16 July 2015

My favourite place #2

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The first photos today are from Anneke south-east of Perth:
This is our outdoor area, which covers the space between our house and my parents' granny flat, which can be seen in picture 2. We renovated the granny flat for my parents almost 2 years ago, and not long after did the outdoor space in between, as a common social area.

We live on an acre in the hills south east of Perth, our weather is HOT, and the sun is very harsh. This area is very lush, unlike much of the rest of our garden, because we chose the highest UV block rating sheets to cover it, and I've fitted it with a drip system for all the plants.

It's sheltered and relatively warm in winter (thanks to the old potbelly which we've installed, just seen on the left of picture 2) and lovely and cool in summer. I can step outside my door, and sit down and have a cuppa, or just watch the birds in the birdbath or in the grevillea.

It's amazing how many people you can squeeze around an octagonal table too, it seems endless. My husband and his 6 siblings all grew up around this table, and it's seen many a gathering of family and friends in it's latest home. And I hope many more to come!

It's a space that's at times calming and at times invigorating. And perfect for every time of the year!

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And this is from Martha, who says:

This is my front porch which looks out over the creek which runs through our bottom pasture. I live in North Calolina, USA, way up in the mountains. Our nearest neighbors are three miles from our drive! It is wonderful! Our porch is spacious because our house was built in 1917 when porches were the escape from heat during the summer. Our ceiling is blue to keep the flies away; flowers and potted herbs grow in pots scattered around the porch. Our dogs and cats spend quality time here with us. At night we can see the Milky Way because we have no light pollution! Heaven on earth! 

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Thanks Anneke and Martha.


  1. What two lovely spaces these ladies have created.

  2. awesome - I love the pot bellied stove! nice to create a little microclimate - you have done well Anneke. Martha - I am intrigued - does a blue ceiling really keep away flies?

    1. Hi,

      Folklore has it that the flies do not like blue. All I can say is that it really works! Some folks (such as myself) have even painted their dining room ceilings blue to keep the flies away. It works there, too!

    2. Rhonda,

      Thank you so much for including my view of heaven! I am so honored! Thank you, thank you!



    3. I'm honoured to have you here, Matty. It's such a pleasure for me, and I think many of the readers here, to see where everyone lives. Thanks for being part of this.

  3. Wow, all of the spaces we've seen are so beautiful!! I love this. I'm rather "design-challenged" so it's inspiring to see how others create beauty in their homes.
    P.S. Would it be crazy to send in pictures of my goat-milking station? It's kind of my favorite place right now ;-)

    1. Jaime, if the goat milking station is your favourite place, we want to see it. :- )

    2. I'd love to see your goat milking station!

    3. I would love to see your goat stanchion! I have goats, too (French Alpine and Alpine/ pygmy cross)! After using a homemade stanchion, I decided I needed something sturdier, so I have a metal one.... Not too inspiring, but it can hold up to the wear! Please share! :)

    4. Oh yes! I'd love to see it! We milk goats too and the dairy is one of our favourite places to be in the evenings. My twelve year old milks while I sit in a swing seat and chat with her.

  4. I don't have a favor place but there something about an kitchen table I find comfortable.

    Coffee is on

  5. Thank you ladies for posting these! Seeing these pictures almost feels like I'd taken a short trip to your place :)

  6. Two lovely spots, inspiring. Pam in Norway

  7. I'd be delighted to spend time in both of this lovely calm spaces.

  8. I adore your place Anneke, just the type of casual, friendly outdoor entaining area that I hope to create also in time, I love all the old hurricane lanterns hanging around, and is an idea that I may copy from you ...thankyou.
    And Martha, I love that restful front porch with the creek in the background, That is the only thing that would haVe made our place just perfect to us, water.
    Hope you both continue to enjoy your special spaces and thankyou Rhonda for sharing them with us, cheers.

  9. Oh such a surprise to see my pictures here! What an honour. It's so nice to see some real, inspiring spaces!
    Martha, I just love your porch!
    Anneke (aka Annemal on the forum)

  10. I adore the home in Perth. How creative and family oriented it is. You should be very proud of the work and effort you put into this area. And, kudos for taking care of elderly family members. You have my respect.

  11. Such pleasant places! Very inspiring.

  12. The "elderly family members" live in The Netherlands :)
    We try to visit Anneke and her husband each 1,5 year and enjoy their beautiful place and our lovely little granny. But our jobs are don't allow us to go as often as we would like....

  13. Thanks for sharing your photos ladies! It's fascinating to have a peek at other people's special places.

  14. I love both these spaces and they incorporate my two favourite things about great spaces.....being private and hidden but I love a porch or deck too where you can gaze out across a vista and see he sky. thanks to both of you for sharing.


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