17 August 2023

Welcome back - let's settle in here again and get comfy

I really thought I'd written my last post here but I didn't know how bad it is out there. I went to Instagram to remain connected to you all but now it's self-destructing to get more advertising dollars so I don't want to write there anymore.  I used it one last time to let you know I’d written this post but from now on you’ll either have to check here to see if there’s a new post or sign up to Blogtrottr which I explain below.

I took this photo of Gracie this morning after she'd been nosing her way through a garden full of sticky weed. I have to brush her to remove them and she hates being brushed. 😑

Thanks for coming back to the blog with me and welcome to the newbies. Here we have no rules except for the requirement to treat everyone with respect and kindness. That's how I live my life so it's no surprise that I want that here too.  And it does need to be vocalised because there are new readers arriving here all the time and I want everyone to know what my expectations are.  I've been writing on this blog since 2007 and during the first few years I wrote everyday.  I had SO MUCH to say I couldn't keep it in. When I discovered this simple way of life, I wanted to share it with everyone and back then, no one was talking about living simply, at least not in the way I live it.

The focus here is on my home and up until now, my family as well. Of course I still have my sons and their families but my much-loved husband, Hanno, died in May 2022. Since then I've grieved, thought about my life and my future and came out the other end of that process knowing I want to continue to live according to my values and doing what gives me pleasure. I've always been a bit of a hermit and that hasn't changed so although my family visits me and I go out to see friends, my blog will remain one of the ways I connect with people. So my writing here will continue much as it was before. I'll write about my day-to-day life which always includes housework, gardening and sitting in the backyard thinking about life (and death). Other topics will pop up occasionally too - it will all be a reflection on what I'm spending time on and what interests me and hopefully you too.

I spent the last hour trying to find new ways for you to subscribe to my blog. Early last year, Feedburner retired and with it went an easy way to let you know I’d published a new post.  I found Push Notifications but don't know how to set it up and Blogtrottr which looks okay at the moment but might not work as I think it will.  I'll continue to monitor it closely and hope it sends you emails about new postings when you subscribe to it.  It looks pretty simple so give it a go and if I find any problems with it, I'll let you know.  I'll add the link to the right-hand column too. Of course, you might just want to drop by and check the blog yourself without receiving any notifications. That's fine too. If there isn't a new blog, read through my archives, there are hundred of posts listed in the right-hand column.  

I’d like to make a list of fellow, non-commercial, bloggers who are currently writing posts.  If you have an up-to-date blog which isn't about selling anything, send me a link and I'll check it out and will probably add it to the list.

Thanks for reading through all this. I wanted to get all the blog-related information out before I settle in and write about what I'm doing here.  I'll be back on the weekend with a post about the garden I've recreated in my backyard.  Thanks for being here. ☺️


A number of people mentioned they're using https://feedly.com and that reminded me that I had a Feedly account too.  It's a great site that allows you to make a list of the places you want to follow - news sites, blogs etc. I think it's better than Blogtrottr.

Gracie update: she wouldn't allow me to brush her face so I ended up cutting all the prickles out of her eyebrows, nose and beard with some little scissors. She was in the worst mood while I was doing it but when I finished, she raced around the backyard like a gazelle. Dogs eh.



  1. So happy you're back here! ❤️ This is my favorite space on the internet.

  2. So lovely to see you back here Rhonda, I’ve been following you on Insta as well but really enjoyed your blog posts
    Kind Regards

  3. Welcome back. I am looking forward to reading your blogs once again. Cheers Maureen O’R

  4. I've continued to revisit your blog because I enjoyed it so much and seeing this post was a lovely surprise. You're an inspiration!

