24 November 2007

A few updates

I had a lovely email from a reader today, an ex-New Yorker who has moved to PA. She's a writer and a contributor to the book Get Satisfied: How Twenty People Like You Found the Satisfaction of Enough. Apparently it's been very popular and is going to be made into a documentary. I checked it out on Amazon and it looks like a very interesting read. I've added it to my Amazon favourites.

Don't forget your aprons ladies. The swap deadline is next week, November 28. All aprons must be posted on or before that day.

I haven't been able to post about my kitchen yet. Let me just say that work has stopped and we have no kitchen. I'll update you when I can write about it without sounding like a mad woman.


  1. Congrats Rhonda, you have been awarded the "Community Blogger Award"!

  2. thank you gypsy quilter. You are too kind. : )


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