23 July 2015

My favourite place #3

Our first favourite place this week comes from Jane in country New South Wales and as it's her canning/preserves cupboard, I think this will be a popular one.

"This is my favourite place at the moment. It is my canning pantry.

We live in central west NSW and have just retired from the coast on to a small 25 acre off grid acreage.. Our house is a bit of a bombsite at the moment as we are undertaking lots of renovations

I have lost control of everything around me, but this room is my small haven of normality. I just love lining the jars up and am continually rearranging as we use jars or i can more. I know,.. I have issues :-) :-) :-)"

Our second set of photos is from Eman in London.

This is our kitchen. The kitchen window is East facing, it is where the first light of day appears. It is our favourite part of the house where weekend breakfasts are made, we have our late night conversations and family discussions or just watch the world go by whilst the busy London commuters make their way home from work. It is where the children wait for our guests to open the front gates or the sound of my husbands car parking after a day's work. It is where I listen to 'motivational' talks whilst cooking/ baking or sitting at the breakfast bar reading the down to earth blog."

Thanks to Jane and Eman for showing us that simple life can be lived anywhere - from the Australian bush to busy London.



  1. Oh my goodness what a fantastic pantry!

  2. Jane oh how I love your beautifully organized canning pantry.

  3. What an interesting comparison of parts of the world and lifestyles ! Looking at the larder of cans and jars I can only say "WOW"!

  4. I really love the variety of lifestyles in this post. I can't wait to see more. Jane's pantry is a dream.

  5. I love that Jane says she has 'issues' but I too would be primping and preening a larder such as this! What an achievement!

  6. Both spaces are awesome! Oh, for a pantry such as this!!! And, to be in London with that morning light?? Pure delight! I love how diverse these spaces are... Both are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. OMG that cannery pantry.........a dream, I can see why this makes them happy....

  8. What fun, that pantry is amazing and the London kitchen is so charming, kitchen is the hub of our home as well. This is a very fun feature!

  9. I love the clean lines and simplicity of the London kitchen. I've always thought that not having appliances out on the counter is a good way to go but have never been able to a accomplish it. Hauling things in and out just seems too much of a job added to the time and effort of getting dinner on the table.

    The pantry is wonderful. All that goodness set out so orderly and in such abundance. You'd never have to worry about what to have for dinner with all the possibilities stored there.

  10. I too like the clean lines of Emen's kitchen, with no clutter on the worktops. The flowers on the cooker are something I do too, which look fab.

    Jane's pantry is to die for! Wow, all that hard work and so beautifully arranged, sigh..... maybe one day!

  11. Two totally different but equally inspiring 'favourite places'. I love both of them.

  12. What an amazing pantry, and I also love the flowers on the cooktop on that kitchen.

  13. I love both of these places. I'm really loving all those canning jars! I would probably just stand and stare in joy at that pantry. It's also nice to see a little haven from the busyness of London!


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