  5. Welcome back Rhonda . Great
    decision, yes I/G can be very frustrating. Take care of yourself & beautiful Gracie. Hugs Jilly

  6. So lovely to have you back. Welcome ‘home’.

  7. Hi Rhonda, I’m so pleased that you’re back! Looking forward Fi keeping up with you here 😊

  8. lovely to see you back here Rhonda, I've been reading your blog from the beginning.
    It's lovely to reconnect, even though we haven't really corresponded it still felt like losing a dear friend when you decided to finish writing here.
    cheers Kate

  9. It's great to see you back, I've really missed your posts here (though I did download instagram to continue reading, it will be nice to leave!)

    I've started sewing as a hobby, so (sew? ;) now I can go back and read your posts on that topic and maybe understand now!

    I look forward to interacting with everyone through here again too :)

  10. Hi Rhonda im one of your loyal readers. So happy that youre back here! I missed your long posts 🤗

  11. Welcome back Rhonda, looking forward to reading your posts again 😊

  12. Bonjour Rhonda,
    Ravie de vous lire à nouveau. Votre blog est une bouffée d air frais dans ce monde de fou!
    Je vous lis depuis des années et vous etes vraiment un modèle! Merci de partager votre mode de vie. J ai hate de lire votre prochain article.
    Tendres pensées de France.
    Passez une belle journée.

  13. so glad you're back here Rhonda. I've enjoyed your blog for many years and your books were inspirational to me!

  14. It is wonderful to be able to look forward to reading your blog again.

  15. Yay! Have loved your blog for a long time - you’ve been a great guide to the simpler way of living and enjoying.

  16. Glad your back. I’ve been reading your blog for a very long time. And I missed it.
    I started reading it when I had children at home and was busy growing food and making ends meet. Now I’m a grandmother and I’m still growing food and helping my kids make their ends meet.
    Once you start on the simple self sustaining life. It’s hard to stop. Look forward to your future posts

  17. Hi Rhonda thank you,i love reading your posts. I purchased your books some years ago, they have help me in so many ways. Same as you i use to enjoy instagram not anymore.Thank you hope Gracie keeps out of the sticky weed.

  18. Welcome back. I've been blogging since 2008, about life, love and laughter - and strictly non commercial! https://angalmond.blogspot.com/

  19. So happy you are back here. This is a wonderful resource and I love checking back here regularly.

  20. So glad you are back

  21. Hi Rhonda. Jenny from Falls Creek( our lifestyle, acreage and strawbale home demolished for a freeway detention basin) , now Wollongong, here. I have always loved your blog. Thankyou souch for keeping on. J

  22. Hi Rhonda
    Happy dance when I saw you post. I love your posts they are like catching up with an old friend. I just has to brush grass out of my dogs face too. They keep me busy. Cheers

  23. So good to see you blogging again , I love hearing about your life and the way you approach it . 😊

  24. And you’re back! The best corner of the internet. I love the long format of blogs and I’ve missed your posts. I’m so happy you’ve returned.

  25. Good to see that you're back. And it's always fun to see pictures of Gracie!

  26. Hi Rhonda 😃I’m so happy to see you writing here again . Cheers - Jacky

  27. Lovely to see you back here. Look forward to your musings.

  28. Thank you much better than instagram more personal

  29. Goedemorgrn Rhonda...fijn dat je terug bent...groetjes uit The Netherlands..🙏❤️

  30. Happy to see you back here again

  31. It's good to see you back blogging again. I still enjoy my blog and have made some lovely friends through it.

  32. Ah ha! And you’re back where you’re needed most.

  33. Lovely to see your new post on your blog! I've been following your blog since my twins were newborns and now they are 9! I had lost my job when I was pregnant with them and was very stressed about going down to one income with 3 children under 2. I found your book, DTE, at the local library and that was it! I have been following and learning ever since! And now have my own copy of DTE and TSH. I'm back at work now, but hope to spend more time in my home in the near future. Thank you!

  34. I am very glad to see you back. I have missed popping by for a catch-up.

  35. Hi Rhonda. Sooooooo happy you are back.

  36. So glad that you are back posting here, a lovely space of peace and quiet, love San xx

  37. So happy you've returned to blogland. Looking forward to your future posts. I agree with a previous commenter about liking the longer format of blogs, especially in such a soundbite world.

