3 June 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

On my mind today is giving our recently purchased picnic set a good clean.  On Sunday, Sarndra and Shane have organised a family picnic and we're really looking forward to it. As well as family, a few friends have been invited, so it should be a lovely day. Tomorrow I'll roast a chicken, and make potato salad and a whole orange cake to place on the shared table. Today I have to get that picnic set spic and span.



  1. That sounds wonderful. Fine food and good company, who can ask for more !!!
    Have a great day.

  2. that is a lovely picnic set..add family and friends= great day!
    On My Mind today is :Blooming Poppies!

  3. Enjoy! :) Espy

  4. I remember you showing that lovely "find" from your trip. Enjoy that picnic.
    Wildflower, my poppies are finally blooming too!

    Here's my latest blog post---

  5. On my mind is... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-new-round-robin.html

  6. My son recently became engaged, and while trying to think what to get them for an engagement gift, I remembered your picnic basket...not a bargain like yours, but still a very well received gift, and has been used quite a few times already.

    Enjoy your picnic...more cuddles with Mr Gorgeous!

  7. Sounds like a lovely day planned Rhonda....
    On my mind for the first time is: http://justlikemynanmade.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

  8. Today I am thinking about ways of looking at my world through photography. Please take a look.


    Have a great weekend everyone

  9. looks like you'll have great weather for it too Rhonda! Have a lovely day with your family

  10. Your picnic set is lovely. I've always wanted to purchase one. Somehow they hold a romantic aspect with them :) :) Enjoy the set ;) :) I'm thinking about homemade avocado ice cream today. I'm participating in a series with another blog. However, it's perfect for your "On my mind..." series :) :) I photographed the whole process. You can scroll to the end of the blog to see the photo of the finished product :) :) Have a lovely day :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)


  11. Morning Rhonda(Author)! I CANT wait for our picnic bbq on Sunday :-) I have done an On My Mind- but warning- its quite a long one (I couldn't fit it all in one paragraph :-))
    Love Sarndra Xx

  12. Yum!! Sounds grand, Rhonda! I look forward to sampling your orange cake on Sunday. Will this be the Whole Orange Cake?

    I shall bring a fresh fruit salad, and use some of my dad's home grown passionfruit pulp that I have frozen.

    See you then!

  13. What a wonderful day you have planned for Sunday. Great people and great food. I hope the weather is wonderful for you too.
    Weather, and more importantly rain, has been on my mind. Bring it on!

  14. Hello ladies! I'll be around the blogs later.

    Hi Sarndra and Jamie. Sarndra, I'm looking forward to it too.

    Jamie, yep, the whole orange cake. We have a lot of organic oranges growing in the back yard so I'll some of them to good use.

    Hugs to you both, will see you on Sunday.

  15. We're off on a picnic too tomorrow Rhonda. We're heading off to the Lowood Show. Always takes the kids to a country show every year. We try to avoid the 'Ekka' like the plague (even though I went every year when I was young).

    I'll be taking some of those Pear & Coconut Mini Muffins I made.


    Have a lovely picnic! If the weather stays like this, it will be glorious!

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  16. What a nice plan, I hope the weather is kind to you Rhonda.

    I have paper on my mind, thanks to your small things challenge at the Forum.


  17. On my mind today is: getting my garden to be productive http://journey-of-a-downshifter.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-my-garden.html

  18. I love your picnic set Rhonda, I've been trying to find a similar one for a few years, one day!!

    On my mind today, a day out at the local vineyards

  19. Hoping the weather is nice for your picnic. I always make a list or I forget to take something!
    On my mind today...On the Wings of an Eagle...

  20. I love family picnics - your set is wonderful, and it will add to the fun that you guys will have out on Sunday! On my mind today is coming home after being away from home for work: http://myplaceforspace.blogspot.com/

  21. Love the picnic set, picnics are such a wonderful relaxing way to enjoy a meal.

    Here is what is on my mind. http://insteadforgottenways.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

  22. A family picnic, what a wonderful idea. Another chance for Gran to get her baby fix? Today we have chicks on the brain at http://oldredhoodie.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

  23. A picnic sounds such a lovely idea especially with the wonderful weather SE Qld is having at the moment.
    On my mind today is just a little tinge of regret of how my first 'swap' turned out. But on reflection I think I like the way things turned out after all!

  24. Sounds like a lovely weekend you have planned. I hope you all have a wonderful time catching up. I have posted my first On My Mind, today.

  25. Hi Rhonda

    There are two posts...

    We have this Winter's first colds... http://my-herbal-journey.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

    And we have three little puppies looking for homes....


  26. On my mind is three memorial services this weekend. Knowing God gives hope in times of loss.

  27. Rhonda, just wanted to say that every time I see a photo of Hanno with Jamie I get a smile on my face. Thank you.

  28. What a cute set! On my mind this week is a busy schedule full of summer projects!


  29. Hi Rhonda, I've made your orange cake and it is delicious.
    On my mind today is "A day we will not forget"

  30. Hi Rhonda,
    Sounds like a wonderful day. I just love your picnic set.

  31. Hi, there....
    A picnic sounds wonderful!
    Sadly, our picnic area is currently on fire.....
    We are anticipating evacuation notices....so terrible!


    We would appreciate your prayers..not only for our beloved forest, but, the BRAVE firefighters doing their best to protect life and limb!


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