2 June 2011

Jamie - trying to tick all the boxes

True to her promise that there would be a parcel in the mail for me, Jo's special delivery to Rhonda Hetzel (author) arrived. She made the mistake of adding "(author)" after my name so I've been taking full advantage of it and added it to a couple of emails I sent yesterday afternoon. Funnily enough, I've thought of myself as a writer for about 20 years now, but never an author. Self perception is a strange thing. Anyhow, I have the "first pages" here now, I have to read the entire book, add my thoughts and suggestions and get it back in two weeks.

Later in the day our guests arrived and soon after they settled in we all piled into the car and drove up the mountain to our favourite German restaurant for lunch. We have been eating there for about 14 years so it was lovely to take Sunny and Jamie there for the first time. Lunch over, we went into the neighbourhood centre to introduce the baby, then back down the mountain again, we headed for home.

Sunny and Kerry left around 2.30 pm to look around the shops, catch a movie and go to dinner and that left us - Jamie, Opa and grandma to take care of each other. This was a journey of discovery for me, and I suppose for Hanno too.  We  tend to take most things in our stride, not much phases us, but this was different - this was exciting and we had to do it right. It's been a long time since we cared for such a young baby. What if we'd forgotten how? What if he didn't like us! What if he cried!!

Ten minutes after Sunny and Kerry left he started crying. He must have known! Hanno held him while I went to the kitchen to warm up one of the four bottles of breast milk Sunny left in the fridge. When the bottle was sitting in a jug of warm water, I took him from Hanno and, still crying, we walked outside.  He seemed to like the sun light and he settled for a moment while I introduced each chook by name.  But then he remembered he was hungry and started crying again. We walked through the garden, back inside, the bottle was warm and he fed really well. I hadn't lost my touch there, feeding - tick. He went to sleep again so I put him down close to where we were sitting. Then Kerry and Sunny called to see if everything was okay. Yep, he's been fed, had his nappy changed and he's sleeping - knowing that, they went to the movies.  Parents' phone call - tick.

I photographed him every which way and he didn't flinch at all, even with the flash going off.  Let's face it, he had a dry nappy, was snuggled down into his fleece and wrapped warmly and on a cold winter's afternoon, with a full belly of milk, it couldn't get much better than that.

Hanno and I watch some pre-recorded TV while he slept, I did some knitting, and he woke again about three hours later.  This time I was quicker with the warm milk bottle so there was whimpering but no crying. Koda didn't know what the crying was and every time she could, she stood looking at Jamie.

When he was awake he was so gorgeous. He smiled and looked around and soon it was time to sleep again.

Kerry and Sunny came home about 9pm. Jamie had just had another feed and was sound asleep in my arms. They'd had a lovely night out, they'd dined at The Spirit House and really enjoyed their meal and their time together.  And Jamie, Opa and I? Well, we'd enjoyed our time together too. We didn't get around to reading "Ten little finger and ten little toes" by Mem Fox, kindly sent to me by my editor, Jo, but we'll get around to it one day soon.  We have plenty of time.



  1. He is such a beautiful baby! He looks older than he actually is I think.

    Soon you can add published author to your name! I'm happy for you all.

  2. Oh wow look how much he has grown! And well done grandma and Opa sounds like a lovely peaceful day you all had together.

    (and wow I'm awake and commenting at this ungodly hour - after being on nightshift for 11 months)

    Is it Kerry's blue eyes that Jamie has? He looks sooo cute and soo comfortable!


  3. So sweet! It's amazing how much newborns sleep, isn't it? He looks gorgeous - don't you just love that baby smell? So glad you had a nice day together.
    And I can't wait for your book!

  4. Precious Moments, Precious Photo's.

  5. Simply wonderful!

  6. Rhonda, I can visualize the smile on your face as you wrote this, the warmth you feel in your heart..Grand babies, do that to us. Jamie is adorable!

  7. Oh my goodness, Jamie is absolutely gorgeous! Your words remind me of the first time my husband and I kept our first grandchild alone...we were like you...thrilled, but just wondering a tad whether it would go well. Isn't it amazing watching your sweet grandson grow? And isnt it amazing how emotional you can become just gazing at him and realizing that he is your son's child?