  38. felice di poteri leggere ancora e ancora e ancora imparare ,grazie per essere tornata, mi mancavi, auguri per tutto!

  39. Great to have you writing again, they are always a good read. Thankyou 😊

  40. Oh Rhonda. How exciting to have you back here. Thank you so much
    Karen NZ

  41. Hello Rhonda, I am so happpy you are back !

  42. Welcome back rhonda. We have all truly missed your blog.xx

  43. Thank you Rhonda, and welcome back. I have been following you since the early days , my son was 2 in 2007 and now he is about to turn 18 next week. I am still following you on instagram and always feel a sense of comfort when i read your posts. I will continue to follow you on instagram as well. Many blessings and good health ❤️🙏

  44. So very happy to see you back here. You have been missed and I look forward to future posts - Jen

  45. I loved Instagram when it was just a photo sharing site without ads, the reels and noise that go with it is totally unnecessary. I loved the blogging days and reading an actual story too. Have a good week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  46. So lovely to be able to properly catch up again.

  47. Hoorah she's back! 😍😍😍 Thanks Rhonda xxx

  48. So happy your back, I love your blogs

  49. Hi Rhonda, I was thinking of you yesterday when we were driving home from the beach. A classmate was driving and I was the ‘navigator’ and I completely missed your little village. I couldn’t remember if it was before or after Beerwah. Now I know. I get notified of your new posts in Blogger on my Reading List but I haven’t been checking it while on holiday. It must be time for me to write a new blog post as I am only averaging one or two a month now. Chel

  50. Welcome home 🙃

  51. So very happy to see you back on here Rhonda. I look forward to many more years of your posts

  52. Welcome Back. This is the best news:)

  53. Lovely to see you back on the blog! I personally use Feedly for all the blogs I follow and it works for me

  54. I'm glad you are back here. Insta has deteriorated lately.

  55. Welcome back! I hope your blog gives you a place of enjoyment. Because it does to me! andrea

  56. Dear Rhonda, It is such a joy to hear from you. I learnt so much from your blog and books and think of you every time I make the laundry liquid or use the vintage table napkins or knitted dish cloths.
    Today’s project is to forage some of the large species rose hips and use the first windfall cooking apples to make a few small jars of rosehip and apple jelly.
    Keep well,
    Staffordshire, England

  57. So glad to see you back. I have missed you and your posts .

  58. I am very happy that you are back and will be writing about your life and the way you love to live it. I am always encouraged and inspired when I read your words.

  59. I'm so happy you've returned! I have always loved reading your posts. My blog is https://heartsinservice.blogspot.com/

  60. So glad to see you back here! I use The Old Reader to keep up with blogs I subscribe to. I check every few days for new posts.

  61. Oh my goodness! What a treat to see your post! So grateful to see you back here. Hope all is well and I look forward to reading what comes next. I have a homesteading blog at Maple Hill 101, although I usually only post once a week. Continued blessings…daisy

  62. Many claps and yippies, thank you for coming back👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🧚🏽‍♂️🧚🏼🧚🏾‍♀️

  63. Glad you're back....you and your wisdom have been missed!

  64. I am delighted to see you are back here! I would appreciate seeing the list of non-commercial bloggers you come up with. I have been working on a similar list, which is on the sidebar of my blog. I would much rather read the "old fashioned" blogs that are not full of advertisements. I am looking forward to reading more about your days at home.

  65. So glad to see you back here. I'm going to try and be better about interacting. I think of you often!

  66. I've always enjoyed your blog. I love the simplicity of your blog yet great tips. 💗

  67. So lovely you are blogging again! I read your posts right from the beginning recently and was sad to see that you were stopping writing so your post was good news.

  68. Love to be reading your words here again. I’ve also followed you for a long time and have your books. Wishing you well and looking forward to all you feel like sharing with us. Thank you Rhonda!

