8 June 2015

I'm sick

I'm sick, which is unusual for me. I felt okay on Saturday then by the time I went to bed, I was freezing but felt hot. Obviously a fever but our thermometer had a low battery so I couldn't take my temp. Hanno brought me two paracetamol. I had a hot shower, turned the electric blanket on high and still it took hours to warm up. And I kept waking every hour, so at 3am I gave up. Got up and got dressed and felt miserable for the next few hours. 

Yesterday I was still hot and freezing at the same time but kept working on the book while Hanno and Jamie went to the local university for World Environment Day. I was so tired while I sat at my desk, at one point I just caught myself as I fell asleep at the computer and my head started dropping towards the keyboard.  When Hanno came home I went to bed and fell into a deep sleep all afternoon.  I think it's a virus because otherwise, I feel healthy. I'll see how I go today and hopefully will be back here with you tomorrow.


  1. Take care! I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  2. Hope you feel better soon, Rhonda.

  3. So sorry...hope you feel well soon.

  4. Hi, Rhonda. Be careful with that. If you have trouble getting warm or are alternately freezing and hot it usually is a very high fever. Better find a way to take your temperature. We had a nasty flu here in Europe during the winter that started exactly like that. With lots of people of all ages, but especially those over 55, landing in hospital with serious pneumonia. It was the flu-strain that was not included in the flu-vaccine. In Germany they had to put beds in the corridors of the hospitals. Since at your end of the world it is the start of winter and the start of the flu season, it might be the same bug.

  5. BE WELL dear Rhonda ~ You are in my thoughts and prayers~ FlowerLady

  6. Get well soon!
    Gute Besserung!

  7. Oh no Rhonda that is terrible news, I hope that you make a rapid recovery. Sending lots of hugs and good wishes to you.
    Rest and take care of yourself.

  8. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well! I hope this passes soon and you are back-to-great in no time! :)

  9. Poor you, get well soon. Maybe your body knows you are nearing the end of your book and is letting you know:)

  10. Poor you...horrible to feel poorly, and when you are not used to it it comes as a bit of a shock . Listen to your body and do what it tells you to do. Hope you're up and running quickly.

  11. Oh dear, hope you feel better soon! When I have a fever I try to sweat it out--take an epsom salt bath as hot as I can stand it, bundle up, and go to bed. Usually works to get the fever to break.

  12. Hope you feel better soon, I have just had a virus it has taken a few weeks to feel back to my old self. Best wishes

  13. Get well soon, Rhonda! Not nice in June ~ not nice any time : s

  14. Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this! Take care.

  15. Oh, no! I hope you feel better soon, Rhonda.

  16. Oh No. 'Tis the season for it. Stay in bed Rhonda, plenty of fluids, rest and regular pandol. Go to a Doctor if it lasts more than 72 hours, or earlier if other symptoms develop.

  17. Get well soon Rhonda.

  18. Oh dear! Get some rest . . . and get well soon!

  19. Take care of yourself and best wishes for a speedy recovery xx

  20. That doesn't sound too good, Rhonda! I do hope you recover quickly as you have your writing deadline to meet. Tell Nurse Hanno to give you plenty of fluids and make you rest.

  21. Rhonda, do you need to be tucked up in bed sleeping? I know you have a deadline but your health is really important. I hope you feel better soon. If the symptoms are persisting seeing your GP is a good idea or you could trying ringing 1300 HEALTH (13 43 25 84). I rang last week and spoke to the registered nurse when Don was having irregular heartbeat, SOB, and dizziness. The nurse was very helpful.

  22. I'm sorry you are ill. I hope you feel better soon! Lots of liquids and rest.

  23. I hope this will be short duration. :)

  24. It does sound like the flu.. Praying you feel better real soon.... Try to stop working, dear heart .. Just for awhile.. smile.. xo

  25. Hope you're feeling better soon Rhonda, rest up.

  26. Feel better soon Rhonda. xx

  27. Hoping this passes quickly. It is no fun to be sick.

  28. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Take time and do what you need for yourself to feel better. The book and the blog will still be waiting for you when you feel well.

  29. Take care and take it easy!


  30. Hoping a good rest will have you feeling better soon.

  31. Hope you feel better very soon! Take care xoxo

  32. Wishing you a speedy recovery

  33. Thoughts and prayers winging your way!

  34. Sending you calm and care through the airwaves Rhonda.

  35. Gute Besserung, Rhonda.
    It's so typical: first you don't want to complain, ...but felt like it.
    And then a Virus caught you, because there's a kind of a disbalance. Feeling cold and hot at the same time often means rising fever. It great to get fever, because you know then your immunesystem is working so well.
    Get well soon and you balance back ♥

  36. It happens to the best of us and looking after yourself is priority number 1. Hope you are on the mend these things can take 3-5 days to go away and then a few more days to recover fully. Take care. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  37. Get stuck into your elderberry. I hope you made some tincture from the berries Hanno and Jamie were de-stalking. Elderberry works wonders with the viral and bacterial.

  38. Get well soon. Frequent bugs - it's pretty much the only downside to grandchildren :(

  39. Sorry to hear you're unwell. Hope you feel better soon!

  40. I hope you're soon feeling better. These things appear from nowhere, knock you for six and then hopefully get chased away by rest, paracetamol and lots and lots of sleep. Look after yourself. xx

  41. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  42. Hopefully you are feeling better very soon xxx

  43. I felt exactly like you in these last days......ha the virus travelled overseas????? ;-P Take care, Clara.


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