28 July 2024

Let's hear it for house and yard work!!

It just shows the resilience of insects and birds. The garden that Hanno used to tend, which supplied 80 percent of the vegetables we consumed, was busy with wildlife. Bees buzzed, birds came for water and nectar, kookaburras mined the compost heap for the grubs they knew were in there, and reptiles drank and sunned themselves - always out of Gracie's reach. Then nothing. There were no flowers or plants to visit, no water in the bird baths, no isolated containers collecting rainwater. I sat quietly in the garden yesterday afternoon and was so happy to see how much life there was. I didn't see any reptiles but the bees and birds were in and out, swooping and dive bombing and checking out the flowers that were there. They know there are more flowers coming and they will gracefully wait for their return. I will too!

This post will be disappointing for some of you because this is not the garden update. I still haven't finished. Everything is planted but the pots are not in the places they'll sit. Placement is the hardest thing to work out, especially as this is  a flower garden and all flowers need sun.  To make it more difficult, when I move the large pots - and these are holding 90 - 100kg of potting mix plus the weight of the pot, I don't want to move them again for a few years. I have to get it right. Spring will arrive in just over four weeks time so I have to place the pots where they'll sit all summer-long. Some plants, mainly the roses, can tolerate our summer sun, some can't so I'm trying to work out which plants can sit on the shaded side of larger plants. I'll get there, I just need more time to figure it out.

I got my hair cut!  I think it's four years since it was cut and it was 11 inches below my shoulders. It feels so good to have it shorter again. It's much easier to wash and keep tidy and I don't get caught up in my ponytail when I'm asleep.

Last week I had a mobility assessment for my Home Care Plan. They sent a physiotherapist to assess me here at home. He did a range of tests such as having me stand and sit down as many times as I could in 30 seconds without holding on to anything. I did eight which he said was excellent! I also had to get in and out of bed, and stand in one spot and turn around in a circle. The only two I could not do were balancing on one foot and walking with one foot in front of the other - which required me to stand on one foot for a brief time. He asked me how I spend my days and I told him I'm baking, cooking, gardening, cleaning, playing with Gracie etc. just the normal stuff we all do, and he said I was well ahead of what he would expect of me at my age (76). I think the two I couldn't do are linked to my non-malignant brain tumour. It's always caused me to feel unbalanced and I think that will always be the case. So he scored me 90 percent which I'm happy with.  Let's hear it for house and yard work!!

A new digital electricity meter was installed on Friday so there'll be no more people coming to read the meter. The bills keep rolling in - my Council rates notice came on Thursday so I'm making sure I keep my budget on point and always save money when I have the chance.

My sister will visit from the Blue Mountains in August and my friend Nicole Lutze will visit tomorrow for morning tea. I'm making a whole orange cake with orange cream cheese frosting. I've only got a few lemons and no oranges left on my trees so with the fruit I had in the kitchen, I just made orange and lemon cordial. It is SO delicious - MUCH better than shop-bought cordial. I also have 500ml of syrup to make lemon cordial during the week - that will be the end of the lemons. We had a lot of rain earlier in the year so the fruit was large and juicy. If you live in a warm climate, or have a warm spot in your garden, I hope you'll grow a lemon or orange tree. They're easy to look after and will give you the tastiest fruit you can imagine.


First, juice your fruit. If you get 2 litres of juice you'll need 2 litres of syrup.

You can use sugar syrup or weak sugar syrup, depending on your taste. I used weak syrup but if I was making lemon cordial, I'd use normal sugar syrup.

Normal sugar syrup is 1 kg sugar to 1 litre of water.
Weak sugar syrup is 500 grams sugar to 1 litre of water.

To make the syrup add the sugar to the water and boil it. When the sugar has dissolved, let it cool.  Measure the amount of syrup you have and add the same amount of juice. When mixed together, bottle it and store it in the fridge. Dilute according to your taste - it will be about ¼ cordial to ¾ water.