  69. I'm so glad you are back. I have missed you.

  70. Great, you are back, Rhonda! Your blog is the best. Instagram is not the same.

  71. Rhonda, what a breath of fresh air to have your blog back. I've followed you for a longtime and completely agree with your views on instagram. I'm looking forward to reading about whats going on in your life down under especially as I am now residing in Australia for most of the year rather than the UK. I shall be following your gardening advice keenly as I prepare for planting my own in the future.

  72. I was reading your book (again) just this morning Rhonda ... I am happy to hear you sounding well.

  73. So happy to see you here again Rhonda, and Gracie full of mischief. I'll look forward to reading your future posts. Big hug to Gracie and very best wishes to you. Kate from Tassie xx

  74. Dear Rhonda you made my day (and hopefully many more) by writing here again. I have been following you from the start, never did anything on or with IG, so I welcome you with all my heart back 'home'.
    Jeanneke ~ De Zondagssteek ~ blog.

  75. I’m halfway through reading your book Down to Earth. I love it! The book inspires me to enjoy cleaning my home and to do the job properly…I rarely do either though

  76. So glad to see you back! Went over to blogtrottr and tried to sign up but they don't recognize down to earth...what is your URL?

  77. Happy you're back. Please don't feel you have to blog regularly; take it as you feel it suits you. It's nice to hear from you any time.

  78. Wow!! You're back!! Makes my day!! 😘

  79. Yay! This is where I found you so it feels right to be back here😍

  80. So good to see you back on the blog, Rhonda. I missed seeing your posts on IG quite often as I only occasionally dip my toe in there. I've blogged since 2008, and witnessed the mass migration of so many bloggers to social media platforms. We're seeing now, how that space isn't our own in the same way our blogs were/are. I celebrate every one I see returning. Cheers!! P.S. my blog is at https://lindahoye.com/

  81. How exciting to see you blogging again, Rhonda. Gracie looks very relaxed and happy.

  82. I am so happy you are back! Thank you!

  83. I am so happy to see you back here. I have missed your blogs. I lost my beloved dog yesterday, loved seeing your sweet boy here today. Janice W.

  84. Seeing you back here feels like returning to visit a beloved mom or grandma. I’m so happy to see you again.

  85. I have read your posts for 16 years….. I’ll follow you wherever you write❤️

  86. I have been reading your posts for years now and so I really pleased you are back. Your post have always inspired me.

  87. So happy that you are back

  88. I am still following and checking in, I moved from Bellbowrie to Gladstone and now in Montgomery Texas USA. Xxx

  89. Good to have you back. Lynn Ewing USA

  90. It’s a good day! My favorite blogger is back! You give me motivation to keep striving for the simple, down-to-earth lifestyle that I desire!

  91. I am so very happy that you are blogging again. I loved your blog in that past and your books!

  92. I'm happy to see you back blogging. I really enjoy your insights for a simple life and how you have graciously made transitions in your life especially the hard ones. My blog is about simple things, canning, cooking, living with cancer and lots of other things like RV camping in a mini trailer. I hope you pop over to check it out.

  93. Good morning, sweet Rhonda! I'm so glad you've found your way back home. I, like most people it seems, like the format of blogs versus IG. Less noise. Less distractions. Ps. I made your "best bread" recipe the other day. I've been making it since about 2008 and haven't found a single recipe that's worked better! 🍞

  94. I am happy to see you back. I have added your blog to my follow.it feed and you showed up this morning. Yay! One of the features you have that I love is the ability to search your blog. I have read many of your older posts. When I hit your blog thru follow.it I am unable to log in so I show up as anonymous. Nancy in Vancouver WA.

  95. Yay! You’re back, Rhonda! Honestly, it left a hole in my life when you decided to stop your blog. It was always a highlight of my day to find a new blog entry, and to see how you and Gracie were doing, and to learn a new way of thinking or accomplishing a task through your writing. I recently retired and I’m full steam on decluttering and simplifying everything in my life. Looking forward to reading more about your process of navigating our beautiful later years in life. Sending love. Cindy from Wisconsin, USA.

