

  33. hello Rhonda Jean..first of all I'd like to say that I found you through Jewel's blog over at Eyes of Wonder. Secondly..that I would like to add you to my list of blog friends. Thirdly, that I'd like to let you know about my blog..and also about our online e-zine called "Small Town Living" at www.stliving.net I think that the stitchings here are so very cute...and it's always so much fun to enter a drawing, or to hostess one.
    I will add you to my blog roll, and will visit again soon.
    Have a lovely Day.

  34. Love your stitchings (but please don't enter me in the drawing as shipping would be costly, I imagine)...

    I do want to tell you that I've started using the word "Chook"! :)

    I love it & actually have started callin' Fred the Basset Hound a Chook since well, I have no chooks of mine own at this point...

    I am plotting how to introduce them into the household...

  35. Hello Rhonda,
    I could only wish for such a talent as yours. I have printed out a few of your artwork pictures to show my mother in law- in the hopes to inspire. I was hinting but maybe I should plain out ask her to teach me.
    Please enter me amongst the many in the drawing. Anyone who wins the draw would be very lucky & honored to have pieces of your work. I Love the "Chook" embroidery. I picture them as being framed for all to enjoy & see.
    P.s. I too am a reader in the U.S
    So many drawings amongst blogs , I may do one for a set of my Fall picnic cloths...

  36. How exciting! I'd love to enter the drawing for your giveaways! I found your blog through Jewels' Eyes of Wonder blog. I look forward to stopping by often!

  37. Those are gorgeous!

    (I, too, live in the U.S.A.)

  38. I am new to your lovely blog, but I would love to be entered in the drawing for one of your stitcheries. :)

  39. Hello everyone, welcome to all newcomers. It makes no difference where you live, the post will find you if you win.

    Thank you all for entering. Entry will remain open till Sunday morning. : )

  40. Good morning--from my end, my sweet, lovely friend. I've been coming by each morning with not quite enough time to write. I know, I know, I've got to move from the *letter* to *the note*! I'm working on it! Now, it would be *very wonderful* to have one of your beautiful embroideries framed and hanging in my new home!! :o) :o)So, you'd best be tossin' my name in and giving me a chance, okay. Love, love, love your heartfelt sharing, and warm neighborly friendship. I would truly miss you, Rhonda Jean, if everyday, friendly, neighborly visiting via the internet ever one day just up and poof, came to an end. I'm so thankful for the time you take to share all that you do--you always get me thinking. Do rest well. I hope you're feeling lots better, soon.
    Lovingly, Jewels

  41. they're lovely! i just now found your blog via Consumption Rebellion and am adding it to my google reader! thanks!

  42. Finally got this to load ~ far too late to be entered, never mind. I think my chickens are powering the dial-up backwards as it can take DAYS not hours for pages to load ~ I'm on my 4th day of trying to leave a comment on Duck Herder's Blog!


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