12 September 2014

Weekend reading

As usual, I'm looking forward to the weekend. A time in our home when the already slow pace of life becomes more relaxed as we move away from the routines and expectations of the working week. I'll be reading, knitting, gardening, cooking, baking and, no doubt, writing. I hope you enjoy whatever will occupy your weekend. Thank you for your visits this week. As always, it gives me reason to keep writing.

How much backyard do you need to feed a family of four?
Air pollution - killing more people than AIDS and malaria
Best bread recipes
Ideas for left over onions
What's the most nutrient-rich vegetable? No, it's not kale, not by a long shot.
The Mennonites of Bolivia
Age appropriate farm and outside chores
Frozen corn summer treats for chickens
How to give up paper towels forever
How to care for a cast iron pan
10 steps for zero waste shopping routine



  1. I'm always so happy to see this post! It reminds me that Thursday is almost over and Friday will be here soon! THanks and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    what a beautiful picture, and what an interesting reading list.

    I've just had a delivery of fruit and nut trees from Diggers Club so will be spending the weekend getting them planted. I'll also be putting in berry canes for the first time. I'm extending my vegetable garden this year as I think I can manage it now - this means I'll also make a start on moving two tonnes of soil and lots of mulch this weekend too!

    In between bursts of gardening I want to spend some time with friends as I realised over the Winter that many of us get into 'busy' mode and fail to nurture the relationships that make our lives so worthwhile. I've been really inspired by the people of Ikaria (and Greece in general) on this front, and plan to gather more with those I love, even if it means I'm the host most of the time.

    Have a lovely weekend all,


  3. Have a relaxing weekend with Hanno, Rhonda. It is a lovely time of year before the heat of summer hits and it is so nice working in the garden. Our Carnival of Flowers starts on Friday so it is a good time to visit our many parks before the crowds arrive next weekend.

  4. This weekend I'll be working over at the allotment as usual and catching up with family. A friend has given me some lovely clothes that she has outgrown, so I'll have the sewing machine out and make a few slight adjustment to them to add to my spring wardrobe.
    I look forward to your Weekend Reading each Friday - I dip into it over the weekend. Thank you.

  5. I always enjoy your weekend reading list - thank you for taking the time to put it together for us.

  6. Always look forward to this post. I get out my coffee cup and sit down for a good read. Have a lovely weekend both of you, Pam i Norway

  7. Thank you for an interesting blog site, Rhonda. I admire your way of living amongst our consumer society.

  8. Happy weekend, Rhonda. I enjoyed the article about not using paper towels. We have just returned from visiting our daughter (who does not buy paper towels) and she asked me if I would make up a bunch of small cloths/towels with a bundle of flannelette I've had laying around for years. Our granddaughter likes to have a cloth at the dinner table to wipe her mouth with and the terry cloth ones she's been using for years are wearing out. Great to see the philosophy of reusing being passed down to her!

  9. After a while, back ik blogging. Hope to catch you up again on dayly base!


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