  96. Welcome back!! I'm grateful to have you back (I feel you on Instagram, it's not for me), and I'm looking forward to whatever you feel like sharing. Hope you and Gracie have a lovely day free of further sticky weed!

  97. Welcome back. I’m also a Rhonda
    I have a small, no ad blog


  98. All's now right with the world! SO lovely to see you back here and looking forward to new stories. Lizzie

  99. So glad you are back writing here. I begin my morning catching up on blogs, and yours has always been a favorite. I've been blogging since 2008. Though there are links to my Etsy shops on the side, I don't try to sell anything in my posts, are there are no ads. https://abelabodycare.blogspot.com/

  100. I am so glad you are back, the more because I am not a fan of IG. One blog I have been reading regularly is Cheerfully living on less (Frugal Girl). It is a respectful community. Ver warm regards from another NL reader. I look forward to reading your posts.

  101. Ah, Rhonda - I'm glad you've come back and have thought about you often!

  102. Excellent to see you here. You're right...Instagram isn't worth a hoot! We get notice of your blog here in mid-U.S. through Feedly. It works just fine for us.

  103. So happy to see you back here. Looking forward to all your updates. Kisses to Gracie😀❤️

  104. 👍Looking forward to future posts.

  105. So happy to have you back Rhonda, I will just check in every day like I used to in the hope of finding a new post to enjoy with my first cuppa,such a lovely way to start the day xxx

  106. I hope you keep posting to Instagram, too. I love your posts there, and if you just post your photos, then you can do your writing here. That's how I handle the two places. Sometimes I post a link on my blog to a photo on my IG account. Usually, though, I just let the two stand alone and do their own thing. I have Facebook and Twitter accounts, too, but never the twain shall meet, so to speak. I do different things in each place, and have different followers in each place.

  107. Good to see you again, Rhonda! Looking forward to more of your common sense wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for returning! Donna xx

  108. Time flies and I hadn't realized time had gone by so quickly since your last post. Glad you will be coming back to blogland.

  109. Alleluia Rhonda. So glad to see you and Gracie back here and look forward to travelling along with you again.

  110. I noticed the "test" yesterday and so hoped for the return of the blog. It was the first blog I ever read regularly! And that was maybe 15 years ago. The blog influenced how I viewed the world, how I thought about housekeeping and cooking. Happy to be reading here again. I am 73 and started writing a blog a few years ago. Left my URL above: Di McDougall From there to here

  111. Welcome back. I have read your blog for years. Instagram just doesn't provide the space for a writer and I do enjoy your writing and listening about your simple life and how I can incorporate some of it into my life.

  112. Hallelujah you're back💕I always loved your blog best.

  113. I'm thrilled you've decided to keep writing, Rhonda. You've been such an inspiration to me, and your words of simple living were one of the reasons I opened my own blog (www.TexasHomesteader.com) back in 2013 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm healed now but still writing about the simple life, gardening, beekeeping and self-sufficiency. I'd love to be included in your list! I've also subscribed to your blog as requested. Previous attempts years ago weren't successful but I'm hopeful this new platform is. Thanks for all you do!

  114. so happy to see you back here

  115. What a nice surprise! I just happened to check on your blog today, and then you published this today! LOL. I am so happy. I also look forward to the list that you come up with about other bloggers. I miss how blogs used to be...now it's all ads. So I'll gladly follow some of them.

  116. How wonderful to have you back here Rhonda! I read your posts on Feedly Classic on my iPad and I was thrilled to see your post this morning. You’ve been an inspiration to me for years.