    I'm so happy for you and Hanno.

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  8. What a dear little baby! Oh, he looks so healthy, so intelligent, so well-loved and cared for! Life's true blessings! I love being a grandmother, and I know you do too.
    And it doesn't get much better than that!

  9. He's such a beautiful little boy! It must be so special to spend some one on one time with your grandbaby.

  10. That's one gorgeous young man :-)

  11. What an absolutely beautiful child! You did great...what a lovely evening.

  12. Rhonda, what a gorgeous baby. I smiled throughout your post. Congratulations, too, on coming one step closer to the final book. I can't wait to order my copy and give it as Christmas gifts to friends.

    Best wishes

  13. Oh dear Rhonda... what a sweet, lovely boy!! I really lóve his great looking eyes, and his aborable face.

    I can imagine it must be wonderful for you and Hanno to look after this little man. If I look at him, I see the same satisfied smile I way see evey day with my little girl. She is 12 weeks now and the only things see is doing until now is sleeping.. sleeping.. sleeping and laughing. Hope you all may enoy this little boy for a very long time!

    Love from Holland.

  14. It sounds lovely and like you and Hanno enjoyed it very much :-) Congratulations on becoming grandparents!

  15. What a sweet little boy, thanks for sharing these moments with us Rhonda. I especially love the picture of Koda looking at Hanno and Jamie.

  16. He is so blessed to have such a relaxed grandma.

    What a sweet little face. Enjoy every minute with him.

  17. So very cute. You must be so proud.
    It's great that Kerry and Sunny had some time together. That is so very important !!
    The page of your book looks great. I can't wait to see the rest.
    Have a great day.

  18. The peek at your book looks great! I can't wait to read it!

    As for Jamie...oh,my. He is gorgeous! What a lovely baby...

    I am so glad you get to enjoy him!

  19. Oh what a little cutie. I bet you were in your element.

  20. Awww it's so gorgeous. I cant wait (well I can but you know what I mean) to have grandbabies and spoil them rotten

  21. What a gorgeous child, no wonder you are both so happy to have him to yourselves for the afternoon. Precious time

  22. Thank you for sharing the photos. He is such a gorgeous baby!

  23. What a Beautiful little Baby !! you are so blessed !! i would love to be a Granny !! regard's Carol

  24. So cute, and such lovely skin, so clear and radiant! Lucky grandparents!

  25. That photo of Hanno, Jamie and Koda is very special. I thought of you during your first Jamie baby-sit Rhonda, so glad it was so good.

  26. He is so wonderful Rhonda I am so glad that you and Hanno got to have him all to yourselves. I see the pride in Hanno when he holding this precious gift.
    Hugs to you all
    The other Rhonda

  27. He is so gorgeous. I imagine you must be bursting with pride.


  28. Hi Rhonda~
    What a beautiful child he is.
    You will never forget these first memories with your first grand baby.
    Thank you for letting us see a bit of your book too. ;o)

  29. What a beautiful little boy. He has opened up a whole new world for you. And another baby on the way-how rich are you?

  30. He's lovely, and didn't he do well without his mummy and daddy. Lovely that they got to have some time together - that's something that hubby and I are sadly lacking!
    Your book looks lovely - how exciting for you.

  31. How adorable is that little dude?? So cute, snugged down in his fleecy rugs. The first of many afternoons of love with him. You are all very lucky.

  32. Hello everyone!

    Jamie, it's very early for you! Yes, our Jamie has Kerry's (and Hanno's) blue eyes. I think he's going to be a very handsome young man.

    Linda Nichols, it's so good to "see" you here. I hope you're well.

  33. What a handsome little man he is! And so well behaved. What a sweet day for you and Hanno!

  34. He is absolutely beautiful!!! Isn't grandparenthood the very best???? I lovelovelove being a gramma, even more than I did being a mum, and I loved being a mum!!!


