7 November 2014

Weekend reading

It's been a whirlwind week here with a lot happening as we cruise into the end of the year.  Over the weekend, I'll start getting myself ready for a road trip to visit Tricia. She's travelling up to Tamworth on the train, I'm driving down to meet her there and then we'll visit the Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores in Nundle.  We're really looking forward to that.  But I have a lot of organising to do before I take off, so I'd better get to it.

I hope you have a delightful weekend.  Thanks for your beautiful comments during the week. It gave me a lot to think about.  Till next week, friends!

   x x x ♥︎ x x x

Chicken feed recipes
42 Craft Project Ideas That are Easy to Make and Sell


  1. g'day
    great picture of Jaime there (hope i got the name right, not good at remembering them) loved the baby otter & gift ideas
    hope you have a great weekend rhonda & hanno :))

    selina from kilkivan qld

  2. Have a relaxing weekend if you can, Rhonda. It was a shame you couldn't join us yesterday for the DTE get-together but hopefully next year it will be possible. Hopefully we will get to Sunny's sushi bar in the next few days as it is only just up the road.

  3. No brunch for us! We just have too many chores to get done on Saturday morning. We do however grab breakfast at one of two locally owned restaurants but we go early. It would be fabulous to be able to be so leisurely on the weekends!

    Two years ago our son married into a proper Southern (US) family and the bridal party and female family members were invited to a delightful brunch at a family member's beautiful home. The tables were gorgeous and delicious dishes just kept coming out of the kitchen. I did at one point see my Mother who is a complete teetotaler drinking a Mimosa. I had no idea what to do and did not know how it would affect her so I just hoped for the best and let it go. To this day she has no idea and thought it was just orange juice. She was pretty relaxed and jovial all that day!

    Safe travels and enjoy that sister time!

  4. Have a great weekend, my friend and thanks so much for your reading suggestions.. xo

  5. Have a very blessed weekend,
    Num 6:24
    The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

  6. Safe travels Rhonda. I hope you enjoy your trip to Nundle. This weekend is very busy in Nundle, it's the Tidy Towns delegates visit. My mum is working overtime with her volunteering there. I'm glad I'm local, Odgers and McClellands is a lovely gift shop, I buy quite a few things there for presents.

    1. Thanks Tracy. We're looking forward to having a look around the town too. I believe there is a mill there too, Good luck with Tidy Towns.

    2. Wishing you safe travels and memorable and productive sister-time!!

      It’s been a whirlwind of activity here with the arrival of granddaughter #2, helping out the new mom, spending time with older sister and definitely into the “evaluate to the nth power.” So grateful for the internet and quick access for answers to our questions.

      Enjoy your coming week, opportunities and adventures!

  7. On Saturday I met up with my daughter in London and we went to see the Poppy Field at the Tower. It is the most incredible piece of art, beautiful and extremely moving, and on a scale that is difficult to grasp. And the crowds - my goodness, just so many people!
    Daughter and I had a lovely few hours together (we don't get to see each other as often as we would like) and we're trying to arrange another day-out as soon as we can. I'm sure you're looking forward to your trip to see your sister, sounds like you have lots planned.
    Best wishes
    Michelle (IW)


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