  117. Whew! Glad you have returned!

  118. Good morning Rhonda. How wonderful to see you pop up on my reading list this wintery morning. I hear & agree with you regarding Instagram. I write a blog on my life around here on our rural property, repurposing thrifted items & making things from your books & knitting dishcloths. Its purely non-commercial & I've met some wonderful cyber friends through it. Wishing you a great day Rhonda - Gracie is so adorable - even covered in sticky weed! 🖤

  119. So nice to have you back. As someone said on another blog just a day or so ago there are just not as many blogs out there these days. It's hard when you get to know a blogger and enjoy their output for it to suddenly just vanish. It's like losing a good friend.

    I had not deleted the line in my bookmarks to your original blog so seeing your last instagram post I clicked on the old link and there you were. How great is that?!

    Glad to have you back. Sporadic posts are fine, don't feel pressured to produce something on a regular basis. We will all just follow as they come.

  120. So glad you are back Rhonda! Looking forward to reading your posts again, Margot 😍

  121. Yay! I kept this blog on my FEEDLY feed just in case you changed your mind.
    I put Feedly in caps just in case you hadn't heard of it before. It's a free way to get notified every time a new blog post gets written by a blogger you follow. I've been using it for around 8 or 9 years now and I love it. Someone else above me in the comments may have mentioned it, but I wasn't scrolling through 120+ comments to see! :)

  122. I've been reading this blog since I was in college, probably started around 2008 or 2009. So glad to see you back in this space :)

  123. Good to see you back here Rhonda! Your blog is such a lovely place, even more so given the during weird times we are in, and your sound advice and encouragement is needed more then ever. Im still blogging, though have been on a break too. I felt like things were all a bit same - same at our place for a bit there and that we were trying to go upstream without a paddle. But spring is nearly here and it always brings a burst of enthusiasm. I look forward to what you have to share when you are feeling like it! xx

  124. I am so glad you’re back! I saw a little “test” post come up under your name on my blog reader (I use Inoreader, works great), and I was so excited and hopeful that you might be returning. Yay!!!

  125. Great to have you and Gracie back. Love reading your posts they seam to have a sense of calm which I think we all need these days

  126. So glad that you are back! I so enjoy reading your blog and look forward to reading all your new posts :)

  127. Welcome back Rhonda. So good to see you writing again:)

  128. So lovely to have you back. Blessings, Kim

  129. So, SO happy to see you posting here! I am glad to say I was happy to see you pop up on my IG feed, though you never would before. I'm looking forward to reading all of your to-do's and ponderings here on the blog, Patricia

  130. I am glad you are back. Your words make my life better.

  131. What a lovely suprise to see you back. I have missed you Rhonda. I know you dont know me but you feel like a really good friend. I will enjoy catching up on all your thoughts again. Juanita Richardson.

  132. So lovely to see you back here Rhonda and looking forward to your written nourishment minus the instagram 'noise'.

  133. Glad to see your back here Rhonda! I enjoy reading your posts!

  134. Hi Rhonda. I'm so glad you've gone back to your blog. I will look forward to reading them all here again.

  135. So happy you are back to writing on your blog💐

  136. Good to have you back on your blog. I was following you on Instagram and that was good too. But your blog is better.

  137. I'm so glad you are back here! It's like we get to come home again!! I have followed you since the beginning. Thank you for sharing your experiences and life with us!

  138. So glad that you are back.

  139. So glad you're back here Rhonda! I feel for Gracie - I have a similar weed in my yard and it sticks to my gloves as I pull it out. Looking forward to the update on your garden and seeing what you've been up to! Beth in MN

  140. Lots of us were waiting right here for your return, it looks like! I don't know if my blog is the sort you are interested in, but I don't sell anything, and I post frequently. So many blogs that I used to read are gone, and I'm glad yours is back in the category of Revived and Active.

    My husband died eight years ago and I am still adjusting, going through new "phases" it seems -- but I have a renewed desire to be home more, and to keep making time for the things that characterized my life when my family were here with me, including gardening and baking bread. I love to keep house, if I'm not rushed about it!