If you end up with extra syrup, put it in a sealable jar and store it in the fridge. It will keep well and you can make your next batch of cordial with it.

You can also use honey or maple syrup but it will add that flavour to the cordial. I've never make cordial with anything but granulated sugar.

Today I'm cleaning and rearranging the back verandah. It's a real mess. It's a wonderful place to sit on a winter's afternoon and Gracie loves being out there with me. So it's a good investment of my time to make the place look and feel good. I washed the bench seat cushion covers yesterday and when they're on again, I'll finish the outdoor setting chairs, three of which still have to have their arm rests attached. Lunch will be lamb curry and rice, leftovers from the baked leg of lamb I had yesterday.  I'll end my day doing my Woolworths grocery order and sending that in so they can deliver it in the morning.

I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy the work you do for yourself and your family. xx



  1. I like hearing about your garden and how it’s coming along. I have a very windy apartment balcony and not much can grow there, so I enjoy your garden updates as I dream about my future garden whenever we move in the future. I hadn’t considered the logistics of where to place all your pots, I’m sure you’ll devise the right layout. I look forward to see all your flowers come springtime. Lei in Perth

  2. Rhonda, you are looking really well. I am a firm believer in house and yard work being the exilir of youth, well not youth - but wellbeing. Love reading your posts, Kathryn x

  3. Hi Rhonda, I so much enjoy hearing about your quiet, measured days & how you plan a bit ahead to stay organised - this is something I'm still working on!
    I found an old recipe for orange cordial, added some lemons & now have the most delicious cordial for a mid morning......
    hot drink.
    Our lime tree at the farm has gone crazy this year after being dormant for several years prior, so I am contemplating making some lime chutney to have with the Indian veggie curries I make. Happy days ahead & so looking forward to spring in NE Victoria when it arrives. Sending best to you Rhonda & thank you for all you have done to help me find the confidence over these many years, after reading your wonderful books & taking some action steps for a simpler, more fulfilled life.

    1. Thank you. It sounds like you're making the little bits and pieces that make home cooking something to look forward to. Keep it up and keep believing iun yourself. xx

  4. Rhonda I am always excited to see a new post from you. I do love your updates. Your hair looks wonderful too!

  5. You have such a lovely looking kind face, I love to read how you are getting on.

  6. Yay I've been looking out for a post from you about your garden and days and they never disappoint. Those snippets and insights into your days are always fun however long or short. That's a fabulous photo of you in happy polka dots and great haircut too! I've started making your bread again from the Down to Earth book after getting fed up with bland supermarket bread. The trouble is I'm eating too much of it now as it's so tasty. If you ever feel like it would you be interested in writing a post about skin/cosmetic, cleaning and toiletry/household products that you value and use? With the cost of living crisis it may interest not just me. I imagine you may even answer that for most of it you use the recipes in DTE book still? Much love to you and Gracie. When you wrote how few weeks it was to Spring 🌼🌱 I was happily surprised. NZ Ingrid

  7. That’s a beautiful photo of you Rhonda. I usually buy Bickford’s cordials at Woolies when they’re on special but I must have a go at some home made cordial. We’ve just to the last lemons on our tree and they’ve been beautiful. Hoping my transplanted from a pot to the ground lime tree gets some fruit on it this year. Really enjoyed reading your post and good on you for doing so well on those tests. I’m trying to make myself do a few exercises here and there each day and your post has inspired me some more. Katie

  8. The haircut is looking is nice Rhonda. Congratulations on your score. Just bearing out the “use it or lose it” adage, yet again. Em in Oz.

  9. Congratulations on that 90 score. I'm a big believer in movement...my mantra being "keep moving to keep moving." I tried the balance on one leg walking exercise and can do it for a couple of steps. I can balance on one leg, while standing still, for quite awhile, but the walking part is more of a challenge, and I'm going to start doing it every day. I know you will do just fine there in your home and garden.

