5 June 2015

Weekend reading

My friend Kathleen sent me this little book during the week. It's a collection of recipes from the Australian War Memorial's Research Centre and copyright to them (awm.gov.au). It's full of basic recipes from WW11 and pictures of posters used to promote austerity during the war.

Thanks for visiting me this week and for your comments.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Berlin becomes first German city to make rent cap a reality
Havoc by Tim Winton
The Small, Happy Life
I ditched the quiet carriage in favour of crunchy crisps, kids and conversation
The Women's Institute to serve tea and cake at Glastonbury this year
Joe Biden's wise words on death
American Red Cross squandered aid
A Beginner’s Guide to Whittling
Want to enjoy the deep, mystical sleep of our ancestors?
Make Your Own Energy-Saving Thermal Curtains


  1. I so want to 'enjoy the deep, mystical sleep of our ancestors' but the only place it will go is the blogger dashboard. Please help! :)

  2. That book looks like interesting reading, Rhonda. My mum had a wartime cookbook that I would love to have now but my sister must have thrown it out when she was cleaning out the family home after mum died. Have a great weekend and thanks for the reading links.

  3. Thanks so much for the link to the thermal curtains project, Rhonda - one of our most popular posts ever at sustainablog. If you make some, let me know... love to share any pics, etc.

  4. Love that article on the small happy life, and the story about the man with the banged-up pot ("not everyone has to shine"). I'm quite content with my small, happy life. I sometimes feel like we should be encouraging our kids to dream big and reach for the sky--all the cliches I heard as a young person--and I wonder if we're doing them a disservice by not being more pushy about it (though they are still little, no sense in pushing now anyway). But in the end I want them to be kind, and to be able to make a life that makes them happy.

    1. That is just as I feel right now with my (still young) kids as well. I was once told that the world doesn't really need another doctor/lawyer/etc., but it certainly needs more people who are kind. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. I love the Wartime Kitchen book. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thanks for sharing the essay by Tim Winton, he's a great writer. It's interesting to note the parallels in that essay and Cloud Street.

  7. Hi Rhonda...you might need to fix the link to the Beginners Guide to Whittling....Kathy (PS..I hope you didn't open a weird email from me this week and deleted it straight away). Unfortunately I happened to open the weird email from another Mum from school and there in lies the problem in a moment I wasn't thinking. Anyway good news you are getting through your book, I look forward to when it comes out. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. All fixed now Kathy. I never open emails that go straight to my junk folder or any from people I don't know. Sorry you got caught.

  8. What a greta collection of links this week Rhonda, thank you. I'll be sending theTim Winton link to a young friend of mine and I loved The Small Happy Life.

  9. Hi Rhonda,
    Just wanted to thank you again for the time you spend for the Weekend Reading. I always enjoy seeing and learning something new. The variety you include is wonderful and you introduce me to new things and places. You do such a great job!


  10. Hello Rhonda, thank you for yet another great collection of arthicles for weekend reading. I always look forward to your weekend reading post. All the best to you both, from Pam in Norway


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