  141. So wonderful to see you are back.

  142. So happy to read you're back, dear Rhonda! I could see something was up with you with your 'test', as I kept your site in my Blogger reading list, just in case :) IG was not for me and I much prefer the peace and quiet of proper non-commercial blogs where the writer can spread their creative wings.

    When Feedburner closed I migrated my email subscription list to ConvertKit - I send a small newsletter with a link to announce a new blog post. It's always an option for you if you don't settle with Blogtrottr.

  143. Dear Rhonda, so glad you are back. Welcome. I have followed you and your ideas for years and have both your books. I've really missed your posts and at the moment am re-reading D.T.E.. again. Wishing you all the best. Janine from Bathurst.

  144. Wonderful to have you back on your blog Rhonda. Looking forward to your life updates 🙂

  145. Lovely to have you back blogging again Rhonda. Warm regards Marsha from Beaconsfield

  146. It's great you have decided to blog again.
    I've been wanting to Thank you for inspiring me to make soap at home - you took the fear away for me in your down to earth posts about soapmaking:-)
    Alison in Wales x

  147. Hello Ronda it is so good to have you writing again ,we do not have other way of following you .So glad your back with your wonderful knowledge and advice have learn so much from you over the years Warm Regards Mary Ann

  148. Bom dia, feliz or tê-la de volta ao blog! nunca perdi uma post. Aprendi muito. Fique na paz. Márcia

  149. Welcome back. I look forward to following your wisdom as I have fir many years.

  150. This is my blog which I think may be of interest to you and your readers. https://organisedcastle.com/ Thank you for your inspiration.

  151. Welcome back, Rhonda! I've followed your blog for many many years and have gained so much knowledge. I use Feeder, and RSS Feed Reader and have had really good luck with it. It sits next to my search bar and lets me know when theres new material to read. You just put in the URL for the page you want to follow, and can categorize your feeds, whether it is a local newspaper, other page, or blog. Hope this helps out!

  152. Debbie in LondonAugust 18, 2023 11:25 pm

    I have followed you for years. I am so very glad to see you back! Xx

  153. Welcome back. So happy to see you blogging again!

  154. Welcome back. Loved seeing Gracie's photo with the weeks on her face. So cute :)

  155. Welcome back! I don't subscribe, but check in weekly, I'm currently on a declutter journey and will look to sites like yours for inspiration. That picture of Gracie is cuteness overload. Hugs from Illinois, USA!

  156. Hi Rhonda, so good to see you back here again. I somehow stumbled across your blog during the airedale days. Been "lurking" ever since and learned so much about life and everything. Thank you!

  157. Dear Rhonda, thank you for your post and for resuming blogging. Your posts and books have helped me take action in monitoring my life and living according to my values. David ( France)

  158. Yay!! Welcome back! Blogs are the only way I connect anymore. The rest of social media is just too noisy. So happy to read your words again.

  159. Oh happy dance! I've just started up my old blog once again after a rather busy period of life. So happy you are back.

  160. Welcome back! It was such a nice surprise to see this post pop up on my reading list. Down To Earth inspired me to start my blog in 2011 to appreciate the simple things in life, which really helped me through some hard times. My blog is https://craftyblueberry.blogspot.com/ - no ads, sales etc, just my corner online away from chaotic social media to help me remember nice things I've done and places I've been.

  161. Lovely to see you back at the blog Rhonda. Sending hugs from tassie. Jx

  162. Welcome back here …. I so look forward to your posts

  163. I’m so glad to follow you back here. Looking forward to your posts.

  164. Welcome back, I’m so excited to have you back Sandy from wales

  165. Oh, I am so glad you're back. I have missed you! Can't wait to see what you have been up to. Oh that Gracie. She is a stinker, isn't she? I remember when you first got her. She was (and is) so cute. Wishing you all good things, esp tranquility. From one hermit to another -ha! Dee/NY

  166. Hi Rhonda Jean, so nice to see you back here again. oh that Gracie she is such a funny dog.
    I am looking forward to your new posts.

