11 November 2014

A road trip

I'm off to visit my sister in NSW tomorrow and I'm so looking forward to it. I have most of my bits and pieces packed, later today I'll pack my clothes and toiletries. I feel like I'm setting off on the Queen Mary for an extended trip in a luxury suite (with butler service), but in fact I'll be packing a sandwich and driving myself along the New England Highway to meet up with Tricia in Tamworth. She's travelling up on the train from Sydney. We'll overnight in Tamworth then visit the Odgers and McClennan Exchange Stores in Nundle, about an hour's drive away. Meeting Megan and Duncan and looking through their store will be one of the highlights of the trip for me.

I'm looking forward to meeting Tricia's granddaughter for the first time, seeing Jono again and catching up with my nephews. I have this little sunsuit for Alanna. I bought it from one of Sarndra's friends in Gladstone at her Facebook shop. This lady does beautiful work. I can't fault it and will be very proud to give it to Alanna, even though I didn't make it myself.

Although I don't want to do much while I'm away, I've packed my embroidery cottons and needles to finish off a small sampler, and an embroidery I will make into a cushion cover.  I've also packed a book or two and my camera. I'll be taking photos.

Also packed is my current knitting project - an organic cotton blanket for my soon-to-be third grandchild. It's a big job but it feels good knitting up this beautiful cotton. I think our little baby will be comfy cozy under that blanket.

Okay, only two more things to do before I go - pack my bag and, just before I leave, make a sandwich and drink to have along the way.  I'm making a havarti sandwich on pumpernickel to have with my Thermos of black tea and a bottle of plain sparkling mineral water. That's probably not the standard they serve on the Queen Mary but it's fine travelling food and will keep me happy and alive.

Farewell my friends. I'll post a few photos along the way and be back late next week.  Look after yourself while I'm gone.  xx


  1. I love the little sunsuit! It brings back memories of a simpler time in our country. Your new grandchild will be the best wrapped baby in the country with that beautiful blanket you're making.

    Have a safe trip and enjoy the reunion with family. Angie

  2. What a great trip you have planned, and so exciting to meet your sister along the way and visit Nundle as well. The wee sunsuit is adorable. Have a wonderful and safe trip. Rhonda, you look after yourself too.

  3. What a cute little sunsuit. I'm sure it will be well received.

    Enjoy your road trip. Sounds like a lot of fun. And I rather like your choice of travelling food. I'm sure the Queen Mary could not do much better :-)

    Safe journey,


  4. Oh Rhonda , so happy for you to be going on a vacation to spend time with Tricia and family. Relax and enjoy-- I look forward or your pictures along the way!!

  5. Enjoy your trip Rhonda! There's something about traveling that makes even the most simple food taste divine xx

  6. That outfit it is just darling! And the blanket your are knitting looks so comfy and I like the colors.
    Have a wonderful trip!!.

  7. Have a safe driving trip and it will be good to spend time with your sister and family. The little outfit is stunning and your sampler is beautiful as well. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  8. Have a wonderful trip Rhonda, they are my favourite sort, a road trip to see family. There's something special about travel food, we always make sandwiches too and they always taste better than when eaten at home. The sunsuit is just adorable and I love your embroidery, especially the one with your name in it.

  9. Safe travels, Rhonda - it sounds like a fun little trip!

  10. Be safe in your travels Rhonda & have a lovely holiday, I do like the colours in the blanket, it looks like a nice gentle pattern too, can you do a close up photo please when you have a moment I'd love to see it, love the rompers too, my daughter used to wear those, & your picture of them made me smile with nostalgia, enjoy your break

  11. Have a great trip, stay safe, hope you have a lovely fun time with Tricia and family, so nice to relax and catch up.
    Sunscreen is handy on a long trip and an eyeshade for when the sun in your face is a bother, there are times when even good sunies don't do the job.
    The baby blanket will be so comfy and snugly, organic cotton is so soft and lovely and will be a joy to knit.
    Have fun.

  12. Have a safe trip Rhonda, I would love to be visiting Ogders and McCelland with you just love to buy from their online store.

  13. Enjoy Nundle! I love that store - ask to have a peek in the trap door in the floor of the main shop, it's a cellar down there....

    Safe travels!

  14. Rhonda, we head back home tomorrow but I don't think we will pass you on the way as you will be leaving long before us I imagine :-) I am not even sure you will be taking the same road if you are heading to NSW but you quite likely will be. Have a safe and enjoyable trip and enjoy your time with your family.

  15. have a safe & enjoyable trip!
    love the sun suit & blanket, they are sure to be treasured for years to come
    enjoy the holiday

    selina from kilkivan qld

  16. Have a lovely trip, it sounds wonderful. The baby blanket looks gorgeous too, I love the colours! Safe travelling :)

  17. Safe Travels! Those are some truly beautiful handmades you're bringing along. xo

  18. What lovely things you are making/have made........I love the little romper suit for the little girl and also love the colors in the baby blanket to be.Enjoy your trip with your sister!

  19. That romper suit is gorgeous! You may not have made it yourself, but at least you are supporting a local handmade business

  20. I recently made iced tea with mineral water and it was awesome. ;) I think it would be something I would choose if I were on the Queen Mary.

    Have a fantastic time - I love Tamworth, it is beautiful there.

  21. Have a great trip and be safe!

  22. Wow, it sounds like fun! have a great and safe trip!

  23. Bon Voyage!
    Have a great trip Rhonda, looking forward to seeing a bit more of Australia through your eyes.
    A hug for Hanno, may you return safely to each other.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  24. Have a fabulous time......don't get up to too much mischief lol

  25. I smiled to myself as I read what you are taking for a few days - sewing, knitting and books! You will either do all of those and talk to nobody, or talk all the time and do no sewing, knitting or reading - ha! That is what usually happens with me when I've gone on a trip armed with 'something to do'.
    Although I know we share the same birthdate, I still got a jolt when I saw 'my birthday' on your sampler! What a lovely idea. I've never thought to do something like that for myself. Not really worth it for me, as there is nobody to leave it to!

  26. Have a wonderful time. The samplers are very pretty. I am just learning to knit and attempting to make more gifts than buy them. You are an inspiration. Thanks

  27. Hi Rhonda were you at Westmead by any chance I thought I saw you there...
    Nora from sydney

  28. Hoping all is well. Missing your posts! Take care and enjoy your break.


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