Serving good food from your own kitchen isn't just one thing, it's many. And it doesn't happen once, it's part of your ordi...
When I was growing up we rarely went out to eat. I remember dad taking a saucepan to the local newly opened Chinese restaurant once. The sa...
It's been a hectic week here with lots of phone calls to my sister and a dear friend who are both in hospital.  A big hello to bot...
Before I start today's post I want to thank so many of you for your kind and generous comments.  It really does make blogging a great j...
I took my time last week. I had a list of chores as long as my arm but I stood back, took a deep breath, and then worked out what my priori...
I was going through my photos during the week and found this photo of our garden in 2007. We don't grow so much food now and have rem...
It's been a busy year, one of the busiest I can remember, but that's all come to an end now - today and all my tomorrows, will be s...
Our visitors arrive today and we're looking forward to many happy days ahead. The weather here is ridiculously warm for this time o...
My sister Tricia is travelling up from the Blue Mountains to visit us. She arrives tomorrow. She is the one person I've known all my li...
I thought it would take a couple of weeks and in the end it was five long, cold weeks of using our main toilet and bathroom instead of the ...
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