24 July 2015

Weekend reading

The chooks and the garden this week. 

Can you believe it? Another week done and dusted. I hope you get the chance to put your feet up this weekend. Look after yourself and those you love. See you next week. ♥︎

Do You Really Need to Refrigerate Butter?
The end of capitalism has begun
Great photographs of animals
Creative alternative to retirement living - Radio National podcast
Here Are 5 Small Ways You Might Have Wasted Money Yesterday (and How to Avoid Them Tomorrow)


  1. Thanks for always providing these.


  2. Thank you for your posts, really enjoy reading them.

  3. Time is certainly wizzing by. Have a lovely weekend, dee :-)

  4. Totally loving your photos today. I've discovered so many great blogs through your links Thank you for your efforts Rhonda.

  5. Thank you, Rhonda. I have just baked the No Knead crusty bread and it's brilliant! I love it toasted with butter and Vegemite...

  6. Oh...where did Saturday go....hope you enjoyed yours Ronda.

  7. Lovely chooks you have!! I love the pictures you post.


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