  35. What a warm and cosy house you have and all nestled in together with that gorgeous baby .How delightful. Wishing you many many more of those glorious days with Jamie.

  36. What a little cutie pie Rhonda!

    Thank you for the lovely photos of Jamie, he certainly has grown. Glad to hear you had a lovely time looking after him.

    Cant wait for your book to be finished, so I can add it to my collection...


  37. We just lost our baby boy to stillbirth at 27 weeks, it is painful looking at this beautiful wee boy, he is just precious and his parents and grandparents are very blessed. He looks very content.

  38. Dear Cat JB sorry to hear of your loss.

    Rhonda - Warm fuzzy feelings! :O)

  39. Dear Cat, I'm sorry if my post upset you. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you. I send you my best wishes for a brighter future.

  40. Lovely sweet baby nestling into your home....and lovely first pages.

  41. Rhonda, he's a handsome baby! I know you are so proud of him - must be just so much fun to have the opportunity to babysit! Enjoy!

  42. What a beautiful baby boy! There is absolutely nothing that compares to a day spent being a Grandmother!

    I know you're so excited about your book! I'm happy for you and can't wait until it is published.

  43. Hi Rhonda,

    Your post made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. He is such a beautiful baby. The perfect antidote to a cold winter's day here in Adelaide. I can't wait to buy your book - I've noticed a lot of authors these days are selling autographed copies of their books through their websites. Are you hoping to do this too?

    Thanks for brightening my day :)
    Lis xx

  44. Rhonda, I can't wait to read your book...and your grandson is a beautiful child.

  45. Thank you for the peek at the book and pics of Jamie. I was hoping you would post some. He looks gorgeous and well cared for.

  46. Thanks for sharing your pics of this child. Hope everyone's ok.

  47. Oh, how wonderful. I never had the benefit of grandparents to help when my babies were born. What a blessing you are to that new little family. I hope I get the chance to be a grandmother one day.

  48. Sooooo BEAUTIFUL HE IS A REALLY GORGEOUS BABY......SERIOUSLY :-) what a delight.!!!!Heaven sent.

  49. Gorgeous Rhonda, what a lovely post from a Grandmother enjoying every precious moment!

  50. Wow he is such a beautiful baby. Does anything produce more of a sense of contentment than a contentedly sleeping baby? Congratulations on all the amazing things in your life right now!

  51. Hi Rhonda The baby is beautiful what lovely skin he has . Yes you are blessed Cheers affussa

  52. Tears are strolling down my cheeks as I feel the beauty around you this evening. What a beautiful baby and such lovely photo's you have taken. You are truly blessed.

  53. Rhonda, he is beautiful! Every single moment spent lovingly taking care of them is priceless. Enjoy, as I know you will. :-)
    Peace and Blessings,
    Beth :-)

  54. What an uncommonly gorgeous baby! And he has such an intelligent look in his eyes too!

  55. Jamie's a cutie! Caring for babies is like riding a bike; you don't forget but you may need a little practice once you start again. Looking forward to seeing pics of his progress :).

  56. What a beautiful child! You and Hanno have obviously not lost your touch. Jamie looks so serene and contented with you.

  57. Hi, visiting from Sarndra as I'm one of her blog friends.

    Your grandson is GORGEOUS! You are so blessed.

    I love your blog's theme of simplicity and more intentional living.

    Greetings from a very cold South Africa :)

  58. Very exciting to see your book coming together. :-) And your grandson is adorable. Enjoy!

  59. How beautiful are the pictures of your sleeping grandchild. Truly gorgeous.

  60. He is just beautiful Rhonda!

  61. Rhonda ....not upset at your post, it is beautiful to look at. Just teary that it's not me and mine. Thanks for your good wishes.

  62. My heart melted as I scolled down and saw the first photo of him. He is beautiful. How wonderful for you ( Rhonda the Author) and Hanno to have that time alone with Jamie.

  63. Oh what a beautiful little darling he is and what a special time you both had with him. I love being a Nanna and enjoy my time with my grandchildren immensely.

    Looking forward to the book! :)

  64. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to all!


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