  10. Hi Rhonda. I also struggle to move or lift plant pots when they are full! What started as a way to save money on potting mix, I now also do to reduce the weight of plant pots - I make a layer of twigs/sticks or leaves in the bottom, before adding the potting mix. It tidies the yard and saves money at the same time!

    1. Great idea, Liz. I've found that roses use the whole pot to send out strong roots, even in the big pots. In smaller pots I sometimes use polystyrene to use up some space if I'm planting annuals.

  11. Rhonda, I like your haircut. I am glad you are getting back into a little bit of gardening and yes, lifting those heavy pots isn’t easy at our age. Give that Gracie girl a hug for me. Chel

  12. Hello Rhonda, I do look forward to your chats. I love your haircut- so soft and gentle around your face.
    I live in Geelong now and it is rather chilly here at the moment, although the lavender is flowering..
    Starting to plan my new vegetable garden.
    Cheers Janet

  13. Hi Rhonda. Your haircut is great!
    I haven't yet touched my blog since I spoke with you. Waiting for warm weather to motivate me I think. I grew lovely citrus at our home. Meyer lemon, lemonade lemon, massive lime tree, mandarine, blood orange, original bush lemon which had to be over 50 years old. They were all demolished when our property was compulsorily acquired. The sadness never leaves. When you've nurtured you garden from scratch, lived and breathed it daily for 35 years, it's like your child. Even buried two placentas, our dog Doug, cats,and numerous chooks, pet mice, pet fish, axolotls and guinea pigs in it over the decades. Everything back to the soil. I loved my place, every single plant. Over 30 fruit and nut trees.
    I now have miniatures in pots but it's not the same.
    Thanks for your lovely post.
    Bring on spring! Jenny in Wollongong.

  14. What a lovely new photo! It would be great to see it used as your "welcome" photo in righthand column :) So impressed with your home care score ... I just don't seem to move much anymore. - Madelyne

  15. Nice haircut and a smashing red sweater.

  16. Hi Rhonda . I think it’s great you’re taking your time to set the garden . It saves you making a mistake and wanting to change things . It will be a picture when it’s all finished . Lovely to sit and watch and enjoy . I also love your haircut 😍 I’ve discovered over time that I don’t like ponytails or pulling my hair up tight . I keep it about your length now - so much easier . Take care and stay warm xo Jacky

  17. Hi Rhonda, Lovely post as always! Is your red woollen jumper knitted by you? My brother’s mother in law knitted me a similar red jumper when I went to live in Japan many years ago. It was a heavy wool and had a similar pattern. I still have it today, so warm and never goes out of style. Looks beautiful on you with your polka dot top and new haircut.😊

    1. It's a new cardigan I bought because I realised I needed some colour. I'm glad I bought it.

  18. The whole standing on one foot and balancing is quite difficult for any age. On Channel 9 last month they had a 4 part series with Tracey Grimshaw and Nick Coates on how to live longer [basically being healthy in old age not just living to an old age]. One of the tests they did was cross your arms in front of your chest, shut your eyes and stand on one foot and see how long you can hold it for. It's way harder than you think. I'm sure you can watch it on catch up - it was really interesting. I know you wouldn't probably have Netflix but "How to Live to 100" series of 5-6 one hour shows on the Blue Zones is amazing. The most fascinating thing was once they worked out the secrets to living longer [and healthier] they picked a town in the USA and turned it into a Blue Zone using the principles. So good to watch. Having a visit from Nicole would have been lovely. I've finally weeded my veggie garden and have things planted out but there's space for more so I need to get on to that. Have a great week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  19. So pleased to read this update. Your plant pots look good. Your hair style really suits you, I think you're looking great πŸ‘

  20. Hello Rhonda. Thank you so much for your most interesting and welcome posts. I have been following you for a good couple of years and always enjoy keeping up with what you are busy with. Keep warm and have a good week. Lorna


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