17 July 2015

Weekend reading - UPDATED

Winter is cold this year, but all is well in our little homestead.  I hope you feel the same about your place.  I'm really pleased the readers' photos feature is so popular. If you want to be a part of it, just send me your photos and a description.  Thanks for your visits this week, I'll see you again soon.

Making good coffee for a crowd, or just yourself
Housing affordability: how long would it take you to save for a deposit?
Little Victorian Sandwich cakes with lemon curd
Vegan choc chip cookies and homemade Oreo cookies
Kookaburra and magpie among Australian birds in decline
Rate of teens abstaining from alcohol almost doubles in 13 years
How to make a Paper Airplane - You Tube
Lace accessories in the home

One of my favourite blog reads at the moment is Broadturn Farm, in Maine. It's written by Stacy and John who run a CSA farm selling fruit, berries, vegetables and flowers. Their photos are lovely, the writing style, and I suspect feeling on the farm, is relaxed and warm. I think you'll like it.

I'm also enjoying reading Our Aussie off grid heaven, written by Jane. She and her husband have just moved from the coast to an off grid bush home further inland. The blog shows the diverse range of skills Jane and her husband need to live on their land, and the joy they feel living there.


My sister Tricia lives in Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. She just sent these photos of the snow at her place. They have no electricity either but she's okay with a wood stove and gas stove. Stay warm, Tricia!



  1. Thanks for sharing these blogs, I will check them out! That snow looks so cold, but it would be fun to build a snowman!

  2. Tricia's place is a winter wonderland, I'm glad she has a woodstove to keep warm. The downside to the beauty and fun of the snow everywhere is that hail nets put up at Stanthorpe to protect crops are struggling under the weight of all the snow. It'll be devastating for farmer's if they lose their winter crops. thanks again for the interesting reading, Rhonda, I'm looking forward to checking out the blogs you've found, that'll be my reading with my mid-morning cuppa a bit later. Stay warm everbody.

  3. Oh my word - I take it that snow is not a common thing at your sister's. It's pretty, although we had so much this past winter, I'm in no hurry to see it again, even though we're in the height of summer here. I hope she'll stay comfortable, and have everything she needs!

  4. WOW.... just look at that snow,
    We are getting icy winds here and the certainly have to be blowing off snow.We have been hearing reports of snowfalls all around us. What a glorious set of photos from your sisters. We havevto drive down through blackheath soon, but the snow will all be gone by then.
    Thankyou Rhonda for your kind mention of my blog, I really appreciate that, and a couple of new faces have already popped over.
    Take care,

  5. Thanks for interesting weekend reading. Loved reading about the off grid farm. I am currently reading a book on off grid homes in Norway: "Where noone would think anyone could live". The snow pictures look pretty but cold. I like winter less and less the older I get. Dislike the darkness up North particularly. Our Summer is chilly this year (10 Celsius this morning) but atleast we have the lovely light. Take care and happy weekend to you both and Jamie. Lovely picture of him and Opa. Pam in Norway

  6. Goodness its hard to believe some places in the world have snow right now we are in the season of summer here although you wouldn't think it right now its raining and chilly today here in England. Thank you for sharing some new blogs I will go and take a peak its always nice to find new blogs to read. Have a lovely weekend. Delia

  7. Wow that snow is incredible Rhonda! It has been so cold this year, even down our way.

    I off to check out those blogs you recommended. Thanks for sharing :)


  8. wow
    all through my young life & into my adult hood, there wasn't any snow in aussie, in thredbo they had to make snow for the ski season lol! & now almost for the past 15yrs maybe more there has been snow every year & it's getting worse/more each year of late!
    gosh i hope tricia is keeping warm down there! wish i could snuggle up in front of her wood stove too! wish i had a woodheater or stove here, am so cold!
    lovely photos & thanx for the new blogs too
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  9. It looks like your sister got quite a bit of snow where she lives. Here in the USA we are still dealing with the heat and humidity -- the dog days of summer! Looking forward to the fall and cooler temperatures. Have a great day!

  10. Happy Weekend to you and all your lovely readers Rhonda! It makes me smile to think of my excitement at these Katoomba pics when I know for some this is an annual scene! I actually ran off to show my husband :). Thanks for another great week of reading - even when we don't comment, do your stats give you an idea (albeit impersonal) of the visits each day? I guess I am hoping you know we are stopping by even if we don't have time to comment! Stay warm, Puccetta in Sydney

    1. Hi Pucceta the snow photos are lovely, aren't they. I do have stats that show the number of visitors but I rarely look at them unless I have to.

  11. Oh, my! I had no idea that you could have snow there! My geography teacher failed me miserably! Glad she is warm and snug! Another victory for self-sufficiency! :)

  12. I love your weekend reading posts as there is always something delightful to take a look at.
    It is a sweltering 95 in New Jersey and it sucks, but I would not want to see snow just yet LOL

  13. I am so happy to see Broadturn Farm mentioned and Maine! I live about 3 miles away and have been enjoying their bounty and your blog for years. One of the many reasons I love how woman can form community with like minded from the comfort of our homes and not feel alone in our Simple Living Journey.

  14. I'm so enjoying going back and reading old posts and Weekend Reading posts. Imagine my surprise and pleasure at your mentioning Broadturn Farm. My Dad grew up on the Broadturn Rd in Scarborough just down the street on the Burnham Farm. I love that the world has grown smaller!


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