11 September 2014

Real Food Festival

Just a quick post today to remind all of those in the Brisbane and Sunshine Coast regions that the Real Food Festival is on in Maleny this weekend - 13 and 14 September at the Maleny Showground. The program, click here to read it, is full of interesting presenters but I think my picks would have been the sessions by Robyn Clayfield and Morag Gamble on Sunday morning. They're both local women with a huge amount of knowledge they share freely. But you can't go wrong with this festival. It's full of good local food, panel discussions, demonstrations and lively talks on a wide variety of food and food philosophies. On Saturday, Costa Georgiadis will be presenting at the festival with Conondale and Montville school children who participate in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. Call in and say hello to the folk at the Maleny Dairies stand too. They'll be there with their delicious milk and dairy foods. The Real Food Festival is certainly worth a visit this weekend. And congratulations to Julie Sheldon who organises the festival each year. By the look of the 2014 program, this year will be another stand out event.

We had the last of the library talks yesterday with a fully booked group of about 70 people at the Redcliffe Library.  Tina Cavanough, the Community and Reader Services Librarian, each of the head or acting head librarians and the volunteers at each library certainly made us both feel very welcome. We had coffee made for us and a delicious morning tea provided to all who came along.  I'm delighted that every time we go out into the community for these get-togethers the numbers increase. I met a lot of the people who read this blog, thanks for coming over to say hello. It was a thrill to be able to meet you. We really did have a wonderful time.

Today I'm back being a home body again. I want to have a full day to myself, doing what I want to do, before I start work on the book writing again. I have lavender, pepper, echinacea, watercress and  lettuce seeds to plant, blueberry bushes to repot and prune, biscuits to make and some mending to do. I'm looking forward to it.  I hope you too have some heart warming tasks to occupy yourself with today. If you're working outside the home, it won't be too long until the weekend. Hang in there.



  1. Thank you! I need that bit of encouagement this time of week! So many things to do when I get off the clock! :)

  2. Hi Rhonda your day sounds divine, it warms my heart and makes me smile when you say hang in there it is nearly the weekend just what I needed this morning. Today in newcastle I have risen early to do an hour or so of housework before heading off for a day of prac for my uni course at a local hospital. I feel very content in what I achieved this morning and that I am heading out into the day as organised as I can be. As always reading your post first thing in the morning also adds to my gratitude for my life and home. Thank you Rhonda!

  3. Rhonda, I just might try and organise a Sunshine Coast holiday next year when the Maleny Food Festival is on as I would love to go there. i hope you have a relaxing day at home after a few busy weeks.

  4. Thank you for the link to the Maleny Real Food Festival Rhonda. I'll definitely take the drive up there from Brisbane. I love the Maleny Dairies products so looking forward to checking their stall out.

  5. My DH got our DD ready for daycare this morning and put a load of washing on whilst I was still in bed so I was very lucky to enjoy a lovely little sleep in and be on track with the chores when I did get up. The sun is finally shining here after so many weeks of rain and I couldn't help but think how funny it was that I really enjoyed hanging that washing out in the sun first thing this morning. My cup of tea and toast seemed to taste better out in the courtyard sunshine too!

    The Real Food Festival sounds delightful. I was reading about the Orange and Griffith food festivals the other day and thinking it's a good time to plan little weekends away in the country. You get to see (and taste!) so much of the local area when such an event is on.

    Hope the sun is shining for you up there too!

  6. I love the way you describe your days at home. My young son was home from school sick today but we had the loveliest day together! We worked in the garden this morning, mulching our precious seedlings and watering before the heat of the day set in. Then, we had our morning tea on the front verandah, I read to him for a while and knitted while he read and watched the workmen up the street. Later, we played board games, watched a honeyeater in the grevillia and I made dinner with silverbeet from our garden while he dozed later in the afternoon. It was a perfect day really. I wish there were more of them like this...when life slows down to a pace where the day just unfolds itself and no-one feels hurried!


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