  167. Hi Rhonda, welcome back so lovely to have you back. I am so looking forward to your posts and I love the antics of Gracie.

  168. What a wonderful surprise Rhonda. Love your news.

  169. it's so wonderful to see you back on the blog, Rhonda. I had been thinking about deleting my instagram account for a few weeks and your post convinced me to do so. I'm sick of being told of ways I need to spend my hard-earned money. I'd much rather hang on to it and retire earlier. From Michelle.

  170. Welcome back Rhonda. It's lovely to return to the roots of blogging. I agree that it is a crazy world 'out there'. I have been back on my site as well. Writing about the old wisdom seems to terribly important in our world right now. I look forward to reading about this next stage of your lovely life adventure. XXXXXX

  171. Woop! I'm not on Instagram but used to check your posts without logging in so I'm happy you're back here and to see little Gracie again!

  172. So happy to see you here again. Been following you for a long time. Never done instagram.

  173. I’m glad you are back to blogging. I use the Feedly app to follow your blog here in Ohio, U.S.

  174. Welcome back, Rhonda. - Dorothy

  175. So happy to have you back Rhonda..I used to always check to see if you had..looking forward to your positive inputs about life

  176. So glad this blog is back Rhonda, can't stand Instagram, this is so much better!

  177. Utterly delighted to have you back! 😄😄

  178. Rhonda, I was thrilled to see that you are writing again! I missed you so much. Thank you for sharing your life with us again, Dianna

  179. Rhonda, it is SO wonderful to have you back here on the blog. I have missed you!!

  180. Aunt Diane from StreatorAugust 22, 2023 11:16 am

    I have missed you! Wishing you the best!

  181. I’m glad to see you back! I use Feedly to keep up with your blog

  182. Delighted to find you again Rhonda and a community of like minded souls. I've loved reading your bliogs the past five years...given me comfort and encouragement in difficult times thankyou.

  183. I cannot express to you how happy I am that you're back. I've been a reader since close to the beginning. Thank you for sharing your life :).

  184. Hi Rhonda..good to have you back! I haven't commented often but always have enjoyed reading your posts and often nod my head at the simple life you have established for yourself.

  185. I so agree with you re Instagram. I've not been enjoying it either. I've dusted off my blog https://theherbalistscottage.blogspot.com/ made sure all links are working and going to go back to blogging. Looking forward to reading your words again. Love snap of Gracie. Leanne NZ

  186. Rhonda I added you to my e-blogger reading list...so your new posts show up there. Glad you are continuing to post. Looks like you have many friends that feel the same. Take care and thanks for all you share. P.S. Glad you were able to get Gracie cleaned up. We have sticky burrs similar and when my GSD's find them I have to get out the comb as well. Have a great weekend.

  187. Hello Rhonda,
    I will add my two cents here along with all the others. I am thrilled you are back writing and have missed you. You have impacted so many lives over the years, that must feel so wonderful for you. You and Hanno and family, (fur family included), have helped and inspired lots of readers. I have your books, but they are not exactly like a visit from you here. I am one of the ones who simply check on your blog every so often and that works for me. I have a couple of other blogs that I do that to as well. Wishing you a lovely weekend~

  188. Oh my goodness Rhonda, I am so pleased you are back blogging, you have been so very missed. Selfish I know but tears were shed by me when you lost Hanno and also when posted your ‘last blog’, welcome home xx. Jan in Castle Gresley, UK

  189. So glad you are back. I love reading your posts. And re reading them !

  190. Welcome back, I've missed this blog.

  191. Soooo good to read you here again Rhonda!!
    I too was going to mention Feedly until I saw it in your update..
    I'm glad that we will get to hear your thoughts and wisdom on a semi-regular basis - as it feels right for you - once again.
    Such a blessing!
    I look forward to your list of blogs and submit mine (as listed above), and also FocusOnSimple.com
    I hope you're having a lovely week.
    Sarah in Far North Qld.


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